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470454 No.470454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A 2-BR apartment in the Liberty City neighborhood of Miami costs $675 a month. Though plagued by a high murder rate and drug wars, why wouldn't you move into the hood and save money?

>> No.470457

Because my apartment in a quiet town with next to no crime and like one nigger per 2000 whites costs me $300/mo.

>> No.470498

>why wouldn't you move into the hood and save money?

Cause even with fooling the thugs thinking you're poor by living in the hood, and living under your means, they will still find out somehow.

You can only stay in a hole for a long time before you are able to leave for a midtier flat.

>> No.470502

>mfw when I live in one of the whitest, best neighbourhoods in the world and only pay 1050 for a beautiful 1 bedroom with ocean views...

>> No.470505

I'd rather pay extra to not having to fear that my neighbor might execute me in my sleep for coffee change.

>> No.470507

because that isn't even cheap

>> No.470525

Because I pay less for a nice 1 bedroom in a quiet, town I like

>> No.470717

I actually used to do this in my earlier years in San Fran. I lived in the really poor part of the tenderloin because rent was cheap (at the time I was paying about 900 / month for a studio)

It let me save some money, but I had to deal with a lot of crap. After I got into my 30s, I bought in a nice area and moved out.

>> No.470724

I don't want my wife to be brutalized.

Also walking amongst people who smell like shit and piss who ask for money is not fun. I live in a decent neighborhood and there are still people who sleep right on the sidewalk at my doorstep. It's not really the best way to start your day to walk through human squalor.

>> No.470727

Do I really need a better reason than those?

>> No.470730

Coastal Canada is shit tier

>> No.470941

>but I had to deal with a lot of crap

Like what?

>> No.470953

Ever lived in or near a hood, OP?
It blows.


I'll give a few examples I had to put up with:

1. Waking up in the middle of the night to that stupid reggaeton bass beat. (bum ba dum BUM bum da bum DUMB)

2. Prostitutes soliciting services

3. Hiding any sign of wealth on you

4. Not leaving your house at certain times at night, even to go to the car

5. Your car getting broken into/jacked

6. Your home/flat getting broken into

7. Higher insurance premiums

*. Never happened to me, but stray bullets can shatter windows. Local sandwich shop constantly got a few bullets at night. because they had large windows.

8. Bringing a gf to your flat is difficult to do. No girl wants to get picked up at a bar or party, then driven to the hood.

9.If you have a gf/wife, hoodrats, niggers, and spics will harass her. Possible rape. Especially if she is white. It's not funny at all and it's really fucked up.

10. If you have a family with kids, shit-tier schools and beatings.

Is this around Del Mar, SD? Sounds like it, to me.

>> No.470954

why stop there, why not just move strait into africa and save even more

>> No.470959

Yes let me exponentially decrease my life-span in hopes of making enough money to not even enjoy.

>> No.470960

>Prostitutes soliciting services

Implying it is a bad thing. In French muslim hoods, we have what you described, but without the prostitutes :(

>> No.470965

>Del Mar, SD
Del Mar, South Dakata?

>Don't abbreviate San Diego like that fucktard.

>> No.470971
File: 306 KB, 648x431, icewich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just move to an extremely rural community?

I live in Eastern Washington and you can find apartments here for as low as $275-$400/month.

>> No.470983


It IS a bad thing if you had to put up with it every day + they are infested with disease.

BTW I was in Europe for about a year as an American. I speak one of the European languages flawlessly and without an accent, so a lot of people didn't realize I was a freedom-eagle.

How Muslims acted over there appalled me. Yeah, niggers are bad and so are spics in the US...I never thought Muslims were on that same level. Jesus.

Wasn't in France, though. The Muzzie neighborhood I halfway lived in had tons of pimping going on, though, primarily by Muslims. So why isn't there pimping in Muslim neighborhoods in France? I find that hard to imagine.

>> No.470997

I lived in SD. I abbreviate it SD. I'm not the only one who abbreviates it as SD. Go be autistic over something else.

Spokane? Yakima?
But isn't the pay pretty low east of the Cascades + Mexicans everywhere?

I don't think I'd go east of Snoqualmie

Mt. Rainier explosion soon, fellow WAer.

