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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4751021 No.4751021 [Reply] [Original]

>Having an early Christmas dinner because grandad is going away.
>Dad arrives on the phone with uncle talking about bitcoin and shit.
>Am interested so get in the convo and he's talking about how it's going up and how uncle is buying bitcoin packages or whatever but basically he's making money on bitcoin.
>None of the family know anything about this shit so it's just me and my dad talking while rest of family awkwardly eats in silence.
>Dad starts talking about how he wants to buy bitcoin and also this thing I've never heard of called TBC and unironically talks about how it's called 'the billion coin' and how it's going to 'end world poverty' and how it's going up to $100B in value.
>Mfw he actually believes this crap... >And he actually said in front of the whole family how he buys bitcoin for this RANDOM GUY ON THE INTERNET called 'Tony' and sends him FUCKING BITCOINS in exchange for 'Kringles', not PRINGLES the crisp but FUCKING KRINGLES!!!
>No one in the family understands anything about cryptocurrencies so they just assume that he's 'investing'.
He's sent me an email and wants me to buy Pringles, no sorry, fucking KRINGLES from Tony and Tony is going to 'set me up' with this smokin' hot investment where I give Tony hundreds of fucking pounderoonies worth in bitcoin for fake crypto worth less than an actual tube of Pringles.
>And now I've got to reply kindly telling my dad how much of a fucking idiot he is for buying into the most cliche sounding blatantly obvious scam ever, without actually telling him how unbelievably gullible he is.... FUCK MY LIFE, and Tony whoever that is

>> No.4751369
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Like seriously, LOOK AT THIS WEBSITE!!!



>> No.4751410

Lol what the actual hell

>> No.4751477
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135 BTC for 1 TBC, holy shit it's real

>> No.4751496

How much he put in?

>> No.4751540

Woah...where can I buy this coin?

>> No.4751568

Based Tony literally cucking the shit out of your stupid fucking family and retarded faggot father holy shit.

>> No.4751577

Only 135BTC for the next moon coin? Ill be enjoying my lambos

>> No.4751655

This is possibly the most pajeet crypto site I've ever seen....

>> No.4751659

>it's not BTC, it's TBC
>not Pringles, but Kringles
kek brilliant

>> No.4751666

>You have to pay for the ability to sell TBC

Also, this gem

>TBC is not an open public crypto-currency, we are a private group with a crypto-currency. We are the 1st “Abundance-based” currency. We have rules! If you don’t follow the rules we kick you out and you lose access to your TBC coins forever.

>> No.4751701
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>> No.4751727

I can't remember any exact amounts but he said something like a couple hundred quid but I'm not sure.
The thing is, he's so fucking into it that he's on about getting me my own 'kringle wallet' or whatever the fuck, and said he'll put £200 in for me to start and wants me to give this Tony my FUCKING DETAILS yes he actually said that!!! holy shit dad why, I mean how does he not see anything wrong with giving some random guy bitcoins for a 'billion coin' like I know he's not good with tech but he cannot run a business and then be this stupid

>> No.4751737

All-in on Kringles.

>> No.4751747

Bitcoins will be worth more than all the gold in the world by 2020. Prove me wrong 4chan. Protip you can’t.

>> No.4751751

Tell your dad to send me some quid as well. We uh, need it for server upkeep.

>> No.4751770

Pix of your daddy NOW. Guaranteed cuck/10. Best fucking part is this shit is in your blood and veins. Laugh now this'll be you in a few years.

>> No.4751804

Your dad is old enough to know everyone named Tony is untrustworthy.

>> No.4752063

His name is TONY! Like dad your 50 and married with two kids and run a fucking business why are you buying Nigerian scam coins ffs and sending this Tony fellow fucking bitcoins, for something worth less than shitcoins?! Like fucking DOGECOIN is a more stable investment option! Please tell me I don't genetically inherit his gullibility, because my inheritance is now going to be Pajeet scam coins and fucking Tony asking for my details

>> No.4752107

This thread isn't about bitcoin its about a fucking scam

>> No.4752126

Fucking Tony is pure /biz/, what a legend

>> No.4752186

You'd be surprised how naive our boomer dads can be.

>> No.4752190


>> No.4752226

If crypto enters normie space to a similar level that Facebook is at now I can see a lot of old people and ignorami losing the farm to this kind of scam.

>> No.4752317

This. My dad was dumb enough to invest in confido

>> No.4752651

Like it cannot get more obviously-a-scam than that? he's going to have to ponzi-cuck someone else now to buy his Kringles so he can get some of his money back, heck