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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 246x205, bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4687898 No.4687898 [Reply] [Original]

I like you guys. Pump will begin within 24 hours load up while you can - Chink

>> No.4687935

Thank you Chink! You're the best! That being said, Bcash is pretty low right neow.

>> No.4687944

orange ID confirmed

>> No.4688036

The dragon will be slain in 1 hour.

Buckle up.

>> No.4688341

Not quite starts early Friday

>> No.4688359

How much of a pump?

>> No.4688380

Your orange ID and dubs confirm the confirmation.

>> No.4688386


>> No.4688405
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>> No.4688474

Bcash is such a dead meme at this point.

>> No.4688497

Then don't buy any :)

>> No.4688531

Bognadoff's said it's pumping on Friday

>> No.4688549
File: 5 KB, 235x103, 19274871_1369799283101271_2432517086814821092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you faggots figure out when its going to skyrocket or not? what method are you using that im not?

>> No.4688571

Orange ID tells all.

>> No.4688664

TA, it was either going to rebound or break lower. its trying to rebound right now. PnD groups probably take advange of key TA moments like that

>> No.4688725

Bot counts buy/sells then puts amount into categories and updates in real time. Pretty simple and can spot a market turn within a second

>> No.4689370

Tahnks. Just bought in at $1332.

>> No.4689409

Bought in just now at 1335. Lets go!

>> No.4689470

fuck it im in at 1335 too

>> No.4689494

>tfw bought at 0.16

I just want my money back

>> No.4689503

same brother also 0.16 here, fell for le dragonslayer meme

>> No.4689530

>not selling at 1600-1700 when the hashrate literally dried up

>> No.4689594

I got in at .155 and I'm mad too.

>> No.4689603

whats the ticker for this? Its listed under BCC on binance but on marketcoin its BCH

>> No.4689607

To some degree. But not really.

It’s literally clear as day. There is an exact pattern to it. Roger sends signals when you need to get in. Just stare at the last two pumps until you see it.

Next, you’ll notice the 11/12 pump has the same shape but different magnitude.

Next, you’ll notice that pre-11/12 the rallys looked the same but on a smaller scale.

Next, you’ll notice that the rise of BTC looks the same but rotated to point upwards.

>> No.4689656

How many people will be in the PnD?

>> No.4689746

On the chart, looks like a dip to 1315 before we take off.

>> No.4689784

When do u think BCH willntake off? Better to wait and hold DASH until then?

>> No.4689792

Literally get the fuck in right now

>> No.4689823

Here we go.

>> No.4689827
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>> No.4689837


>> No.4689863

Aaaaand we're off.

>> No.4689885

Lmao get fucked by your worthless BITCOIN clone

>> No.4689893

I'm normally a coretard, but can you fuck off for a bit while a flip sides and make some massive bank? I'll be back in the morning, Dear.

>> No.4690006

You can make bank with me, Baby

>> No.4690036

Checked. But you wouldn't know what to do with this.

>> No.4690235

lol. Sorry guys, my 1315 dip was a little off. It was a 1306 dip.

>> No.4690246
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>Pump will begin within X hours

>> No.4690275

if you need some other alt coins to invest in this group has some pretty good signals

>> No.4690310
File: 17 KB, 480x302, anakin-flywalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs ill buy in too, you better be right, chinks

>> No.4690340

Bunch of fags getting tricked into buying Bcash while Ver and Jihan are taking the chance to go back to BTC cutting their losses after the failed flippening.

>> No.4690364

I have pokies. When I get pokies after seeing a post. I buy in. It always makes me money. It is my version of spidey senses.

>> No.4690393
File: 583 KB, 614x588, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 5.4 BCHETH when ETH was at 295-305

>> No.4690403

Roger said today in his video that BCH would outperform BTC in the future and he invested the majority of his BTC into it.

>> No.4690453

Yeah I have a nice sand bridge in the Sahara to sell you

>> No.4690473

newfag here. where can you buy bch? ive been using binance for alts and i dont see it on there.

>> No.4690484

Wouldn't the rules of economics dictate BCH being more successfully used as a payment platform and thus as a store of value?

