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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 477 KB, 1600x1000, 1373830504888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
473524 No.473524[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

TL;DR: We make sites/blogs, sign them up for AdSense/Media.net, and then click each other's ads for $$$. Contact by reddit mail for group invite info.

Long story: Really, I'd call this grayhat, but some of you may find this useful, especially if you're on a shoestring budget and have some extra time to make cash. Google's AdSense and Yahoo's Media.net offer relatively good money for little work -- you can easily make $3-$5 per click (which only takes around 7-10 mins to finish).

You don't have to take my word for it; we've got a huge community on Palringo, as well as splinter communities on IRC and Skype. We've been doing this successfully for just under a decade now in total, and it pretty much pays for my schooling/bills.

I am a reputable leader of my own group on Palringo, and there are dozens of rooms you can join to exchange links. There are 2-3 really good rooms, which I will be glad to direct you to as well. The biggest room has over 400 members.

Just contact me by reddit mail to get the details. You can download Palringo from their site. When you're in, we will set you up with several guides to get you going. Good luck.

>> No.473527

reddit name: figtool

>> No.473529
File: 1.78 MB, 897x975, D9rhDyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the pastebin in the bottom to join.

>> No.473531
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>> No.473532
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Forgot the pastebin


>> No.473535

So . . . google pays you to click the ads?

>> No.473541

Yes if you apply for adsense they also earn like 60% of the profits from the ad.

>> No.473542


Nope, they pay to display ads on your website. But we just exchange links and click each other's ads to get paid. We can't click our own, because they monitor for stuff like that.

>> No.473545

This is dumb. Google AdSense has a lot of "safe guards" and algorithms in place to ban fraudulent clicks.

>> No.473547


Well technically Google is paying you to click the ads, they just dont know it haha

>> No.473550

so you only get paid 40% of total $ made from the ad that advertisers pay. >>473535

i guess i read wrong you earn from ads that are click from your own website. you host the ads and google pays you to host them if they are click. If they are not click no payment.

>> No.473552


They do, and still somehow I get around 18 months of pay-off per website. My lowest-paying blog is $200/mo., and my best month netted $4k. Most people earn serious cash for their time.

You will get banned eventually, but if you follow our rules you can easily last over a year or two.

>> No.473554


yes, you only get paid for clicks. but they dont know that we are clicking each others blogs.

>> No.473558
File: 15 KB, 640x97, IMG025434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.473559


yeah, we get paid like mad haha

>> No.473565
File: 91 KB, 559x226, earnings-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.473571



>> No.473573

>We make sites/blogs, sign them up for AdSense/Media.net

How do I make a site or a blog?

>I only know how to post on 4chan

>> No.473575

yeah, it's an older screen. like i said, we've been here for quite a few years now

>> No.473578


download palringo, set up your account, join [adsense boost exchangers] group.

>> No.473604

PEG? With 45 members?

>> No.473610

[adsense boost exchangers] 400 members PASSWORD hamlove

Join peg HAM USA is there and i invite you to the real group

>> No.473611

I already have a website and I'm waiting for Adsense to approve my application.

Is there a minimum requirement for how many clicks you do in the rooms?

>> No.473620
File: 14 KB, 279x256, IMG025541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no minimums or maximums.

You do what you want and who you dont want. Nobody is force to talk to exchange with each other. you may block those u dont like. Your free to sell any service as long there no scam. Your free to do PDD PPI ect. We run the group like is freedom land so you may talk about anything u want in public chat.

>> No.473621

Got it, thanks, I'm HJ1990

>> No.473630


Welcome to the group :D

>> No.473668

200 / $3.33 an hour


>> No.473672

200 / 60*

>> No.473675
File: 39 KB, 639x359, IMG026427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much you earn from posting in 4chan $0.00 an hour. The MORE people join the MORE $$$ everyone earns thats why we recruit.

>> No.473689

what exactly is a "click" and why does it take 5 mins to finish? are these surveys?

how much does a newfag stand to make from every click?

>> No.473695

If you join there about 3 guides that explains all. Also NO its not a survey. You just keep the ad page open for 5 minutes then close. I watch youtube videos while i do this.

>> No.473698

to make a few thousand a month how many hours do I have to click per day?

>> No.473702

If I were 15 and on summer vacation or living in Nepal this might be pretty sweet, but I'm not going to work for that little money. If you are really that concerned about making money, go get a real job. I spend my time on 4chan because it's what I like doing. It's a hobby, not a job. Minimum wage is at least twice what you could make doing this anyway. I get the feeling a lot of people who fall into this silly scheme are just NEET kids who want to be able to tell their parents that they "have a job", or something along those lines.

Frankly, it is sort of pathetic that these threads are allowed on /biz/.

>> No.473707

I'm a college student, and if this doesnt require much attention, im at my computer most of the day anyway. If this can get me some extra cash with minimal effort, sign me up.

However, these things always seem really sketchy. Like, the pastebin link is obviously written by someone with a poor grasp of English, so how do I know this isn't some chinaman trying to get my financial info?

>> No.473710
File: 12 KB, 207x262, IMG018637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a hobby
This is what it is. Did i say main income?

I stay at home sleeping and get $ every month doing next to nothing. My own hours ect.

>> No.473711


Google the one doing payments. So you must b trolling. in the group we require 0 personal information.

>> No.473712

could you answer this?

