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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4705553 No.4705553 [Reply] [Original]

>IOTA/BTC sell wall was 130BTC
>Down to 50 BTC in an hour

Shits gonna erupt after the wall falls. Strap in, faggots

>> No.4705583
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>> No.4705980

This wall will fall, Mr. Gorbachev

>> No.4706614

>BTC wall down to 28

Tick tock tick tock

>> No.4706631

>23 btc

>> No.4706649

I will not FOMO la-la-la-la-la-la I can't hear you.

>> No.4706661


>> No.4706662

if you buy iota you support white genocide

>> No.4706668


>> No.4706707
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>pulling walls = moon

>> No.4706724

>20 boysssssss

>> No.4706742

can someone link to the source?

>> No.4706756


>> No.4706764

Source? Wtf. Look at an order book, faggot

...down to 19

>> No.4706772

dont care if i get rich

>> No.4706776

Explain sell wall please

>> No.4706817


>> No.4706824

Just shows how small crypto still is if a 3.5 million dollar sell order can stop a top 10 coin for days.

>> No.4706858

Post your predictions
$3 in the next 24 hours

>> No.4706868


This is not a drill!!!!

>> No.4706872


>> No.4706876


Honestly surprised that we destroyed a 350BTC wall in less than a day.

>> No.4706878

finally. fuck.

>> No.4706894

id laugh so hard if another sell wall went up at 14000

>> No.4706903

Fuck you very much but >>4706824 helped me understand.

>> No.4706945

Still, the price will go up quite a bit.

>> No.4706964
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>actually guys it wasn't a group effort, i bought 90% of that wall and know you're going to recoup my losses at 14000? Right guys?

>> No.4706990

the wall was at 1.38$ on binance but it's trading at 1.40 on bitfinex which has double the volume
it'll certainly catch up but before it can reach 1.45 that's another 180btc.

>> No.4706994

It will just get put back up once it's eaten. This has been going on since yesterday when some whale dumped $1.5m fiat into IOTA on Bitfinex.

>> No.4707017

why would someone waste so much money doing that?

>> No.4707030

I think they bought in at like 12500 and just flipped a quick profit

>> No.4707068

At that level they are not going for the long haul. Hedgefunds just want their 5% gain for their shareholders.

>> No.4707124

>get rich off iota
>use profits to run campaign and become Hitler 2 and reverse white genocide

Use their own creation against them, it’s the only way

>> No.4707145

Or you could buy one of the better coins, ignore this garbage, and make more profit

>> No.4707426

Mooning on Shillfinex!

>> No.4707464

>that fucking pump
>that sudden wall of buy orders that just appeared

>> No.4707534
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>> No.4707572

>halfassed check /biz/ while playing vidya
>throw money i had on bitfinex for shorting btc into iota
>check back in
lel you actually told the truth
but that perfect flatline looked awfully suspicious in hindsight

>> No.4707596

It's obviously being manipulated to stay low as long as possible, the flatline was due to a 350 btc sell wall.

>> No.4707598

Gate destroyed, bull run is loose.

>> No.4707927

so are we expecting to see some gains over the next couple of days, then a crash?

>> No.4708141

OP here - don't get too greedy on the run. and you're welcome for the heads up before the wall fell

>> No.4708144

Hope so! want to buy at $1. will it even go to 1$ biz?

>> No.4708233

how do I look at old orders from days ago?

>> No.4708302


TA suggests that it will drop to around 0.5-0.6 before making steady gains.

>> No.4708323
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where the fuck can I actually buy IOTA and be able to withdrawal right away instead of using cucked binance??

>> No.4708962

>better coins
such as?