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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4716544 No.4716544 [Reply] [Original]

>the irs has gotten coinbase upon its feet
>now you are taxed upon withdrawal
Diane Feinstein along with political boomer goons will all together ban US citizens using bitcoin as they will raid all US exchanges and track you via your ip address and have Trump to force sign the bill banning all US citizens from using crpyptos, that will pass with nearly 100% of the senate and congress as they will say the currency is used by terrorists and pedos, making American moralfags happy they took down the evil empire of terrorists and kid fucking sickos. Sell while everything is still legal. Bitcoin was supposed to avoid this but i cannot overcome American politicians thus crashing the crypto market down to under $10 billion mostly held by devs, miners and whales on the run form the CIA, NSA, FBI and the American Army.

>> No.4716682


>> No.4716715

how else are you going to pay for 100 million dollar missiles and 50 million illegals with a massive welfare state don't be racists pls

>> No.4716807

sauce? concerned trump supporter here

>> No.4716821
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Oy vey!!! You don't support terrorists do you anon? Besides, we need mo money fo dem programz!

>> No.4716844


Thinking that Trump wouldn't veto anything with Feinstein's name even remotely associated with it.



>> No.4716880


Trump literally does anything (((they))) tell him.
What the fuck do you think is going to happen?
/pol/ are fucking retards and assisted (((them))) did exactly what (((they))) wanted. FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.4716882
File: 36 KB, 400x400, smugpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ungrateful millennial who doesn't vote or participate in a civil service bitching and moaning about not contributing through tax to the society of privilege that he or she lives in.

>> No.4716902

brice of freedom

>> No.4716921

taxation is theft slaveboy

>> No.4716929

>china shuts down all btc exchanges
>btc drops 40%
>be present time
>btc is ath at 11k
>china has more people than burgerland

Why should we be worried?

>> No.4716938

anarchy gonna pave muh road

>> No.4716949


Lmao that shlomo shlong sucking faggot will probably gladly sign it without thinking twice

>> No.4716982

the income tax is unconstitutional. Abolish the 16nth amendment

>> No.4717006

he touched the wailing khazar wall, he touched the saudi orb, can we say that he was acting the entire time to them, or to us....he is building the wall...but he is also listening to his kikedaughter over his 2 older sons.

makes my mind...ponder. is DRUMPFT one of us, or...one of """them""".

>> No.4717021

yes everyone has to see and cap this post
the us does not want anything that threatens the dollar, however, they were kept quiet in this bullrun until institutional investors announced the cme trading platform. Dont think its gonna bring more mooning, that is literary the end of the bull run and the beginnings of massive regulations and bannings across the board as cme involves with the dollar directly.
nope, congress and the senate has him by his balls, Trump cant do anything unless he signs it and gets framed a terrorist and a pedo and who hates terrorist and pedos more than anything else? Those alt right voters and Christians, willing to throw their own president under the bus as the media and your senators drop him.
im telling you you cant do shit, all those laws passed bringing in big government is put into use man

>> No.4717029


>> No.4717038
File: 82 KB, 720x599, libertarian at a dinner party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4717076

the US has a huge effect on everything, even though China has a large portion of the crypto marketcap, the US will be willing to put an embargo if they continue to trade by now illegal crypto currency to US citizens, that will surely crash the price
like i said the 2 branches of the government will allow the banning of cryptos as it is a looming threat to the US dollar

Just note i just sold everything and now getting everything out of exchanges as my limit allows to before i cant anymore.

>> No.4717111

The money isn't going to roads, that much is evident given their condition.

It's going to welfare niggers, basket-case gender studies majors, state indoctrination centers, single mothers who don't need no man (but will gladly take a man's money), political slush funds, government pencil pushers and paper shufflers, corporate earmarks and political favors, useless feel-good projects like statues and parks that fall into disrepair a couple years later, more bombs to blow-up Palestinian children for greatest ally, and public housing that goes to shit in weeks.

