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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4719816 No.4719816 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 23 and I plan on retiring in 4 years and living the comfy early retirement NEET life.

>currently make 47k per year after tax.
>no debt, don't even have a credit score.
>live at home and save 95% of my income per year.
>own 6 BTC, 17 ETH.
>30k in stocks.
>5k in savings.

My plan is to sell all crypto and stocks in 4 years, hopefully my networth will he around 300k-350k by then. I'll buy a smaller home in rural TN for 150k, and live off 10k per year. I just want to escape wage slave life and live alone in a small comfy home.

>> No.4719845

strat doesn't seem all that great but how do you not get fucking bored all the time?

>> No.4719853

I would travel with saved up money and do a bunch of hobbies

>> No.4719857

>>live at home and save 95% of my income per year.

So you're basically accumulating wealth on the backs of your parents.

>> No.4719867

This. You'll quickly realise you need an actual purpose in life to enjoy being life, rather than just not being a wage slave.

If you're in such a healthy financial position you're better off putting all your energy into doing what you love, esp if you're only 23

>> No.4719868

You're 23 and you think you can retire with 300k?

You are completely retarded if this is for real.

>> No.4719873

nice larp

>> No.4719877

There is literally nothing wrong with this

If managed correctly and frugally, he could easily.

>> No.4719883

>There is literally nothing wrong with this

If you're a man-child, sure. Or you're in crazy debt. Or your parents are ill and need taken care of. Otherwise you're just a parasite.

>> No.4719884

Yes I can easily. 300k-350k. Anyone can if you can live off 10k-12k per year and never leave the house. I could retire off of 250k probably, but 300k-350k would be more comfortable. I could always get a small non stressful part time job in the future also if I needed money for some reason.

>> No.4719886

Boomers brought us into this shit. They can pay for it. Fuck off normie, this board is for NEETs only. Go back to your body building forum you faggot.

>> No.4719894

God damn extrovert assholes will never understand us. Don't worry OP your plan sounds good minus the cashing out part.

>> No.4719898

How is this a larp? You idiots will believe some guy saying he found 500 BTC on his hard drive but won't believe me? Early retirement can be done by anyone if they have a very high savings rate and has no gf/wife/kids.

>> No.4719901

>Boomers brought us into this shit.

So it's OK to be your parents' parasite because "muh boomers fucked us all"?

So if you were alive during your parents' time, you would have prevented the "boomers" from selling out?

You haven't thought this through very far, clearly.

>> No.4719910

Fuck you, you idiot. They brought me into this world, they can take care of me while I'm working on improving myself rather than pay for a shitty apartment with a pothead roommate while barely paying the bills with a no-benefits job at petsmart.

>> No.4719930

>not utilizing and exploiting every single advantage available to you
You would never make it in the business world my man

>> No.4719936

This. Some Parents force you into this world, then kick you out as soon as you turn 18, then you're forced to throw away money on rent. I'm glad my parents let me live at home expense free.

>> No.4719937

This is why you didn't and will never make it.


>caring what other people do

>> No.4719948

You sound like a classical trailer park family
His parents may be smart and tell him to stay at home and save money
I suppose you would call all medical students being supported by their parents parasites too
You must be a debt cuck

>> No.4719952

>they can take care of me

Of course they can, and they will, because they're your loving parents. That doesn't mean you're not a parasite.

I'm not even trolling -- you're just not terribly self aware.

I lived with my parents rent-free until I could afford to live on my own. After that, you're just being a mooch.

>> No.4719953

Heh, maybe I'll be able to buy a house in the U.S with BTC so I won't have to cash out. That would save me on fees and taxes.

>> No.4719963

>This is why you didn't and will never make it.

Oh, sweetie...

>sitting in my 3500 sq ft house that I own
>2016 BMW M4 parked in my garage
>bought ETH when it was $40
>make six figures at a normie job

Nice try, though.

>> No.4719972

Yes absolutely. fuck all boomers. They had it on easy mode, then try to fuck us over every step, so I'll do everything I can to milk them dry. Crypto is for NEETs only. Besides we are all Jew parasites here, trading crypto is not creating jobs.

