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4734235 No.4734235 [Reply] [Original]

I've been in BTC since it first hit 1000. Why does it feel different now? I have a hunch this shit is just about to wreck. Am I the only one having this feel?

>> No.4734293

prolly once the fed fucks it up the ass. maybe our xmas present. ride till then...

>> No.4734295
File: 99 KB, 1190x595, the-crazy-life-of-former-fugitive-and-cybersecurity-legend-john-mcafee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. This is the 1mil by 2020 or McAfee eats his dick timeline. Quantum dick eating crypto pump

>> No.4734320

everything you know about tradeing went out the window last week, everything is diffrent now and its awful.

>> No.4734344

It doesn't look like that future we all hoped for is going to happen. Scams every day, price manipulation, defamation and underhanded moves by developers and media owners. Its all the same shit we we're trying to get away from

>> No.4734363


You mean the futures stuff? I've seen some comments on twatter saying this is actually - excuse me for using pathetic lowlife cryptoslang - extremely bullish for BTC.

I don't know. Is this the fucking end or is it that we just can't comprehend...to be honest I don't recall one second of my emotions during the day when Bitcoin finally clocked $1000...so I can't really say...and I don't dare to say it but...

Will we be looking at this period, december of 2017, as a funny joke....if BTC reaches 100K? Or is this a fucking tipping point of no return?

The first BTC crash happened when only ultra nerd neets played with it. This is slightly different now. 300 billion and counting of fed bux rolled into this crypto shit...fuck if I know...

>> No.4734395

>300 billion and counting of fed bux
i'm confused. elaborate

>> No.4734415

im sleeping in fiat

>> No.4734421

Do you think that's really what that was? I wonder if he buys into quantum suicide.
Maybe this is the timeline in which McAfee survives eating his cock on TV.

>> No.4734454

FUD, the future is going to happen no matter what, though fate may change: adapt or die.

>> No.4734536

been that way since day 1, you really thought crypto would change the world for the good?
Blockchain tech has its usefulness though

>> No.4734580
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Having experienced the two previous crashes I cannot really compare them to current situation. Not much, if at all.

First of all, those two past races happened in matter of weeks and couple of months. Now it's not a very long way to go to seeings this upwards rise go on for a full year. This shit is way more stable this time anyway. Dunno, yesterday I was feeling like dumping 1/3th of my btc holdings but now I'm just feeling genuinely curious and adventurous. An eerie situation.

Whatever you do, you cannot really blame yourself in the future because nobody cannot predict what is about to happen unless they are well established in politics.

Good luck, my friend.

t. 2012

>> No.4734601

it's so funny. satoshi creates this science project that becomes immensely successful and valuable. then once the rest of the world actually wants a piece of the pie, all the early adopters start wondering if it still has value.

sort yourself out.

>> No.4734604

looks like he should've put his QRL where his mouth is.

>> No.4734635
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There's still time to switch to the real bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash.

>Bank of France warns: "Bitcoin is in no way a currency, or even a cryptocurrency"


>> No.4734659

its called sell high buy low, brainlet

>> No.4734672

lol, the herd is finally coming and you think you're selling high.

cap this and let's talk in Dec. 2018.

>> No.4734687
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>Bank of France
>First cryptocurrency is not a cryptocurrency

>> No.4734714

when herd comes it means time to sell, faggot. They are getting dumped on, the same way idiots get dumped on when an altcoin goes 500% and people keep buying. Thats why the price is stuck at 11k.
It is going down one of these days, then yes maybe up to 20k or whatever

>> No.4734716

Was fun "arguing" with retards on here that summer before we went back up to $1000. Now they're all in shitty altcoins or bought in late.

Bitcoin is the only crypto and it's eternal. Everyone who sold regrets it. Traders are retards.

Price could go to $999 and I won't sell. There's a lot of me out there too.

>> No.4734742

look at the market cap and crypto ownership stats. you don't sell BEFORE the herd comes. are you dense?

