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4728611 No.4728611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me you business idea, or what you would do with 5 BTC to make your life or the world better, and I might send it.

Real ideas only. No drugs, hookers, buying islands, retarded shit like that.


>> No.4728650

Here's your you

>> No.4728656

create a csgo gambling page, super easy, no employees 1 or 2 mods and take a 5% commission on every bet, you will be rich


>> No.4728658

I would buy a printer for my graphic design business I started desu senpai. Outsourcing it is a pain.

>> No.4728671
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*clear throat*

>> No.4728677

I want to have sex with my sister she say she will do it for 1 BTC.

>> No.4728707

I'd pay it towards the principle of my mortgage and be able to pay off my house 10 years quicker, which would mean an easier old age for me, and also free up money for the rest of my family.

>> No.4728721

I'd hodl until BTC was the world currency and 1sat = 1 dollar then I'd fund every cool tech/sci project I could find.

AI, life-extension, gene editing, disease treatment, robotics, space travel, everything.

>> No.4728776
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Use it towards equipment to continue growing more and more medicinal marijuana. 2018 gunna be huge, join me OP ;)

>> No.4728778

I would start a company to make electronic swappable billboards for semi-trucks. Companies rent out trucks to different renters all the time, so instead of having to paint over logos and such, just upload a picture and you have a rolling advertisement for any company that rents it. Kind of like a more cost-efficient, smaller jumbotron on a truck. 1N1j6H9eSfM5p1Y25a1gNGKTwrdAPggKw9 If you so choose, thanks OP.

>> No.4728806

I left teaching to become a sell out so I can pay off my wifes student loans. Guess I hate my office job so I would pay loans off and then go back to teaching


>> No.4728818

who is this

>> No.4728819

I‘d fuck 6 hookers and spend the rest on XMR and ETH desu.

>> No.4728908

pay back my student loan and focus on my true love, making music.

>> No.4728931

Would gamble Altcoins with them

>> No.4728950

use it to bribe hiromoot so i can become an admin and range ban anyone who makes beg threads or posts in them

>> No.4728956

i want to start a modeling agency
already am a bit in the business so i know what i can do, just need money for a website and marketing

would be nice to get things going

>> No.4728988

if you gave me 5 bitcoin i would buy a masternode or two

>> No.4729033

buy myself a nice truck for school, rent a apartment for college, and save the rest unless needed

>> No.4729038

Want to sell/buy/exhibit classic film props in a store decked out in a blade-runner esque fashion. Oh and i'm a graphic designer so i'll sell aesthetic but relevant merchandise alongside the film props. Make my dorky dream come true OP, it'll be the modern equivalent to a victorian curios store

>> No.4729115

Create receipts and documentation for prescription medicine via blockchain tech.
Making it able to get medicine in other countries if need be. Also making it somewhat harder for people to do substance abuse.

>> No.4729158

Assuming 1 BTC ~ 10k USD I would use 2.5 BTC to finally pay off my student loans. That would allow me to quit my second job and focus on doing well my main job.

Then I would donate 1 BTC to the middle school I went to. It's about to get closed for infrastructural damage. City council does not have enough money and the school could be closed. Nearest one is at almost 10 miles!

Finally 0.5 BTC to help kickstart my GF's flower shop business.

With this I'd be extremely happy, and I wouldn't need the remaining 1 BTC.

Cheers OP, nice thread


>> No.4729270

i would move to swiss into the alps and buy cows and other animals to produce cheese and saucage. i want to live in the nature and the mountains. i would bring me in in local instituions to make life better for other people.

just like the old guy from heidi, alm öhi


thanks brother

>> No.4729328
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I have a hard time believing these posts, but my "what if" scenario could serve as useful advice for anyone who doesn't know what to do.
I would put a whole coin or two into XMR and maybe .2 - .5 into XVG. (but not yet, XVG may drop further still before a good buy point)
Also .1 - .3 on coinexchange.io and buy single/double digit satoshi shitcoins and ride whale pump and dumps. That site is a goldmine. Made me my first whole BTC with an investment of .07
I'd probably hold a coin or two in cold storage without touching them.
Obviously I want to improve my quality of life, pay for minor surgery, help out poorfag family to some extent as well.

>> No.4729388

Open a Crypto Cafe, to help accelerate the Crypto revolution.


>> No.4729598
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I don't need all of the 5btc but any little helps.

