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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 20 KB, 459x363, 5de9bff23c73185de260e76cf065bfdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4764211 No.4764211 [Reply] [Original]

How is it going with your kitty kingdom? :3

>> No.4764277

what kind of autism is this

>> No.4764291

returned my investment x11. not even meming

>> No.4764302

Nice job anon
I just broke even with 10 cats left, so now it's all profit

>> No.4764305

Its actually unreal how easy it is

>> No.4764314

Whats your strat?

>> No.4764338

what coin is this

>> No.4765259


>> No.4765296

You can get some cheap starter kitties here:
Lots of swift Gen 3s for cheap.
You can probably resell a lot of them for profit. I just don't have time.

>> No.4765304

where do I buy a cat?

>> No.4765382

ya whats a good strategy for getting good kittens or for being able to not lose money

>> No.4765393

I started by sorting by cheapest and buying the lowest gen and fastest cooldown on page 3/4 (not even worth trying to get the best deals, bots will snipe you)
Then I breed them, sell the sires right away for the same price I bought. When the kitties pop out, I breed mom with mom and kitty with kitty and sell the new sires out of these couplings
If you follow me, at this point we're already talking 50% profit (minus dev cut and mining fees, which actually takes a fair bit of it with the cheapest cats)
Now that I've made decent profit from that I'm starting to buy gen 2 and 3 cats. You can filter by gen by typing "gen:" in the search field. Feels slightly insane paying $100 per cat when the whole thing is bound to collapse in days if not hours, but fuck it. I put $40 in this with the mindset I didn't give a fuck if I lose my principal.

>> No.4765458
File: 71 KB, 639x438, 1512103287463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are they actually selling a digital pet for even more than 1 eth?

>> No.4765483


I can't believe this is actually happening rn.


>> No.4765488

and fucking expensive too, gen0 is multiple fucking ethereum

>> No.4765512

theyre gonna be worth 10ETH min soon..better to get in now and invest in these like you invest in shitcoins. same appeal basically. I've already sold one gen0 which I bought for 2ETH yesterday at 9ETH today. Wow. This shit is too easy.

>> No.4765535

What the fuck? I thought it was a coin?

>> No.4765556

Daily reminder, this shit even if stupid will last at least 1-2 months period, similar to Pokemon GO. Get in early and profit. Then get out.

>> No.4765604


>> No.4765642

I don't think it'll last the week without a huge crash. We see an exponential rise in prices as FOMO compounds with network congestion, but that same network congestion will prevent further adoption very quick.

>> No.4765651

>fucking kittens clog the ETH network
why is this shit worth nearly 500USD again ?

>> No.4765658

ETH. seriously, how can anyone still be holding this shitcoin. it's literal only purpose is so tards can buy other shitcoins. lmao

>> No.4765687

Because they're cute. Also supply and demand.

>> No.4765688

this, i don't even. wtf lmao.

>> No.4765696

We've got at least 2 days of literal 500% daily profits I cannot comprehend how biztards are shilling shitcoins while this thing literally prints money

>> No.4765702

jesus is this a good coin lads???

>> No.4765717

Dude. Someone bought a founder cat for 66 Eth.

>> No.4765742
File: 93 KB, 418x467, 1497533987125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One rare founder cat was for ~130eth I think.

>> No.4765760
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>> No.4765765

how do i get started

>> No.4765793

You guys are seriously retarded

>> No.4765801

>I just don't have time

Lol, OK bro.

>> No.4765806

So... what if this isn't a bubble but just an alternative form of fine art? Eh, so if rich people buy this shit for thousands they'd rather just hold it and sell for a loss right? So if they all do that collectively then the prices for rare cats stays high

>> No.4765809

you can buy a real pure breed cat for that money

>> No.4765830

But it won't live for all of eternity on a public blockchain.

>> No.4765836

Why are you even bothering to argue this not being a bubble?

>> No.4765873

Over a 100 ETH for a shitty cat. Think of this as a new memetastic way of money laundering and hoarding wealth. What's the government going to do, seize your kitty?

>> No.4765882

Its a joke, just breed few cats, give them dank names and pimp them around for ETH.

Just have fun.

>> No.4765903

Adopting a downie kid and having it cry in court when they try take her 100 ETH tamagotchi is the most novel method of tax evasion conceivable.

>> No.4765920

adopting some one elses RETARDED offspring
no excuse in the world makes up for this cuckery

>> No.4765956

Dude its like a pet dog and I can drown it and put the profits into my real kids after my tax evasion. Short downies and put the profits in your own kids.