Boomers are still trying to figure out what the hell crypto is.

crypto is tiny in the global asset world.

>> No.4734791

you overestimate the amount of people willing to throw their hard earned cash into pure speculation. Growth gets harder from here, unlike the ride from 1k to 10k. Those who are having the guts to do it are getting dumped on right now

>> No.4734794

Well for sure alll in max leverage buy once it hits 1k

>> No.4734838

well there we have it. you believe we have a declining supply of people willing to speculate on crypto, i believe there is a large multiple to come.

we'll agree to disagree then, and i'm sure we're both positioning according to our expectations. good luck.

>> No.4734875

Thanks, you too. I think most people are scared of investing in markets. Think stocks, even those investing there do so with the advice of experts, or simply let other handle their investments for them. Now look at crypto its thousands of time more volatile.. normies are afraid of it. Unless financial experts manage crypto funds for them I dont see them doing it themselves except those who can afford to lose money, which is a minority.
I expect no more parabolic growth, but slow steady climb.

>> No.4734927

Another idiot doesn't understand how marketcap works

>> No.4735002

It was a cryptocurrency. When it became popular, it wasn't a cryptocurrency anymore, just a speculative commodity.

>> No.4735104

they're talking about fiat currency invested in crypto,

though the way it was worded would imply the feds had actually invested hundreds of billions themselves

>> No.4735165

there arent 300 billion invested in crypto
see >>4734927
Market cap is just circulating supply x current price. A coin having 1 million marketcap doesnt necessarily mean you can suck out an actual million out of it

>> No.4735172

It will wreck and recover like nothing happened. Its called cashing out.

Imagine if the banks have to accept all these crypto nerds who have literally billions of dollars they will cash around 30k. The banks wont have the money on hand and we will have to wait.

Basically faggot banks can fuck people by not having enough money to cover everyones balances. Imagine when the total market is over 1 trillion? Mad niggers will cash out and the banks might freeze cash withdraws

>> No.4735290

>i was here when it hit 1000, feels different now, feels like it will die now

>when btc hit over 1000 for the first time it experienced a 70% crash

lol. man. you dont get any more unstable than when we hit 1000

>> No.4735319

Nothing good lasts forever. The bubble will eventually pop for one reason or another.

>> No.4735349

Honestly... btc is fucked.. so crypto is fucked for awhile

Take profits

>> No.4735377
File: 324 KB, 1600x1250, BITCOIN_MONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA MILITARY BUDGET - 611,000,000,000 USD
USA DEBT - 18,984,100,000,000 USD
GOLD IN THE WORLD 31553,2 TONS = 1,278,960,782,690 USD

>> No.4735387
File: 45 KB, 1916x933, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10K is now the new major support. Congratulations to all that held.

To all that hold, there are yet no bears in this market...

>> No.4735454

people have literally been saying this for like months though...multiple times a day on /biz. i don't know what to think anymore.

>> No.4735460

>I expect no more parabolic growth, but slow steady climb.
I hope this is the case, the parabolic growth scares me, you always see a big fat dip after it.

>> No.4735461

Put your money where your mouth is OP and cash out.

>> No.4735469

This, I think this shit is just unpredictable.

>> No.4735545

This. I dumped mine back into dollars and withdrew last week, right before the 10k point. I don't want to be part of the crash when it comes back from the moon.

>> No.4735624

I feel we are all just confused. We all put our $ here and it mooned harder than we expected, so naturally people should be selling and btc dumping, but then crypto is now in full spolight and we just dont know wtf to do. Nobody does and any decision is pure gamble at this point

>> No.4735657

it's about to wreck. the 1d chart is completely absurd. will go down to 6-7k at least.

>> No.4735696


I'm getting pissed. It has only been a couple of days but I can't feel comfortable with this price in either ETH or BTC. they're both hitting resistance near their ATH and moving sideways. I get bored now of being out because I enjoy day trading on shitcoins, but this damn thing won't decide if it wants to drop or start moving up. I'd take a steady rise over another parabolic spike by 1000 dollars.

