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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4721982 No.4721982 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4722015

>Transaction time just as long as Bitcoin


>> No.4722053

you guys know who's behind this coin
greedy passionate fellas
just be ready

>> No.4722063

patience, it will go 3k+.

>> No.4722083

If bitcoin crashes, this will crash too

>> No.4722095
File: 1.94 MB, 3375x4031, BCASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 it's btrash not bcash
never forget /biz/ pic related

>> No.4722129

0-conf, bch doesnt have replace-by-fee

>> No.4722786

do the opposite.

>> No.4722842

Give my your bitcoin cash!


>> No.4722961
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whales are accumulation again on bitfinex

>> No.4722992
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>> No.4723047

gonna moon soon, get in boys!!

>> No.4723062

>price in USD not BTC
stay poor

>> No.4723075

It will until it doesn't that's the most annoying thing about this market.

>> No.4723101


>> No.4723131

You can't enforce mining node behavior. I can assure you they will change their nodes to replace transaction based on fees regardless if it's a double spend. Miners have been doing that since the beginning. Removing rbf only makes getting the double spend transaction to a mining node more difficult. 0conf will never be safe otherwise why would we even need a blockchain.

>> No.4723186

>why would we even need a blockchain.

>> No.4723190

It's me again. Just bought more BCH for 1385$.

>> No.4723210

>m-muh blocksize

>> No.4723223

What part of that is confusing to you?

>> No.4723228

No it just really blows my mind that you are actually that stupid.

>> No.4723238

Point out what's wrong with my statement.

>> No.4723240

if you're holding bch, you're waiting for the random day when ver decides to re-pump and you randomly 3x. there is no organic growth with bch. btw he'll probably pump it right before coinbase users can withdraw so the price doesn't plummet into the ground.

>> No.4723248

no thanks

>> No.4723313


>> No.4723335

I don't think his stupin brain comprehended the entire statment. IF 0 confirmation is safe / and removing rbf prevents double spend THEN why is blockchain necessariy. He only saw "Why do we need a blockchain?"

>> No.4723343

LMAO. How the fuck do you retards keep falling for this chinese pump and dump shit coin time after time?

In a month the chinese will pump this shit again, like clockword, and spam FUD about the "flippening," remember this moment or be a gullible moron and lose more of your money to chinese shills.

>> No.4723356

FYI the BCH "developers" (monkeys copy pasting core code and changing constants) are planning to change some more constants to achieve 2 minute, 32 MB blocks early next year. this will add a Terabyte to the blockchain every 1.5 months. you guys better get some extra storage on your $20,000 server running Bitcoin ABC in a datacenter somewhere so you can have your coffee purchase forever immortalised on the blockchain. oh, who am i kidding, you are just a bunch of wannabe shitcoin traders who have no fucking idea how Bitcoin actually works and why. you just eat bullshit propaganda from Ver and Wright so Jihan can keep his ASICBOOST bug and mine 30% faster than everyone else. well played!

>> No.4723454


>> No.4723485

Double spend is still possible, you mongoloid.

>> No.4723498
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1510778722136s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whales are accumulation

>> No.4723527

Cashies are just stupid to the core. That's why BCash has any value at all: There is an abundance of people who are stupid.

>> No.4723542
File: 188 KB, 1462x1462, 1508396436712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about you, and then you this'd my post. KEK

If just removing RBF solved the double spend problem the whole proof of work algorithm, blockchain, confirming blocks, it was all unnecessary. We could just have nodes that confirm the first transaction that's broadcasted.

>> No.4723559

>inb4 I o-only pretended to be retarded

>> No.4723568


>> No.4723576
File: 318 KB, 724x722, 1511551196803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales are accumulating, be patient

>> No.4723583

bitcoin has more organic growth than bcore. All bcore has is tether pumps and retards fomoing

>> No.4723602
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Bcash is a joke man. Get over it!

>> No.4723629
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Stop calling it BCash, as our lord and billionair overlord Roger Ver demands!

>> No.4723647
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>> No.4723649

BCH whales have really big pockets :)

>> No.4723659

If every one of those blocks is full then yeah sure itll grow that fast. If its growing that fast then that means bch has completely dominated the crypto scene. Im comfortable with that. Also

>muh nodes

>> No.4723677

Still holding those .192 bags. Please pump this shitcoin i beg you anon.

