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File: 36 KB, 300x300, p-Trailer-Park-Boys-John-Dunsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4762452 No.4762452 [Reply] [Original]

I want to fucking kill myself tonight. I'm a moron when it comes to trading and I've lost so much money in crypto, my wife, my kids, and even my job. I just want to say goodbye /biz/ thank you for all the good times.

>> No.4762468

Can I hav ur stuff

>> No.4762476

I have nothing right now. You can have my phone and my clothes if you want.

>> No.4762482

don't do it

>> No.4762483

Ok thanks man

>> No.4762512 [DELETED] 

post eth address so i can send you some. ill make you wait for about an hour before you realize im not sending anything so you can finally lose everything, even the last bit of hope you didnt know you have. also dont do it.

>> No.4762522



>> No.4762526

Why? I've thrown everything away in bad trades I had 500 btc and sold at fucking $100 and then lost it all trying to day trade other crypto. I could be a made man right now but I fucked it up. My kids hate me, my wife left me, and my depression cost me my job. I have nothing, nothing to live for, and nothing to look forward to. I'm $92,000 in debt and growing because of fucking child support. What's the point anymore? >>4762482

>> No.4762553

if you were a basementdwelling shit i would say do it

you have kids dude... and a wife

think about them, do you want to be an even bigger shit then you allready are, suck it up and be the best dad you can be! having that is worth much more then all these cryptoshits combined, don't be a douch and don't do it!

>> No.4762554

>wanting to kill yourself because of arbitrary financial loss
>asking for sympathy from autists on a mongolian mozaic tile arranging forum
>treating a temporary setback as something worth ending a life over
>not falling into a pit of existential despair and blackpills gradually over a lifetime
>not sinking lower while understanding that being an hero is equally as pointless as living
>not finding ultimate enlightenment in nihilism
Absolute pleb tier.

>> No.4762563

Ex wife and my kids hate me. I'm just a wallet to all of them

>> No.4762572

You still have time anon, and can still make yourself a made man. Who knows what the future will bring, position yourself to seize it. A lot can change in a year. DO NOT GIVE UP

>> No.4762594

ok fuck the wife

but don't fuck the kids
you still have time to change that shit anon, work on it, don't be the guy that says, muh it's like that cause it's like that and it will never change

that's how you lost your money, suck it up, go get a loan, go see a shrink, talk to your kids...

>> No.4762600

You sure you're not killing yourself to make them feel guilty? People who kill themselves often do it for passive-aggressive reasons.

I wouldn't do it. If you just have to, go out in glory instead of like mediocre little man #98576523.

>> No.4762632

Too-da-loo nigga

>> No.4762640

>I had 500 btc and sold at fucking $100 and then lost it all trying to day trade other crypto.
Ok, I would want to kill myself too.

What the shit, dude? Why selling everything? Why not keeping 100-200 bitcoins, since they clearly had growing potential?

>> No.4762641

The thing is they're young and my ex wife and her family have filled their heads with how much of a bastard I am. Last time I saw my kids my son cried and ran away from me when I tried to hug him and my daughter refused to talk to me. I love them so much it hurts but they want nothing to do with me because of her and her shit family. I don't know what the fuck to do and I don't think I will ever be able to get back on good terms with any of them.

>> No.4762643

cant me as bad as me:
>35k loan (liquidated)
>8k credit card debt
>no gf or kids

; D

>> No.4762661

Don't fuckin do it , fuck money your kids need dad , stay strong this is just a bump in the road .

>> No.4762666
File: 228 KB, 336x383, f76ffhfhffsda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going through the act of killing yourself
>not even using the advantage to kill a bunch of niggers

>> No.4762672

Are they little kids?

If you kill yourself now, they'll grow up feeling horribly guilty and thinking that they killed their father. Your daughter will become a whore and likely a drug addict, and your son a faggot and a drug addict.

Make up with your kids if you want to save their lives.

>> No.4762682

dude, hodl fuckin on!! there hard times will pass..!
u are what u repeatedly do. if u start to make a small progress everyday in the end u will succeed!

>> No.4762694

You sound like a really whole some anon.

What the fuck are you doing here? Reee.

