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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4772524 No.4772524 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the Dec. 4th moon mission? Why is it tanking?

>> No.4772535

people are selling the news, buy this juicy dip, will get back up within the week.

>> No.4772552

yeah people always say this, works 1 out of 10 times

>> No.4772562


the app isnt even released yet, thats gonna be the real pump

>> No.4772574

this is the 1/10 time

>> No.4772590
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>> No.4772610

Just selling the news.

The dump won't last long or go deep, as the news here is that after the rebrand there will be more marketing and pursuit of new exchanges. Not to mention the beta mobile app release this month.

>> No.4772628
File: 67 KB, 630x330, Obsidian-630x330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry brother. Balls of steel.

ODN 3 dollar by December

>> No.4772638


Because its a messenger app. Digital cats are more useful. This is a pnd, senpai. Total shitcoin

>> No.4772682

anon, at least make an effort

>> No.4772750

Why would you spread FUD? If you wanted to buy low you should've bought today.

It was firesale.

>> No.4772775

But It's already December

>> No.4772805

wait for the app, gonna be huge

>> No.4772855

but waiting...
my ADHD needs to daytrade...

>> No.4772913

They released a new website and cleaned up their logo. Aside from the app eta, there’s clean signs that it’s getting ready to branch.

>> No.4772942

just stake it and relax over christmas dude

>> No.4772969

Rumors are Pravik Pajeet is coming back to join the team.

I'd exit now

>> No.4773197


Wow so original dude

>> No.4773243

App release around christmas, you'll get your present under the christmas tree.

Spoiler alert: It's sweet gains

>> No.4773410


$2.5 on Dec 25 sounds fitting

>> No.4773542


REEEE thats site is legit

>> No.4774087

that fucking background vid is giving me eyecancer

>> No.4774279

great time to buy right now

>> No.4774307

Its holding very good for "sell the news" meme.
I was actually thinking of selling too but since its holding so good I'll hold too.

>> No.4774372

Yeah, it's doing well.

I suspect a lot of people bought in for the pump but have now realized they've got something special on their hands and are holding/staking.

>> No.4774689

It is a paid messaging app, that is why

>> No.4774743

App will be free to use you pajeet

>> No.4774745
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a private message app that allows sending money too.
Also, yes, other apps may be built upon the platform. It literally says "platform" in the web address

>> No.4774823


I cant tell if this site is autistic or not. It's just a Wordpress site that doesn't even look that great

>> No.4774860

>It is a paid messaging app, that is why

well, lets cancel the messenger, skip all the platform thing and make this into a shitcoin without anything, like all the others. yeah, much better now!

>> No.4774985

I'm holding over 20k ODN and honestly, I think it's fucking shit. It probably wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't been hyped up as a 're-launch', but this is a fucking insult. I'm still up 25% in BTC value, so it's not a major issue, just a disappointment.

>> No.4775030

don't worry anon, those words are too complicated for the pajeet
they need to communicate somehow

>> No.4775113

ODN ICO holder here also.
It seriously is a complete nugget of shit.

>> No.4775208
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sell me some ODN at 1 cent each it its so bad

>> No.4775233

The website is great. If you don't like it sell your coins and kill yourself. I'm really fed up with you haters.

>> No.4775357

Eat my fuck. Your coin sucks PAJEET.

>> No.4775395

Fuk u bitch as basterd u are very very big lier sir you are mom was a donkey bitch and you are monkey bitch basterd

>> No.4775403

most aggressive FUD on this coin. comfy.

>> No.4775424

probably because the website looks like shit, has tons of bugs, and was designed by supposed marketing experts. They put a fucking rave video on the front page and it looks amateur as fuck

>> No.4775435

i get that people got burnt if they bought at 20k or something, but that happens all the time

tbqh i've never seen so much dumb fud to a freaking top 300 coin lmao

>> No.4775683


>> No.4775717

Is this Seed19 from slack? Get over your ATH bags bro.

