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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4745705 No.4745705 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest vermin on this planet, the soulless inbred nosey imbeciles who stirred up all the world woes and troubles, are facing the impossible obstacle.

The Blockchain.

Every scam they've built for decades, from fiat currency removed from gold, to wall street, to "buying art" is crumbling.

Crypto is gold + oil + swiss bank account before they kiked its secrecy + offshore + cash all in one.

Jews can't comprehend this, let alone fight it. What are their options? Call in antisemitic? I'll bet they'll call Bitcoin "neo nazi alt right currency of choice" or some shit. How can they win? Shut down the internet? Hahahahahahah.

I will make money selling super-expensive e-books to millionaires who want to hide their money from jew tax.

You buy the "Ultimate e-book" from me, they hand me $1000000000000000 in shitbux, they get some BTC and Monero hidden in the book, and I buy some real estate and guns the same day, because the next day that paper jew money loses its value by the day.

This will be the impregnable upgrade from "jews buying art".

We will win.

>> No.4746384

>How can they win?
By imposing a way more draconian system where every single transaction is connected to a specific ID. Remember.. he who has the gold makes the rules.

>> No.4746408

Fuck you, white boy. You don't have any claim on crypto.

>> No.4746499

>I'll bet they'll call Bitcoin "neo nazi alt right currency of choice" or some shit.
They already did


>> No.4746558
File: 45 KB, 736x736, 1508873157315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best timeline ever


>> No.4746617

kys /pol/tard

>> No.4746681

>How can they win? Shut down the internet? Hahahaha
Oh you laugh but...that's more realistic than you think. You have no idea how fucking good they are at this.

>> No.4746962


>> No.4747368

>How can they win? Shut down the internet? Hahahaha
net neutrality getting snipped is only one step in grander schemes