>> No.4762703

Give time time , sort out your shit and work on yourself and you will get them back. Sounds really tough mate , but just focus on you for now . Get your head straight don't worry about the x and her family . Work in on yourself get strong and your kids will see . Your there dad , they love you , stay strong

>> No.4762710

Son is 5 daughter is 8. The only thing my daughter told me last time I saw her was "go away, you make mommy sad". She already remarried and they both call the cunt dad. I have no say in anything anymore. I want to make things good again but I know that will never happen. Crypto consumed me and I turned in to a piece of shit chasing a dream that was never going to happen. I deserve this but I can't handle it.

>> No.4762748

Since you know you deserve it, endure it. Atone for your stupidity by staying alive and giving your kids the chance to make up with you.

Seriously, if you kill yourself they WILL blame themselves. Maybe not now, but in a few years. Pushing your dad to suicide is the kind of shit that no amount of therapy can fix. They'll be forever ruined.

>> No.4762758

Don't do it

>> No.4762765

mate , don't think about anything else , your the most important person right now . People need to hit rock bottoms to change , we only do it when shit gets to painful , this is your chance to change , don't pussy out of this and try and Jill yourself. this will be the best thing that ever happens to you , this is a new life , a fresh start . Don't give up before you have started mate . Do you and do life

>> No.4762778
File: 152 KB, 382x556, heroin-addict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go through with this, hundreds of neets, niggers and old businessmen will be paying small sums of money to fuck your daughter in the near future; A retarded dad is better than no dad

>> No.4762781

Could you at least try to kill some unwanted people first? There's a bunch of higher ups that the public wants dead.

>> No.4762788


>> No.4762793

Go find yourself man, you didn't lose you'Re free and life is a great gift. Smoke some herb chill at the beach go hike in the woods just stay away from people. You have freedom when you take your life you're taking your freedom with it

>> No.4762795

maybe you shouldn't have been a fag and not have wife and kids

>> No.4762804
File: 75 KB, 1250x581, mike-zap-the-trap-pence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "liberals want to kill Trump" episode
Keep in mind that if the lion falls, the white wolf will step in his place.

>> No.4762815

See your family and talk to them let them be a support for you

>> No.4762823

prison for that long is worse than suicide

>> No.4762824

Dude people who grow up with both their parents still end up hating them until adulthood. Most people only end up developing a relationship with their parents past 25.
So assuming you off yourself - your kids, as adults, will have massive guilt over it and over rejecting you when they didn't know better. So you basically end up fucking them up not once, but twice.
Sounds like you're really just playing out a fantasy in your head about how everyone will be sad if you kill yourself, but that won't be the case. They'll resent you more, and on top of that you will forever remove ANY chance of making amends, or giving your kids the chance for closure. For real, becoming a drunk hobo would still be a better outcome for your kids.
The real question you gotta ask yourself is - how much of this is you dreaming of escaping responsibility? Forget getting your family back and all that, the boat has sailed, you as a father are now removed from direct responsibility, but are you selfish enough to believe that it ends there?
I'm not trying to be some internet tough guy here, but if you're gonna have kids you gotta damn well be held accountable to them.

Also, why the hell are you still paying child support if your wife remarried? I'm pretty sure there are laws for it once the wife marries someone else.

>> No.4762827

>The only thing my daughter told me last time I saw her was "go away, you make mommy sad".
For fucks sake man, she's EIGHT years old. Do you remember how retarded you were at 8? What she says now has no relevance whatsoever. She likely changes her future aspirations seven times a week.

Don't pull the trigger because an eight year old girl was mean to you.

>> No.4763771

dont do it bro it would break your childrens heart

>> No.4763802

Whats your BTC address OP?

>> No.4763880
File: 2.22 MB, 3543x2254, Monk by the sea - Caspar David Friedrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

File for bankruptcy.

And focus on your kids. See them as much as you can.

Also, DON'T DRINK, DON'T DO DRUGS. And don't kill yourself.

>> No.4763928

Dont do it buddy.
Start learning stoicism, dont masturbate and dont do drugs and alcohol, oh and also start meditating. I know a guy that was 2 million In fucking debt and now he is richer than me because he started a booming company. Also you have kids, period.