>> No.4723719

Bitstamp BCH/USD pairs next week.

Also, if you want evidence of whales accumulating.. have a look at this:

https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin cash/address/19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k-full

>> No.4724100

Anon please show me the BTC node you are running now. It is every core cuck´s duty to run one

>> No.4724334


Because it's a centralized piece of fucking trash birthed by screeching infants.

>> No.4724353


>> No.4724593

How many Bcash to get a qt3.14 azn gf like her?

>> No.4724974

>globally scaled on chain transactions
>satoshi's vision
holy shit that sounds amazing. all in bch

>> No.4724977

$100k+ in 5 years is my prediction.

I've been burned way too many times in the past to pull out now. You either play the long game or don't play at all.

>> No.4725206

I'm going to pick up BCH when it crashes hard when coinbase releases it. You're a tard if you buy now.

>> No.4725221

Why would anyone sell if it its made them a large amount of money by force?

>> No.4725270

Because is a shitcoin and the only reason that has value is because they put "Bitcoin" in the title

>> No.4725340

you retard, coinbase will probably allow bch trading which will raise the price not crash it

>> No.4725358

>the guys in charge are emotional sissys
BCash will go nowhere
8MB blocks meme all it does is delay the problem
even these would be filled if BCash had the BTC trading volume

>> No.4725362

why is bch shilled every fucking day yet it hasn't gone up from 0.13 infact it keeps falling slowly till jihan pumps it back to 0.13.. yet shit fucking in here talking shit everyday.
even those large pumps are shit because it drops right back once it is over.
atleast btc goes back up again quickly after it dumps or dips.

>> No.4725399

I saw this chart on Tradingview.
It is the best BCH chart yet. Author lurks /biz/ for sure.

>> No.4725436


Because sometimes life is dair. Even if BTC is no longer the brand name of cryptocurrency, I'm never buying BCH, fuck Jihan and Roger.

>> No.4726353
File: 27 KB, 600x600, nwapepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck having to use USD or paypal to buy coffee

>be on vacation ins 2021
>on Mexican beach
>sirs, yes sirs come here, i have some fine cigar-
>jk sirs want some weeds for 0.000000012 BCH?

>> No.4726422

I pay him 12 satoshi and tip him 1. I then walk over and tip the valet 1 BCH to get my car.

Instant transactions and 2 billion users makes each BCH worth over 1 million.

>> No.4726546
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dude a mega whale is accumulating. 40k BCH in the past week alone, the wallet is now sitting at 340k BCH.


Doesn't even show any signs of slowing down, BCH supply is getting constricted very fast - won't be long before the price jumps to a new base level, I'm guessing around $2.2k

>> No.4726675
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Feels good man
Digital dragons always hodl

>> No.4726676

Who /sold at 0.2/ here?

>> No.4726782
File: 8 KB, 1764x103, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4726867

No I'm waiting for 2 of 4 things, of which if 2 or more happen they will be synergic and probably cause BCH overtaking BTC either long term or short term depending on the combination.

Miner orchestrated BTC chain death resulting in selloffs and BCH price spike.

Another pumpening.

BTC crash when the scammers behind bitfinex exits or they get arrested by authorities and tether isn't around anymore to catch BTC every time it falls.

Merchant adoption of BCH and exchange trading pairs.

>> No.4726950

Because it is complete garbage that exists for the sole purpose of allowing jihan to use asicboost

>> No.4727012

It exists entirely for political purposes

>> No.4727029

Better Jihan's asicboost than goldman sach's lightning hubs.

>> No.4727050

You're kidding yourself if you think that a "chain death" scenario for Bitcoin will result in anything other than massive value destruction for the entire crypto sector

>> No.4727070
File: 1.47 MB, 720x726, 1511847881278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin = Bilderberger
Bcash = China
Etherioum = Autistic deep state puppet. smart contracts will end up combing with chipping humans and forcing us into the ultimate slavery (whoops, we turned off your chips bank access and you can no longer open the door to your house)

They are all compromised to some degree. Monero and ODN might be closer to Satoshis vision now but who knows for how long.