>> No.4765968

Is it too late to buy now? is it worth it buying a cheep one?

>> No.4765983

you can't buy now anyways, ether mempool is full.

>> No.4766003

Who knows yesterday the cheapest went for .005 today the cheapest is .06 you do the math

>> No.4766004

I hope you die, you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.4766010

Is the only way to get the first one, to buy it from someone else?

>> No.4766022

soyboy argument right here

>> No.4766023


>> No.4766044

if anything it's a magafag argument

>> No.4766116

gumtree, or at a petshop.

>> No.4766124

Whats wrong? Have your parents condemned you to look after your retarded brother after they kick the bucket?

>> No.4766139
File: 65 KB, 821x1238, 0.29 eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Onsale now! Cheapest gen 2 in the game!

>> No.4766152
File: 832 KB, 1600x843, 15096951057750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for the crash or for clone projects

>> No.4766164

Wow and I thought rare pepe's were delusional enough. This takes things to a whole new level.

>> No.4766166

A competitor for the USD. Kitties.

You heard it here on 4Chan first guys...

Economists are going to be turning in their graves. How dare 'the people', have as much freedom as this?

>> No.4766190
File: 180 KB, 960x911, IMG_5243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bullshit why my transfer of 10 eth is taking for fucking ever?

>> No.4766212

That's idea for clone project though. Rare pepe. It will happen.

>> No.4766219

No breeding CD!

can be instadly be put on the Siring market for 0.1 eth

Gen 0 = 3.3 Eth
Gen 1 = 0.7 Eth
Gen 2 = 0.4-0.5

Mine = 0.288!

>> No.4766229

because turns out none of these networks really scale.

>> No.4766451

The kind that makes you rich. It's so fucking stupid right now and it's been this way for the past three days. You don't even have to fucking think or be good at trading, just buy the lowest-generation cat you can afford (fast CD is a bonus but not mandatory, the kids will have full speed for their gen anyway) and make back what you paid in minutes or hours at worst from selling the offspring.

>> No.4766635

Rare pepes came first.

>> No.4766648

I've made about 10x my money on these fucking cats

and i keep breeding more

this is fucking incredible

>> No.4766669

On blockchain? Didn't hear about it.

>> No.4766677

Look up pepecash and rarepepewallet.

>> No.4766678

>tfw every fucking action times out
This is getting tedious you guys.

>> No.4766687

It runs on XCP.

>> No.4766707

do people buy cats quickly
whats your strat?

>> No.4766765

Add more gwei 10~14 Is usually enough. Also clear your pending transactions on mew.

>> No.4766766

Thank god, finally a good app without a fucking ICO. When this bubble bursts you will still have all the money you made since you dont have to keep them in KittyTokens or whatever to purchase cats like every other garbage excuse for a dapp.

>> No.4766814
File: 41 KB, 1077x268, kittens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best use case ETH has seen yet.

>> No.4766908


>> No.4766937

Selling/Siring - make an offer

Gen 2 - Snappy - Gold/Scarlet/Peach/Cymric
Gen 3 - Swift - Scarlet/Gold Virgin
Gen 5 - Snappy - Scarlet/Chartreux
Gen 6 - Snappy - Emeraldgreen/Scarlet/Cymric Virgin

>> No.4766969

Feels like the market is slowing down. Prices seem to be going up but not many buyers. I think this is about to go down hard.

>> No.4766971

/biz/ please help me

this site will never fucking work for me I'm so confused I want a fucking feline

Is there a how to use this tutorial somewhere or can one of you just tell me.

>> No.4767011


>> No.4767017

It's actually the complete opposite... the eth network is so fucking clogged from mass kitty transactions that no one can buy or sell without huge pain right now...

>> No.4767052

This thread is strangely relevant to me. I have two cats, and in the past when I was suicidal I used to keep going because I knew if I shot myself my cats would end up with some fucking loser moron who would probably adopt them out separately.

>> No.4767083
File: 39 KB, 656x519, cryptokittens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just got this Gen 3 Swift Cat, how do i break even guys? Got only one cat

>> No.4767105

You sire another gen 3 cat with it. How much did you pay?

>> No.4767107

buy a cheap cat, breed them, sell the originals repeat until rich... alternatively hold the gen3 for a few more days because low gen has been rising exponentially

>> No.4767113

post cat pics

>> No.4767114


Check attributes on here: https://cryptokittydex.com/cattributes

Search on the market for any rare attributes it has, and price yours accordingly. Gen 3's are worth a decent amount

>> No.4767128

Paid around 0.327 eth for it. What are the rates of siring these gen 3 cats?