>> No.4717136

I am sorry but i cannot post anymore as it may threaten my identity and my well being. But please get off the markets, preferably before the CME trading platform starts, or before Christmas as this will cause a depression in the crypto markets full of arrests, lost money and people burnt out of this industry. This is nothing like Mt. Gox, that is one exchange, you will see multiple exchanges shut down forceably. Good luck /biz/.

>> No.4717177

Protip: cash some out now. Everything u cash out starting one month from now will be hit with tax. Right now u can still get away with it

>> No.4717214

Nice 7/10 larping fud

>> No.4717323

It's not fud you retard. I called my senators 6 months ago to vote against this bill. It's horrible.

>> No.4717372

>Selling Bitcoin

Nice try IRS, I won't even consider selling until these baby's are $1,000,000+. Good luck anyhow

>> No.4717380

No shit. Your local government builds roads. This money is raised with property tax, sales tax, and gas tax. Capital gains tax goes to the federal government.
No. You owe taxes on capital gains made today, in the past, and in the future.

/biz/ is so retarded it's not even funny sometimes.

>> No.4717425

>caring about cuckbase
Where we are going you wont have to cash out - Morpheus

>> No.4717603

This does not mesh with my belief that bitcoin is a creation of the NSA and that they know how to crack SHA256 since they developed it. They definitely want Americans using btc.

>> No.4717690

Calm your tits. this was introduced at the end of the legislative session dumbass. The chances of it passing in this wave while tax reform is being scrambled to be passed is so small it aint funny. So best chance this gets passed in 2018, which means it doesn't go into effect till 2019 at the earliest. So calm your titties.

>> No.4717724

so you're saying.. sell BTC before 2019? ok. will do, chief.

>> No.4717779

Fud pulled out of your ass. Kys, its worth it

>> No.4718168



>> No.4718287

This is what VPN's, and not living in America were invented for.

>> No.4718324

Imagine having this worldview

>> No.4718470

I've been thinking about buying citizenship from one of those European countries that offer it and then gtfo of this "land of the free".

>> No.4718522

fear mongering fag

>> No.4718557

What? There are countries that sell citizenship?

>> No.4718628

who cares. coinbase was always shit and subject to centralized takeover. hows this surprising to anyone. let the normies get penalized while the knowledgable ones get paid in double

>> No.4718791

I think with some poorer 2nd world countries, if you buy some decent real estate there or pay the government a fee you are granted citizenship.

>> No.4719617

every country.
you just need enough money

>> No.4719692

Both (((Feinstein))) & (((Stiglitz))) doing this within 24 hours. This is all orchestrated attacks on our sovereignty. I'm leaving this cursed country

>> No.4719783

As usual FUD means buy.
How long till people understand this

>> No.4719828
File: 298 KB, 1235x650, 1511699173720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4720147

>lets transfer our wealth to each other for no reason
>minus government tax, transaction fees
>gonna break the system

every fucker is being chewed and spat for the movement of drugs and child porn

>> No.4720192

It's a pretty good pasta, we'll have to see how it formats. Pasta needs aesthetics, an instantly recognizable shape.

Diane Feinstein along with political boomer goons will all together ban US citizens using bitcoin as they will raid all US exchanges and track you via your ip address and have Trump to force sign the bill banning all US citizens from using crpyptos, that will pass with nearly 100% of the senate and congress as they will say the currency is used by terrorists and pedos, making American moralfags happy they took down the evil empire of terrorists and kid fucking sickos. Sell while everything is still legal. Bitcoin was supposed to avoid this but i cannot overcome American politicians thus crashing the crypto market down to under $10 billion mostly held by devs, miners and whales on the run form the CIA, NSA, FBI and the American Army.

>> No.4720217

Seems a little thin, needs a bit more meat after American Army. The word drones looks good there.

>> No.4720339

cashout at Coinbase huh?