>> No.4719976

>I suppose you would call all medical students being supported by their parents parasites too

Can a medical student support themselves without taking on more debt? Clearly not. OP isn't in medical school, he's perfectly capable of supporting himself.

Holy shit you guys are retarded. The meme is real.

>> No.4719982

>being so insecure that you not only have to brag about your tryhard car, house, and job on an anonymous online anime forum, you also have to put down other people trying to save up money by living at home for a while

Consider suicide.

>> No.4719991


Maybe the difference is my parents never had a lot of money, so I've never taken any of it for granted. I also don't hate my parents.

The number of people coming out of the woodworks as meme tier NEETs is actually pretty sad, goddam.

>> No.4720007

Cry more you normie fuck. Your idea of morality is what's retarded. Kill yourself.

>> No.4720009


>>u will never make it
>examples of how you are mistaken

Adorable. I can see the forehead grease from here.

>> No.4720011

You are blue pilled as fuck. Dick waving your normie lifestyle as if we care?

>> No.4720044

>>youll never make it
>I've already 'made it' by most all financial measures, came from almost nothing
>>Dick waving

>>blue billed
>practically 1488

>> No.4720048

How were those examples of how you made it?

You're a stupid fucking normie wageslave who thinks he's above others, and goes into /biz/ threads being a faggot for no reason, where we're just trying to get to a better place in life. You bought a new BMW because you're an insecure cuck who cares about how he appears to others.

Enjoy your soulless 9-5 on Monday.

>> No.4720059

Normie wageie that's a slave to materialist things...sad. how much debt did you get into to buy that house? If you have a mortgage you don't really own it. Please don't tell me you financed the BMW also, or it's a lease.

>six figure normie job.

So like 80-90 something thousand after taxes? A BMW m4 starts at around 65k if you actually bought one and didn't lease it, so you're an idiot for buying a car that's over half your actual lncome. Also get the hell out normalfag. Go to r/personalfinace. That's more your speed.

>> No.4720110

Shouldn’t you be getting to the office soon to suck Mr. Noseberg’s dick? Don’t forget your kneepads Mr. 1488.

>> No.4720146

Lol I'm so proud of /biz/ right now. Red pilled as pol but with the additional power of autism and forsite to actually better our future.

>> No.4720181

>he doesnt know those are just vpns from the same group posting there address. I backtraced them

>> No.4720185

>how much debt did you get into to buy that house?

The great thing about real estate is it's hard to lose money if it's your only house. I owe significantly less than it's worth. I'm not trying to get rich off of my house, but after I sell it I will, at worst, have lived here for free for years.

>Please don't tell me you financed the BMW also

Sure did, at 1.9%, and I owe less than it's worth -- also great thing about M-series BMWs, they hold their value well for a car.

tl;dr -- life is too short, I have more money than I ever thought I would at my age, and make more (both from my normie job and crypto) than I ever have before. That's progress.

>> No.4720205

Wow, so you didn't make it at all

Kill yourself you normie fuck.

>> No.4720218

Congrats on your success. If you are truely happy with your life why are you ripping on neets and bragging about your material wealth in the middle of the night?

>> No.4720220

> not buying ETH when it was 1$
> having a huge house, which you don't really need
> driving the NORMIE class BMW
> go to work to finance all this delusional bullshit

Press S to spit on grave

>> No.4720233

>Anyone can if ...they never leave the house

>> No.4720245

>Wow, so you didn't make it at all

If only I lived with my parents..

>Congrats on your success.

Thanks :-). Minor success in the grand scheme of things, but I grew up with very little money.

>If you are truely happy with your life why are you ripping on neets and bragging about your material wealth in the middle of the night?

Not ripping on NEETs -- calling people out on their parasitism because nobody else will.

I'm not bragging, I was responding to "you'll never make it, kid" posts. I have some idea of wtf I'm talking about is the point I'm trying to make.

>> No.4720267

>I grew up with very little money.

You keep saying this, like we care or you have something you really need to prove. How fucking insecure are you? You're not successful by the way, just another stupid normie cog in the machine.