>> No.473713

I haven't thoroughly investigated yet, I was just posting my first impression

>> No.473715

>I stay at home sleeping and get $ every month doing next to nothing. My own hours ect.
Yeah and you are probably a loser too. You don't want to get a real job and you live with your parent(s). Sitting around clicking ads on a website by defrauding Google is just pathetic. I'm not going to explain why. I'm not even factoring in moral accountability.

Think of this as selling your time. There are other people who are going to pay you a lot more. You might have to go out of your dorm, but it's going to pay quite a bit more.

>> No.473716
File: 24 KB, 640x301, IMG003498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to say depends on a lot of variables. I know this guy 4 months into it earns $1500 only 2 hours per day but some people are not lucky like him and earn less and put more time. All about luck/skill and he had luck with no skill.

>> No.473717

ah, so it is more about how many people click your ads? not necessarily how many adds you click?

>> No.473718
File: 508 KB, 639x616, pZKT3XU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea first join the group we dont require anything just hang out and talk until you feel ready to start exchanging. You can also sell clicks for paypal $. others will pay and u click them.

>> No.473722
File: 32 KB, 640x343, IMG024727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linux you need to put legacy mode palring settings if not you cant see words and use WINE.

you must be one of those people that join the group and say they millionares LOL. We get those every week from all over forums. Some say they hackers others say they are rich ect. Stop being a hater if you want to contribute tell us a way to make equal or more money person in a similar way please.

>> No.473723

yea the more you get click the better some clicks might be worth $8 others might be worth $1

>> No.473725

so I get parlingo and message you on reddit?

>> No.473726

>if you want to contribute tell us a way to make equal or more money person in a similar way please.
Well English is apparently not your first language so maybe this is your best option. I'm not claiming to be rich. I'm just saying that it would suck trying to live off adclick revenue if you had to. Moreover, most of the people I know who play this game are people who recently graduated looking for easy money. It just isn't really the best choice if you live in a developed country that has a higher CoL.

>> No.473727


bye cunts

>> No.473729
File: 19 KB, 255x197, IMG026053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you message me on palringo

HAM usa

>> No.473731
File: 19 KB, 261x193, IMG023913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google wont waste their time with us. PLus they know what we do. They earn from us and we earn from them. You have to email each advertiser that pays google to show ads. Were all over the internet for years. How i found palringo i google adsense click group LOL.

>> No.473737

ive read the thread but im still confused on what really happens, can you explain better?

>> No.473777

I'll join the group to see what its like

>> No.473780

ok i had a look at this and some other "1337 hack money-making forums" and this is all BS

literally nothing but gullible children and neets getting scammed into wasting their time and money for these "money-making methods" as they like to call it

it's all hype and fancy advertising with a few paypal screens tossed in(easiest thing to fake). seriously save your time and don't bother with ad farming

>> No.473783
File: 57 KB, 490x490, IMG032207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL this is google adsense. They dont pay via paypal. Also why would google scam? they need us to profit.

>> No.473789

>they need us to profit.
No, they don't.

>> No.473791

they do we might be a small part of their profit but still profit is profit.

>> No.473793

You just make them look like shit. The reason Google AdSense detects fraud is because they don't need you. They have plenty of legitimate cashflow. Keep deluding yourself if you want to though.

>> No.473796
File: 80 KB, 540x960, IMG017398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason Google AdSense detects fraud is because
they want to keep happy their clients. Were only temporary dispensable workers for google not their clients. Like i said its a good hobby your not going to make millions. Google Adsense is time tested believe it or not. Look at the thousands of youtube videos with ads and apps and blogs with adsense. If you want to troll around go ahead but logic beats trolls all the time.

>> No.473797

Their clients don't want false clicks. They keep their clients happy by getting rid of your bullshit. You aren't working for Google in any capacity. I'm not trolling. I'm telling you the truth.

>> No.473802
File: 42 KB, 588x459, IMG017413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exchange groups have been around for 5 years nothing is going to change. Everyone benefits heck we willingly look at ads every day thats what advertisers want.

>> No.473804

You don't "look" at ads. You click on them. That's why your accounts get shut down when they realize what you're up to.

>> No.473812
File: 34 KB, 490x245, IMG013964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after months of getting paid. Once we get ban we make a new one. Your point is? Best 2 have a backup like everyone who is smart. This is why we do yahoo ads like the pic media ads are as good as adsense.

>> No.473819

>Your point is?
I'm done with you. Anyone who reads our back and forth here should be able to tell how dumb this. Bye.

>> No.473846
File: 52 KB, 640x476, IMG022632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea tell me about it. You talk yet you dont even have a remote clue what click exchange is about. There dozens who have been around for 2-3 years. So its up to you join the hobby master race or not.

>> No.473854

how do we join if we cant download palringo

>> No.473856

why cant you dload it? its free and easy.

>> No.473858

ok i just downloaded it. couldnt find ham USA in the groups though.

>> No.473859

search adsense join all the groups look for HAM usa. I will see you eventually and send you real group link.

>> No.473860

ok i just joined PEG

>> No.473863

yea i see you :D

i send you this

[adsense boost exchangers] 400 members PASSWORD hamlove click the blue link and put hamlove

>> No.473867

alright how do I start

>> No.473872
File: 30 KB, 639x396, IMG014537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the rules and there the guides. its late in USA so most members are sleeping now.

>> No.473873


do you guy's set your adsense accounts to fake names incase they ban you? if they do ban you and you are banned under your real name arent you fucked

>> No.473876

some do fake some do real. i recommend your first account to be real name but its up to you.

>> No.473890

OP, do you have a guide to do blogs? and you can do in webpages too?

