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File: 33 KB, 278x142, BTC STORY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4726539 No.4726539 [Reply] [Original]

The world is basically making him the richest person in the world in human history if bitcoin becomes the world currency.

If he/she/they see that bitcoin is not scaling they can pump up the price with tethers which he/she/they may have invented to pump and exit BTC at it's most profitable?

>> No.4726555

Stop using "he/she" you fucking autist. Everybody knows it wasn't a woman.

>> No.4726567
File: 237 KB, 1680x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minister you, satoshi!

>> No.4726574

He probably has a VERY large stash hidden somewhere...but to be completely honest most of the genesis block mined coins are presumed to be lost. Chances are he didn't save the keys to most of the early bitcoins...because with the exponential growth happening in the last 5 years...I highly doubt he had no urge to touch any of his known wallets

>> No.4726586

he's dead already. I bet he was Hal Finney. He got ASL and died several years ago

>> No.4726591

Satoshi is not a person but a project of Japanese conglomerates who want to destroy the government grip on currency

>> No.4726599

my bad, I meant ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

>> No.4726612

That pizza costed him $110,000,000 in today's worth.

Pasta la Vista.

>> No.4726617


is this pizzagate related?

>> No.4726642

>theres actually people that think there could have been a chance satoshi is a woman
get the fuck out of here holy shit

>> No.4726648

He knew it had a chance to explode which is why he's anonymous. He obviously kept the keys and didn't touch them because he's a millionaire he lives on the downlow.

Also australian tax law, lmao

>> No.4726702

>have wallets with billions of dollars worth of bitcoin in them
>don't withdraw a single fucking cent when you could be living in absolute luxury

Either the private keys to the wallets are lost or Satoshi is dead, or both.

>> No.4726709

or then his bitcoins are locked till 2020 :D

>> No.4726712

i dont get this retarded assumption as well
even IF ... it was a women which is not the case
why the fuck would she go with a masculine handle of Satoshi Nakamoto
unless OP is implying - she(male) which in itself is fucking ridiculous

>> No.4726748

>why the fuck would she go with a masculine handle of Satoshi Nakamoto
Because women's ideas aren't taken seriously in this society.

>> No.4726749

>suggesting a woman could invent something revolutionary and in the exclusive domain of cryptography nerds at that

Go back to r*ddit or Kys please you would be doing a service

>> No.4726753

Watch a docu about bitcoin please. There's a chance satoshi is a disabled man in a weelchair, who'se slowly dying. If that's the case, coins will be locked forever

>> No.4726755

its possible

>> No.4726759

they must be joking its medical science that women's small brains can't understand complex topics like blockchain

>> No.4726785

yeah fucking right
implying if it wasn`t any other feminine name other than satoshi it woudn`t be 100x more famous

>> No.4726786

>suggesting it's because they have a hole instead of a stick
> not because theyre intellectually inferior and their ideas are shit

Go back to r*ddit

>> No.4726837

in fact im surprised why satoshi didnt larp as a woman
it would have gotten more recognition especially in todays society and driven up the roasties to get it on bitcoin

>> No.4726892
File: 1.14 MB, 812x569, asdfawerwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satoshi: clear thinking, quick witted, wise
>a woman

>> No.4726912

also did u guys notice the downfall of the west started when we let women into finance and politics
the sandniggers know damn well why they keep women locked in their place

>> No.4726927

My bet is one of these

>> No.4726939

TFW keeping women in the kitchen wasnt oppression but keeping society safe from their retardation

>> No.4726987

I like the way you think. However I doubt it since back then 10k bitcoins was what 30-40 bucks? Don't think you'll get pizza for that little

>> No.4726997

its always been in men`s nature to take the hardships of life while women take the hardship of raising a family whilst easing eachothers hardships with company and love
and theres absolutely nothing taboo about it despite what todays society tries to twist or ((they))) are trying to twist

>> No.4727086

doesn't matter anyway, its proper english to just say he

>> No.4727111

A.I. made Bitcoin

>> No.4727140

he did this multiple times, might be a billion

>> No.4727219

>Satoshi is not a person but a project of Japanese conglomerates who want to destroy the government grip on currency

Nope the point of digital currency is, made of various parts.