>> No.4720269

> not buying ETH when it was 1$
A bit regret of mine...I bought when it was $40, though.

>>normie class BMW

pick one

> go to work to finance all this delusional bullshit

I could literally sell everything and quit my job on a few months notice and be in great financial shape.

Can we get back to how living with your parents when you can afford not to is man-child tier autism?

>> No.4720290


I don't feel I'm insecure...

>You're not successful by the way

Fair. But I'm not unsuccessful, and I can generally do as I please day to day. Not unhappy, which is what matters.

>Can we get back to how living with your parents when you can afford not to is man-child tier autism?


>> No.4720295

>Can we get back to how living with your parents when you can afford not to is man-child tier autism?

It's a choice, like wasting money on cars and houses is when you could have invested it. Why do you care?

>> No.4720296

Lol, so you're just another normie fag that's in tons of debt. If you actually saved a lot of your money, bought a nice car and house in cash, and retired early then I'd be impressed. You haven't made it if you're 100s of thousands of dollars in debt.

>> No.4720307
File: 90 KB, 330x294, 52tqg34ygh43h3h34hg5ry54yhghrh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these larp threads are getting sad. OP, just shut your computer off

>> No.4720355

>Why do you care?
Because living with your parents when you can afford not to is not a sign of good character. It's also the opposite of the path to success, in my mind.

>Lol, so you're just another normie fag that's in tons of debt. If you actually saved a lot of your money

A car loan is bad debt, I wholeheartedly agree. A mortgage...not so much -- not in <current year>.

I have plenty of savings. Otherwise I wouldn't have bought what I did.

Also in case it wasn't clear, financing a car at 1.9% (less than inflation) is hardly a risky move...

>> No.4720362

You're not successful and obviously unintelligent, so why the fuck would I listen to you you condescending faggot?

>> No.4720391
File: 1.52 MB, 4128x2322, Copy-20140604_185841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not successful and obviously unintelligent

I don't think that's obvious at all -- but I imagine I wouldn't if I were unintelligent.

Not successful...I suppose that's all a matter of perspective. Maybe I'm nigger tier successful. But at least I don't live with my parents :-D

>> No.4720416

Don't be stupid, live of the interests

>> No.4720424

>But at least I don't live with my parents :-D

Only worthless wagecuck scum like yourself would see this as a bad position to be in. Now stop caring about other people's lives and go make your car payment you're indebted to, as well as all your bills and mortgage that ensures you break even at the end of the year. And get to work a little early, the boss who dictates your life wants you there on time.

>> No.4720438

I love when normies get absolutely BTFO

>> No.4720450

Holly fuck you are all I hate. You are the one I try to avoid by going here. So could you please leave ? It's crazy how you fit perfectly the stereotype of the frustrated and lonely overcompensating douchebag

>> No.4720457

crazy enough to be larp

>> No.4720461

God you really are an insufferable faggot. I can see how you chose a BMW - shit value, shit car, pure status symbol for the insecure folks with zero self-awarness.

>> No.4720480


How hilarious is this nerd rage, holy shit

Sorry you're right, I'll sell my house/cars, quit my job, move back in with my parents and live off of my crypto earnings.

I ain't even mad

>> No.4720504

It's not funny at all, read your posts. This is the only place people will tell you that you are an arrogant piece of shit. Everyone else you know surely just avoids you. You must realize this.

>> No.4720508

Thanks, and close the door behind you.

>> No.4720530

Love watching you autist NEETs rape normies with no lube. Reading this thread is highly entertaining.

>> No.4720535
File: 45 KB, 500x297, A906E9E5-3F20-4C46-B0D1-E2A084561299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh BMW
>muh money
Is this your Facebook?

>> No.4720539

By your own fucking calculation you'll run our of money at age 47.

>> No.4720544

>the only place people will tell you that you are an arrogant piece of shit

And the only place that someone will tell you that you're a parasite for living with your parents

>> No.4720577

Some weird lonely dude that lives around me drove a nice BMW. They found him dead from a heroin overdose last year.

>> No.4720587

I don't live with my parents, not am I a NEET. I unironically see nothing wrong with it if that's what works best to get you established.