>> No.473900
File: 20 KB, 454x344, IMG001824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guide is in the group RULES. there 2 guides.

join palring read the guides.

>> No.473922

sounds like a scam lol. but ive sent a pm on reddit, could you reply when you see it.

>> No.473949

You are literally a retard, jesus.

>> No.473971

Why the fuck don't you use irc, this palringo doesn't really work and i can't manage to find your group

>> No.473972 [DELETED] 

If I were to join, would it be possible for me to make at least 500$ in the first month? I live in a country where minimum wage is not even that much. I'm willing to make a website and update it everyday with content.

>> No.473975

I'm quite interested in the general idea of this, do you have a throaway email I could discuss certain things with you on?

>> No.473983

>join the group
>it's full of third worlders
>lots of paki and indian
>top fucking kek

>> No.474219

Google adsense scam? your a scam.

You need Buddha.

We had IRC groups in past they all die. nobody wants to maintain them or pay the server and its not noob friendly. Go to search groups put adsense join every group u see. Look for HAM USA in group list PM me for group link done. We even had skype groups but palringo is the most simple app works with everything.

>> No.474222

you dont need to make content every day. 1 article per week or even per month is fine for lots of members. Google decides your earnings its hard to say how much you will get but i can say from $200- $1500 with no ban. We had 1 success story some new guy is earning over $900 a month only been around 3 months.

>> No.474223

join the group whats so hard? 400 members that could help you.

>> No.474227
File: 72 KB, 222x586, Screenshot - 09082014 - 08:23:54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joining after might night thinking a USA would stay awake at 1am waiting for you to join TOP KEK.

Troll harder

>> No.474228
File: 51 KB, 214x588, Screenshot - 09082014 - 08:24:44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel bad for you #RECK

>> No.474231
File: 42 KB, 210x583, Screenshot - 09082014 - 08:25:45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop wasting my time. there from UK usa AUS italy albania spain germany and many more.

>> No.474232
File: 22 KB, 233x242, Screenshot - 09082014 - 08:26:58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


few germans

>> No.474234
File: 52 KB, 209x576, Screenshot - 09082014 - 08:27:13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MAN your anus must be big from the rape im giving. #troll is kill

>> No.474237
File: 56 KB, 219x581, Screenshot - 09082014 - 08:29:49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there groups with only first world people but you need to be verify that your not fake using proxy. All mods in my group are verify members.

>> No.474256

>anon posts once
>proceed to post 10 more posts with the exact same content
Jesus I'd be interested if all of you didn't sound like mentally challenged 13 yearolds.

Who told you about 4chan? Your classmates? Older brother?

>> No.474262

same content? im showing you the list of not third world. only 6 post. I cant fit the list in 1 screenshot.

>> No.474266

Out of everything I said you only felt the need to refute me saying 10 instead of 6.

I think I'm done with this thread.

>> No.474270
File: 21 KB, 240x184, proxy7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool beans bro. Go to another thread to troll you earn those BIZ coins for each troll.

>> No.474415
File: 7 KB, 385x106, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check dis out

>> No.474436

Join adsense boost exchangers on palringo, USA, UK and Canada. And get rich!

>> No.474461


I see it now.

You could probably make more just distributing the free verve drinks to stores with markup prices.

also, isn't this breaking the rules on /biz/?

>> No.474473

I joined your group and accidentally clicked out of my palringo menu. I try to open it back up via the short cut but it isn't working. Advice?

>> No.474489
File: 2 KB, 163x111, 928470116324696d8cc5807e085f0f5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta get this money :D
New peeps need to join up. More people = more money for all.

>> No.474673


What were you expecting? Indians can live like lords with 200$ per month that's like a gorillion rupees. Don't even know about how much it's worth in paki currency.

>> No.474775
File: 331 KB, 480x640, dearzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once of our great exchangers here.

>> No.474813
File: 4 KB, 402x95, jjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a part of this group for a long time, and you can easily make thousands.

>> No.474889

So you click ads 1 or 2 hours a day and make bunch of money? This sounds way too good to be true.

>> No.474901
File: 21 KB, 464x279, IMG002554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it is free. Google adsnese is back by google so send a email to google if is true you can earn or not with adsense.

>> No.474909


>> No.474913

So how much a month you guys averaging?

>> No.474989

200 a month is no lie, minimum is no lie, this is legit and easy plus for marketing guys it helps build a site while you make cash

>> No.475026

sounds too sweet and easy, whats the catch?

>> No.475033


if you're in it for the steady stream of $ and a n00b at internet marketing, building a site takes a while and a hassle if you get banned

>> No.475048

post the group again, the one i tried above "there is no such group "

>> No.475067

[adsense boost exchangers] 400 members PASSWORD hamlove

>> No.475072

is the content of the blog relevant?

>> No.475081


>> No.475096

This is the reason it's so hard to get google adsense onto my site

>> No.475099
File: 19 KB, 374x371, IMG031123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to stop fraud. its not hard join the group and there dozen members willing to help just spam the public chat. there ways to get it under 1 hour.

>> No.475106

Why wouldn't you people rent someones botnet to click on your ads for you? It seems like it'd be crazy profit to set that shit up and pay someone to have 500 computers click your shit every hour

>> No.475108


what if i want my blog to be successful in the future. Would i have problems doing this?

sorry for the bad english, not my mother language

>> No.475115
File: 33 KB, 500x500, IMG008321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you someone manage to do this without getting ban then you can sell this service in group make a load of cash. So far nobody has try it or those who did never came back so we only guess they got banned.

