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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4697500 No.4697500 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4697518

I just have to wait one year before cashing out

>> No.4697531

Don't cash out

>> No.4697554

Don't cash out too much. You could also meet people off line.

>> No.4697560

Sell your BTC IRL.

>> No.4697576

Just slowly cash out crypto at ATMs. Use it to pay for all your food and normal shit you would pay cash for, government will never know.

>> No.4698039


Lel there are people who actually claim it on taxes??? Shit anon, if IRS ever asks just tell them you accidentally sent all your coins to the wrong address and now they are lost forever. You could even claim a loss and get paid. How the fuck would they know?

>> No.4698043

lose every trade
never cash out

>> No.4698050

Concur. BTC ATM’s. Cash out small amounts to buy groceries, dinner, even bigger ticket items at electronics stores and what have you. If I ever get significant crypto gains I’ll pull some cash weekly and throw it in my families home safe. Completely untraceable.

>> No.4698056

You know that crypto to crypto transactions are also taxable if you hodl less than a year?

>> No.4698066

Im just going to play the brainlet card since im young and not even bother paying or ever mentioning

>> No.4698070

Just don't report it. Who obeys the powerless US government anymore? They let Obama get away with a forged birth certificate. How can anyone take them seriously after that?

>> No.4698072

Bullshit. asset to asset, commodity to commodity. Don't post if you don't know what the fuck your talking about.

>> No.4698086

By the way, there is a Billionare going to take his position that trading Crypto for gold is a commodity exchange all the way to the Supreme Court.

>> No.4698093

>You could even claim a loss and get paid. How the fuck would they know?

You sound genuinely retarded

>> No.4698099

>How do you avoid paying taxes on your gains?
never declare them. silly.

>> No.4698104

>using a coin literally designed to avoid government surveillance
>don't know how to avoid taxes
Never gonna make it.

>> No.4698115

the tax is less after 12 months

>> No.4698128

How am I wrong? You could trade your coins for XMR and say whatever you want after that, no way they can prove you made a single penny.