>> No.4735755
File: 178 KB, 1280x856, sleeping-kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhhh! Just relax and enjoy the never ending gains. There is nothing to fear.

Just go to http://www.bitlisten.com/ Set the interment in the bottom right to Planet and let bitcoin sing you to sleep.

>> No.4735785

yeah im pissed too, sold at 9800 in one of the spikes after the big dump and then it mooned to 11k again. The 1d candles never fail though. You cant have that much green, red is coming.

>> No.4736227

i think this is exactly the point. crypto was supposed to be a joke.

satoshi created a monster and now it's bigger and badder than /biz ever imagined.

you can't put it back in the box now, wall st is going to pump it to the moon.

>> No.4736344

>can't cash out meme becomes reality

>> No.4736374

this is beautiful anon thanks for showing me this

>> No.4736388

I did something similar. I know that feel, and it sucks.

>> No.4736418

I feel like that
wait for the bitfinaex crash

>> No.4736466


>> No.4736470

Because this is it, this is the normie floodgates, it all comes down to what happens next

>> No.4736473

lurk and read more


>> No.4736482

Do you people seriously see this shit as a joke?

Besides just "getting rich" I have a huge hard on for crypto because how the tech could benefit society.

>> No.4736506

>I expect no more parabolic growth, but slow steady climb.
this is what I want and am investing for

>> No.4736511
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are seriously scared that bitcoin is going to get to successful?

>"Hey anon, how much bitcoin do you have?"
>"Oh, heh.., well I sold all mine when it was at 11k"
>"Interesting that's when I bought in; Sorry to hear that, bye!"

>> No.4736541

Dip dip dip dip dip waiting for that dip in a day or so

>> No.4736571


It's exceedingly solid around the $10900-$11000 range. It ain't dipping

>> No.4736608

nah i agree, i was saying early days. no one took it seriously.

it is legitimately going to change how we do everything.

>> No.4736621

15 days anon

>> No.4736668

the normies are already in bruh. My Facebook and Instagram is full of clueless normies talking about bitcoin

>> No.4736691

I invited my friend to coinbase, and once I sent him a little bit of BTC he was hooked. He wanted some ETH, a LTC and he set up a recurring purchase. This was all within a couple hours.

>> No.4736703

not normies w money. we need to the boomers in crypto. they are still skeptical.

i know you read the paper saying even grandma is in bitcoin but that's an exceptionally small proportion.

most still don't understand it all and think it's a scam.

my last point would be, awareness is here. people are finally testing the waters on a large scale. this is only at the retail level. we are waiting for institutional big boys to take us to the next level.

>> No.4736810

>I expect no more parabolic growth, but slow steady climb.

Do you expect this money to leave the market, or flow into alts?

Probably leave initially (normie mass cashout -- heh, like they can anyway), then towards alts for another glorious spinrg and resurge of more educated normies who know what ethereum is.

I also imagine many in BTC isn't new money, but old, and are also wary of BTC's future, so might move to more practical applications of the blockchain until it lowers enough for another run.

But I'm all in alts right now, cuz this shit is wild, so mayb eI'm optimistically delusional.

>> No.4736825

this. the normies are obviously coming in but we are nowhere near maxed out, they get harder and harder to suck in but the good news is most people are fucking retarded and should be easy victims if the big boys don't fuck with it. right now we're only scratching the surface, only the most demented of the normies are piling in, they're dangerous though making this the most critical phase.

>> No.4736884

I guess I'll go with the decision I see myself regretting the least, in the event that I'm wrong.

All in on LINK


>> No.4736888

why the fuck would you do this

>> No.4736927

Cuz if BTC crashes and burns, I'll still get x10-100 gains. If BTC doubles by Q2 2018, I'll only have made 200%. I also hold REQ, so not really all in on LINK. But I'm a poor boy, so loosing everything isn't the end of the world.

