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4704052 No.4704052 [Reply] [Original]

is there any way of backing this up? seems absurd that if i lose this phone i could be locked out of all my accounts.

>> No.4704063


use authy

>> No.4704077

when setting it up use snipping tool to screenshot the backup code you are given, store this in a safe place

>> No.4704091

Are you an idiot? It's connected to your Google Account. If you lose your password to that, your phone number AND your secret answer or whatever - then you're fucked.

>> No.4704095

save your backup codes in a secure place

>> No.4704109

Your given a backup code when you start yuleh

>> No.4704144

titanium backup

>> No.4704157


>> No.4704161

The backup codes are only for the google account retards

>> No.4704274

The recovery codes are for the google account, not the authenticators i have with each exchange. As far as I'm aware there's no way of getting that back just from my gmail and phone number.

pretty sure i didn't back this up. my fuck up, i know.

>> No.4704470

then disable and enable it again

>> No.4704477

just reset now that you know. It's worth it, I have a hidden paper that's probably more important than my private keys right now with each alphanumeric code they give you before you scan the QR code

>> No.4704491


This....I dumped Google Auth. Just use Authy.

>> No.4704543

you need a code from the app to disable it.

>excuse me Mr. criminal, do you mind accompanying me to the nearest place with a secure connection so I can disable the 2FA on my crypto exchanges

>> No.4704689

Just write down all the backup codes
If you didn't do it and you are on Android you can recover the codes from the database file
But I think you need root for that

>> No.4705028

Ok just want to check I'm not overlooking anything...
Just disabled 2FA on all my exchanges and then reactivated with authy. Wrote down various new authentication keys on paper. Got backups and password for authy.

I should be good now, right?
My phone's a piece of shit. It was scary to think my crypto holdings all depended on something that could die at any moment.

>> No.4705053

if you didn't write down the codes on paper, you're fucked

>> No.4705063

He does have the code because he didn't lose his phone yet. He fucked up the first time around by not writing down the backup.

>> No.4705069

You can usually call and get the 2fa removed anyways.

>> No.4705094

you must have never heard of WinAuth

>> No.4705169

Authy or LastPass authenticator

>> No.4705556

write down your authentication key on every website where you use it

>> No.4706408
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this. stupid smart phone fags.

>> No.4706525
File: 1 KB, 231x120, 1494261367454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only right post in this thread

OP I ran into this issue with all the 2FA/Google Auth stuff for all these exchanges. DO NOT USE AUTHY, they are known to be exploited. My Google Auth app isn't connected to any google account, only local. Codes scanned into Google Auth are NOT backed up, not even via an iCloud backup.

My technique, when adding a new code, make an image backup of the QR code to scan, and add it into 2 phones or more.

If you don't have 2FA backups (an action plan if you lose your phone), you're literally asking to get JUST'd.

>> No.4706607
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>> No.4706705

also, l have 2 smartphones with authy, if l loose one, l can still login and disable authentification

>> No.4706757

Exchanges provide you with backups.

>> No.4706793

Use Authy. You can still get at your 2fa or disable it if you lose/brick your phone.

>> No.4706810

You're supposed to save the qr code when you get it. Store it encrypted or print it.

>> No.4707001

If you use any closed or google software when dealing with crypto you deserve to get your coins stolen. If you use smartphone 2fa at least use free implementation such as https://fdroid.gitlab.io/fdroid-website/packages/net.bierbaumer.otp_authenticator/

>> No.4707037

Has an issue with google software and uses an android phone?

>> No.4707048

really? i just moved all my shit to authy.

prob gonna just do this desu.

>> No.4707064

>If you use smartphone 2fa at least

>> No.4707069


>> No.4707070

>The recovery codes are for the google account, not the authenticators i have with each exchange. As far as I'm aware there's no way of getting that back just from my gmail and phone number.

Yeah, but if you were paying attention, each time you activated 2FA on each exchange you were provided a recovery code.

It will only ever show you that code 1 time, if you lost it, you need to turn of 2fa and turn it back on to get the recover code.

>> No.4707096
File: 23 KB, 238x192, DE0CF6A6-715C-4A1E-9084-748D3F3B8E43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authy is shit retards

Hackers can easily re-direct your 2FA codes if they have your phone number.

Google Authenticator the codes are tied to your ACTUAL device, so either you would have to lose your phone and all of its QR backups you were supposed to write or the hacker would have to have your physical phone in which case he’d probably just shoot you unless you gave your keys

>> No.4707110

>really? i just moved all my shit to authy.

coinbase forced me to Google auth in july, wouldn't let me use authy anymore.

did that change?

>> No.4708017

I killed a phone once by dropping it in a lake and got locked out of both Bitfinex and localbitcoins, and I was able to email them and regain access to both accounts. No I didn't have the backup code.

>> No.4708448

Just broke my phone and I used Google authenticator. there's no way to restore the codes without resetting then through the exchange unless you too s screenshot of the qr

>> No.4708477

You can literally save the image to your computer.

>> No.4708482

for binance they gave me a code that i could put in if i ever lose my authorization. you should copy and paste that and save it if anything happens

>> No.4708506

Switch off 2FA on all your accounts and then switch it back on this time saving the QR backups.

>> No.4708512


You can reset those codes and back them up. Just disable and re-enable 2fa and it gives you new codes.

>> No.4708546

If I uninstall google auth and reinstall it will it give me a new secret key? I lost the paper i wrote it on a while back before i got into crypto

>> No.4708679


>> No.4708764
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1511127001380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make your phone rooted, install a backup software, then create an image of your phone data, simple

>> No.4708897