>> No.475118

>blogging and ad clicking

Never again.

$200/month (it actually takes a few months of not earning anything to reach that amount) is nowhere near worth the time invested.

What a fucking joke, seriously. You're better off working a normal job for 2 months and just living off that if you want to upgrade your gaming PC or whatever mom wont buy you.

>> No.475119
File: 55 KB, 605x462, IMG012657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no and also legit bloggers get ban is a fact of life. Unless your a premium adsense account holder your get ban at the same rate as anyone else.

>> No.475124
File: 18 KB, 272x185, IMG020662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a cry baby who got banned now butt hurt he lost his money. Maybe your the guy who made this meme in group.

>> No.475129


lol.. i made $200 in my first month and i only spent about 30 mins a day on it so now that wasteful to me.

>> No.475137



>> No.475240

>immediately get spammed by people saying "EX?" "EX???"

Shit man, I haven't even set up my site yet. This reminds me of my pedobaiting days...

>> No.475366

Good luck not getting banned when google finds out you've been getting clicks with almost no traffic to your site, and when people start complaining that their ads don't convert...

I tried doing this a few years back, made about $800 in a month and got insta banned on payday. This simply doesn't work. And once your adsense account is banned, you can't make another one. Ever.

>> No.475372

I think you're supposed to keep your CTR low. Of like 1 ad click out of 100 views

>> No.475605

I'm posting from my phone because I downloaded palringo and now my laptop wont turn on

Thanks a lot

>> No.475625

Can I get Shekels if I live in Italy?

>> No.475708

yea there 2 Italians i think.

>> No.475711

you again. Troll fail. you can search palringo its legit. You must have download it from another page. Only download from original website that is the link i provide.

>> No.475717
File: 13 KB, 192x214, IMG017636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats how you know the group is alive. Also right click block each person that says EX or put in your name NO EX.

Reminder PPD and PPI or any money making stuff is welcome in the group. the community is made we only need to learn your idea and we can all make money.

>> No.475720


LOL. Then you were doing it wrong. Half of my link-exchanges are for views only, so that my CTR (click-through ratio) remains low. Like I said, my sites last (on average) 1.5 years before being banned, making me an easy $10k.

Even if you don't want to exchange only for views, you can get hitleap and use cloud-hosting to filter lower-tier impressions.

>> No.475723

>what is CTR
You were doing it wrong retard.

>> No.475730


yeah haha.. how did he go the whole month without learning about CTR? that is why we join groups, so we can make sure shit like this doesnt happen

>> No.475731

For $5 a month you can get 30,000 adsense/yahoo safe traffic and dont even have to worry about getting banned. Also you can do it free by doing half ex in views and half in clicks.

>> No.475757

What kind of blogs do users typically have? What are successful kinds of content? I read several guides and they only explained what topics you should stay away from.

I was considering a short story blog, but not if it'll be too much effort

>> No.475768


My CTR WAS low you mongoloid. Google will flag your account when advertisers start complaining that their ads aren't converting.

>> No.475784

What is required of me to do this? Would I need to populate my blog with content? Get ranked on Google at all? And how long would it take to get adsense running on my blog?
Are multiple blogs permitted? I hope you can help answer these questions, as I am VERY interested

>> No.475790

join the palringo group and ask there.

>> No.475813

Alright I will, but it's 6am here so I'll do it when I wake up

>> No.475899

I just downloaded it and now my computer is really slow

>> No.475909

Couldn't you just make a program that reads from a list of people in the group, excluding your own website, then goes through and clicks on the ads before moving on to the next site in the list, so on and so forth? This seems like something much better relegated to automation.

>> No.475983

so people dont ask noob questions

how illegal would you say this is/the consequences youve seen
how long have you been invovled

as illegal as putting bob smith in your paypal account
consequences you get ban lose your money.then you make another account and try again.
3 years

>> No.475997
File: 52 KB, 400x560, IMG014816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really i earn $0.00 from helping if people want to earn money they can read the 2 guides in group. Nobody when i join 3 years ago help me. I read and started. <3

Maybe technical question would be answer but things like.

how much i make?

is it illegal?

what happen if i get ban?

do i put my real name?

what is EX?

how to make blog?

are down right abusive when you can read all about it in the 2 guides. wasting members time and my time for simple things.

>> No.475998


if you get banned can you still use the same email address?
do they track repeat offenders?

>> No.476001

need new email, new blog/domain and new adsense account.

>> No.476003

also try not to reuse the articles. some have done it with no problems but others get ban since its the same site. no they dont track people really. i know people who have made over 4 accounts.

>> No.476008


cool thanks. i was worried that i'd have a hard time applying for it again cause then i'd use the same banking info to get paid

>> No.476010

you need a new bank number. you can open multiple accounts in same bank. example checking account then later savings account.

>> No.476048
File: 394 KB, 313x4096, 1407379180327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.476059

If someone already into this is able to summarize the top 3 NEGATIVE things about it, i'm in

Explain briefly the 3 things you don't like about it

Nothing "absolutely perfect" is worth considering otherwise

>> No.476060

1. You're a faggot

2. You suck dick

3. I also fucked ur mom

>> No.476064

you do realise you're actually badly advertising your own enterprise, do you? That's not really smart, just saying

>> No.476080
File: 99 KB, 578x718, ss+(2014-09-10+at+12.29.35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the members has a theme on his palringo look how COOL it is.

>> No.476089

Is there some guide for idiots like me? Explaining the CTR, signing for AdSense/Media etc?