Not memeing, but once the market catches up to the absolute lack of utility BTC has beyond it's speculation based increase in price, BTC may fall hard (or at least be outpaced) by utility based projects - especially if big money wall street is rolling in.

>> No.4737029

First of all you show some respect and check those digits kiddo. Second, when BTC crashes and burns your LINK will be slammed even harder, you seem like a smart guy so you probably got out before the normies popped it, unfortunately you were bleeding money instead of mooning it and only have 80% to buy back in at discount. You arn't a poor boy though so fair enough you can just throw new money at it, the hodling itself though was a pointless exercise

>> No.4737166

Yes everyone here should sell their bitcoin.
After all, nothing feels better than that moment when you buy back in high

>> No.4737218

the feeling is when you sold and are desperately hoping you can buy back lower by fud posting

>> No.4737227

>I have a huge hard on for crypto because how the tech could benefit society.

It has zero utility outside of illegal activities.

>> No.4737236

I have no idea where any of this is going now. The greed-fear paradigm has broken down. People only buy out of FOMO anymore. The hodl meme has taken over. People have learned through the last few bubbles the discipline not to sell. This could be the new normal.

>> No.4737315
File: 58 KB, 564x840, 1511939534059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and foremost, I apologize, >>4736888. I've forgotten my place here senpai. Take this humble thicc asian 3D waifu as a token of my shame.

>burns your LINK

This is my fear, but I imagine that 0) it would recover as btc does and/or 1) post crash, the demand for useful blockchain tech will be the new craze (but perhaps this overestimates normies, but I can see wall street wanting in).

>bleeding money instead of mooning and holding shitcoins
Hindsight 20/20. I could've made more if my crystal ball was more accurate. But I was more comfortable being wrong by hiding in my eventual moon missions than I was in BTC.

>> No.4737339


The problem is that he never intended btc to be traded for cash. The only means by which you were supposed to acquire it was by mining it and then trading it for stuff you wanted to buy. It was a bunch of other people who hijacked btc by allowing it to be traded for cash and created this unprecedented monster bubble.

>> No.4737407

>trading it for stuff you wanted to buy

like $$$ amirite?

>> No.4737508

Bump this thread needs to be stickied rn. Something funky is lurking about boys

>> No.4737518

You're completely missing the mark. List all the reasons gold is useless and then reconcile that with its value.

>> No.4737528

You're not the only one but your feelings don't mean shit

>> No.4737538

>ugly negresses

What is his taste so shit

>> No.4737543

It's definitely a weird feeling right now. The herd is now smashing its way in here, which means that not only is this not-over, there's going to be at least another month or three of madness. The way you can know this for sure is the metrics: new Coinbase accounts, subscribers to r/bitcoin, and how fucking fast these are accelerating, etc.

I feel like this is utterly doomed, and doom will come in 2018, 2019 at the latest, but you absolutely cannot call right now "the top", because the metrics show that it isn't.

This is now very much a social phenomenon/craze, and that means LOTS of money is still coming, but we all know that social crazes don't last long, and the herd is gonna get rekt.

So the trick is staying in when they arrive, but getting out before it crashes on their heads. And that top is gonna be hard to call.

I absolutely do not believe in BTC long-term, and that the r/bitcoin-type Satoshi-woshipping faggots are going to get destroyed and waste untold gobs of money while they sit there HODLing through the crash that will come next year, with no doubt that "it'll come back."

One thing that I will guarantee: bitcoin will never again be the craze that it is becoming right now. If/when it suffers its next 50%+ drop, it will NEVER come back to where it was (or it will take a decade to do so, and it'll need a real good reason to do so).

If you're in now, fine. The only question at this point is when to flee with your money. It's not yet that time.

>> No.4737581

Thank you anon now i can sleep in peace.

>> No.4737584
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>I absolutely do not believe in BTC long-term

Why? It's money that the govt can't inflate away or freeze when they get upset with you. There's gotta be high global demand for that.