What you don't get is most people have a family, friends, you know, people that like them. I'm sure this is foreign to you based on your disgusting personality.

>> No.4720593

I would rather live with my parents than be a walking pile of insecure dogshit like you.

>> No.4720624

Something that might be hard for you to understand, because you're an extremely unlikable faggot, is that some people actually like being around their parents, and their parents like having them around, since there is a family bond and love.

But enjoy your BMW payments.

>> No.4720634

Sounds like you're doing good op, well played.

>> No.4720637

>some people actually like being around their parents, and their parents like having them around

I'm sure your parents would love for you to still be living with them when you're 30. Holy shit.

>> No.4720652

I'm sure your parents have never wanted to be around you - at any age.

>> No.4720658

They would, since they actually love me. Not that you know anything about that.

That said, I'll choose not to, but there's really nothing wrong with it.

>> No.4720794

Mr nosenberg stole all of his joy.

>> No.4720858
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You are the epitome of the herd-normie-morality. Interesting to find such an specimen in this place.

>> No.4720868

Let me do quick rundown
> Neet posts retarded budget plan
> Gets called out on it
> Starts throwing insults
> Being informed insults are incorrect
> Has a meltdown
> He unironically believe everyone with money want to quit job and go to woods like OP fag but they "wage slave " not cuz they like society but cuz they just to

Op, you're a sad person if not a larper. Dude has more life than you even Working in McDonald's. Can you please explain why do guys like Bill Gates or Jeff work. They should quit r-right? Pretty fucking sure any CEO I know doesn't work 12 hrs a day for money. I always pity u retards with such a depressing concept of life and low testosterone accomplishments.

>> No.4720870

Is 50k in Bitcoin/Altcoins enough to get a million?

>> No.4720876

>posts picture of his shittty crotch rocket in a desperate attempt to show off
>deletes it

Can't make this shit up

>> No.4720892

>> Starts throwing insults
where did op do this? the conversation here is largely between random neet-anons and a wagecuck.

>> No.4720894

You're the same faggot from earlier, only now you're posting from your phone or you reset your router.

You are pathetic.

>> No.4720901

It probably is, but if you weren't retarded you'd invest that into Link and get 10 millions

>> No.4720907

Then at the same time he changes his I'd using the same bullshit tone and writing style pretending he's not the only proud cuck on the board.

>> No.4720935


Check out my ip or smthn I'll be from eu
Had to tldr it a bit but it's still same thing. Dude is saying this is cuck way of life yet he gets """destroyed""" by 0 argument posts

>> No.4720960
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I wish you luck bro.

>> No.4720983


> Enjoy life and society
> Work 4 days @ job I like
> Proud of my life and know exactly what to do in next 10 years career/life wise
> I don't have BMW tho cuz that's dick compensator in my opinion

Compared to
> I live with parents
> I have no skills or interests that would make what I do on daily basis profitable (considering you aren't entirely air waster and you have something to do with your life )

>> No.4720994


I'm 30s, my wife and I live with my parents. Not ideal, but we're very happy. I have money saved and hope to buy my own house soon, though. You'd be surprised.

>> No.4721000

>Escape wage slave life.

grow gourmet mushrooms and sell to local chefs

ezpz money

>> No.4721037

>live alone

hahah fucking loser

>> No.4721039


The state of /biz/ holy shit. Well at least you have wife Anon...

>> No.4721043

Listen faggot, again you are larping about all your successes not realizing no one gives a shit.

I'm not a NEET. I am certain I am doing better financial than you who needs to brag and compensate based on the fact you have debt and I own 2 cars and a home debt free.

But being a normal person, with a happy family and social life, I see the appeal of OPs plan. It seems exciting and I unironically wish him well.

Now fuck off and quit fucking bragging on an anonymous image board. No one likes you here, or in the real world.

>> No.4721088

But your own place is a terrible deal when economy is going to shit, without ample opportunities you are just trading dependence from your parents to your jew boss. If you invest and profit from all that saved rent money how can you be a parasite?