>> No.4767137

how much time does it usually take from the moment you place an order till it gets processed?

>> No.4767275

used 30 Gas, mine took a couple of seconds

>> No.4767288

Haha okay retard

>> No.4767455

itt money lau ndering

>> No.4767458

I only have about 0.3 etc, can I still get 2 cats and breed them?

>> No.4767505

Pls, put your money in something worthy
Investing in digital kitties is below human dignity. I dont mind if you think they're super cool and wanna genuinely play with them, but getting into just for the money is disgusting

>> No.4767513

fuck off pajeet

>> No.4767530

How long will this bubblr last?

>> No.4767545


You don't know what the term means

You probably never once bought items on kingdom of loathing and sold them for 1000x.

>> No.4767557

You do realise, these kitties are the reason BTC and all alts are tanking now, right?

>> No.4767585

I don't care I have nothing invested in thrm

>> No.4767596

Let me rephrase that, I only have 0.3 etc to waste.

>> No.4767618

How do I get into this shit?

>> No.4767666

Someone answer me please...

I kinda don't want to be pulling my hair over $4000 or so USD.

>> No.4767710

This might be the dumbest thing known to crypto.
They keep saying this is a game yet all I see is virtual cats being sold for crypto.

>> No.4767725

Guyz, I genuinely wanna help you. These kitties have so many redflags:
1. Nothing to back the price;
2. The thing had been on for days before it reached 4chan;
3. Outrageously big prices for cats;
4. Tx clogging;
5. Larpers claiming they do x10 with this.

The bubble is about to burst.
I wonder, why mods delete pnd threads, but leave cryptokitties be

>> No.4767798

>Is my CryptoKitty a dame or a sire? A boy or a girl? A dad or a mom?

>It’s the 21st century; let’s ease up on the labels.
>Every CryptoKitty can play the role of Dame (i.e. mother) or Sire (i.e. father). However, a CryptoKitty can only be one at a time. For example, your Dame can’t Sire while they’re expecting—and vice versa.
soy influence

>> No.4767868

is there anyway to see how many transactions have been made

>> No.4767975
File: 2 KB, 105x124, 1504761198898s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pets.com? :^}

>> No.4767978

stay upset dude

>> No.4768014

I was debating making a clone project for a currency that cant lock the fuck up like this

>> No.4768016

It's a fucking cat game. Get over yourself.

>> No.4768042

looks like you don't know about the BugCat wich was sold yesterday for 176 eth. Idk why it doesn't show the number, yesterday it did.

>> No.4768062

forgot link:

>> No.4768085

I sent my request like 10 minutes ago and it is still pending AAAAAAH

>> No.4768115

i haven't been able to buy a cat since about yesterday, glad I bought about 60-70 at .02 and below each before tx fees were .02 alone lol

I just tried buying some cheap shitcat and put like .025 for tx fees and still got beat to it. this shit is insane.

>> No.4768822
File: 74 KB, 1166x477, cathereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.4768868

This stuff is just starting. Everyone is skeptical phase still. Get in soon and get out within 2 months.

>> No.4768897

>one game buying virtual cats breaks Ethereum
wave of the future everyone

>> No.4769007

WTF i bred two kitties and the transaction was confirmed, however there is no offspring, how and when do I get it?

>> No.4769030

Its become so popular so quickly that eth is completely backed the fuck up. Theres delays on breeding updates but you should see it within an hour or two. Honestly be grateful youve got even a single cat because this shit is kicking off

>> No.4769122
File: 12 KB, 258x245, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4769185

Should I now sell the "resting"pet? 16h cooldown.

Also what should I do with the one that doesn't have a cooldown, buy a new one to mate with?

>> No.4769202

Imagine if someone brought you a cd with CoD back in the days of Quake II. Same shit here.

>> No.4769222

just close firefox and restart and the notifications will be on the cats you just bred, noticed the website started having issues updating those things last night

>> No.4769275

Sell the resting one for a new one and breed with the fat slow bitch until shes 'slow' (hard to sell them if theyre much longer than that)

>> No.4769294

Im not upset.
I got better things to do than wake in front of tamagochis
It's just amazing, how eagerly biztards jump at scams, pumps and bubbles

>> No.4769311


>> No.4769318
File: 456 KB, 1000x1000, 1500941742884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real winners will be the people who fork to Ethereum Cash.

>> No.4769347

This is fucking hilarious.