Unlike this guy im about to start a family after me and my partner messed up in taking precautions and she doesn't do abortions so go figure, the only option I have now is to uproot my entire life from the country I am in now, but I've been planning but nowhere near as ready as I have to be.

Currently working on getting a job over there with her family connections but money wise I'm gimped and only just started my BTC nest egg.

So thanks guys it's been a ride, also to the guy I quoted, Switzerland is superb and I would urge you to move there as long as you can survive.


Anything is acceptable in all honesty, I'm going to have to deal with it either way, also general advice and tips are appreciated apart from
>kill yourself
>double homicide

>> No.4729604


>> No.4729623

>baby murder
Sorry forgot one

>> No.4729693

dont know if i can make it since im ass broke i started a thread days ago with asking for advice what to do cant even pay my rent at the moment and am drinking water to still my hunger.

>> No.4729742

Honestly water is your friend, also big bags of rice I'm talking in the kg's if cash is strapped otherwise food banks.

Do you work and how far the backlog on rent or is it only this month?

>> No.4729819

Fund mom's surgery, help with parent's debt and give them easier lives.

>> No.4729856

i work a lot but the prices are soo fucking high. im a student and i cant finish my uni because i have to work so much long story short exit mask will help me in the end hehe :^)

>> No.4729898

Do you have any marketable skills? On sites like Upwork you can complete quick gigs that will earn you enough to keep you afloat at least. I did that when I was in college. For the immediate needs, check out food banks, since you stated you have no food.

>> No.4729937
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I would invest in a program that would help lower class white families that face reverse racism.


>> No.4729954

Also, consider quitting uni for the time being. A degree is not useful if you die of hunger or end up homeless. Work more and when you manage to settle down properly you can continue your studies.

>> No.4729976

I run a start up for architectural visualisation. I'm pretty set but we have absolutely atrocious internet. The provider offered to build a fibre connection just for us but it would be 1k/month for 5 years, but I don't see another way. Yesterday I spend 5 hours downloading a 600MB file. We also need a new server, which will likely end up costing up to 5k. So I would invest that money into my start up.
Privately, I am supposed to pay a tax for buying real estate - except that I only signed a contract stating my intent to buy it and guaranteeing that only I can buy it. The actual purchase is more than a year away, so I don't have a loan yet, but the tax people already want me to pay 10k, which I don't have lying around. So either I get the loan now and start paying interest long before I actually use the money, or.. I don't even know. I got in touch with a lawyer to see if they can even claim that tax now, but if they can, I will have to pay up in 4 weeks.

>> No.4729991

Already exists as far as I know. At least for loot boxes or something

>> No.4730010

I would start a pizza company thay centres around the idea of having only maybe four or five different pizzas and a narrow range of drinks and other products. All products would be prepared in bulk and then a van designed with shelves for keeping pizzas hot and fresh and crispy would drive around a city constantly.

As orders come in the pizzas are delivered according to an algorithm that maximises the efficiency of the delivery routes and also takes the time a customer has to wait into consideration. The food would be a lot cheaper than other places to provide due to the preparation method and the volume of pizzas would make up for low profit on each single pizza. The name of the business... 'arrivera-dirt-cheap'.

I came up with this one morning while I was hungover

>> No.4730022

Why would anyone trust to anon's shit gambling shite

>> No.4730046

I'd find a way to save my brother from a cocaine addicted mother and an absent father, and show him that there are others ways.

I mean, I'm already trying, but with 5 btc maybe I could do it before he turns 18 (2 years left).

>> No.4730061

Although there are many factors, such as our inherent animalistic drive for survivla of self and the species, one key factor that influences human behavior is our set of beliefs.

And to change this, similar to reprogramming a software, the beliefs must also be reprogrammed. To reprogram human beliefs, is not however so simple. To do this, one must use reason, logic, and overwhelming evidence to support your case.

With that said, I plan to teach full time, to "reprogram" people's beliefs, to be more benevolent and kind. To do this, I plan on prsenting a commonality that's been discovered in multiple religions, and scientific analysis of near death studies. The primary conclusion from all of this, is that the most important thing to do in life is to be kind, loving, and helpful to people.

If I'm remotely successful, this will make the world a bit nicer and kinder place.