>> No.476093

join group in the rules bot there 2 guides.

>> No.476094


>> No.476205

I'm a legitimate user of both adsense and adwords. First time to /biz/. Guess I shouldn't be surprised you're all third world scammers.

Most of you will get caught (typically happens right before Google pays out), but I filed a violation report anyway. Stuff like this is a waste of time for everyone involved, and seriously detracts from the value of advertising (which already has slim margins to begin with).

I hope you all realize this is theft. You're not taking money from Google, you're taking it from the owners of legitimate websites who pay for advertising.

>> No.476445
File: 139 KB, 750x498, jeepney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those asking HAM USA does sell clicks but your not required to buy any of my services. All clicks can be found for free from out 400 members. Buying clicks from me only saves you time. If your willing to find clicks yourself be my guess. Get over 50+ clicks a day if you EX=exchange each member

>> No.476447
File: 8 KB, 559x260, earnings7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make money
sign up on Palringo
Join group called adsense boost exchangers
pass = hamlove

>> No.476491


Then it's a good thing that's not the way theft works in the US, you pretentious ass.

>> No.476494


wee-oo, wee-oo, here comes the Fucks Police!

Fucks Police: "Excuse me sir, halt right there. We were told that there were fucks given at this location by a suspect matching your description. Is this true?"

Me: "No officer, I promise you no fucks were given. OP was just a fag and trolling us."

Fucks Police: "Okay then, move along Anon, nothing to see here..."

>> No.476498


Cannot be automated. Google sees right through that shit. People have tried and failed for close to a decade now.

>> No.476589

say if i were to make a blog where i find and review/discuss music i found from low profile people on bandcamp and such would i need to ask their permission to

>talk about their work?
>include a hyperlink to their page?
>include an image of their album cover?

>> No.476602

I don't know why you don't make PhoneGap/Cordova apps and add AdMob into your free apps.


I understand there is a little outlay involved but it is worth it at the end of the day


>> No.476870

Why do people sell clicks there? Wouldn't it be better for them to trade clicks? Otherwise they don't get any clicks themselves do they? Sounds kinda scamy..

>> No.476917
File: 43 KB, 300x100, 86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like your a troll.

Anyone is free to sell what they want its a free market. indian clicks are worthless so nobody wants to exchange FREE clicks not worth the time effort you give them $1 and they give you $0.01. So whats a free market venture capitalist to do? Well of course sell them clicks.If they dont want to buy then they earn less cuz nobody wants to exchange clicks. Here comes the trolls trying to sound like a concern net citizen.

>> No.477054

How many hours would I need to put in a day to make 200 a month?

>> No.477066

>5 USD an hour
Are you faggots serious?

>> No.477084

underrated post
>4chan earnings $0.00 an hour

>> No.477090

If I don't have the option to change my IP am I fucked?

>> No.477095

Not really. Just join up with them and let them click your ads, they can't figure out if you're just freeloading.

>> No.477303
File: 5 KB, 748x94, ss+(2014-09-10+at+10.59.54).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.477322

ce devrai etre un tres bonne chose , j'admire =D

>> No.477325

Entren al gurpo hay mas de 450 miembros haora. Es bueno para ganar dinero suplemental.

[adsense boost exchangers] 400 members PASSWORD hamlove

>> No.477464

That's exactly how it works in the US.

If I pay $0.65/click and you click on my ad 10 times, I just wasted $6.50. Adwords users pay on a per click basis with a set overall budget. Scammers like you are stealing from people like me when you click your own ads, because I'm paying for a conversion that turns out to not be a real customer.

I blacklist sites like yours from displaying my ads when I realize the traffic is fake, but all the clicks up to that point still cost me money. All you're doing is putting a financial drain on legitimate advertisers, and making us waste our time hunting for bad traffic. People like you are absolute scum.

>> No.477683

bringing attention to this post again in case anyone knows about it

also as a followup question: what kind of things do people usually do blogs on?

>> No.477691
File: 35 KB, 470x250, kawasaki-jet-ski-ultra-250x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I blacklist sites like yours from displaying my ads when I realize the traffic is fake

Mega troll if you supposedly can "blacklist" tell us how you do it?

inb4 never reply cuz your just a troll who earn $0.00 posting in 4chan for fun.

>> No.477693


>cheating google for ad revenue
>making less than minimum wage doing so

If you're going to go blackhat/almost illegal, at least do something that's going to pay well.

>> No.477713

this is grey hat.

>> No.477779

Can you please explain? An advertiser that would like to know how to judge the quality of traffic.

I know you can block certain sites from showing your ad:

But how do you identify where the traffic is coming from? Do you go through each IP that has visited and then block individually? Also, how can you tell if it's your own website that is causing lack of conversions and not the traffic source? Noob...please clarify.

>> No.477803

>I know you can block certain sites from showing your ad
That's exactly what I'm referring to. It works both ways too. Sites using adsense can choose to not display ads from your site if they perform poorly.

>But how do you identify where the traffic is coming from?
Get some analytics software. Look in your adwords placement performance report to see where the clicks are coming from, then see if those visitors convert (or if they even stay on the page for more then 10 seconds). There are a lot of good guides out there on how to set up conversion tracking and leverage all the controls adwords provides you with.

See the post I just replied to. It's a feature built into adwords for exactly this reason.

No, it's black hat. Stop deluding yourself.

>> No.477815

Thanks for reply. Any recommendations on analytics software?

>> No.477912


Just use Google Analytics.