Won't buy since I have a personal rule to not buy stuff that has no real value (collectible value is bullshit), but it will be hilarious to see the wojacks when this shit bursts and they have just kitty pictures.

>> No.4769351

Fuck off moralfag, the only thing most of us care about is gains.

>> No.4769365

you sound mad

>> No.4769372
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why blockchain Turing machine is a fad. Only money transactions, only BTC.

>> No.4769376

Has any of you been able to buy a cat recently? How many Gwei and how long did it take?

>> No.4769396

Do not breed two of your cats together. Pay the extra 0.02 to breed both of them with other people's cats and you get two kitties you can sell for 0.06 or better!

>> No.4769405

And they say crypto isn't a bubble lmao

>> No.4769416

Are you just trying to pimp your cats or is it really a better deal long term just to use some cheap stud cat and have all your current kittys pregnant?

>> No.4769450

Run the math, it's definitely better to pay stud fees.

>> No.4769635

ive got some excellent cats for you guys today
all three are ultra rares with 100% unique appearances no clones

number one(my personal fav): RARE double pink MAUVEOVER/BUBBLEGUM with cute happy eyes and HIDDEN BARK BROWN TRAIT


number three (new pickup, get it quick): ULTRARARE double purple MAUVEOVER/SIZZURP DALI WITH BLOODRED CHEST

>> No.4769642

How the fuck do you even buy one of these? None of the transactions ever go through. Pajeetcat scam.

>> No.4769655

>Gen 18
>0.7 eth
Fucking lol, nobody is going to fall for this scam pajeeto

>> No.4769666

up your gwei to 20 and gas to 150k
itll cost like 20 cents more than otherwise and you will start buying cats like me. some of the ones i posted right above you would be great starter cats with ultrarare genes

>> No.4769680

Oh? Would eth not rise though? Since more people would be getting into eth? Does not seem to be the case

>> No.4769706

what is this fud lol those arent problems - my cats are excellent collectibles. their rarity is 100% unique and desirable.
my kittens are still for sale thanks for the bump

>> No.4769780

somebody send me a kitty please


>> No.4769786

You've got to be meming me...

>> No.4769815


There is exactly a 0% chance that you are not Indian

>> No.4769818

Its still going strong. I made 2200 from 300 today. It is fucking mental

>> No.4769836
File: 30 KB, 560x375, uzn_1474917290[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


everything will be ok

>> No.4769856

Is it worth buying a Gen 0 or just start at the marketplace?

>> No.4769885

Huge cost but in a day or two would massively appreciate. Easily 3 or 4 times

>> No.4769963

what's the fucking endgame? use the cats as currency? what the actual fuck... this has got to be some CIA psyop to demoralize cryptos.

>> No.4769975

never forget

>> No.4769992

What was the end game of pokemon cards?

>> No.4770005

Its just a ponzi scheme. They all know it, they are just trying to time it properly so we get out and leave greedy FOMO latecomers holding the bags

>> No.4770069

pokemon-style battles on blockchain when

>> No.4770110
File: 1.36 MB, 2688x1442, Huntercore-Update-Screenshot-Smaller[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4770152

fuck off nocat

>> No.4770162
File: 123 KB, 880x622, motogame0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this
was human-minable for some time, before bots

>> No.4770228

i am more anglo aryan than you will ever be. stop projecting

>> No.4770249

4chan created caturday easy back when, no surprise that cats can be bona-fide currency now. You've gotta be kitten me.

>> No.4770294
File: 18 KB, 323x299, FB_IMG_1512151741783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4770310

Get off the computer dad

>> No.4770514

I can't even put a kitty up for sire anymore with a fucking 30 gwei, there's not even any competition. How is anyone getting anything done?

This shitty network is literally ruining the best money making pyramid scheme since Bitcoin.

>> No.4770529

close firefox and restart it'll temporarily fix your transaction issues

>> No.4770539

Can some good samaritan send me some eth , i want to buy cute cat but cannot withrdaw from bitrexx untill i am verified

>> No.4770550

Thanks I'll give this a shot.

>> No.4770594

i got fomo
am i too late to the party? or do i need to research top crypto cat breeding tips now?

>> No.4770634

look for either normal cats (all one color, absolutely normal features with no visual imperfections) calicos, purple stripes, red bellies, and the lavender colorings. those are worth alot more than normal colors. the stripes can vary, but I collect them all honestly expecting them to turn into some crazy pikachu shit

>> No.4770656

Only my transactions are getting timed out all the time?
I have one that's been going for like 19 hours?! wtf

the power... of.... ethereum.... woah....