>muh rave background
>muh must be music coin
>muh lack of reading or imagination


>> No.4775769

People were acting like suddenly on December 4th everything will become awesome. The gains will come in the next 1-2 months since the team is finally going to start marketing and applying to major exchanges. The order book is so thin that it will not take many new buyers to start going up significantly.

>> No.4775840

exchanges wont happen until product.

just have a nice xmas, enjoy the weather, make your family laugh. Just remember to open folio up in January, you'll be in heaven. Lucky me, me bday is in January.

>> No.4775881

Seed19 is right you dumb faggot. The background is dumb and switches from a rave to a corporate person. It's message is confusing and really doesn't make sense.

>> No.4775901

That is because every PnD group out there is shilling this coin. No sane bizraeli owns this besides shitskins. It is going to 0.

>> No.4775952

I agree, the rave video looks amateur and tacky, and then it shows a corporate person. I really wish investors wouldn't get attacked so quickly when they have legit concerns.

You really should rethink about being so quick to attack people in your own slack. These people are investors.

>> No.4775970

You'll notice that the video shows a few different environments, as a messenger will be used by many different types of people.

>> No.4776010

Relaunch LOL.

So hyped and little result

>> No.4776032

The website is generally good, but yea the rave/concert video is pretty bad and should be removed ASAP. I know what its trying to convey, but its in poor taste and it just doesnt work. Quickly switching from an intense party environment to the opposite just doesnt work.

They are better off with a basic, minimalist front page. Nothing fancy is needed. I doubt the "youth" is going to flock to this like they think.

>> No.4776136

Your such a shit stained fudder if you don’t like it, just sell, you loser probably some 16 yo kid using moms cc money buying ath like a cuck faggot.

>> No.4776294

Don't talk to my wife's son like that you butt blasted shit coin holding nigger

>> No.4776310

We're holders of this coin you peabrain. We want to see it succeed, its called constructive criticism.

>> No.4776337

well to be fair, if you invest then you should be aware of what you're investing into. Take into consideration the perception. I perceive it as letting out a little steam after a hard day at the office. Its a strong comparison to "living within your means". Obsidian gives you the right to let go and relax.

>> No.4776360

I don't know, I sold yesterday and just rebought, increasing my stack from 8k to 11k. Maybe too early, but who knows.

>> No.4776401

I dislike the rave thing as well, but the devs didn't attack anyone. It was a fight between the community (aka investors) themselves. Hell, blackstone literally said that it wasn't all to his tastes as well.
Hoping they change it, but it shouldn't matter that much. What we need to be really worried about is the product's delivery.

>> No.4776440

I should have done this.

>> No.4776460

Maybe it was too early, but I couldnt resist the current price.

>> No.4776534

Guys i bought high and now i want to sell lower than what i bought. What should i do?

>> No.4776579

I guess it could have gone either way, but in hindsight it seems obvious the price would drop short of them announcing a listing on a large exchange or the app being released sooner than expected.

>> No.4776581

yeah, why not. buy high sell low, wouldnt be the first time on /biz

>> No.4776612


>> No.4776658

Because the devs are shit. The new website sucks. The only marketing this coin gets is people who sit around in their discord all day shitposting here.

The new website literally gives you seizures.

>> No.4776841

I honestly think that ODN is currenly the most unreasonable and unjustly hated coin in all of /biz/.
So many shit projects and actual scams out there, and this one with real potential, actual product and use cases, active and transparent development, and a serious, non-complicated team behind it is the one getting the most spite. You can see how they turn any minor complaint into a fucking nightmare. We get posts like >>4776658 all the time.

I mean, it's not all perfect, but it's still a thousand times better than almost anything else that gets shilled here, But I guess dumb money will always stay dumb money.

>> No.4776849
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Bro, just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4776968

Excited to see this baby grow. Flashy new website and app release in a couple weeks.

EOY predictions? I'm sticking with $2

>> No.4777010

They touted their partnership with an ad startup that ok'd a flashing red image on their homescreen. Dude, come on.

