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4768345 No.4768345 [Reply] [Original]

i have come to conclusion that crypto is alot like a woman, a lot of the posts on here are pretty much " What did X mean about this" which is pretty much the exact same thing i ask whenever a woman says something. if my theory is true then we are all destined to fail at crypto due to all of us not having girlfriends and being virgins.

thanks for your time

>> No.4768414
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>> No.4768432

Cryptocurrency is Napster for finance. It's exploding in size because it's disrupting a bloated financial and legal system that's designed to benefit banks instead of people. First gen crypto was focused on allowing for decentralized exchange of value, the current second generation is focused on creating financial infrastructure like smart contracts and decentralized exchanges, and the emerging third generation of crypto will compete directly with the banking industry. The gains are just getting started.

>> No.4768528

so im correct about the virgin thing