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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4743478 No.4743478 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get other coins like Ark without being cucked by fees from shit like coinbase?

Apologies if this has been asked before.

>> No.4743497
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>buying ark

>> No.4743553
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Did some wonky ass method by purchasing on coinbase then transfering to binance then finally to the ark client, please laugh at me

>> No.4743594
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What's wrong with ark? What else would you recommend, based anon?

>> No.4743606
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>> No.4743667
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Why would this be better than ark, is it currently rising in price?

>> No.4743877

it is king

>> No.4743904

Isn't bitcoin the king as of now? ATH 11k + or something

>> No.4743929
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>> No.4743955

monero vs ark

>> No.4743969
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Hmm I'll think about it based anons, should I decide to do it where should I start?

>> No.4743976

That is probably the best way to do it if you can't directly buy altcoins cheaper. Make sure you buy low and Exchange from BTC when it's HIGH to ARK when it's low. This will gain you the most profit.

Get in our discord for some premium trade signals and PnDs
more people = more money!

>> No.4743981


jesus christ kid you need to stop listening to /biz/ immediately and do your own research. if you thought ARK was a good buy then you're just blindly gambling based on pajeet spam

>> No.4744019

got any constructive criticism or are you just going to be a faggot? serious question.

It's had good gains this week.

>> No.4744020
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Damn man pajeet spam was too much, though I'm not regretting the ark thing yet, just the fact that uhhh lets just say i lost a little cash through transferring stuff through different sites.

I'll do my research from now on.

>> No.4744096
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Is this board's discord or ya tryna shill me, I'll join tho thanks for the link.

>> No.4744116


ARK VM is the only useful feature it potentially has, everything else is fluff

The only problem is that according to their site, ARK VM is 55% done- Yet there is not a single word about it in their white paper and not a single line of ARK VM code on their github. The only evidence for its existence is a single line of sales copy on their website (prominently displayed on their roadmap), and a tweet with a picture of a whiteboard. if thats not a red flag idk what is

>> No.4744331

This is why COSS is the future

>> No.4744384

>want to buy link
>binance charges mean that I can’t buy minimum of 1 coin because of their fees

>> No.4744432

Ark is objectively a shitcoin. People arent going to hold it for Novelty. They're basically saying hey one day you can pay using Ark to a place that accepts BTC!


...except I could have just held BTC in the first place and fucking paid with BTC instead of using this shit meme coin you made up

>> No.4745083

Wait, you can buy altcoins like ARK on Coinbase? I'm Canadian never used coinbase. Is this true?

>> No.4745113
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BTW yes Monero is good but you also need to get on the /ark/ now before it's too late

>> No.4745155

>When you realize wholecoiners were right

>> No.4745176
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No that's not true, what I did was I purchased Bitcoins on Coinbase, then transferred it to another account such as Binance, then used Binance to trade into altcoins.

Please don't do this, you lose so much through fees between sites.

>> No.4745193

Isn't that the only way?

>> No.4745267

Man I'm not really sure at this point, I haven't lurked enough, I presume there should be some way to buy straight from Binance if you have a verified account, which I don't which should save you on some fees from cuckbase lol.

>> No.4745325

Binance doesn't use USD, it uses USDT. The only way to send them money is through crypto

>> No.4745561

Buy ethereum and send them, you'll get better fees and you can trade them with pretty much everything on binance

>> No.4745594
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>Not buying at least 100 ark

>> No.4745869

As in purchase Etherum and send it to Binance to trade it around for stuff? Pardon my newfagness but where should I get it?

>> No.4745976

All of you retarded fucks posting Monero shit. If you’re literally sitting in a wetback coin ALREADY FUCKING VALUED AT $3.1B expecting big gains you’re the dumbest piece of shit on the fucking planet. Drop your fucking bags already and buy other coins. Learn to take a loss and move the fuck on. 100% tired of seeing XMR shilling on here like it’ll fucking 10x

Suck my dick you useless XMR faggots

>> No.4746076
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>he thinks XMR won't 10x

>> No.4746169

Yeah my apologies for missing the part where this beancoin brings as much to the table as ETH...? Get your shilling bagholding bullshit the FUCK off biz

>> No.4746954
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>comparing XMR to ETH

>> No.4747010
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ETH has been steady and hasn't even cracked back to 500 yet, Ark be climbing to Everest nigga.

>> No.4747162
