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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4750221 No.4750221 [Reply] [Original]

Story Released 12 mins ago.


>> No.4750289

Good, will drop citizenship and move to Asia if that happens

>> No.4750291

>European Union
nice joke

>> No.4750303

Time to buy monero

>> No.4750326

How much time do we have left before legistlation completely destroyes anything only resembling a coin or token? 2-3 years?

I'm fairly sure it wont be the EU that puts the final nail in the coffin, but some MUUUHHH FREEEDOM country instead.

>> No.4750343
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>financial center of the planet questions BTC
>value drops 3% for 25 minutes and then goes back up
There's really no stopping the rocket to 100k, is there?

>> No.4750381

so it begins, the downfall...

>> No.4750391

Read the article. "The new rules, which will be applied across the European Union, are expected to come into force by the end of the year or early"

Anyways. So bitfinex is dead since it is based out of Poland? Correct?

>> No.4750395

Just Invest in Neo. Europe and USA have no Power in China and neo is already government conform

>> No.4750404

The one-world currency of the future will be something similar to crypto and probably use some kind of biometrics as your wallet so you have it with you at all times and can never lose the key. This tech is only going to grow

>> No.4750506
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hodl meeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.4750521

Didn't they ban crypto?

>> No.4750524

>financial center of the planet
>anno 1870

>> No.4750527

nah, it's taiwanese. It doesn't even serve american customers

>> No.4750539
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>Kill it faster, they know now.

>> No.4750546

^^^Below was for reply above.
>Didn't they ban crypto?

>> No.4750548
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>> No.4750583

Someone here leaked their address with their HQ beings in poland and their bank being a shady polish credit union that launders polish mob money.

>> No.4750598

Do you think they pay their Asian customers from a Polish bank?

>> No.4750602

What so trading isn't anonymous anymore and if you look like your laundering expect a knock on the door?
I don't see how this a bad thing? If anything it'll be a catalyst for coins be accepted as assets.

>> No.4750626
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>> No.4750638

Priced in

>> No.4750645


So far it only looks like a legitimization stamp and that they want to weed out bad actors

>> No.4750661


>> No.4750663


and this is the news for the burgers

>> No.4750681


>> No.4750693

Indeed my friend.

>> No.4750700

uk and eu getting along for some FUD, cute

>> No.4750723

>tfw I just send my ID to bittrex

>> No.4750739


you could say the same thing about all forms of gambling casinos etc plus a million other things

>> No.4750782

bitfinex (so long as you only send receive crypto)

>> No.4750784


More like refugee center of the planet

>> No.4750788

ITT The sentiment around market selling in a bull run

>> No.4750789

Gambling isn't threatening the holy bank motherfuckers

>> No.4750810

You're thinking of NYC you dumb europoor

>> No.4750815
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Glad we got out of that cancerous union when we did.

>> No.4750837

Go back to pakistan abdul.

>> No.4750852

this is literally the reason why we all use it though.

>> No.4750876

Most people use it as a stock.

t. never bought anything with crypto.

>> No.4750880


Nice try abdul, stay in Sweden, they'll accommodate you.

>> No.4750898

>tfw comfy cryptorich 21 year old norwegian

>> No.4750907

I'm in Poland, the last white stronghold.

When you'll finally ran away from Pakistan 2.0, maybe I'll let you wash my balls for a few sats if you behave.

>> No.4750916
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It's not over yet, might be leaving with bitter taste in mouths

>> No.4750942

Thats what I mean though. No one cares about the coin but we just cash out and hide the money somewhere. Or transfer only tiny amounts to your bank just for what you need

>> No.4750970

Ah, yes. For what you need. Not blow and thai hookers.

>> No.4750984
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Literally mongrelised by Russian slavs and mongoloids after intense buttfucking

>> No.4751000

You are still in you moron

>> No.4751016

t. Ahmed Al-Bombi

>> No.4751063
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Slavs are not white meme
deluded faggot
Tame your niggers bitch

>> No.4751070

>this paki-bangladeshi-somali subhuman dares to question Queen Poland's whiteness
Get a load of this monkey.

>> No.4751114

Holy fuck they really don't like it when we make money huh?

>> No.4751143

>financial center of the planet

Do yuros actually think they're relevant?