>> No.471015

In Paris, low-end prostitution is mainly done in the woods, not in the street. The Bois de Boulogne is possibly the biggest open-air brothel in the world. And pimps are serious mafiosi from Eastern countries, not our mediocre muslim "thugs" that barely act out of their own hood.

Euro Muslims are less dangerous than your average U.S. thug because they're not as heavily armed, but they probably are a lot more annoying overall - not just thugs, but Muslims as a whole, because "muh islam", "muh holy prophet", "muh halal", "muh modesty", "muh honor", "muh ramadan", etc.
All this islamizes the public space de facto, even when non-Muslims are still the majority (a 20% or 30% Muslim minority is enough to shove islam on all the neighbourhood).
For example, in school cafeterias, all meals will be halal (even for non-Muslims) because the Muslim minority says so; women can't wear skirts because they will be harassed (but they will be fine if they wear an islamic veil); you don't want to speak badly about "muh prophet" because you don't want to be assaulted or killed, etc. So you have comply with islamic values and respect islam, even if you are not Muslim. Obviously the authorities are powerless, and every reaction again islam is more or less strongly punished by magistrates and the media (that would be "racism" or "islamophobia"). All this is probably not going to end well for some people.

But the rent is cheap in these hoods, so that's okay?

>> No.471036

Wow, people just fucking in the woods? That's kind of funny. I saw similar things in Germany, but not on a massive scale.

Are you a Frenchman? What is your opinion on the future of Muslim growth in France? It looks pretty bad in Germany. Friends of mine in the UK say that the large cities have become majority non-English.

We have the usual black and Hispanic issue in the US, but South California, New York, and Florida have rapidly growing Arab populations that most people aren't aware of.

Tell me more about the Eastern Europeans in France. Sounds interesting. Is there no longer an ethnic French mafia?

>> No.471043

Well, it wasn't actually that dangerous, per se, but filled with vagrants. So lots of panhandling, open drug use, needles and other scary trash and sometimes literal crap, as in people taking a dump in front of the building.

Also, the noise was bad. Crazy street people screaming about nothing, roaring motorcycles in the middle of the night, other tenants having fights. That was actually what made me leave, it was just too much.

It's also pretty depressing. As the other poster commented, your social life is hampered because no-one wants to visit you. And, cops really give you a hard time and assume you're ghetto as well. I was stopped for having a nice cigar because they assumed it was filled with weed - it wasn't. I also had a few cops knocking on my door literally for no reason at all, no joke. But, they gave bullshit reasons, like "A 911 call came from this address" when I didn't even have a phone. Shit like that.

>> No.471065

Because twice that gets me more space, safety, no commute, and no roommates.

Also don't have to pay water/gas, which is nice.

>> No.471067


what sort of cities do you have to go to to experience this? I lived in Lille for two years and got around and never felt like this, at least there. I guess roubaix would be worse, but to me it didn't seem that bad.

Is this pretty much just limited to paris and marseille?

>> No.471084

somewhere in BC?

>> No.471211

Ah, I know this feel. I lived like this because I was honestly poor, couldn't afford or do better, welfare dependent and trying to get a job because my biotechnology degree was useless in this country after the mortgage meltdown destroyed the economy. Jesus christ it was shit living like that. My situation is frankly not all that better now but at least I have a job that pays slightly better than welfare.

>> No.471249

Nah, not worth it. I'll find a job somewhere else.

>> No.471437

Its a fine idea. You just have to walk from your apartment to your car. you would have to be a massive pussy if you cant handle that. Just act like you dont give a fuck, act schizophrenic, or poor.

>> No.471447

You say that now, but it gets to everyone after awhile.

>> No.471501

That's not even cheap. A 3bdr/1bth costs $700 a month where I live and it's nice as fuark.