>make housing bubles that reduce ability of people having houses, at some point almost everyone will need government help
>increase housing taxers while while shilling this a good thing to, remove almost everyone else house
>with government help to buy house, they will also spy what you spend to make sure you can pay for your house
>use food poisoning as a excuse to only allow companies to farm, unlless you are a company, farming is illegal
>merge all documents into one "for the sake of simplicity", than put them at hand or teeth "for the sake of people not being able to say 'I lost my document'"
>digital currency happens and is included with chip at hand or teeth
>poll is asked to see if people want new world order. Atomic bombs threats are made to make countries that arent cucked, join this poll
>poll is rigged to win and if you say no all your money is removed, a possible thing since is digital
>all those homeless people cant farm their own food because its illegal
>you can't give food to them because they spy what you buy and will see if you spend more than you need.

some insider spilled the beans at late 60s (he new they would gonna win anyway, and want to prepare his friends), and some guy that heard it told the entire thing at late 80s or early 90s. You know its true because he predicted alot of stuff. And predicted stuff that happened only after the 90s text was released, like extreme amount of "terrorism" at europe, sjwism ("you are wrong because you are a mysogenist"), digital currencies, "lets merge all documents into one" ideas and more

>> No.4727236

the text is called new order of barbarians if someone want to read the entire thing.

its free and is at various sites

>> No.4727397


The guy was a legitimate genius who single-handedly created a new currency system. I don't think he would make a mistake like loosing the keys. I genuinely think he knows BTC is going to worth more some day and is just waiting. If you look at some of the early discussions he was very instant about having this scarsity-value system with only 21m coins, everyone was warning him that it would be prone to bubbles, and he definitely knew that, I think he was counting on it...

I don't think we've heard the last from SN.

>> No.4727423

this guy has read far too much 1984, brave new world and fahrenheit 451. spending hours conjecturing about how the powerful gain more power won't do any good to anyone.

>> No.4727522

satoshi's first use case proposition for bitcoin where pr0n and vidya. I don't think he had (at the early stage) that kind of comprehension of what he created.
Nick Szabo is the best candidate for satoshi, that we know of. And even him doesn't fit the portrait that well.
Anyway, our best interest is to never know who satoshi his/was, so that bitcoin will never be affected by some shady character's trait presumably inherited from it's creator.

>> No.4727717

Yeah fucking right. He has billions in assets but he hasn't cashed out any of it, because he's certain it will continue rising in value? So how is he sustaining himself? Wageslaving? He has billions in bitcoins but he continues to work a normal job to pay the bills. He could cash out a tiny fraction of his assets and retire in total luxury.

But instead he doesn't even touch his billions of USD worth of bitcoin because he's holding out and waiting for it to continue to rise in value.


>> No.4727743


dudes dead. only explanation.

>> No.4727797

It was probably the dude that died from ALS then

I especially think SN is dead with all of the forks happening. He would dump on bitcoin gold and bitcoin diamond for bastardizing his creation, yet still coins are untouched.

>> No.4727885

jesus you indoctrinated retard.
Go on, give us a list of great women ideas that weren't taken seriously but were actually REALLY GOOD. Even the BEST ones you can come up with, like Curie and shit, don't measure even close to the top 100 men.

Stop being an idiot.

>> No.4727906

ITT people who got all they know about BTC from one documentary on Netflix
>t. Satoshi(female)

>> No.4728019

I'm a programmer, I have worked at a large company with other programmers and I also run my own tech company so I have hired programmers.

I have yet to see a good female programmer. There was 1 female programmer at my last large tech company and she was shit and pretty much just there for diversity. Running my own company I have yet to get a female progammer resume on my desk.

Programming is 99% male dominated for sure. Ontop of that men are much much more likely to take on the kind of risk involved with creating BTC. If Satoshi is proven to be a girl I will eat my dick and balls.

>> No.4728218

Yes, it was Hal Finney + Nick Szabo

>> No.4728270

Satoshi is dead. CIA raided his house and he pulled the tails flash drive before they could find him. His private key is lost and those 1m coins are gone forever

>> No.4728339

Exactly. Vitalik said it was definitively Nick Szabo. I believe that multiple people were working on Bitcoin including Hal Finney and Nick Szabo. The key to the wallets probably got lost when Hal Finney died and Szabo has probably enough bitcoins that he doesn't need to go look for the key in his friends Archives

>> No.4728390

>its possible

more likely satoshi was an interdimensional time traveler than a woman.