>> No.477937 [DELETED] 

Will this work if you are in yuroop and an underage fgt?

>> No.477947

Enjoy your *** :)

>> No.477982
File: 462 KB, 1500x1500, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there like 2 underage peeps ask them how they do it.

>> No.477984

Adsense will keep track of the IP's on each click and will eventually catch on and then...well...it's over with a possible fine

>> No.477988


. While Grey Hat tactics may work for SEO and may avoid search engine penalties, members of the web community may realise what the Grey Hat hacker is doing

>u mad m8?

>> No.477993

oh no a troll.

> Oh yea i had to pay google million dollars.

3 years $0.00 magical google "fine"
stay mad m8 keep making $0.00 trolling in 4chan

>> No.478040

Sound like English isn't your first language. Not to be rude but is it all foreigners doing this? Also you shouldn't be so quick to call anyone who disagrees with you a troll and lash out with empty insults.

>> No.478089

Instalem o palringo, façam join no grupo adsense boost exchangers, password: hamlove e fiquem milionarios em 1 semana. Kappa

>> No.478090

Nitpicking sentences on 4chan are we in 8th grade still?

I see that your looking for an scapegoat. I know the truth hurts. Keep that $0.00 per post troll alive your helping by bumping the thread.

>> No.478165

Paidia koitakste to aksizei 1000% einai pragmatikh eukairia, mporeite na vgalete arketa xrhmata se mhden xrono me elaxisto kopo.... Opoios pistos as prosel8ei kai 8a katalavei ti ennow ;)

>> No.478590

Just curious is this just possible for people inside the US or also for europeans?

>> No.478616

any country can enter.

>> No.478654

Nobody outside of Whogivesafuckistan cares about this shit.

>> No.478909

same could be said about your comment
>Nobody outside of Whogivesafuckistan cares about this shit.

>> No.478937


Answer these questions you goatfuckers.

Jesus aren't you a mad one?

You see lashing out like this at LEGIT questions does absolutely no good for you, Jamal.

Better watch your words or fuck off since you won't recruit anyone.

>> No.479018

So when they catch you, you'll be banned from using this shit for life?

doesn't seem wise to me

>> No.479080
File: 638 KB, 1975x2370, 110798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.479082

>So when they catch you, you'll be banned from using this shit for life?

using google adsense. do you drive/eat/brose/get email/brose 4chan with google adsense NO stop trollling. You can always make a new account. Your comment sounds like a shit for life and not wise to me.

>> No.479088

blog about anything jamal.

Oh allah arent you a mad one jamal. I said many times join and ask in group i earn $0.00 from posting in 4chan. So really i do it out a potential investment since not all the new people that join would achieve autonomy to start earning. I cant spoon feed everything nobody did it to me. So its up to you to earn money or not. Its a mutual benefit for me and new guy but if i have to baby you might as well get a real job and get a second internet and change IP every day and click myself instead of reading and spoon feeding people all day that are just going to quit cuz lazy. there guides to read and all what else you need for me to fly to your house and make the blog for you?

>> No.479093
File: 34 KB, 275x311, mohammed-bomb-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are these Pakis so angry?

>> No.479101

nope come and join troll.

>> No.479104

allah snack bar maybe your one or buy sarcasm 2014 pro edition.

>> No.479110

they are talking literal gibberish

>> No.479991
File: 270 KB, 700x894, 1351535855977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.480145

how often do you guys post on your blogs? when starting out would it be good to post more frequently until i have a basis of 10-20 posts for people to view + to get ads?

>> No.480154

Could you click on your own ads using a VPN or TOR to hide your ip?

>> No.480157

How the fuck would you get 35.000 views per day?
It's not as easy as "just writing about something you like".

>> No.480194

How to start?
Create wordpress blog? Then what?

>> No.480199

I say we fuck these idiots o Palringo. They are acting like elitists, never respond on their Palringo and post the same shitty caps of profits.

If we wanna do it, I say we join up with the other /biz/ guys doing a twitter thing in which they build up a big group, then sell tweets to app devs and what-not.

Make a Twitter following and a blog, spend maybe 2 hours tops a day, voila, done. And because its only /biz/, we don't have to sort through all of this Palringo shit.

Any takers? We could start a Skype and/or IRC?

>> No.480211

It's called a botnet. A handful of basement dwellers pathetically clicking each others' ads doesn't do shit.

>> No.480268

where can you get in touch with a botnet operator?
the deep web?

>> No.480473

OH!.. If I scroll that image for a second time, I think I'm going to slip into a seizure. That's a keeper.

>> No.480839
File: 63 KB, 639x479, IMG030451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 per week

join and read guide

what are you talking about elaborate please?

A handful of basement dwellers pathetically trolling on 4chan.

dont it will get you banned. join the group

what image?

>> No.480963
File: 543 KB, 1390x982, listen_here_you_lil_shit_by_supra_raton-d6g687c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here!


Do you think motherfucker OP is kidding? I earned 87 fucking dollars in 1 week, doing guess what: ALMOST NOTHING, YOU NIGGER SON OF A BITCH!

Sit your fat ass on your chair and talk to people, socialize, exchange clicks and impressions and be. FUCKING. RICH!

Yes, that's right. Oro just joined us from 4chan. Open Palringo and ask him how it's going.

>> No.481134
File: 39 KB, 864x720, adclicker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Step 1. Download Palringo chat (it's legit, look it up)
Step 2. Make your account with country or country code in username.
Step 3. Join the group "utopia-bazaar"

The rest will take care of itself.