>> No.4770713

Google Trends say we're at the peak of interest so far
Price of shitcats is still rising, almost 0.08 for a starter that isn't scooped by bots
Network congestion making it hard for normies to get in
This has legs still

>> No.4770741

This Kittie shit is making me feel like a boomer listening to people talk about crypto.

This shit makes literally no sense whatsoever. The whole Bitcoin tulip mania analogy is bullshit but what the fuck is this? This HAS to be a bubble. People are literally paying tens of thousands to have a picture of a cat.

And yes I am a mad no kittyer. I don't understand this shit at all and feel like an out of touch boomer brainlet.

>> No.4770813
File: 195 KB, 1200x900, I'M FINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're right this shits retarded. just ignore it.

>> No.4770896

Tech buzzword version: you breed cats with a genetic algorithm that gives them near infinite combinations, and the shtick is they're immutable and cannot be tampered with

Normie version: it's cute looking cats you can collect and breed

Ponzi version: holy shit guys i bought a cat for 0.02 and sold it for 0.08

Mix all these aspects and you have a recipe for success. I told my girlfriend the whole concept (she's no dumb hoe, she asks me questions about crypto all the time) and she thought that's so stupid, then checked the website and said "oh i shouldn't knock it, this looks like something i would play".

Since I got in ETH in March I thought the first big use case for this would be something meshing gamification and immutability well. If you think about it, shitcoin trading is a game for autistic men because we don't need the visual stimulation. Making something with cats and a "decent" graphic style was bound to be a huge hit with normies. Think Angry Birds vs that catapult game they ripped off. If it weren't for network congestion, this would take off like fire.

>> No.4771068


why the fuck would someone be worried about their e-cats getting tampered with/

>> No.4771074

> i would play

But there is nothing to play with, it's just collectibles. Zero interaction.

It's worse than pokemon cards, there is no use for those kitties other than buying, breeding and trading, in a classic "greater idiot" search.

>> No.4771120

you breed cats to get better cats nocat scrub

>> No.4771156

This is literally Tulips: Kitty Redux


>> No.4771162

Hence "tech buzzword".

You're out of touch with normies if you think they need anything more than breeding and collecting. Even the buying/trading part is optional here, see the vast success of "simulation" games on mobile that boil down to collecting new shit after a timer is gone.

>> No.4771177

But there is no interaction, you just click on couple buttons, you can't call that a game you "play with". Also, you only breed then because you want to sell them at a higher price.

>> No.4771178

This is me. I'm 25 but damn this makes me feel old.

>> No.4771184

>The Dutch learned that tulips could be grown from seeds or buds that grew on the mother bulb; a bulb that grows from seed would take 7 to 12 years before flowering, but a bulb itself could flower the very next year. Of particular interest to Clusius and other tulip traders were “broken bulbs”—tulips whose petals showed a striped, multicolor pattern rather than a single solid color. The effect was unpredictable, but the growing demand for these rare, “broken bulb” tulips led naturalists to study ways to reproduce them. (The pattern was later discovered to be the result of a mosaic virus that actually makes the bulbs sickly and less likely to reproduce.) “The high market price for tulips to which the current version of tulipmania refers were prices for particularly beautiful broken bulbs,” writes economist Peter Garber. “Since breaking was unpredictable, some have characterized tulipmania among growers as a gamble, with growers vying to produce better and more bizarre variegations and feathering.”

>> No.4771190

we feed the cats to the rats and the rats to the cats and we get the cat skins for nothin

>> No.4771209

angry pajeets

>> No.4771239

>tfw no semper augustus

>> No.4771310


I'm 30 and i understand it. It's just a cool demo of what's possible. Yes, it's a fad. And yes, your kitties will be worthless in a few weeks but who really cares? It's just a funny game. All early adopters have too much money anyway, that explains the prices.

>> No.4771340
File: 12 KB, 420x420, BHqa9ol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have $3000 in ETH sitting in transfer limbo because of this shit.


>> No.4771497


Why would a normie think it is a good idea to buy a picture of a cat for 10 Eth?

>> No.4771888

Has the money skelly talked about this yet? I bet he loves it.

>> No.4771914

Breeded cats and one has a bun in oven 4 hours, however it's been 2 hours and still no movement, how the hell do I get my baby?

