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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4776229 No.4776229 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with you fucking losers who come here with your weak ass game plan like "hurr durrr well what do u guise think about putting $60 a week into crypto? will I make it hurr durr??"

Shut the fuck up. When I found out about crypto, I maxed out THREE CREDIT CARDS and put in ALL of my savings, which was about 45k.

Last week my portfolio hit 670k AND I've already cashed out almost 200k, so over 5x my initial investment. IOTA and ETH will make me a multi-millionaire within a year.

Basically, all this has made me realize that I'm genetically superior to most of you faggots. You can't even capitalize on a once in a lifetime situation that you know about and the rest of the world still has no clue. How fucking stupid are you?

Sure, there's risk. But isn't the ultimate risk wage cucking 9-5 for the next 25 years? You might just find out you wasted your life.

Fucking idiots. Grow a pair.. actually don't because someone needs to make my coffee in the morning.


>> No.4776250

i made 150k from 15k is that good?

>> No.4776265

i made 5 k from 120

>> No.4776291

Nice larp. SAGE

>> No.4776321

why do you think hes larping? i been missing moons left and right and somehow im up 10x

>> No.4776382

It's better to play it safe, you'll see!

>> No.4776396

Good thread, op.
I'm tired of these newfags and "playing it safe".

>> No.4776398

Tldr kys

>> No.4776419

x5 in this market is nothing to be proud of. You basically underperformed everything substantially and are garbage.

>> No.4776430

Thanks friend. You seem like a smart guy, what coins are you holding? I think I'll buy them.

>> No.4776433

Honestly you have a point, I'm a pussy.

>> No.4776516

Sad part is OP is correct.

>> No.4776552

I cashed out 5x my initial investment, I still have 670k in crypto you STUPID FUCKING FAGGOT. LEARN TO READ.

If I ever become a billionaire, I'm going to be the next hilter but instead of gassing jews it will be people like you and your children and parents too because they must be punished for not aborting your defective ass.

>> No.4776603

some of the best advice on here tbqh

>> No.4776628

>bragging about money on an anonymous bhutanese clay-etching forum

peak insecurity

>> No.4776665

From his posts, he's no older than 18 and full of shit.

>> No.4776686

no offence, that is pretty weak. 45k to 670k? and you risked everything?

>> No.4776692


>> No.4776711

Peak boomer posting.

>> No.4776753

I don't think I can take out 40k, I think I'd have to take out a loan. Should I?

>> No.4776756

you are cool.

>> No.4776760

Or maybe I'm just an asshole and I enjoy making you reexamine your own life in order to make you realize what a COMPLETE and UTTER FAILURE YOU ARE.

>muh projection

I'm very hard on myself as well, which is why I manage to accomplish shit in life. You are a lazy, stupid retard and you will drift through life meandering from 9-5 cuckery to 9-5 cuckery for all of your personal eternity.

>> No.4776803

I can't invest if I have 0 in my checking account and a neet sold my unwanted shit and already all in on shitcoins that didn't 10x yet

>> No.4776833

Will you pay taxes on your gains?

>> No.4776847
File: 74 KB, 548x365, voldemort-548x365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in when BTC was about 2800. 45k to 870k is not "weak" you mathematically illiterate faggot, it is almost 20x.

Yeah, might be easy for you to bet your $100 stack on some shit coin, but start playing with 400k+, won't be so easy to make those stupid gambles once you actually have shit to lose

>actually having assets worth losing

You'll never know what that's like faggot.

>> No.4776882

>Or maybe I'm just an asshole
you are. that makes you so cool.

>> No.4776896

why should he if he can not cash out?

>> No.4776900

iota shill.
kys <3.

>> No.4776939

Indeed I bought BLUE before it mooned.
I bought COB before it mooned.

Problem is I bought minuscule amounts.