>> No.4763949

Try praying and go to church, that helped me change my life when I was at the bottom.

>> No.4763978

listen to the liquor

>> No.4764630

See ya man. Wish I could say don't do it but nothing matters in the grand scheme of things. I wish you no pain

>> No.4765123

i started over in life many times. today is the hardest friendo.

>> No.4765264

you need to calm the fuck down

>> No.4766205

I don't have any real advice that could magically get you out of that tough spot OP, but I will echo that you're too good to just end it because of shithead kids or ex-wife (the kids part hurts just reading about it.)

I know this is a brainlet idea but is there a way you could get a fake identity and move somewhere just to clear your head? Suicide just doesn't seem like the right answer. Good luck man I hope you pull through.

>> No.4766252

you want to kill yourself because of the story you're telling yourself, not the stupid shit you've done.
you're telling yourself you deserve to die.
you're playing out a play in your head where you think you're a stupid fuck who gains it all and then loses it out of his stupidity and greed and kills himself.
stop telling yourself a tragic tale of your own life.
start telling yourself a brighter storyline. something with a happy ending.

>> No.4766280

Don't do it

>> No.4766407

Explain exactly what happened with the crypto OP, you were vague about that. When did you first buy BTC, when did you sell it? How recently did you loose all your gains?

>> No.4766445

If you are at least average looking, i heard that some if the asian countries are hiring run of the mill white dudes to be models simply because they are white. Try to lamd yourself those gigs. You could start ovet and be be swimming in azn pucci.

>> No.4766460
File: 64 KB, 608x800, 1509889430387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ganbarou, op-kun
i wish i was brave enough to do the same

>> No.4766485

Get a job
Pay your debt
And leave.
Make a new life for yourself.
Don't come back.

>> No.4766503

But they primarily hire Eastern European Male/Female Models. Hell, there is an entire industry around that.

>> No.4766523

go aboard to asia or even some EU country and work as native speaker in language school.

You have to be crazy if you expect changes doing same thing all the time

>> No.4766575
File: 39 KB, 256x231, handfate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it man. sending you good vibes now. if you're just a wallet to them feel good that it's empty and now you can start fresh. maybe your higher self deliberately did this to get you out of that kind of thing .... if you kys you won't escape and probably be very confused and annoyed after. a lot of 3d repeating will have to happen for you so just stay chill and know there's only up from here.

>> No.4766780

Suicide can also mean killing your old weak self and starting from a new beginning. Go for it. Kill the weak person you are right now. Stop being a bitch and take what is yours suicide is for pussies.

>> No.4766803

When they grow up, or older, they’ll probably realize what was going on. Kids can be influenced easily, teenagers and adults not so much anymore. If I were you, I would give life another chance. The past doesn’t matter as much as it seems. We all feel cheated, disappointed, let down by life. Have done bad things and have bad things done to us. It doesn’t matter man. Life is about duty not about enjoyment. And about fighting another day. Your fight now is with yourself. I hope you’ll make it.

>> No.4766847

Did you ever think about robbing banks or selling drugs?

>> No.4767112

just make love to your wife. Everything will fall into place. I dont have a wife and i'd love one so, you dont know how much assets you got.

>> No.4767213

You get over it after high school

>> No.4767218
File: 105 KB, 500x583, 3e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it sucks that you sold all your btc when it was worth bugger all and compounded on your current situation i can understand how you feel like you had almost made it but god pissed on your face. You can give up right now i wont tell you not too i wouldnt blame you if you did, but i have seen people crawl back from hopeless situations near oblivion like yours and how you feel about your shit life right now the exact opposite you end up feeling about yourself. im not saying it would be easy but if you did stay around and take it one day at a time you will end up making yourself into a stronger person that you might not have ever knew existed inside you.

this is not an easy way of dealing with your current predicament. I know it might seem hard and everyday you might make some progress only for something to happen and you to take two steps back. All i can say is that i have seen people go from zero to hero in situations just like that

this might sound kinda lame but rn i see you as a shitcoin with hardly any trade volume, all you need is a rebranding.

>> No.4767885

thats why you should hold if your stupid like me, instead of daytrading something you don't understand