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File: 61 KB, 800x400, payfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4748539 No.4748539 [Reply] [Original]

10x easy, train leaving soon

>> No.4748606
File: 353 KB, 640x877, 6391D095-35A1-486D-A140-A8ECDEAF109E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where Can I buy this shit coin & why isn’t it on Blockfolio yet?

>> No.4748747

Is this a scam?

>> No.4748767


only 2 days out

>> No.4748827

No... This is not confido 2.0, the devs are being pretty active and already filmed themselves, the code is on github and they already have a demo out.

>> No.4748996

>eth pairing
Into the trash it goes

>> No.4749035

yeah, because thats the main reason projects are evaluated... because they are paired with eth...

>> No.4749155

Done my research, team is legit. All aboard!

>> No.4749169

I don't want to have to convert btc to eth just for this shitcoin

>> No.4749217

Fair enough, lazy to make money, crypto state...
This can go to 10-20 mil market cap and it's 1mil, and you are having problems switching from btc to eth, fml.

>> No.4749264

>slav team


>> No.4749308

Any more dumb reasons? Jesus fuck... go look at the damn code on github ffs, isn't that the important part, sometimes I feel like shooting myself on how dumb you people are

>> No.4749415

Just looked at the whitepaper. The hottest pile of trash I've ever read. Shit tier scam.

>> No.4749451

I bet you didn't, because the node rewards make sense, and if you have done the math you can get some hefty rewards if the platform is adopted...
Keep fudding please, I can refute every shit post you come up with

>> No.4749673

this is probably the dumpest shit I've read for quite some time.
Just to put things into perspective, the second place goes to people buying Confido because of ICO refund speculation.

>> No.4749697

Project with legitimate team honest people who have already given all the evidence.

Low Mcap !!

30x easy


>> No.4749759

Why the hell people keep saying confido, just because it has the word escrow, doesn't mean is the same shit... The market that payfair is trying to reach is far higher than confido, and actual have a team and demo out...

>> No.4749791

Btw, I'm not attacking you, but confido is getting thrown around a lot for this project, I understood what you meant

>> No.4749886

Let's see where this one goes. If it goes x10, I'll be a happy man. Thanks for the tip, OP.

>> No.4749923

Its sold on etherdelta
So yes

>> No.4749972

QSP, MOD, LINK, DRAGON... want more coins? It's there because it's an ERC20 token, just that...

>> No.4750923

what was th ICO price per token? Cant find the info? Thx

>> No.4750947


>> No.4751097

Please read:


>> No.4751139

Seems its leaving the station, glad i got in ty.

>> No.4751285
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 milion cap haha
23 milions you moron....

>> No.4751825

What is the true mcap?
Why 23 million, why 1 million, what is the circulatin supply?

Looking at coinmarketcap, if I use total supply x price, it is 1.7 million usd, but that is using TOTAL supply

>> No.4751986

My working theory is that >>4751285 is a complete retard

>> No.4752835

Marketcap = 89bil x price, it did rise since the begining of the post, so now it's sitting at almost 2 mil

>> No.4752950

Correction: 89mil

>> No.4753950

86M atm

>> No.4754593

Already 2x from the time this was posted, thanks OP

>> No.4754636

well, looks like im not bagholding anymore. the wonders of being added to coinmarketcap. hopefully the same thing will happen to snovio

>> No.4755068

IMHO this has more potential for a profit than Snovio, selling at this price when this is at the beginning of the run might not be the best decision. Good luck anyway