Either way, Bitcoin will remain the gold standard of crypto. Cash may or may not be used as IRL cash and Bitcoin Gold will probably rebrand if they fail to turn that into the 'gold' standard while keeping the bitcoin obscure.

Welcome to the future! Satoshis vision was taken over by the Bilderbergers, council of 13 and other historic bloodlines that have always ruled us from behind the scenes.
We are now entering this generations stock market period, where us neets can become mega rich but still gain no real power. Just like the old guys on Wallstreet.
The illusion of power. The illusion of freedom.


In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:
Afghanistan X
Iraq X
Sudan X
Libya X
North Korea

>4 down, 3 to go.
>Do not let them chip you, avoid socialism/communism, never trust AI (it will be a mouthpiece, not real) wait 50+ years for the tech to advance enough to set us free.

>> No.4727076


>mah asicboost

Please kill yourselves, businesses innovate or die.

>> No.4727084


That's not good news... Don't hold this time bomb longer than for a quick pump and dump.

>> No.4727108
File: 28 KB, 311x406, 8706090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want me to hold my bitcoin cash for 50 years?

>> No.4727125

Like graphene, sharding and/or just about anything that isn't de facto VISA tier shit like lightning networks.

>> No.4727163

>BTC crash when the scammers behind bitfinex exits or they get arrested by authorities and tether isn't around anymore to catch BTC every time it falls.
This would send the whole market to the ground. Even IF Bitfinex was only buying Bitcoin and not all the shitcoins traded on their exchange (but why should they?), the USDT they pump into the system still inflates all crypto’s value.

>Bob buys BTC at 5k
>Bitfinex pumps BTC price to 7k with unbacked USDT
>Bob sells his BTC for USDT profit to Bitfinex and uses that money to buy BCH
>Now BCH is effectively pumped with fake USDT

Do you really think ETH, DASH, BCH, XMR, LTC… all these coins would be where they are right now, if BTC wasn’t at 10k, but at 5k?

>> No.4727204

Lightning network will never be a thing. Who is going to use it when we have cards already. Not to mention its at least 18 months away

>> No.4727402


Please kill yourself, 0/10 FUD. You are useless, end it now.

>> No.4727594

jewbase is releasing it, not adding it.

>> No.4727671


>> No.4727758

Bitcoin isn't the be-all-end-all of crypto. The alts would just be paired with Tether or other alts.

>> No.4727796

think they would tell anyone if they were going to add it? or would "they" accumulate as much cheap BCH as they could before the release and Coinbase actually does add it. the mystery wallet with +300K BCH is still an unknown holder. someone smarter than us please put all the pieces together and share. thank you.

>> No.4727802


I said tech not currency. Like something that will actually uncover the truth of what goes one somehow. Maybe a real AI or some supervillain gaining some super surveillance equipment that can literally record everything they do no matter how hard they try to stop it. Something that does that while simultaneously broadcasting it to everybody in the world on all frequencies revealing the reality of the world we live in. Absolute irrefutable proof of past and present collisions in its full scale. then it would be us vs a handful of them.
That will take 50+ years
You can get rich off your crypto in the next 1-5.
Just don't let communism take over and try and keep genuine non-governmental funded free-market tech advancements going. Things like the EU will subsidize the crap out of tech unless it would be a risk in exposing the puppet masters.

Get rich if you want, follow the rules, you will be fine.

>> No.4727850

The chinks tricked us all out of half our bitcoins, they'll probably try it again for the other half too

>> No.4727979


>> No.4728041

MFW BTC vs BCH is like VIM vs EMACS
both dinosaur-core crap useless for the masses

>> No.4728364

>FYI the BCH "developers" (monkeys copy pasting core code and changing constants)

U sound bitter are u a core dev?

>> No.4728422

VIM is still pretty useful when you SSH into a machine and need to do some quick file edits. Fucking using that on everyday basis though.

>> No.4728864
File: 230 KB, 1080x1920, 2017-12-01 17.54.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason they all come out of the woodwork for every BCH post, core is a afraid and rightly so as this time next year they will be gone are a 100 dollar alt coin.

>> No.4728918

How would I ever have confused what you were saying?

>> No.4728970

>we dont need a blockchain in our retard scenario that will never exist
>we don't need a trustless system to govern our rules
and I'm the retard. Can't believe I had to spell it out.