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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 355x355, obsidian-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4767233 No.4767233 [Reply] [Original]

Wow what an amazing relaunch 6k sats new floor

>> No.4767259

Yea yea go ahead n laugh. ODN shall rise again

>> No.4767268

It did. Now it's crashing.

>> No.4767290

Antshares did the same thing after their relaunch. It dropped and i sold then, im not making the same mistake with odn. 5 dollars eoy

>> No.4767310

You think in a mo th it's going to 10x...?

>> No.4767332

The relaunch hasn’t even happened yet, for fuck’s sake. How impatient are you people?

>> No.4767355

It was supposed to happen today.

>> No.4767357

>relaunch starts today
>nothing has even been posted yet
>people panic and sell

>> No.4767388

Who the fuck knows anymore. I got in ico and sold some of my stack to recover what i put in so i dont really care if it tanks tbqh

>> No.4767473

he literally said in the discord that it happens this evening, so many weak hands

>> No.4767500

I think ppl assumed getting on shitty c-cex is all it is

>> No.4767694

Yep Blackstone said it!

So everyone facking chill out.

>> No.4767744

>inb4 he posts a goatse pic on twitter and exit scams

>> No.4767754

ODN has been 6k for like 2 weeks

>> No.4767777

Yes, and the day is far from over. No time was defined, and one of the devs said on slack that it would be tonight.

>> No.4768070

hmm, so he posts his name, and picture all over the tinterwebs. Is in the UK where if he scams he will end up in gaol, yeah k.

All the devs are known, are evidently no pajeets, or ruskies or anything like that. definite scam.

>> No.4768167

easy bros. Its just 1btc buy to go back above 6k. Weak hands shake out

>> No.4768335

S-so people still think coins rise AFTER a big event or announcement? Welcome newfags.

>> No.4768415

that would actually be fucking funny

>> No.4769249


>> No.4769367


>> No.4769444


not bad. :^)

>> No.4769492

Should have fucking sold the news, probably would have if wouldn't get shilled here

I hate /biz/

>> No.4769511

stop being a faggot, you know this is going higher than 6k

>> No.4769512
File: 815 KB, 1140x1160, 1510178228518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty smexy tbqh desu

>> No.4769513

4.9k sats

Idiots fell for sagescam price manipulation again. Lol

>> No.4769517

Don't be a panicky bitch

>> No.4769533

When you see a coin getting shilled hardcore here it's the best time to sell though

>> No.4769571

>"Buy the rumor, sell the news, you fucking goofs!"
>make single digit % profits
>get BTFO when price rises by 1000% after a year
Daytraders need to be euthanized to be QUITE fucking honest with you onii-senpai.

>> No.4769639

we need over 5btc buys to go back to 6000sat

>> No.4769719

God fucking damnit

>> No.4769788

this shit is so predictable, of course it dumps after the relaunch. Next week it will pump

>> No.4769790

also I think teams shouldn't announce a fucking damn thing, they should just straight up come out
>here, a new webiste
>we just partnered with xyz
fuck this gay market, its turning into stocks because idiots jump from one coin to another because hurr 10% is so great no need for more

>> No.4769801

Blackstone said the blockexplorer would be down for routine maintenance for a day. Coincidence that theres a massive dump now? Its the fucking team doing it. I fucking knew it

>> No.4769838

Kys. You devs are dumping FUDers have already been BTFO.

>> No.4770002

Why is the price shit
Why is the volume shit
Why are there no exchanges
Why is the new website shit

>> No.4770086

There is a new exchange but it's shit
I'm getting real tired of this shitcoin.

>> No.4770200


The new website looked like it was made in a 8th grade middle school class. Are they trying to drive it down to ico price unintentionally? Also that new exchsnge is a joke. I swear this is all an elaborate plan to crash the price and abandon the project after the xmas release

>> No.4770204
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 10513239_1643487052544005_1196279642766071289_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't play the binance card yet because they want to have a working product before ODN targets "real" exchanges. Which is good, so i can accumulate more.
Here, have a read:

>> No.4770331

Woah hey let me give a shit while I lose 80% of my btc holdings

>> No.4770351

>7 posts by this ID

ah, funny FUD guy, its you again.

>> No.4770392

>i bought high and it is the coin's fault

>> No.4770466

what the fuck are you talking about retard

The new website hasn't come out yet

kys before embarrassing yourself even more.