>> No.481169

Is it possible to do this w/o computer, eg using iphone?

>> No.481189


nope, computers only please!

>> No.481216

I was wondering, if I get an account banned for this and I wanted to use adsense fit a for a project or something, would I be fucked or do I just make a new account?

>> No.481248


I'm not OP but I can explain.

Advertisers tell Google "I am willing to pay $0.50 per click on my advertisement" to get traffic to their website.

Google puts the advertiser's ad up on some websites that are displaying them via Adsense program.

When a visitor to the website clicks the ad, the click will send the visitor to the advertiser's website. The goal is to sell you something and some % of clickers will probably buy their product.

For these clicks on ads, the advertiser has to pay the $0.50 per click or whatever amount to Google. In turn, Google pays a % of that money to the website owner in the Adsense program (Google has to pay website owners or the website owners would have no reason to put the ads on their website).

What these guys are doing is purposefully clicking each other's ads, which causes the advertiser's ad budget to be billed for the clicks. Some of the advertiser's money goes to Google and some goes to the website owner.

If you get a bunch of website owners clicking each other's ads, they basically are all getting free money.

That said, this is against Google's rules and they will ban you if they catch you doing it.

>> No.481261



Why not?

>> No.481292


> 1-2 hours pr day
> Let say 1,5
> 30 days in a month
> 45 hours

200/45 = 4,44 dollars/h

Why are people in this thread instead of working at the local Burger King?

>> No.481293

They don't have minimum wage that pays that much in Pakistan apparently.

>> No.481296


Ahh, good point, carry on then

>> No.481343

dannng sign me up for this guys.
Sounds gud.

>> No.481451

Anything else like adsense? If i click i might as well do it all at once.

>> No.481993

How do you get paid? Any options?

>> No.482160

Wouldn't it be easier to just automate this with scripts?

>> No.482192

give it a try. Its been said thousands of times but nobody has done it.

>> No.483332
File: 282 KB, 1600x667, GoogleAdsense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[adsense boost exchangers] 450+ members PASSWORD hamlove

download palringo for PC or mac. if you have linux use WINE and pal settings choose legacy mode.

>> No.483671

I really dont get this.

I joined the group "adsense boost exchanger" but now i cant find the group in my profile. never saw a page that had group rules or anything. my nickname is rajy338 if you want to invite me to anything. Seriously though how do i see groups that i have joind? also, lol at all those ad exchange groups.

>> No.483684

disregard post i suck cocks etc. figured it out, ugh.

>> No.483795

We just got 6 new members. C'mon and take 1 slice of Google's cake too!

>> No.483918


You can certainly automate this with scripts, and yes it has been done 1000x before. Only thing is YOU WILL GET BANNED FOR IT.

You MUST do the exchanges manually, I've said this time and time again. Read the thread people.

There are two good groups on Palringo (look it up and verify it for yourself, dumbass):

[adsense boost exchangers] password: hamlove
[utopia-bazaar] no password

Once in the groups, ask a Mod to do "!rules" to see our rules and links to our comprehensive guides.

The first group has over 450 people, and the second has over 100. There are a few other rooms with their own good share of exchangers as well.


Oh, I'm sorry, do you already earn more than $4 an hour to sit on your ass and browse 4chan all day, or maybe watch some shows on Netflix?

Besides, that's just the minimum cash-out range... most people there have been earning $1k-2k+ a month clicking a few ads every day and maybe writing a blog post if they feel like it.


>> No.483931

I like you and im currently creating my site :*

>> No.483932


I'll take a little less pay for not having to deal with the unwashed masses.

>> No.484180

I'm making one post a day on my blog until I have enough to apply for adsense. I'll let you all know how it goes later down the line, I'm still sort of skeptical.

>> No.484526

i need your ID to be able to add you not your nickname

>> No.484565

lol until you get shut down for clickfraud, retard

also, you won't get $3-5 for any clicks on Adsense or Media.net

get a real job you enormous parasitical fgt

>> No.484579

I DL'd Palringo for both my Android phone and Macbook. I created the account on my phone, but can't seem to log into my account on my laptop. The name used capital letters, which are recognized by the Android version, but the Macbook version doesn't seem to (it just shows up all lowercase). Do I need to make a new account with just lowercase letters, or is there something else wrong her?

>> No.484585

I joined peg.

FoxyAtYourDoor is my username.

>> No.484599

Almost forgot the country tag. Added!

>> No.484771

is there anyone interested in buying a blog for 50$ , it's 16 articles blog with adsense ads , I just need the money to get a copy of a software I really want

>> No.484956
File: 23 KB, 279x160, Screenshot - 09162014 - 09:56:39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[peg] premium exchange group master race

no password

>> No.485048

nice pyramid scheme u fucking op

>> No.485056

Does this work for some random 3rd world country guy? If yes, maybe I'll sign in.

>> No.485168
File: 479 KB, 554x369, EXtotheZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every body EX tonight
everybody ex tonight

>> No.485246


I joined the password group, name is lmao4plate. Once I sign up for adsense I have to create a blog, and then...?

>> No.485669

I made a Blogger blog but I am currently getting the "Your blog doesn't currently quality for AdSense" message at the bottom. I'm wonder, what is the quickest way to make it compliant? Currently I have three blog posts, all containing pictures and some text (it's video game based so it includes screen caps and text describing what is going on. Don't want to name the game and draw attention of /biz/ whiteknights.