>> No.4771925
File: 53 KB, 613x496, nocats on suicide watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4771957
File: 20 KB, 370x291, littleguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have one kitty and I've been spending all day trying to get another but the transactions keep failing


pls help

>> No.4772027

What's this going to do to ETH?
>rise because use case has been demonstrated
>dip because the use case demonstrated that the network sucks

>> No.4772106
File: 1.55 MB, 1124x1024, 1507895894666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this tf2 unusual hat trading 2.0

>> No.4772201

My kitty has had a "bun" in its ""oven"" for longer than 2 hours now yet the timer is still on 1.

>> No.4772550

How the fuck do I buy a cat without everything failing? Most cat's pages don't even load.

>> No.4772584

200k gas limit 100 gwei should be enough to get you a cat

if it's more than that now I don't know what else to say except you should've loaded up yesterday

I can sell trash cats for .075 ETH instantly on listing kek

>> No.4772660

Go to page 5 and buy from there. Bots are buying the first pages.

>> No.4772705

When somebody told me about this I thought it was gonna be fun pictures of actual cats not just shit cartoons

Fuck this

Fuck it to hell

Fuck Vitalik why can't he come up with a good idea instead of this gay shit you bunch of fat fucking retardeds

>> No.4772745

increase gwei to 50-100 range.

>> No.4772774

>I can sell trash cats for .075 ETH instantly on listing kek
that seems to be the floor for generic useless cats. which honeslty isnt that bad of a price for cats. can make decent money off that.

>> No.4772829

this proves second/third layer solutions like LN are the future

>> No.4772863

I see, thank you.
I have a few pending transactions now, but I suspect they aren't going to work. It's still progress I suppose.

>> No.4772914
File: 48 KB, 503x436, 1511213239488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I still play pokemon GO
It's a good game dammit

>> No.4772936

restart firefox

>> No.4772962

I can't afford that

>> No.4772980

Can someone help with the kitties site? I installed MetaMask but when I try to continue, the page just has a diamond loading graphic that never ends--nothing loads. Can't search for cats to buy or anything really, there werent clear instructions. what do?

>> No.4773020

>tradable crypto rare pepes
>mfw it really is a limited edition gold rare pepe
If this happens I am sinking in at least 1 BTC

>> No.4773106
File: 91 KB, 407x313, 1510849331565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck he's right.

>> No.4773115

I sold two kitties today for around .1eth each. How do I get the eth as it wasn't automatically sent to my metamask address?

>> No.4773167

There was actually a damn game behind pokemon cards; what the fuck do the cats do can you battle them?

>> No.4773177


>> No.4773183

updates coming along I wouldn't be surprised to see features added too.

>> No.4773208

I hope the prices go back to a stable 0.002 ETH per cat. Giving more than 2.5$ for a cat is retarded.

>> No.4773221

Best post ITT

>> No.4773223

How do I get started on this shit?

>> No.4773236

>minus dev cut

Bro, you can avoid that fee if you interact with the contract outside of the their website.

>> No.4773240

Fuck no, .2 ETH per shitcat by the weekend.

>that empty feel when you sell your precious shitcat

>> No.4773255

Doesn't have the right ring to it; I'll wait til they make a clone version with toads

>> No.4773271

it literally costs .005 ETH just to breed

this is a virtuous (or non-virtuous, depending on your view) cycle, the tx fees are making the cats have inherent value.

>> No.4773286

>exponentially more and more shitcats are made >people somehow expect the value to keep rising
that's not how it works tards

>> No.4773294


You'll need ETH. If you don't have any, buy some at Coinbase.

>> No.4773310

the birth timer is going to 1 week per cat birth very rapidly. only people getting in now will see slow or below timers.

it's getting very hard to find anything near a fast cat. they're usually prime virgin gen 0 from the devs. 5k each.

>> No.4773331
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>oh i shouldn't knock it, this looks like something i would play
Do not breed with her.

>> No.4773384

I have Gen3 Brisk, Gen12 Brisk and Gen7 Brisk
how much are they work? no idea lol
bought two cats for like 0.001eth on the first day

>> No.4773402

How come the cat is like 0.06 ETH but the fee is like 0.1?

>> No.4773411

It'll crash when there aren't enough new cats to supply the demand of greater fools because suddenly everyone will realize nobody wanted these except to flip on dumber people. I wish you could short kittens

>> No.4773417

Cats are being bred slower than new players are getting in. As gens go up every new birth cat will be at catonic already.

>> No.4773420

Yeah, totally not a scam by big banks to rob you of your crypto, dummies.

>> No.4773443

>when supply dries up the price goes down

That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works

>> No.4773451


>> No.4773452

Probably like .35 .1 .25 in that order.

