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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4701174 No.4701174 [Reply] [Original]

I've been on 4chan for 11 years, and the past year I've spent the majority of the time here on /biz/.

At this point, I've extracted all of the relevant information this board has to offer.

You guys don't even fucking talk about pic related anymore. You literally don't talk about the world computer or what it's doing or the strategy of finding legitimate applications of decentralization.

You talk about REQ.
You talk about LINK.
You talk about the favorite shitcoin of the week that has, at best, extremely limited understanding of the function of these systems and how cryptoeconomics works.

You can't give me any information anyone. It's 99% bullshit FUD or bullshit ignorant exuberance.

I hate leaving you guys, because this place could be so much more. But you're being supplanted by Reddit, by Twitter and Telegram.

And that's fucking pathetic.

And to every single pajeet on this board: go die in a flaming pile of shit you disgusting subhuman.

>> No.4701192

it took you 11 years to realize /biz/ sucks? i think you're as deluded as the rest of us

>> No.4701201

I was younger then. And /biz/ is new-ish

>> No.4701202


fuck off pedo faggot

>> No.4701225

Yeah this is pretty much my sentiment. Ethereum is the future, smart contracts are the future. Oracles like LINK may play a vital role in the success of smart contracts, or maybe Ethereum will get its own built-in oracle at some point. Who knows. But I'm about done here, as well. Too many newfag /v/edditors.

Best of luck to you, anon.

>> No.4701230

See you next week m8

>> No.4701236

You're the pedo bud

>> No.4701243



pick one, bud

>> No.4701265

>believing that evolution like, just stopped, when it comes to human brain development

>> No.4701266
File: 180 KB, 500x372, 1511094489598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about LINK and REQ
Maybe because they represent great projects that actually have potential and provide something useful
Kek goodbye OP

>> No.4701274

See you tomorrow

>> No.4701283

Maybe, but no.

>> No.4701289
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, 4RQJHr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just leave. Do you think that we think the elders are leaving ohhh noo.

We dont care. You arent superior just because you were here 11 years ago.

Go fuck yourself.

I had better things to do then browsing 4 chan for 11 years.

Pathetic wanna be "early adopter".

>> No.4701302

I'm not better than you because I've been here for 11 years.
I'm better than you because I'm not fucking retarded.


>> No.4701304

Genuine question:

can someone recommend a good crypto discussion forum with a better signal-to-noise ration than Bitcointalk?

>> No.4701306

/biz/ hasn't even existed for 11 years, you pajeet newfag.

>> No.4701493

Pajeet detected

>> No.4701495

unironically reddit for ethereum


>> No.4701555
File: 91 KB, 618x645, 1511337349722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake oldfag. If you can't handle us at our worst you don't deserve us at our best. Have fun at reddit cuck.

>> No.4701562

Get REQt you pedo

>> No.4701571

Biz is like 3 fucking years old

>> No.4701586

>street shitter detected

>> No.4701643

unironically kill yourself kek

>> No.4701687

I'm sorry anon. I tried to get the NEWFAGS to STOP POSTING but they all get triggered by me using a tripcode.

It's not even just reddit and twitter and normies though, it's the other 4chan boards that bring their USELESS rhetoric to this board, thinking "lol we're all 4chan so whatever right?"

If you use the terms
>I told you about
among many other terms, then you're a useless newfag that is turning /biz/ into everything OP is sad to see. If you use any of these terms (and many more im not bothered to list), then STOP POSTING and LURK MORE before posting anything. Restrict your USELESS POSTS to reddit.

>> No.4701716
File: 41 KB, 499x341, Yup_5dd458_2660163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4701722

Fuck off tripfaggot and literally kill yourself

>> No.4701811

Are you lost? on /biz/ the only things that matter are

If your post isn't relevant to these two things, then you're a useless newfag that needs to go back to /b/ or /pol/ or reddit or wherever the fuck you crawled out of.

It's like all of you newfags don't understand the most basic concept of /biz/ which is QUALITY over QUANTITY. Instead you spam your
>Fucking pajeets buh-hurr hurr street shitter deluxecoin!
or whatever the fuck else you lot post. I don't know, it's hard to emulate the uselessness I see on this board as I mostly try to ignore it.

>> No.4701837

I don’t do any of that, but you write a wall of text in response to a shitpost. You stink of reddit filth, faggot kike.

>> No.4701842

Oh shit /pol is getting ASSBLASTED (again)

>> No.4701860

>/pol/ detected

Tell me about how much money your CBTS threads have made you? Why do you come to /biz/ if you're going to bring that USELESS shit here? Do you not see how USELESS you are by posting your USELESS comments?

>> No.4701877

I’m a finance professional I bring more to this board than you ever will, deluded retard.

>> No.4701892

I've lurked /biz/ for about of year and it seems to be full of adrenaline chasing neets who delude themselves in to spending money on get rich quick schemes. That being said I'm still wasting money on this crypto garbage. Is it even possible to make money on this or is everyone here deluded?

>> No.4701937

Deluded poltard

>> No.4701942

You're a fucking USELESS anon newfag that needs to stop wasting everyones time on this board. Stop being a USELESS newfag. /biz/ has gone to shit because every USELESS newfag that comes to this board thinks they know everything about crypto despite the increasing volume of USELESS posts. I can only surmise that your financial professionalism is USELESS if you still need to come to /biz/ to get your rocks off and sniff the fuel of the rocketships that have left you behind.

Step 1: Lurk more
Step 2: Follow step 1.

>> No.4701949

does it make you mad that I've been following BTC since 2010, never bought a shitcoin until ether @ $2, and now the third shitcoin I've bought is LINK, all because of 4chan?

Maybe you're the one who lacks foresight.

>> No.4701965

Whoops, sometimes I get so carried away by my hatred towards USELESSNESS.

This is for you >>4701942

>> No.4701978

Bump I guess


>> No.4701980

Lmao fucking newfaggot cant even quote right. Just kys

>> No.4702004


I'm done here. You're beyond help

>> No.4702028



>> No.4702052



>> No.4702060

>board is 3yo
>most of the time
Nice larp

>> No.4702061

Sour bagholder only saw 15% rise since june.

>> No.4702112

He is right though. Despite all the shitposting, biz could be much better with more quality content, I will try to shitpost less and bring more useful stuff

>> No.4702127

>genetic divergence is a thing in isolated tribes of differents species but in humans


>> No.4702160

Biz is shit, but every now and then, you hear about something, you wouldnt otherwise, or in time. Mostly you should come here if you think the memes are dank.

>> No.4702181


>> No.4702204

No you fucking newfag. Come here for

If you're here for dank memes, then shut the fuck up and lurk more unless you're peppering useful comments with a bit of entertainment.

>> No.4702339

Want to read it again?

>> No.4702510

See you tomorrow.