>> No.4728403

He probably deleted the key. Back when the price was reasonable, he wouldnt care for it if he had a normie 401k (a few mil) for retirement. Now, it would take a saint to keep from touching those coins.

>> No.4728673

How'd he cash out? Wouldn't that release his identity? Wouldn't we be able to track it? Bitcoin is not anonymous. He'd definitely have to pay taxes somewhere. You don't think he has a dead man switch. No family friends or 1 human he cares about ? He's waiting until everything is priced in bitcoin if he's alive. Remember he created this because our fiat systems are fucked.

>> No.4728705

Basically he can't cash out and say anonymous. I do not think. But why would he? The whole point of bitcoin wasn't to make a bunch of fiat money. That horseshit Wall Street manipulated paper

>> No.4728746

If Satoshi withdraws even one Bitcoin from his wallet, the price will instantly crash. Thank God he lost his private key.

>> No.4728827


>> No.4729339

Satoshi was Wright and Finney. Wright is filthy rich but still has most of his coins in a trust.

>> No.4729567
File: 1.33 MB, 1500x938, divination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese have a project called "いろとりどりのセカイ", aka "Multicolored World". The objective of Multicolored World is weakening the West by reducing white birth rates while immigrant birth rates increase, allowing the immigrants to eventually overwhelm the existing white population. The Japanese are also suffering from declining birth rates, but that isn't a problem due to their mecha technology, allowing them to defeat a weakened West and take over the world. In order to finance said mecha tech as well as take control of the world economy away from the Jews, the Japanese also created Bitcoin.

>> No.4729586


>> No.4729654

He's dead

>> No.4729735

everyone knows who he is, he's literally some japanese guy from LA named satoshi nakamoto

>> No.4729795

Age sex location?


>> No.4729826


>> No.4729904

He was so broke nTrust paid him 10m and bailed out his failed companies and tax dues if he'd say he was satoshi. That guy is a fraud. He recently posted pictures of "Intro to Fourth" programming language but satoshi was a master of that language already, bitcoin's non turing complete script language is written in it.

Afteran old friend of Wright's convinced nTrustCEO Robert MacGregor that Wright was Satoshi, the company acquired Wright'svarious debt-laden computer companies and IP rights for$15 millionand placed them ina new company callednCrypt. Once the world knew Wright was Satoshi, MacGregor's plan was to sell thedozens of bitcoin technology-related patentsWrightclaimed to be working on for upwards of $1 billion dollars.


>> No.4730879

How hard will the price crash once bitcoins start moving from his known wallets?

>> No.4730927
File: 22 KB, 313x470, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing buble. Pic related

>> No.4731016

Kek, nice one.

>> No.4731037


>> No.4731079

>lost his private key
just imagine

>> No.4731108

I guess it would prove that he still has the private key and could dump his holdings anytime he wanted to. Would cause a lot of uncertainty in the market, but I'm not sure if the price would crash.

>> No.4731912

>Hal Finney
Hal Finney died in Phoenix August 28, 2014 and was cryopreserved by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation.[2][16][17]"

this guy waits to be revived again and will be the richest men in the world, that smart motherfucker

>> No.4732068

> yfw satoshu nakamoto is actually a rothschild

>> No.4732536
File: 68 KB, 200x360, 200px-Robo_Burns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4732707
File: 131 KB, 485x600, name game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it was published under the name satostein nakaberg do you think it would've ever blow up like it has? Serious question. I feel like a lot of people would've never jumped in fearing a jew trick at play

>> No.4732777

Lmao you do realize it's possible to be a millionaire and still do other shit with your time? He is most likely already rich and does not need the funds, meaning he can afford to wait.

>> No.4733055
File: 175 KB, 1000x800, IMG_20171130_170101_536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+20% and climbing.. problem noLINKers?

>> No.4733078

This made me laugh, because it's true.

>> No.4733143

Satoshis will be the new currency in the future for the entire world, it will be the new world order currency

>> No.4733195

this is a little over the top and extreme, i would be more concerned simply with the nature of labor in the future with what I foresee as the emergence of a new economy with bitcoin and a technology centered economy.

>> No.4733296

>in fact im surprised why satoshi didnt larp as a woman
It would have gotten the project more recognition today but back when Satoshi created it, the political climate was vastly different.

>> No.4734037

The pizza was the reason BTC got its value. If this madman didn't buy the pizza, BTC would just be a vaporware token.