>> No.4777074

The website has a ton of spelling errors and if you keep clicking [+] more on the team iy doesnt stop expanding. How do you release this crap without reviewing it? Not a good first look for tamico. Shit looks sloppy rushed and trying to hard to say you can use it for buying drugs. The average raver is too busy having fried neurons to even know what crypto is let alone buy an alt coin like odn on cryptopia

>> No.4777198

Name 3 spelling errors.

>> No.4777221

I kinda think the FUDing army is around again to drive down the price because they want some.

>> No.4777256

Im not rolling on molly to want to go back to that rave gateway with barf brown grey colour scheme. The roadmap text is small enough that i can barely read it

>> No.4777278


>> No.4777295

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha 4.5k sats. Dropped 25 percent value in 12 hours. Looks like the molly is wearing off and investors in a come down. ODN KEKED! Dumped on twice in 2 months! When will you pajeets learn to.stop getting dumped on by sagescam

>> No.4777304

No spelling errors? Didn't think so, faggot

>> No.4777329


Need some more molly to ease the dump pain? Ask the team to buy some from pravik pajeet in mumbai

>> No.4777347

>4 posts by this ID
It's time to stop posting.

>> No.4777364


Sagescam is that you?

>> No.4777370
File: 443 KB, 655x653, 1447087952561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow you got me now. I look like a total fool. Yeah, really.

>> No.4777471

Its still dumping even when the entire market as at an ath. LOL 4.5k support crumbling, sub 4k sats incoming. MUH messenger app MUH rave MUH last time below 6k sats

>> No.4777521

Yup everything is at ATH except ODN. Ok, you win. You can go now.

>> No.4777703

oh man how you can screw so simple task. That tamico is worst marketing agency ever

>> No.4777744

regardless of any movement right now, you really don't understand what a public API is, do you?

>> No.4778500 [DELETED] 


>> No.4778537
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>> No.4778604

holy fuck 4500sat

>> No.4778655

You guys deserve to get dumped on by the scammy dev team for buying into this shit after they already scammed and dumped on /biz before. Literal morons for buying into this a second time.

>> No.4778656

We've been at 2.5k before, it's nothing new. Maybe another week or two of this bullshit, then buy the rumor starts again for the app release ~1 week leading up to the launch

Then we can finally get these bastards to get us onto an exchange that isn't horseshit. Then we wait a month or so and hopefully we'll be probably.

If they make inroads and actually integrate this as a trusty worthy blackmarket currency the pump will occur much faster though.

>> No.4778683

Do people not realize ODN is only on cryptopia? Whereby a single BTC can increase or decrease the price 5%? Nothing matters until theres a larger exchange...at which point price discovery will truly begin. If the app is on point then the rise will be explosive

>> No.4778743

>scammy dev team
Oh come on dude

>> No.4778878

na bro, raves are dope af, gonna use my obsidian app to buy questionable MDMA for the David Guetta concert bro

>> No.4778928


>> No.4778960

>na bro, raves are dope af
kys homo

>> No.4779131

-they have literally one "software engineer"? rest are all mobile or front end? doesn't seem like enough to build a whole daap platform.
-if the messenger doesn't require ODN to run why can't this just be an app that talks to the ETH chain. it literally runs on centralized "masternode" servers.

>> No.4779160

The whole anonymous thing. Also ETH clearly cannot handle a full messaging app that would be used by the entire dark net. They can barely handle a few autists trying to flip digital kitties.

>> No.4779222

It’s not a Dapp platform

It’s not a fucking etc token and doesn’t run on eth network you faggot.
Go read the white paper

>> No.4779254

It needs to be on the ODN network because ETH is traceable. ODN is more like monero. ODN network is the ETH of Moneros BTC. Or could/should be more to the point.

>> No.4779287

The messenger runs off-chain. They just pay you in ODN to run a node. You could build the messenger app nodes on top of any coin. They just use ODN becuase they can print more themselves to send to the nodes.

>> No.4779370

This lol

>muh eth can do everything meme

Give it a rest.

>> No.4779652

> runs on centralized "masternode" servers.
How are the nodes centralized? Christ, you aren't even trying at this point