>> No.4776946

so you went all in 45k, all savings and maxed out all credit cards for btc? and you call others stupid failures?

assets worth losing. Like what? more coins?

nice trolling, maybe post your wallet or show some proof before you go declaring shit on here

>> No.4776957
File: 27 KB, 385x385, ppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cashes out BTC for government funbucks before the real rise even begins
>puts it on assorted shitcoins
>im so smart

>> No.4776961

and you will lose it all next year

>> No.4776971

Why did you even make this thread? Did you just want to brag or do you actually feel the need to prove something?
I hope you realize the $200k you cashed out isn’t that much money. With $600k net assets you’re still middle class.

>> No.4777000

only third worlders can't cash out.
winners are from america.

>> No.4777004

he has nothing just another fucking dreamer on here. you really think if somebody had 600k+ or whatever theyd be posting on here? fantasists and poorfags only on here

>> No.4777014

>caps lock


>> No.4777034


It's not impossible and it's not necessarily a lot of money after taxes. Short-term vs. long-term capital gains. There is a lot we don't know.

>> No.4777036


If you spent a lot of time on here BEFORE making it. Then sure you might come to brag when you're lonely and drunk or some shit.

But I doubt there are ever any newfags who already made it some here. Especially /biz/.

>> No.4777052

A lot of people derive their self worth from their wealth

>> No.4777066

I derive my self worth from how frequently and hugely I can cum.

>> No.4777069

I do get that, but theres no way I'm going to believe THIS guy or that he maxed out all his cards just to put it into this.

>> No.4777095


It puts them at a disadvantage because they are liable to fall into a depression if their circumstances change. And so many things are outside of our control.

>> No.4777176

idk I once put £3k on a random brazilian football match at 4am (my winnings from Brexit) lost it all then scraped it all back on horse racing. Then put it all on Donald Trump then spent one half travelling around Asia and lost the other half on roulette and other politics betting when I was bored in Japan.

If you had income to pay the cards back if you lost I can't imagine it being too far fetched.

Gamble responsibly.

>> No.4777266

What does that make you then? Besides a giant faggot which we all know you are already?

There are many rich people on biz, you idiot. Biz has golden nuggets of information, you just need to sift through bullshit to find it. Also Biz is by far the most hilarious coin forum that exists, it's entertainment for me.

>things rich people tell poor people to keep them from revolting

>> No.4777318

>its another op gets called out tonpost proof and ignores it or doesn't reply thread

>> No.4777379


Heh. So you can prevent yourself from getting prostate cancer? There are things outside our control. If you let these things affect your self-esteem you're fucked.

>> No.4777419

Middle class like you champ
Enjoy the fleeting feelings of euphoria

>> No.4777452

>Biz has golden nuggets of information

Biz has all the information, good and bad. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Everyone here is an idiot regardless.

>> No.4777492

so much money but still no life. kys OP

>> No.4777497

these are my favourite threads to hide. great stuff op, the larp is pretty strong

>> No.4777556

I agree with your 2nd point, but I don't believe somebody would put their life savings and max out all their cards on this. Unless you're a true gambler nobody would do this.

>> No.4777586

Lol yea this is a larp

Stay in school kiddo

>> No.4777590

I've made some money too, but theres no way I'd risk 45k all on debt unless I already had a lot to back it up with. Betting your winnings doesn't mean shit, happens all the time. Risking your whole life earnings is a different matter

>> No.4777655
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Epic thread.

I feel the same buddy.

Maxed out every fucking thing I could when I realised what this was. Watched everyone sit by and let it happen. Now they wanna put a few bucks in.

Luckily, to the plebs who I care for, I basically gave them interest free loans of BTC - they could pay me for the investment if it went well.. Owe nothing if it failed. I knew was gonna succeed and this was only way to get coins in their hands without straight up charity.

So one person for example handed me $1k for what is now 500k.. Feels good man. Like a fucking boss.

>> No.4777769

I did the same a month ago and hope to have the same results you do.. my huevos and credit are out there on the block.. cheers no risk it no biscuit corp life ain’t getting me shit.

>> No.4777801

I’ll take a 1 BTC loan and learn to trade it into 500k.. will pay you or the charity of your choice 5% of all earnings.. and vlog it.