>> No.4737633
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>Why does it feel different now? I have a hunch this shit is just about to wreck. Am I the only one having this feel?

>> No.4737648

Because it is literally the worst at what it does in its sector.

It would be like if the mobile phone market were still being headed in 2018 by the Motorola Razr.

The ONLY reason that BTC is on top is because it's the thing everybody's throwing their money into, and the only reason everybody's throwing their money into it is because it's the thing on top.

In a fundamentals sense, this is an extremely unsustainable and not-right situation.

>> No.4737652

You know, I've been disparaging normies over the past week for buying into what is obviously the peak of a bubble. All they have to do is take one look at the chart to realize this is not going to end well. However, I then remembered that when I first learned about bitcoin in 2012, it had accrued 1000% over the past year, I didn't even realize that, I didn't look at the chart, all I knew is that they were 10 euro and the way bitcoin worked was the most ingenious thing I had ever seen and I needed to have some.

I feel stupid for not realizing, when bitcoin hit a new ATH earlier this year in April that it had a lot more runway to go. When it hit the same price in Nov. 2013 it was plastered all over the news, in april this year there wasn't a peep, I should have realized that meant we still had some way to go. Now however, it feels like we are in late 2013 again, with this being all over the news, it really couldn't be any more mainstream. There is nobody left to buy in, I don't see how this can go on any longer.

>> No.4737690

i think if theres is one thing i can take away from terminator movies is that future is going to happen no matter what.
So the question is do you want to be ontop of or below the dystopian trash heap

>> No.4737692
File: 76 KB, 1170x892, motorola-razr-v3-group-shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be like if the mobile phone market were still being headed in 2018 by the Motorola Razr.

What if it was invisible, worked anywhere, and the government was unable to shut them off?

I'd buy a razr like that. I keep my smart phone but the invisible censorship resistant phone would be nice to keep around.

>> No.4737693

iphones are shit and yet they dominate the market. Motorola is superior to iphone fundamentally.

>> No.4737694

Mostly right, except that you're still a bit early with the buying in.

Again, all you need to look at is the velocity of new Coinbase account creation, "bitcoin" on Google Trends, etc. It's still going up.

You're right that we're definitely in the final phase of mainstreaming, and it can't possibly get bigger than it will be at the end of this phase, but that phase does not appear to be quite finished yet.

>> No.4737849

dump BTC
buy XMR

>> No.4738106

Because its not a science project anymore. 99.9% of the people buying at 10k or more will never ever even more their btc from the exchange and don't know shit about it

>> No.4738316

There rxists three type of normiies buying btc:
1-The normie normie, has a coinbase account but will never buy one btc for 10k. He puts 300-1000 dollar and brags about having btc on facebook.
2- the rich normie, the chad normie, he probably bought earlier than 10k, is making good profit and his rich dad/uncle warned him about bubbles. He will cash out and take stacy out to cancun with his gains ( ie Dan Bilzerian)
3 The stupid normie that will try to sell his car and house to buy btc at 10k+, he will get burned and dumped on.

>> No.4738351
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>Why does my butthole stink? Is because I shit out of it?

>> No.4738364

I agree there's a very very good chance it will correct as we seem to need a correction, that compounded with the uncertainty surrounding tether make that a fairly safe bet...

Buuuuuut i disagree with ANYONE saying for sure it will crash, for for sure its a bubble, etc. This is truly unexplored territory and I just feel like anything is still possible...
There's a limited number of bitcoins but there's an unlimited number of shitcoins.

Would gold still be so valuable when a new metal comes out every single day?

>> No.4738393

>You're right that we're definitely in the final phase of mainstreaming, and it can't possibly get bigger than it will be at the end of this phase, but that phase does not appear to be quite finished yet.
The 'mainstreaming' is only just starting now. Give it another 12 months.

>> No.4738703

it's gonna crash in a couple days. sell before