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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 1200x630, ODN-LAMBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4751894 No.4751894 [Reply] [Original]

So will the price spike^up after all the promised things are released today?

I bought this at 4.8k sat and waiting for 10k sat to sell. Or I might go EoY and see the price after the app release.

>> No.4752718


>> No.4752735

It's going to $50, no larp

>> No.4752750

It'll most likely fall. Basically anything that happens with this piece of shit makes it fall.

Then again, I don't hold any so it could moon. Hard to say

>> No.4752760
File: 265 KB, 1006x802, 1511632484238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4752793

Stating you don't hold any is a dead give away you are accumulating. Well played.

>> No.4752815

2 masternodes here
easiest 1 mil of my life

>> No.4752824

deluded as fuck get ready to get dumped on by sagescam and friends

>> No.4752847

Chadstone would never do that to us.

>> No.4752884

you mean the guy that is using a false identity and stole some random picture off the internet and said its him. Have fun with your scam coin I wish you all the best of luck

>> No.4752937

Fleximus here. I spoke to Sagemark offline and he confirmed they wont dump tomorrow but on Christmas eve before the app release.

>> No.4752997

>you mean the guy that is using a false identity and stole some random picture off the internet
Are you memeing or you actually fell for that shitty ass fud? Did you actually try clicking on the links from the search results? Because I did, and once you do, you realize how stupid it is.

>> No.4753096

Sagemark here. That didn’t happen.

>> No.4753225

Who is "sagemark" though?

>> No.4753474

community manager

>> No.4753570


>> No.4753624

new ODN exchange
C-CEX is Asia dark exchange

>> No.4753664

If ODN makes it on a new exchange then that would be awesome

>> No.4753877

bittrex and binance are both happening with or after the app release

>> No.4753952

any clue for that?

>> No.4754091

Will the price decrease after the revamp tomorrow?

>> No.4754181
File: 3.55 MB, 1903x7535, 2017-12-03-16-58-www.wonder-tonic.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me, here is a sneak peak of the new digs.

>> No.4754212

i'm weak

>> No.4754231
File: 245 KB, 1542x1080, 1511684721783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might moon and then dump as we have had a bit of FUD but then it will pick up again due to the chat app launching on the platform. Providing that app works and it shows the platform is sound then it will properly moon at that point to anything upwards of $5.
I would expect a slight P&D tomorrow, possibly nothing at all as the FUD has been pretty good and literally, everybody hates this coin. Then once they release the chat app it will either make the platform a success or failure at that point.
Hoping for a big moon tomorrow, the pajeets should come out of the woodwork as soon as things are officially announced, if there isn't a slow build up of FOMO during the day then it probably won't moon to much, it wil probably dump to about 5-7k stats after depending on where it reaches. possibly like POWR except this is a coin with actual promise and not a token with handshake deals and a bunch of SJWs trying to save the world on the board. Who knows, we shall see but that's what I think will happen.
GL CT ;)

>> No.4754269

Oh, and exchange listings at the time of app release hopefully. Once its 'proven' its legitimacy.
Then it is ETH to Moneros btc in the new regulated market where privacy is king.

>> No.4754281

I will kill myself if that's it.

>> No.4754311

S-stop jokin' around dude

>> No.4754312

u retarded?

>> No.4754324

It will dump after tomorrow. Will dip for a couple weeks, then climb back again as the app release is around christmas. Shortly after we might see new exchanges. Binance, maybe buttrex. I hardly see it dropping after this.

>> No.4754329 [DELETED] 

That text on green looks amateurish and like something I would have done in IT class back at school when I was 12. I don't care if it is filler it is awful. I would never buy from seeing that and have half a mind to dump it all, blergh.

>> No.4754350

It's not real

>> No.4754383

yeah, i had only just looked at the top bit before the rest, then I saw the floppy disks and things lol. Ignore that xd
That was AIDS

>> No.4754406


>> No.4754578

ODN is facebook in 5 years and will be at $40k with a $1 trillion market cap.

>> No.4754637


>> No.4754947
File: 13 KB, 236x202, 8de1830a73cfbff6545377a81a2a2817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I would see into the future...

>> No.4755775

should I get more before tomorrow?

>> No.4755832


Not yet, buy after it pumps.

>> No.4755864

I said "if" dude.

Let me have my melancholic humor.

>> No.4755873