>> No.4721107


Again with bragging. The only thing I stated is I don't have BMW and I like what I'm doing. Not sure about noone likes me that's for people to decide but what I am sure is that Im not moving from a city center exactly because I can't live without friends and family like OP

>> No.4721115

>Implying you aren't the samefag that deleted the motorcycle
>Implying family and social life is better in a city

You really are dumb as fuck

>> No.4721122


> Dependant on boss jew

I'm surprised people actually believe this is the case for everyone holy shit.

>> No.4721168


> Being so sweaty you need to repeat yourself there's only one person who's enjoying his life with a job

Also yes , dk about US but for me it is better in a city 100%. I have few friends in a country side but holy shit that's so not me, I unironically like busy streets more.

>> No.4721175

I have more than that. I do more exciting things/live better than most "normal people" I know who are living in their own shit house/shit apartment working at their shit jobs eating their shit ramen noodles every night with their shit kids because they're poor, but they think they're "independent."

Meanwhile I drive good cars, eat good food, go on good vacations, have tons of money saved up, have no debt, and I'll have a "nice" house of my own soon, while they are forever stuck in their never ending cycle of shit.

I never cared what others did or what others thought. In the end, I know I'll have the last laugh.

>> No.4721176


>> No.4721183

Amena koiym

>> No.4721211
File: 325 KB, 872x1200, 1511582452299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the same plan as you op though i am to be $40k in debt when i take my masters next year and live alone
i plan on doing maybe 4 years of wage slavery and then become a early retirement neet before i turn 30
i am currently $2k in crypto as its all i've been able to afford with my disposable income this past year
i expect i'll be earning about $60k annually out of which i intend to put as much as i can into various investments, that is if i get employed by the company i am doing my thesis at
dont listen to the normie fags who say you'll be bored or whatever, they will never be able to comprehend the neet mentality
ganbarou, op-kun, i unironically hope you make it

>> No.4721214

Retard... nothing is free. Look at amortization table and then tell us what a great deal it was. If you take a mortgage to term you pay for it 2x to 3x depending on the rate.

>> No.4721231

>I have some idea of wtf I'm talking about is the point I'm trying to make.

No, you don’t

>> No.4721235


Who's bragging lol

> Live with parents, don't own property
> Drive nice cars

Man either your bad larper or your indeed stupid enough to support OP plans

> I'll have my last laugh
Implying that's what life is about not the process but endgame

I'm fucking out, coming back to biz after half a year was a mistake.

>> No.4721249

Don't let the door hit your ass. You're an insufferable piece of shit in the real world and not much better here.

>> No.4721266

Good, don't come back. Remember that you're a piece of shit and don't belong here.

>> No.4721280

>escapes wage slaving by slaving for wage
>touts fiat backed fiat
>thinks he is free

Casino always wins when you can't step away at will and start new.

>> No.4721282
File: 138 KB, 270x270, E7F9A247-D2FA-4DF0-A9BA-E0905A3A8559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole someones BMW yesterday by taking his keys and driving it over a curbstone which ripped open the oiltank and then through a cornfield.
After it I took the weed in the car.
That dude was a cunt like you lol

>> No.4721319

I'm actually nothing like OP, but everyone lives/enjoys their life in a different way. What makes you happy might not make another person happy.

Seriously, you're probably some ugly fucking nerd virgin, aren't you? Try getting a girlfriend and take a break from the cyber.

BTW, my life process is great, and my endgame will be even better. Fuck off. :)

>> No.4721366

Thx mommy and daddy :)

>> No.4721370

Property taxes and insurance. You wont make it on 10k. You're health insurance alone will be 10k a year.

>> No.4721373


> Ur piece of shit IRL
Decided by neets who admire living alone in a woods or with a parents instead of healthy lifestyle with IRL friends

You know you're in good mindset if your argument consist from these insults and "ooga booga I have bigger net worth"(assuming it's true )

You convinced me NEET life is superior only by your "kys" posts

>> No.4721393


> weed

Like me. Lol nah

>> No.4721420

That is the moment I realize that you live in your moms basement.