>> No.4751187


I bet you think Jews are white too don't you eurocuck :^)

>> No.4751194

>The Telegraph

Shittiest Brexiteer-newspaper ever. Also: only island apes, EU not affected

>> No.4751213

look at this delusional euronigger poverty stricken slav[e] squatting autist

>> No.4751217

bitfinex has been getting shit on, since their whole order system fucked up.

If you don't want your sell order at $7000 to go off when it's at $11,000 don't use bitfinex

>> No.4751236

>EU not affected

>> No.4751256

He нaпpягaйcя, чyвaк. Им нe нaдo знaть o нaших дeвyшкaх

>> No.4751312


1) don't use margin if you're new
2) don't set stops as they're notorious in every single market for not working properly (they market order rather than limit order)
3) have some responsibility and manually de-risk
4) don't margin long the top

In fact why don't you just skip any proper advice and leave crypto, the idea is to make you financially independent not some immature kid that cries over spilt milk

>> No.4751346
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>not being a Brexiteer

Holy fuck this board sometimes.

>> No.4751358


Your people is so worthless that you singlehandedly made Brexit happen

>> No.4751446

Shit, all in XMR and ODN. Screw these kykes.

>> No.4751448

The EU is a joke anyways and will lose their influence over time. We are on the right side of history, but it's not going to be without a fight.

>> No.4751498

We're glad you faggots are gone tbqh, didn't knew you enjoyed it in the ass so much but we'll be happy to give it to you raw on the trade deals.

>> No.4751509

Yup, been mining for months. comfy.Stocked up on ODN too. Governments have way to much power at this point. The EU is also banning Kebabs... banning what we chose to eat! Black market kebab ordering is soon going to be a thing. XMR to pay and ODN to read the menu lol.

>> No.4751515

poland was never white dude, why do you think the nazi's thought you were Untermensch?

>> No.4751527
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Oh no, not the Bitcoin.

>> No.4751535

They want to ban kebabs! and not the raping kind either. The EU are cunts. I hope they crash and burn.

>> No.4751583


>regulating an entirely decentralised currency that is transferable across borders without any intervening authority required whatsoever

Boomers are seriously out of touch.

>get tax man checking on you
>transfer entire stack into Monero
>"I got hacked"
>move to a different country without police state rules
>sell Monero back into fiat

>> No.4751626

You can tell old money wrote this article.

>> No.4751645

Yeah I read about that.
Funny thing to try and ban.

>> No.4751720

The telegraph, BBC and express have been fudding pretty hard recently. Pay no mind, think of all the thousands of Chinese bans that haven't done anything.

>> No.4751746


Yeah and they are trying to tackle the exchanges for money laundering, as if you would launder money via an exchange where a debit or credit card is tied to you, or an associate.

I guess you could steal someone's identity and credit card and launder via that but even then the government being notified of the ID of the person transacting fiat to crypto is useless anyway.

Any seriously money launderer would definitely NOT buy via normie exchange like Coinbase.

You would do it entirely off exchange via someone wanting to sell like localbitcoins or through a whale contact at a premium.

>> No.4751819
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Just buy XRP, you will probably even gets tax cuts if you buy that.

>> No.4751845
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>we are going to ban the bitcoins NOW!!!

they just keep fucking trying, it's hilarious...
not even a commie hellhole like china managed to stop it.

>> No.4751874

>he thinks Europoor can regulate a decentralised coin in the UK.

Mate we’ve been dodging tax for 50 years crypto is just another thing we’re going to capitalise on

>> No.4751893


>> No.4751901


>> No.4751903

Why are you posting pics of old chink hags with fake tits?

>> No.4751923

jews are even more petty and spiteful than the chinkiest of chinks

>> No.4751929

Boomers had the stock market and refuse to give way to the next era. Like the generations before them of the industrial revolution (if you ignore the ones that died int eh great wars) they are looking at the new and remembering how they felt about the old. It is making them realise their lives were nothing. They never had any real power, it was all a lie. They won't go down without a fight. All they are is the neets of the previous generation who made it big off the stock market. Like we will make it big off crypto. One day we will be banning something our kid's kids come up with as a way to get rich. One day people will be fighting against us as the 1% and all the while we will remember the boomers, and we will know how it was never really us in power, nor is it them.