>> No.4773503

>be whale
>buy fucktons of cats
>don't breed a damn one
>No new cats for normies
>progressively sell increasing rare gen X cats to fools
>crash market with no survivors

>> No.4773516

Lightning network

>> No.4773518

it's hard as fuck to buy cats en masse right now i'd love to know who has the most

>> No.4773530

for the potential m8

PoS and sharding are in the pipeline

>> No.4773540

>anything with limited supply is automatically more valuable
Yeah, like the supply of betamax tape players

>> No.4773555

nice analogy grandpa stay risk averse i have over 100 cats all worth .07 each and i barely spent an eth

>> No.4773557

What does the timer mean?
How come some kitties in the market have it and some don't?

>> No.4773579

Not going to chase a pump

At least I have IOTA

>> No.4773617

>buying all time high
>5000 trillion coins
>developer can wipe balances at any time

>> No.4773626
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this is so stupid normies will buy. waiting for the first cat nip

>> No.4773651

>owning mutable cats


>> No.4773658

> holding a coin made by CFB

anon I ...

>> No.4773695
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>Moralfags missing out on 300% gains

>> No.4773707

Best of luck; your kitty scheme has been pumping BTC

>> No.4773715

my cats are having sex rn

>> No.4773724

>muh moralfags

enjoy going back down 90%

>> No.4773760
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>installed metask finally for this game
>degenerate gambler so ended up dicing away 95% of my eth
>bought two shitcats
>would almost make back all my dicing losses if I sold all my cats now

If I would have fucking just bought some Gen 2 and Gen 3 cats I'd have 5x my money already fuck this shit.

>> No.4773772

nigga CFB is a crazy person literally

>> No.4773883

prob true. the lowest value for cats is .075ish. that will increase with demand.

>> No.4773895

Why don't you breed?

>> No.4773914

theyre increasing the breeding fee from .004 to .015
check twit

>> No.4773929


>> No.4773961

Why is the transaction pending taking forever?

>> No.4773984

isnt this somewhat of an on-chain exchange?

>> No.4773983

based and white this will just make cats have an even higher value

>> No.4774010

because the mempool is full and ether isnt scaled for microtransaction-based game (yet)

>> No.4774046
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>> No.4774060 [DELETED] 

yuuup buy my cheap cats while the prices stay low! im gonna repost all these with higher prices later today

all three are ultra rares with 100% unique appearances no clones

number one(my personal fav): RARE double pink MAUVEOVER/BUBBLEGUM with cute happy eyes and HIDDEN BARK BROWN TRAIT


number three (new pickup, get it quick): ULTRARARE double purple MAUVEOVER/SIZZURP DALI WITH BLOODRED CHEST

>> No.4774065
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There is no way money is gong to mean the same thing in a century

>> No.4774077

Dude, people play 1400 dollars for a partyhat on runescape to this day, which is just pixels. Games are lucrative, because people are ... Idk ..people

>> No.4774091

Or more people will call it quits.

>> No.4774096

can someone please donate a cat so I don't feel lonely anymore? I will be eternally grateful to you.


>> No.4774101


>> No.4774113

i'm getting out of that hellhole
buy my pussy

>> No.4774114

Haha people are paying .03 ETH transaction fees just to buy a cat and sometimes more than that just to breed

suck my dick

>> No.4774120

i quintupled my initial investment overnight all these cats i got for free

>> No.4774131
File: 152 KB, 547x718, 晚安 wan an man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log in
>check marketplace
>cheapest kitty is 30 bucks


>> No.4774139

Eventually everyone will call it quits.
Suck my dick, yours is covered in barbs and shit.

>> No.4774154

I mean I live in a third world, how am I going to spend half of my budget on a damn kitty.
If you have some spare litter that won't sell, I'll take good care of these:

>> No.4774166

Now that you point it out...

>> No.4774177

Or maybe you're wrong like everything else in your life, kid.

>> No.4774203

Baby go drink your bottled warm milk.

>> No.4774256

a partyhat has value because people recognize it as a sign of wealth
there are other items even rarer, but because they are less popular and/or aren't visible when worn, they are worth less

Earlier this year, I had the chance to buy a blue partyhat for about 8-9b. Instead, I chose to RWT all my GP for Bitcoin. A blue partyhat is worth at most $2000-2500 nowadays, and that amount will continue to decrease as the number of people playing RS decreases.

