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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4748483 No.4748483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The inventors of Bitcoin. Notice something? Not a single trans. colored hair. black. mexican. asian. SJW dyke. Every one of them white males. I can show you the same thing about the inventors of the computer, the internet, and every major technology in the last hundred years. Ready to change your tune about the importance of diversity? Or will you finally come to admit without the white male we would still be living in huts bashing rocks together?

>> No.4748513

I love whites now

>> No.4748534

No, these people like all nerds hate women and scared them all away with their mysogny.

Just look at every post here on /biz/ where a women posts something.

>> No.4748546
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but here he is?

>> No.4748549


>> No.4748551
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So it's okay to be w-white? Anon?

>> No.4748570

Just bought 100k.

>> No.4748575

>not a single colored hair

Wut? They don’t have white hair

>> No.4748576
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Semi-related, here's a link to /cryptopol/ - since whalepool (who are SJW cucks, surprisingly) staged a hostile takeover in the bitcoin offoptic telegram group and shut it down (a few before after the massive pump past 10k)


>> No.4748578

Actually no I don't think they hate women. The ones on biz who hate women have sub-100 IQ. When you have a passion like those geniuses you don't have time to hate

>> No.4748595
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>Every one of them white males
also this

>> No.4748600

he's talking about dyed hair.
Aka en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aposematism

>> No.4748602

(((White))) males.

>> No.4748629

Christina Garman is probably also a woman

>> No.4748630

@realjoshkroll could pass as trans.

>> No.4748635

They didn't invent bitcoin.

>> No.4748646
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>> No.4748653

all rich bitcoin ppl are dweeb nerd virgins. not even jealous anymore. im 10/10 upper middle class chad slayer hahaHa

>> No.4748655


That's why crypto is literally the alt-right economy.

We are the jews now.

>> No.4748664

How would a woman fuck it up?

>> No.4748708
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>The inventors of Bitcoin

Cool story, bro!

>> No.4748748
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>burgers getting no free internet OR bitcoins

>> No.4748790

so a couple men brought their gfs along
and the rajeesh janitor was asked to sit in

>> No.4748808
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I don't care if it is a huge faggot behind a coin. All I want is it to moon

>> No.4748818


>> No.4748853

>christina garman

>> No.4748855

Feels bad man

>> No.4748878

Satsohi was Asian tho

>poorly bred overnight ugly pasty skinned numales
What is this meant to prove exactly?

>> No.4749113

And you'll notice how women just happen to stumble on in here, tits and red dress, by accident? Because they're lost, right?

Dumbass. From a pool of 2, they're secondary species towards men.

>> No.4749164
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yeah, disliking things is so time consuming, if only i were more (((tolerant))) i'd have accomplished so much more

>> No.4749187


Competent, capable, ambitious, and intelligent people are not "scared" of friction and discomfort

they know and do things others can't and don't do

the whole joke about "empowerment" is that you require others to give you false power, power isn't given but earned and a very natural thing

>> No.4749207

No shortage of KHH virgins at that table I presume

>> No.4749222

Satoshi was an Anglo. At best he might have been a hapa.

>> No.4749223

WTF I love white people now

>> No.4749245


women and fags will want their piece of the pie now the difficult and risky work is done

>> No.4749251

Satoshi was def Nick Szabo. The smoking gun is both used two spaces. Hal stole his neighbor Dorian's last name.

>> No.4749254

> inventors of the computer

Look up "Ada Lovelace," the inventor of the algorithm. She proposed the first ever analytical engine that later became the computer.

>> No.4749304

Crypto is on the verge of being coopted by marxists re: ethereum and iota.

Vitalik showed some sanity w his tweets yesterday being neutral on gab. But the pressure around him was still overwhelming to block gab from Ethereum. There's no way in hell he won't bend to political pressure down the line.

That libertarian idealist part of him will cave.

>> No.4749332


>inventor of """"the algorithm"""""

ah yes, "the algorithm". She didn't do shit, her contribution is trumped up. She had a rudimentary idea of computation but had no part of the difficult leg work of actually inventing the computer.

Not to say she didn't help but her contribution is definitely overrated due to being a woman.

>> No.4749436

From Wiki:
> She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and published the firstalgorithmintended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first to recognise the full potential of a "computing machine" and the first computerprogrammer.

>> No.4749495

Gab is a Jewish word from the Talmud. It is pretty much just controlled opposition by kikes, just like the alt-right in general is

>> No.4749534

Those guys aren't the "Inventors of bitcoin" you fucking retard, you think it took this entire room of people to invent it? It was just invented by Satoshi Nakamoto which is one person

>> No.4749613

>not a single trans
How can you tell?

>> No.4749643
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>the inventor of the algorithm
>"""""""the algorithm"""""""""

>> No.4749678


Hundreds of men in the past who postulated about the possibility of various facts/laws/machines/inventions weren't attributed with their actual realization or invention, but merely recognized as providing some of the groundwork for it.

So yes she contributed to the groundwork of what we would later know to be the computer but didn't actually invent it or really know what she was touching on.

I'm in CS, she's commonly meme'd because, as I said, we have a big shortage of female contribution and any and all female contribution is therefore trumpeted to the high heavens

see: that Margaret Hamilton nasa shit

>> No.4749790

Diversity won't harm though
You might think colored ppl steal our jobs but the thing is we dont know what they could've accomplished if they had been at our place

The idea is to let them uncover their potential, if any. In worst case, such privileged students/workers won't accomplish anything, but in best case you find a hidden genius that will bring together the best of different cultures and mindsets together.

It's much like investing in shitcoins: downside is limited, upside is unidentified.
Now get back to /pol

>> No.4749827


I agree with your sentiment

unfortunately you are ignoring the present and ubiquitous reality of forced diversity and white man-shaming that is literally holding our entire Western civilization back

That is the current danger and problem, not your little /pol/ neckbeard boogeyman

>> No.4749863
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Don't have to tell me twice bro

>> No.4749928

I guess "white man-shaming" is not that big of a problem in my field (bioscience)

We have all sorts of multinational labs all over the world and some institutions (even private ones) specifically employ ppl from all over the world to see them mix together.

All those studentship and summer school programs are especially designed to notice those bright, yet unlucky early enough to employ them cheap

>> No.4750117

what about dave kleiman