Eh, heart disease costs the health care system money. Thjey are massive cunts though. Trans fats and the like I understand but Kebabs... that's going to be 3-4 extended families of brown people out of work in every British high street for one thing. No way the EU will win another referendum now if it comes to it. They just threatened to put 15% of all the pakikis and turkish in England out of work.

They won't do shit. They will take bribes like they always do. All the government wants is its 35% cut in 'taxes' and the exchanges shadiness won't matter when they give the inspectors a million bucks each and a generous donation to the political parties ontop. They want OUR details so they can tax us, that is all. They will get them via exchanges and coinbase as part of the deal.

>> No.4751966

Jews are not (((them))). Jews are just a religion they hide behind. There is nothing religious about (((them))) unless you count moloch.
Chinks really are bug people, 2-300 years of selective breeding where only the most devious and un-empathetic survived will do that to you.

>> No.4751994

I agree with you but the moloch worshipers have had a bad year

>> No.4752072

Cryptocurrencies definitely going to be regulated and it is going to turn out very bad.

>> No.4752141

There is always infighting at the top. Except it is getting worse because more bloodlines from across the world are converging.

>> No.4752296
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They can't regulate the crypto. Only the in/out of the money. We are just going to have to stop using money and 'accepted' forms of crypto that require ID to spend. Wait until they figure out the smart contracts and link that to your identity. They will be able to turn off access to your bank account, lock you out of your home and car etc if you break a single rule. Literally, you thought LINK was cancer on /biz/? You wait until its adopted IRL. Seriously, get rich with crypto and get yourself an island (both metaphorical or literal) to ride the shitshow out with your family for 50 or so years till tech advances to a point they can be defeated. Because this ladies, is not it. Keep scientific study as far away from government subsidies however you can and it should be fine. Pay for research yourself privately if you can, especially surveillance research so you can get all the juicy secrets from places like the Vatican Library and other more nefarious locations.
NEVER trust AI, it will only be fake and a mouthpiece for ((((them))), NEVER get chipped, Never give into socialism, advocate for less of it wherever possible. Charity is how you help the poor, not government intervention.

>> No.4752315

Well you have less rules now. But more censorship, also your net neutrality protection is gone. And a bunch of other rules. Market trading with the EU will also be an issue.

I do not like the EU myself, but being smug about fucking yourself over comes of being an annoying brat

>> No.4752356

Well if the war on crypto will be as successful as war on drugs than we will get some good milage out of it.

>> No.4752382

Also when will the lazy shits at ledger finally finish their fucking Monero wallet. It is taking forever.

Once their wallet is FINALLY FUCKING READY. I will not need to use those shitty exchanges anymore. So tired of Ledger working slow as fuck.

>> No.4752396

You are wrong as fuck DYOR they are one bloodline for thousands of years. 22 families in two branches 11/ 11. Jews are their creation.

>> No.4752451
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or just give in, and buy XRP

>> No.4752452
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P-pay taxes?? Over my dead body!

>> No.4752618

Yeah, as if autistic neckbeards would flock to and even manage to score in alien lands lmao

>> No.4752716

Believe it is more akin to they took herion and now if they stop they die. The system isn't pricing us out because it is their end goal but because they are running out of options to float the scam. If they had it their way it would be slight inflation, continued stripping of real assets, more corruption and the cycle would continue.

>> No.4752846

Not the Asians etc... You really think the only bloodlines dating that far back are the ones seen in Rome, Babylon and Egypt? Sure there are stuff linking them but they were not in contact all that time.
I have 14k XRP, I don't give a shit how I make the money as long as I make it.
The boomers were never the ones in power. They were just that generations neets, like us, who made it big on the stock market.

>> No.4752873

haha this is true.

>> No.4752922

That's an outrage. Kebabs are like burgers but better.

>> No.4753001
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The really smart or 'power' hungry ones are allowed to play in politics. It keeps them occupied. (((they))) like it that way.
I think they maybe heard the people asking them to 'ban kebab' and got the wrong one?

>> No.4753077

>The Treasury has disclosed plans to regulate the Bitcoin that will force traders in so-called crypto-currencies to disclose their identities and report suspicious activity.

that's all?

>> No.4753549

Sounds too broad, that could mean anything