>> No.485683
File: 591 KB, 3200x1200, 1-dual monitor wallpaper-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. of course until I get shut down for click fraud. Then guess what I do? I MAKE A NEW ONE.
2. You don't have to believe me, but many people in our groups have made well over $20-$100 on a single click for AdSense. Can't attest to Yahoo because I don't use it, but I hear it's even better right now. Yahoo has stricter requirements though.
3. What's a real job? Cleaning shit out of toilets? Making hamburgers for dickholes? Sitting in a cubicle 8 hours a day for the rest of your life? No thanks, I'm fine making money doing jack shit.


Always use your own brain. This idea was made by money-hungry, clever individuals, and that's the sort of people it attracts. ALWAYS USE YOUR OWN DAMN BRAIN!


Google's running the only pyramid scheme here, but it's the advertisers who pay in, and the rest of us who take profit out.. so yeah, what's so bad about that?


It works for anyone, Google AdSense is a global program now. Exchanging is slightly different for different countries, but it's details.


Join my group, [utopia-bazaar] as well. Both rooms serve their purpose; the first is strict but secure, and my room follows a very liberal "laissez-faire" attitude.

If you are in [adsense boost exchangers], please have a Mod or Admin use the !rules command for you. There are two links to guides in these rules, and countless other helpful tips. This should be everyone's first step.

>> No.485701

Ok whats going on? I joined the main exchange group yesterday, and sometime between then and now I must've been banned for some reason. I got a PM with a link back into the group, but Palringo isn't letting me join again, as it says I am still banned.

Again, I am FoxyAtYourDoor. If it was because I forgot country tag it has been added.

>> No.485707

>1. of course until I get shut down for click fraud. Then guess what I do? I MAKE A NEW ONE.

"According to our AdSense Terms and Conditions, publishers disabled for invalid click activity may not receive any further payment. The earnings on your account will be properly returned to the affected advertisers."

>2. You don't have to believe me, but many people in our groups have made well over $20-$100 on a single click for AdSense.

Do I even need to point out what a load of shit this is?

>3. What's a real job? Cleaning shit out of toilets? Making hamburgers for dickholes? Sitting in a cubicle 8 hours a day for the rest of your life?

At least they're doing something productive, and probably making more hour for hour than you sitting in your cave trying to scam whitey.

>> No.485708

Lol from what I can figure out on the screenshots you all pay each other to click each other's ads?
what the fuck

it just seems incredibly inefficient

>> No.485768


Some of us require dozens of clicks every day, and it's more efficient to pay a worker to do $10 worth of clicks (like a month) that earns your account in the range of $40-$50 per month. If you hire 3-4 people, you're making a good addition without doing any work yourself. Of course, you could just exchange clicks too, no money involved. There's plenty of that.


>he thinks adsense is 100% effective at everything they do
>he thinks adsense can even figure out "real" clickers from "fake" ones when we emulate "real" click-view ratios
>he thinks there aren't advertisers willing to pay obscene amounts of money
>he thinks cleaning shit out of other, lazier people's toilets is productive
>he thinks making burgers for other, lazier people is productive

>> No.485771

Nice dears

>> No.485815

ok. explain to me the whole process again. then tell me its not a pyramid scheme.

>> No.485892

ITT leddit namefags spam shit

worst thread ever


>> No.485973
File: 752 KB, 3188x1383, 1371178704783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[adsense boost exchangers] password: hamlove
[utopia-bazaar] no password

>> No.486190

Is this just an elaborate scam?

>> No.486204

how is this not illegal?

>> No.486205

It would appear so, yes.

>> No.486227

add me pls on palringo
USERID: 338990920

>> No.486229

Once you get banned from adsense. can't you not ever make another one ever?

>> No.486273

dot even have a website how do i create one

>> No.486631

Half of the people say it's bollocks and won't work, half say it's legit and will work.

The half saying no seem like they haven't tried it. The half saying yes seem like they are all from third world countries.

What a dilemma.

>> No.486635

When you get banned, don't they remember your paypal or some shit? I looked into this before, talked to a guy (the actual reasonable figure is 500$ if you treat it like a full time job) but I always end up on this.

Do you make a new card with a fucking fake name and sign up again for adsense?

>> No.486649
File: 42 KB, 246x347, Screenshot - 09182014 - 03:18:17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[adsense boost exchangers] password: 4chanham

500 members

>> No.487018

No, it's to maintain plausible deniability and make advertisers feel comfortable forking over their money to google. All business want to maximize profit; there is no way google would turn down this practically free money if they could get away with it. With their fraud detection facade and rules, it keeps advertisers advertising.

Also, you wonder why people in first world countries would be doing this when they can just get a mcjob. One possible reason is probably because it's much much more easy to do than frying up burgers all day. Another is the ability to multitask while doing it. Another is the inability to get more hours at their other job(s), while still needing extra income. Yet another is the low expense: transportation to the mcjob isn't cheap, while multitasking on electricity that was already going to be used anyway is. Still another is that maybe some of these people can't even get a mcjob either; perhaps they're worth less than minimum wage to an employer, or maybe it's just the general lack of jobs available to these people. Another could be the sense of community it gives them. Maybe they think it's fun.

TL;DR You're fucking brain-dead retarded if you think google doesn't like free money, and doubly so if you can't think up some reasons why people would do this.

>> No.487161

omgham new password

new password for [adsense boost exchangers]

500+ and counting.

>> No.487389

Install Palringo, join [adsense boost exchangers] password is "omgham" and do some money, yo.

>> No.487389,1 [INTERNAL] 

What is the current password? when ever I try to join.. it tells me "Acess Denied"