>> No.4770543

It's up senpai

>> No.4770576
File: 9 KB, 250x203, 1490620902305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mom, look at me, I can talk shit on internet :)"

>> No.4770585

Ya show me then

>> No.4770622

its probably better you don't see it

would it kill for them to have hired a professional web designer? shit looks extremely amateur

>> No.4770669
File: 150 KB, 2536x1189, ODN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently not every region can see it

>> No.4770694

That looks completely fine and normie friendly.

>> No.4770698

I'm just waiting for 4800 sat

>> No.4770709

You would have said anything looked amateur.

>> No.4770775

i'm almost all in on this coin, gonna be holding at least until the end of the month, i'm just disappointed

>> No.4770790

You misspelled retarded

>> No.4770795
File: 284 KB, 583x440, 1508201942052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that Pravik Pajeet is no longer listed on the Team page.

Is he no longer advising them?

>> No.4770816

Yeah basically.

>> No.4770856

This. I am about to sell I bought at 9k sats on the first pump it had

>> No.4770858

i've changed my mind, the website looks amazing now, very professional and modern, you've convinced me with your hot response

>> No.4770925

He cashed out a long time ago for India Coin

>> No.4770938

I agree, I have over 20k of ODN and the website looks shit. I've been positive about the project until now, and I'm still up over 50% in profit SAT-wise, but this is a letdown

>> No.4770990

The website is fine. You are just a retarded FUDer

>> No.4771036
File: 39 KB, 279x318, wink_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOOM, here we go.

>> No.4771061

Every time an odn thread is made the people who lurk the obsidian discord pop up and shitpost / post the same tired memes. It's pathetic

>> No.4771077

watch the video on the site, its pretty good, website needs touching up though, i hope they realise website appearance is extremely important for attracting investors (and exchanges)

'fine' is not good enough, the price of cryptocoins are driven 90% by marketing, the site should be flawless, and they have no excuses for not hiring a professional given the amount of funds they have

>> No.4771095

lmao you are fucking delusional dude, as I said I've been positive about this project until now. I want this to succeed, I have over 20k of this coin, but the website looks shit. We don't need the website to look 'fine', it needs to look great. If the marketing team allowed this to fly, they fucking suck. I'm surprised the price hasn't crashed harder than it has, I'm glad it's staying above 5k for now at least though

>> No.4771104

Websites fine. What I am more excited for is increased marketing to normies throughout the month, culminating in an actual product. So much upside with this project its my comfiest hold along with VEN

>> No.4771127

Pretty gud

>> No.4771160

How much odn for that white chick?

>> No.4771179
File: 131 KB, 802x865, 1511590862312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4771212

50k holder here

agree, website is shitty af. You could make better one from $60 worpdress theme. That slider looks like powerpoint school presentation and all colours are shit

>> No.4771370

Random party video at the top and shitty brown color scheme with cramped word description. Fucking lol I have no ui background but I could do a better job than these professionals

>> No.4771373

The memes tried to warn us. In the end it was all a big scam.

>> No.4771427

yeah, seriously man, this reminds me of the fucking Digibyte re-brand, jesus christ. I paid 20c and under for ODN so it's not a problem as such (yet), I just had much higher hopes...

>> No.4771517

site is down for now. Maybe it was not official version. It does not make sense, app UI was so much better

>> No.4771589

That's what I was hoping, but was wondering why they would even let it go live if that was genuinely the case.

Agreed, app looks nice, and their old site looked good too.

>> No.4771618

The website released hasn’t even been announced yet faggot.

>> No.4771644

Are you retards really going to miss EOS for this shit coin

>> No.4771705
File: 559 KB, 1024x595, 1507217599295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new website is up. What's your point?

>> No.4771837
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>> No.4771889
File: 23 KB, 498x669, 1511455763572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same for me now. I could load 10 minutes ago.

>> No.4771935

better if it will not go up with that form. There was no official ann yet

>> No.4771975
File: 353 KB, 974x1208, Screen Shot 2017-12-04 at 11.33.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagescam runs a paid pump and dump group called pump and trump. He coordinates with his friends to dump on everyone. Just like he did with world coin once a thief always a thief.

>> No.4772007

Fuck off with this bullshit. For once there is legitimate FUD with this coin (their website situation is a shambles), and you're still spouting this garbage? Fucking dumbass.

>> No.4772154


Wow what the fuck. I knew that guy was a scumbag