>> No.4774271

Suck my dick bro

>> No.4774302

So no one can actually buy any kitties
Game is dead

>> No.4774309
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>ETH is such a shit coin it's been reduced to the equivalent of pokemon card trading

>> No.4774338

I'm a proud owner of 2 fabulous kitties with 1 bun in the oven, but here's some things to keep in mind. Some aspects like how the genes translate to an image are entirely dependent on dev's private servers. Also, there's a pause() function that "only the CEO" can call, which can halt the entire contract (presumably for updates). The CEO and co. also have several other privileges that include minting custom cats (up to 5,000), updating parts of the contract, and knowledge of the genetic algorithms (their FAQ asserts anyone with insider knowledge is "banned from participating", kek).

Unlike a few other crypto asset collectibles, due to this game's complexity and the way it's set up it is highly unlikely this thing would survive if the company died or went rogue.

Also of course the devs are making an assload of cash with their 3.75% transaction fee and gen 0 sales. I suppose through gifting cats it'd be possible to make a marketplace with no fees.


>> No.4774393

stay upset

paid pajeet FUD

>> No.4774449

I think the 3.75% fee is only incurred when using the exchange on their website. I don't think it's in the contracts.

>> No.4774490

>paid 50 dollars for a kitty
>takes days to make a transactions
>transaction fee is double the price of the cat
>literally nothing else in the features other than bleeding

Woah this shit makes Neopets like fucking rocket science

>> No.4774523

no, Ether is dead

thousands of Kitty bagholders cant cash out and clog the memepool until ETH solves the issue, paving the way for a knockoff "Cryptodoggies", repeating the cycling of clogging the mempool

>> No.4774534

can someone please donate a cat so I don't feel lonely anymore? will be eternally grateful to you.


>> No.4774550


still upset

>> No.4774607

Real cats are boring assholes

>> No.4774670

cats can take after their owners

>> No.4774685

why is it always saying gas too low when I tri to buy ?? what should I put

>> No.4774716

ya it makes no sense

>> No.4774764
File: 318 KB, 474x356, 1463147901571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How lucky do you have to be to breed a sailor/chicken kitty? Or is there some sort of required trait matchup to get one?

>> No.4774808

what part of "the mempool is full because of digital kittens" isnt terribly alarming to you?

its like some fucking science-fiction bizzarro headline come true, this is a billion dollar market, not some lemonade stand economy

>> No.4774845

restart firefox

>> No.4774880

>mfw cant buy kitties cuz transaction takes too long

>> No.4774909

>trading cryptocats
What time to be alive

>> No.4775128

raiden needs to happen NOW ethereum is niggering up buying cats

>> No.4775146

>bun in the oven timer gone after <1h remaining
Fucking cats

>> No.4775229

tfw trading cryptocats is top thread on /biz/ and the mods cant delete it because its legit

>> No.4775284
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 5rhrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck, why are they already so expensive?

Cheapest cat is 40$, usually around 0.08 or 0.09 ETH. Am i too late for this train?

>> No.4775330

>tfw half a dozen pussies ready to breed

>> No.4775348

i only tripled mine...

>> No.4775402

Just did some digging and seems like its already too late, the early peeps who got their kittens for nothing are essentially having a great time at expense of the new going in now.

Wouldn't recommend

>> No.4775610

yeah but youre missing the point jackass, who in their right mind would buy a literal picture of a fucking shitty cat for fucking .5 ETH??

not me m8, only a literal retard would do that

>> No.4775705

who buys star citizen jpgs for 3000 usd? that doesnt even have an ability to exchange jpgs. by that alone the kitties should be worth as much as star citizen jpgs.

>> No.4775739

a lot of people seem to be buying. i see new ones hit the market and get insta bought.

dont fall for this, they are literally making money out of thin air

>> No.4775742

Stay mad

>> No.4775747

Its called a ponzi scheme bro

>> No.4775756

Tomorrow cheapest will be 1 ETH, don't miss out Anon

>> No.4775764

Hey pajeet discord members

>> No.4775765
File: 64 KB, 627x754, evil_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them get REKT, it's fun. Think of the potential for new rare pink wojaks and "sad investment story" pasta (which we will get for free).

>> No.4775785

>you'll never get paid in rupees to shill against good projects

>> No.4775793

Does this shit even work?
None of my purchases went through.

>> No.4775809

>my kittie is stuck with a negative birth timer

I need to flip this fucker! I've got breeding to do

>> No.4775816

what's a fair valuation for my shitcats
>#10,xxx gen 4
>#17,xxx gen 6

>> No.4775971

what gas settings worked for you ???