>> No.4730102

In a dream, I was told by a relative who had died from cancer, the key to preventing and fighting cancer. After this dream, I did research and found what I was told in the dream, was later verfied with a tremendous amount of scientific research and findings. I plan on making this known to the public.

>> No.4730121

Funny hats


>> No.4730139

turn it into 10000 btc of course, then wait until btc is 100k sell and fund right wing military groups and death squads to take over my country and start fixing shit and executing corrupted figureheads. Sounds good right? Make it happen


>> No.4730159

When I was about 4, I was going to play with a turtle, but unknowingly, I didn't have the empathy then to realize, it would have caused it harm. My intention wasn't to harm it, I was bored and wanted something fun to do.

My older cousin, explained to me how my idea of "play" (since it was rough play) would've hurt the turtle, and he asked me how would you like it if that was you?

That one question, since then, has made me more empathetic and kind to animals, and eve people, since I tend to try to understand their perspective and where they're coming from.

Which makes me think, that what if in school, there was a focus on building empathy? If there were lessons, that encouraged people to really put themselves in others' shoes?

Could this ultimately make the world filled with more empathetic and compassionate people? So I also plan, on sharing with educators, the importance of lessons, that can promote empathy and compassion.

>> No.4730260

Something I also regularly do is buy food for stray cats, wild birds, and canned food for a soup kitchen. Regardless, I still plan on doing things like this. I wouldn't mind the help though.

I started feed wild birds, but this attracted stray cats. I started chasing the cats away, until I saw one highly malnourished and thin. So I thought the best way, to prevent the cats from eating the birds, and to also help the cats was to buy them food.

>> No.4730333

I would open my own jiu jitsu school and go off of my shitty epilepsy medication since I wouldn’t have to drive. I would be able to focus on creating a high CBD strain for my epilepsy.


>> No.4730345

Down payment for house and wife up to pump out high IQ white babies.


>> No.4730424

id like to buy a chipper and a tipper so i can start my own business

>> No.4730590

Hey Anon, that's something I've been thinking about. I have some really attractive friends, some of which have done modeling before. How feasible is it to be an independent modeling agent and find shoots for friends? Was gonna get together portfolios and a website. Where do I find clients who need models?

>> No.4730638

I would pay .01 BTC to lick her butthole is that a business?

>> No.4730906

Bitcoin, but for animals!

>> No.4730935


I'd trade them for Monero.

>> No.4731168


I have a way to fix oilfeild pump jacks. It requires people to check on them every 15 mins for days on , and my idea would be able to replace these people with this system i am developing. any money would help. I have friends in the business and it would save them time and be more proficient.

>> No.4731204
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I'm going to solve the decentralized problem. Basically we're going to create a centralized banking system of sorts and create an army of slave laborers to back our currency.

>> No.4731214

Hold it for awhile, donate 90%+ of it to Make a Wish foundation later


>> No.4731446

+1 lol
Also, add me on facebook and twitter plz ;)

>> No.4731456

i curse the poster that keeps spamming this. makes me want to jerk off but this girl seems to look really average outside of decent shots like this one. its such a shame really

>> No.4731466

pajeet trying to bait people into telling good ideas so he can steal them

nice try Rohan

>> No.4731498

>one post by this ID

I'll tell you what. If OP responds I'll tell them about project N. I have two of them. A good one and a bad one. What does OP want to hear?

>> No.4731595

Cancer answers.

OP I've been working on an App called OneRelief lately. The idea is to take micro donations and, while partnering with relief organizations on the ground, get them the money as quickly as possible. We're hoping to build crypto payments in soon but starting with FIAT for now.

You can check out the project here:

You can donate to me here: https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/address/1QC557TchfxQHvfYm7NG6idenc2nr1rHqb/

We need cash for more servers, and I could work full time on development with that much cashmoney.

We have an app prototype right now, also a none profit registered and a relief org already on board.

>> No.4731648

>saving muslims

wew leddy

>> No.4731706

no twitter and barely use kikebook, but anyway post your email

>> No.4731723

i would pay my study costs my self and dont have to take the money from the bank and i would get a hairtransplant. would buy my parents a little flat in fuerteventura to spend their eventide cause it has been their live dream. the other i would hodl for bad times.


>> No.4731749

you are just really horny and even an obese slut would turn you on

>> No.4731777
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try to sell it to someone locally

get robbed

an hero

>> No.4731801
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>pitching his app on a shit troll post

>> No.4731812
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donate it to starving american hookers

>> No.4731830

I wish that was true

>> No.4731846

Slideshow headstones. Pictures of your loved ones so you can remember them while you visit their grave.