>> No.4721444

It's your outlook on life. You are a judgmental arrogant fuck. You can't appreciate that people have desires different than begging for admiration from others by renting a BMW. You have to be Elliot Rogers tier retarded to think like anyone cares, especially on the internet.

All this on a fucking business and finance board, do you not think people would desire the independence to live life as they choose on a fucking business board? That's the whole point you absolute retard.

>> No.4721459


> Try getting a girlfriend virgin

See this is why I know you and OP either larp or are indeed autistic. No decent girlfriend will live with me and my parents. Broke with one when I was younger cuz she wouldn't similar thing.

>> No.4721549


You just proved my point

> People seek Independence
By being dependant on their parents. Sweet.
Meanwhile me nor the bmw dude arent dependant on our jobs. Or well. At least I'm not.

Show me one post where I posted anything that could be cry for admiration all I see is
> Dude my life is superior cuz I have this and that I even drive nice cars
I haven't posted anything cuz unlike BMW dude I don't have to prove anything, can't say same thing about you tho

>> No.4721566


Don't know how one thing leads to another in your mind but ok

Keep on keeping on

>> No.4721678

Selll your bmw and buy crypto

>> No.4721735

Because you never go outside.

>> No.4721752


Oh. Didn't know that.

>> No.4721762

Crazy right?

>> No.4721809


No just retarded, never understood this kind of shit on any type of internets

>> No.4721810

>No decent girlfriend will live with me and my parents.

Actually a decent girl WOULD as long as you got your shit together and you have goals. A gold digging whore wouldn't.

I never said you should live with your parents forever, but hey, nothing wrong with that either if that makes ya happy.

I could buy a house right now if I want to. I choose not to at this time.

Enjoy living in your nig/spic infested apartment complex in your nig/spic infested liberal shit hole of a city. Fuck I'd rather live with my parents than have your sad, lonely, forever single life.

>> No.4721816

Real talk. Go lurk and read on r/personalfinance, r/fire and read Mr money mustache blog.

I really don't think you've don't like done the math. It will be extremely difficult to retire so young with such small if a nest egg.

>> No.4721875
File: 153 KB, 639x635, 3FACA7EA-0188-4A7C-8308-89EEEF6251F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you calling yourself retarded?
You shouldn‘t do that!

>> No.4721876

I’d be okay with this if I was his dad. He’s working and accumulating wealth like a good little Ferengi. It’s not like he’s just smoking pot all day and being worthless.

>> No.4721967

Debt is slavery.
You are a slave.

t. God

>> No.4721998

this thread really went to shit didnt it lol

>> No.4722070

Lol what a fucking retarded early retirement plan

>> No.4722222


Come back to find some sanity -- thank you, anon.

>> No.4722266

I didn't change my ID...I went back to working on crypto trading, only to come back to more NEET rage

>> No.4722440

>It's crazy how you fit perfectly the stereotype of the frustrated and lonely overcompensating douchebag

I missed this one. I'm overcompensating by driving a car I enjoy? Overcompensating is buying a used 7-series luxury mobile. I bought an M4 because I like fast cars, especially fast cars that can be made much faster.

I'm also recently engaged -- hardly lonely.

Really don't want to make this about me, anyhow -- this all started because I was responding to "LOL UR NEVER GONNA BE FINANCIALLY SUCCESSFUL", which is ridiculous.

Can we get back to discussing how living off of your parents when you can afford not to makes you a shitty person?

>> No.4722923

Boomers are shit but it's not that they had it on easy mode - remember that our fathers/grandfathers were forced into wars without a choice while also (in many cases) providing for a family. That shit ain't easy.

The problem with boomers is that they supported legislation and politicians which helped destroy the dollar and our economy, starting with the removal of the dollar backed by gold. And then there's government benefits that they now receive which we pay for but will never receive ourselves when we get old. Add on much higher taxes now. Etc etc. It is basically a death sentence for us and future generations. No wonder alternative deflationary currencies like bitcoin are skyrocketing. It might be the only chance for our generations to live a decent life.

You're supposedly doing well for yourself but here you are, on biz, scolding other people's lifestyles. Either you're a larp or a really pathetic human being. Or a boomer.

>> No.4723518

have learned this hard way