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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4778051 No.4778051 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW afraid to put my money into crypto after watching nearly every ALT crash hard over fall, like Confido and Chainlink

Whats the safest bet. I want a coin like NEO where it was steady gains over the course of a couple days from 5$ to 50$, rather than a one hour moon like literally every coin right now.

>> No.4778078

Good luck man neo like moons are rare

>> No.4778088


>> No.4778095

Just buy Wanchain in a few weeks.

>> No.4778142
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I know. It's making me so sad.

I cashed out of BTC at 9130 (inb4 anything) and now I want it to back to 7500, which memelines indicate will happen. BCH was a NEOlike moon but I only made 15% gains off that

>> No.4778146

salt is one of the stablest increasing coins right now

>> No.4778260

this must be a meme

>> No.4778632

Just fucking buy NEO then.

>> No.4778665

I'm eyeing ADA or Cardano.


Note I don't own any yet. I'm in research mode right now, so not shilling.

>> No.4778674

Best bet is probably Eth. Practically guaranteed to increase in value short to mid term. Good chance of 10X in a year or so.

>> No.4778677

> Whats the safest bet.

There are no safe bets. Everything is tied to BTC. If that falls, all coins fall.

>> No.4778719

If you bought antshares you would have panic sold after the first conference crash. Let alone making it to the china crypto ban crash.

>> No.4778733
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>I want a coin like NEO where it was steady gains over the course of a couple days from 5$ to 50$, rather than a one hour moon like literally every coin right now.

>> No.4779035

Don't worry about it anon, the crash hit me hard, I'm just a little poor guy trying to make it with very little money to spare on crypto. I saw nearly $2k of my hard earned monies disappear almost instantly. But I didn't wojack myself to sleep, I was patient and took what was left and reinvested smarter... I've regained my losses and I am now ahead $1,500. Don't be a total brainlet and you can make it even during a bear market. Start small though, make your mistakes with a few hundred bucks and learn from that, not thousands.

>> No.4779262

Then buy NEO. Why do you think it's rising precisely when eth shits the bed with fucking cryptokitties?

>> No.4779315
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Look no further than blocknet.
Buy it, stake it, sit tight for a few months. This will 10x really soon.

>> No.4779334

Literally Bitcoin.
Go to coinmarketcap, click Bitcoin, set graph to log-scale and behold
straight up, never coming down.
Literally buy it, hold it, and forget it. Check back in a year when it's at $300K