>> No.471856

You can have the "full Muslim experience" in almost any decent French city, but it's often very local. You have hoods full of Blacks and Arabs, completely dominated by them, then one street away you'll find no Muslim at all (and they won't go there in general, except for some burglary). So if you live in a neighborhood where Arabs aren't, and work and shop in places that are not low-end, it's easy to think Muslims almost don't exist, or that everything you hear about them is exaggerated.
Your children will have to endure Muslims at school though, where they dominate as soon as they're more than 5 or 6 per class - and they behave extremely badly, even at a very young age where they already have the "muslim criminal" mentality: they steal and hurt everyone (for extremely good reasons such as: "you looked at me badly", "you ate something in front of my eyes while it's ramadan", etc.), and if you try to do anything against it, they come all together to destroy you (10 against 1), and if you succeed in beating them up, they'll call their big brothers to hurt you, torch your parents' car, call 50 times a day on the phone to threaten you, etc. No way to win.
Obviously, everyone knows the police will makes no effort to protect you, and they will never be punished by the magistrates (because "they're poor", you must not "oppress them", what's important is "reinsertion" and not punishment, anyway the big brother who broke your arm and menaced to rape your sister was only 15, so he didn't realize what he did, etc.).
So you let them steal, eat your halal lunch, and say nothing. Everyone understands that when Muslims are in your school, even at 6 or 7 years old, and that can be almost everywhere in France, except (I think) in Corsica where they're hurt badly by the locals who have a thicker skin and a stronger group mentality.

>> No.471860

Yep, they're just fucking in the woods, under a tent, against the trees, in a small van, everywhere. It really is a punter's and voyeur's paradise.

I'm French and muslim growth goes stronger and stronger. You begin to see them (with the classic attributes: veiled women with sad or heinous looks, long beards and djellabas, big "halal restaurant" facades, Algerian flags, etc.) even in the safest places now, i.e. deep countryside, small Corsican villages, high-end residential cities, etc.
They're more and more aggressive and it doesn't look and feel like France anymore when they're too concentrated somewhere, not even mentioning the usual problems that mysteriously appear with them: theft, burglary, drugs, etc.

I don't know if the Arab population in America is the same, maybe you have more upper-class Arabs that are more secular and don't bring this kind of problems (they're educated enough to speak English at least). Here in Europe we only have the lowest of the low Arab classes, who are handled properly in their own countries (for example, very harsh justice: in Morocco, if you're a local who just steals a tourist's phone, expect to be jailed for AT LEAST THIRTY YEARS; do the same thing in Dubai and they will CUT YOUR HAND OFF; while in France, you're not even judged for this, you're out after 6-12 hours at the police station and that's it, so they pretty much have a license to steal).

>> No.471861

Where do you live?

>> No.471867


Eastern European mafia is still a small phenomenon in France (some prostitution but not that much; also some burglary that comes and goes, but with extremely sophisticated methods that probably don't exist in America: they survey you, they somehow make keys adapted to your locks to enter in your house without breaking in, then take pictures of what you own, don't steal anything for the moment, and only come back later to steal ONE THING when they found a buyer for it - so you don't even realize you were stolen), and they don't replace an ethnic French mafia since we didn't have a real local mafia in the first place, except in Marseille maybe, where the mafia always had an "international" vibe (coming from Belgium, Italy, Corsica, etc.).

We also have gypsies which are a real pain to look and hear at (always trying to beg, steal or swindle people in the street) and it looks impossible to get rid of them thanks to the E.U.

>> No.472004

when i was in germany, the muslims would attack in HUGE groups, threaten family, etc.


>> No.472054 [DELETED] 


FWIW I'm Algerian, born and raised in Canada, and I had it 10x worse when I visited as a kid.

>> No.472311

>move into the hood to save money
>get mugged everyday
Dont bother OP, Live, don't survive. You will become a statistic on /pol/. In the long run, it will be cheaper in a better area. Crappy areas, not many people, work, and idiots with nothing to do and all day to do it, go "fishing" (breaking into houses and cars for shiny things), get violent and you end up paying dental or hospital fees if victimized, Possibly a racial hate charge against you aswell.
Its more hassle than its worth, not even a gambler would take the risk/reward ratio.

>> No.472325

>2 bedroom costs 675 a month
>so do local apartments that aren't there
>there are even cheaper places than that which aren't drug war ghettos

If I were going to make a move to save money I would probably expatriate for a time.

>> No.472407

Did you just pick the first $675 apartment you found? These exist in lots of places. That is exactly the rent I pay in wisconsin. Shitty landlord in my case, but much better than anything you were planning.