>> No.4731850

I would hodl 5btc you will be ready to retire in 20yrs

>> No.4731880

Buy drones and load them with thermite and contact ignition sources.
Drive to some oil refineries and let the sparks fly.

>> No.4732039

pay my college degree and put the rest into powr and use 200 bucks to get test tren anadrol for a few blasts so i can look good and marry a rich ugly slut just in case everything else fails.


>> No.4732101

I would hire artists to speed up the development of my exploration game.

>> No.4732296

The nature of my business plans could reveal my identity.

Sauce and BTC now pls

>> No.4732369

Imagine being this cucked. Are you also happy raising your wifes son?

>> No.4732587

Pay off my student debt and travel the world.

Not gonna lie to you OP, this is my dream and i wanna follow it

>> No.4732614

That ship has sailed

>> No.4732616
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Invest in a sustainable, solar roofed, property in the Idaho mountains by a ski resort.

There's real estate companies already accepting BTC as payment outside of Boise, ID.

Invest my own money then into a craft brewery, using the spent grains to raise animals for slaughter. I like to make prosciutto.

Build a brewpub that is almost entirely off the grid and make enough money to never worry about money.

Seriously, I already have these skills(ran multiple breweries)

I just don't have the capital.

You'd change my life.


>> No.4733423
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I'd probably fund research into atomic reconstruction & and genetic copying in an effort to bring us all closer to a method to eliminate the threat of death. The idea basically goes like this:

If you can document a person's makeup down to the bare atom or perhaps just simply the brain structure, you can resurrect that person to the state they were in right before they perished assuming you scanned them before then. I suppose you wouldn't necessarily need to reconstruct their body exactly as it was though, just the memories and cerebral make up. If successful, I'd imagine the concept of death as a whole would become rather mute and more of a joke than the serious subject that it currently is. Personally, I'd like to be able to live and die on whim or at the need of another, how about you guys?

>> No.4733465

I'd sit that BTC into a few ALTS for 5 years and see where that puts me. After 5 years, reassess perhaps continue to hold 99% for another 5-15 years.

It all depends on how tech progresses in the next 20 years and who I have as close connections/acquaintances.

I would try to automate (AI robots) for street cleaning / cleaning of landscapes / businessplaces / retail parking lots etc.
Eventually we'd expand to indoor hygene and making cleanrooms mainstream.

I'd probably also work crypto into Cryonics.
And maybe crypto for deadmans switch.

Just a few things that come to mind. There's a lot that can be done.


>> No.4733977

sorry lad but fuck the middle school, nice gesture but shit like that happens, they would probably just take your bitcoin and shut it down anyway

>> No.4734017

you got thrips homie, get some spinosad, it'll knock em out and the shit is harmless to mammals.

>> No.4734040

Business idea of customized mirror panels for the inside surface of overhead garage doors to offer garage gym owners a mirrored wall effect like a paid gym. I can monitor my gainz whole I monitor my shitcoin gainz.


>> No.4734137

I'd quit working at the print company I work for - no more solvent inks and back breaking work which is making me ill.
I would referb my ink jet printer and get my canvas printing business back up and running. I have a plan for getting other people's artwork online (won't go in to detail) for printing but it needs a shit tonne of storage and I'd also get some shop space rented.
All 3 need money which I don't have!


>> No.4734156

True story. Back in the day I'd never known what thrip was but a couple of my plants had silver streaks showing on the leaves. I wanted to inspect the black specks (poo btw) so I got my 50x magnifier eyepiece I used to look at trichomes and went to look at it. I was following the tracks when this thrip larva passed under the scope. This fucking weevil looking thing magnified 50x unexpectedly appearing almost made me shit my pants.

>> No.4734231

would use it to ensure the remainder of my grandparent's lives are happy and stress free. 4 kids, 3 became complete addicts to various substances. has been an immense emotional and financial drain on the family ever since.

would invest and hodl a sum of it till I'd accrued enough to comfortably open a sizable gym / fitness center with several other investors and close friends.

no grandiose or revelatory vision. just want to do right by people in my life and enable them and others to make the choices they want, when they want, how they want.

thx for your time mr lambo

sorry for contributing to cancer biz