>> No.4690506

It's under BTC/BCC or USDT/BCC

they have it bcc for some reason

>> No.4690516

nah man normies who cant even figure out how to get their coins off coinbase are totally going to run lightning nodes with schnorr signatures

>> No.4690550
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1511481087467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys im getting fucking weak. im fortunate enough to have bought bch at .07 a few months ago and have x4 my money. I was going to hodl for he long haul but this fud is getting to me. wat do? if i convert to btc now il have 10 btc

>> No.4690616
File: 308 KB, 538x552, 1511307359801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me one btc, this is your best option

>> No.4690632

sent ;)

>> No.4690634

lol. Extend your view on the buy wall. Incoming.

>> No.4690665

what about long term tho? is this a viable hold?

>> No.4690678

Holy shit... Is this actually happening?

>> No.4690688

It's the real bicoin, dude. Roger Ver said today he thinks it will outerpform BTC in the future.

>> No.4690699

Thanks senpai.

>> No.4690717

We just bounced off of 48 hr support, so we should be good to hold for 24 hours and see if the Chinkies show.

>> No.4690725

i like ver but "thinks" isnt exactly confident. i also dont get why he gets so much hate from everyone?

>> No.4690780

They're trying to discredit Roger by attacking his character since they don't have a logical or reasonable position.

This is often done in politics for example.

>> No.4690799

why does everyone say hes a scammer tho? what has he done to scam people?

>> No.4690848

My pokies are tingling, and they are never wrong.

>> No.4690855

He's not a scammer. He seems like a good guy and I've read accounts of him helping people create crypto based buisnesses for free over e-mail. For someone who has hundreds of millions of dollars and reaches out to the community, that's neat.

>> No.4690862
File: 106 KB, 879x608, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get pokies? help me out lad

>> No.4690913

Well, if ur a guy, you smoke lots of dope, and you get guy pokies. They are not as accurate as OG pokies, I don't think.

>> No.4690918

Nothing anon, he sold fireworks from a basement and was prisoned for that -only in USA. BUT HE DID NOT SCAM ANYONE!

>> No.4690948

I backsearched the picture of him crying and he's crying about the government admitting to killing half a million sand children and saying it was werth it.

lmao, Roger is a bit eccentric but he's rich af and on the money

>> No.4690982

I bought it yesterday because last time BTC unconfirmed stacked that high, BCH rocketed, pump it for me daddy

>> No.4690985
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>> No.4691016

You want to pump? Pump your Daddy if you want to pump.

>> No.4691067

And that day, a new Meme was Born

>> No.4691250

I sleep with Micheal Arrington from time to time. I highly suggest you buy BCH and a little XRP on the side. Tonight. Micheal says you should sell BTC and Eth.

>> No.4691314

Do not listen to these fucks. I see one of these moronic posts daily. Fuck all of you supporting this derelict

>> No.4691348

>Micheal Arrington
Are you a trap? Why would you want to sleep with him. Even if he's rich I don't find him attractive.

>> No.4691537

I can't tell if biz actually has girls or a bunch of gays

>> No.4691663

lol. all of the above. But there are as many Girls as Guys. they just don't let it be known because of the poor love starved neets and downright dangerous stalkers on here.

>> No.4691735

I could be a dog for all you know fuckwit

>> No.4691783

Rude behavior on the internet with no consequences. I'm so impressed. Be still my heart.

>> No.4692688

so whens this shit gonna happen? i..its gonna happen right?

>> No.4692721

Why don’t you give out your address so we can beat the ever living fuck out of your scrawny ass for spamming this board now. This piece of trash coin has only fucked people over to benefit your $15 investment.

>> No.4692726

fuck off! no one wants your shitcoin Gash bags.

>> No.4692798

I'm currently in BCH and I think 8mb blocks are great.

But Roger is an immature sleaze.

Anyway, if you've been reading his signals you know he is about to pump.

>> No.4692912
File: 43 KB, 1359x307, ScreenHunter_954 Nov. 30 21.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone superich fags that want to help out a fag whose coins got taken , i logged in my account today and it was less then $100.00 :( thanks in advance bros


screenshot for proofs

>> No.4693090

bcore clowns pumped the ODS and flipping to make it looks bad maybe if they spent more time working on bcore coin it wouldn't be tanking so much...lol