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File: 148 KB, 1080x1021, Ximg_20271231_145738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4687645 No.4687645 [Reply] [Original]

I'm from the future, 2028, AMA.

>> No.4687654

Why did OMG beat out BTC?

>> No.4687659

How much is my 6.2k link worth friendo

>> No.4687666

Why did XLM beat out OMG?

>> No.4687679

Have Muslims destroyed Europe?

>> No.4687689

How many escorts can I fuck with 1 BTC?

>> No.4687693

when did the crypto bubble pop?

>> No.4687695

BTC $100k when?

>> No.4687706

Why did ARK beat out XLM?

>> No.4687708


>> No.4687743


Bitcoin is still around but not dominant. Not familiar with omg, link, xlm, sorry.

Not physically but yeah
No singular pop but lots of bad shit 2019-21 range. I wasn't really involved then. Blockchain is still big.

One ish

>> No.4687800

A bitcoin per escort. So this means kneepads are still a better investment than bitcoin.

>> No.4687816

Does Trump cuck China or does China cuck Trump?

>> No.4687829

Are you paying your employees by the nano-second or only the second with REQ?

>> No.4687843

What date and exact time are we getting Bitfinexed?

>> No.4687879

Who is Satoshi?

>> No.4687981

I'm not super familiar with escorts so take it with a grain of salt. We got one a couple years ago for my brother's bachelor party but we payed through iCoin.

Both. Start learning Mandarin. There's a current candidate who's got no more credentials than being a YouTube star, lyl.

They made a movie in like '24 about coin creators. Shows Wright and some white dudes who get arrested. Movie focused a lot on Zcoin(?) Guy.

>> No.4688084

Can you tell me the result of some significant sport event?

>> No.4688097

what happens to the DOWjones index in 2018?

>> No.4688136

What's the biggest app to hit the ar retail market?

How to travel in time

>> No.4688190

Caps out somewhere around 20k, sorry.

All I know of top my head is the fucking falcons won Superbowl LXXI. Bullshit. Knicks won championship 2027. Oh and some binary won the Kentucky Derby last year and made news.

I mean porn is big but that's not new yeah?
Amazon has biggest AR marketplace, FlightSim is big. Some stupid band game called Rox also.

No exact numbers but you're good until end 2018/2019.

>> No.4688249

How much wil ETH and LTC be?

>> No.4688282

Imagine being this uninteresting in real life that the only way you can get attention that you larp as a time traveler

>> No.4688293

I have $100 a month to throw away in Crypto. Where should I start?

>> No.4688347

When? Ethereum passed Bitcoin years ago but most most are in Amazon or Apples block co's now.

Eth. Or wait for Amazon. Most stuff will boil down for you in a few years. If you go stocks Google, Amazon, Apple, all good. Microsoft will tank in a few years.

>> No.4688440

Dam thats good to know. Is coin base still a thing?

>> No.4688503

Don't think so? At least I assume it got shut down with the others when the government regulated like 2021. 4chan got shut down a few years ago :(

>> No.4688559

What, why and what replaces it?

>> No.4688564

What coin are you shilling?

>> No.4688640

Will LINK Go above 100€ in a year?

Also share some future memes pls.

>> No.4688686

bump for future memes

>> No.4688708
File: 18 KB, 225x350, chef nice 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll grow out of it. or we all make it to millionare status and forget shitposting alltogether i guess.

>> No.4688715

I need some type of direction, what should i do?

>> No.4688754

Electric cars still a thing ?

>> No.4688760

See >>4687743

>> No.4688800

You asking about the exchange or 4chan?

None I guess? They are kinda a hobbyist thing now.

Didn't bring any and I'm using a library to post. Floss memes are big now.

Kill yourself, it just gets worse. But I guess if you just want coins, ethereum will carry over and Bitcoin too, but you won't be rich.

Oh definitely. Tesla busts though. His Space stuff gets bought out by an Arab and is still going.

>> No.4688836

>Kill yourself, it just gets worse. But I guess if you just want coins, ethereum will carry over and Bitcoin too, but you won't be rich.

Found the larper. Kek, took the bait. I have 23k in the bank, 400k house and i'm just 25

>> No.4688858

Explain why would you consider this larp

>> No.4688886


What's good place to live of we are still earth only

>> No.4688913

Just what ever makes you sleep at night.

>> No.4688915

>Found the larper.
>he unironically believed someone came back from the future to post on 4chan before this

>> No.4688926

Why do pajeets still larp in the future? Can you not time travel and change the events of the past or future so that you don't have to larp in the first place? When does time traveling start? Did they have an ICO? Can I buy Timetravel coin? I'll drop my opisafaggot bags to buy.

>> No.4688962
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Dirty No-Linker. Fuck off back to the future. Hey, that's not a bad idea for a movie.

>> No.4688998

Idk man I'm from MN and ID. Rural areas are nice. We got dudes on moon and like 3 Chinks on Mars.


Where the fuck else would I post? Face book? Lyl.

I'm just here today and tomorrow because I got to come with my uncle and two coworkers.

Had to look up larp.

>> No.4689079
File: 8 KB, 250x243, eww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh and some binary won the Kentucky Derby

>> No.4689145

Who was the first to the moon. Does america fall?
Do the chinks win? What happens to INDIA and Africa ?

>> No.4689192

Like people on moon? Ruskies/US. America is some shit but I still love it. Riots and shit back in early 20s but not bad now.Some African cities are actually really nice now because after tax shit bunch of big companies and startups went and pretty much got in control of entire city. My cousin works in Accra and it looks pretty nice actually. India idk, I can't imagine it's changed much.

>> No.4689265

Any big finical crashes soon? Also other than stocks what cryptos should I invest in to make the most money.

>> No.4689273

any major 9/11ish event incoming?

>> No.4689283

Who will make it to mars first? Will the chinks rule the world?

>> No.4689307

how is Goldman Sach's crypto doing and how is their exchange working out?

>> No.4689331

How are we (world) doing with politics , Reich is a go?

What's our energy/resources now

Are we still progressing with tech and can I have my iron Man suit in 2026 already ?

>> No.4689340

Goldman Sachs is trying to figure out how to cater to investors who want to trade bitcoin even though the digital currency remains too volatile for the Wall Street bank to trade itself

>> No.4689351

is this a good discord group to make money at?

>> No.4689367

Goldman has been looking at ways to facilitate bitcoin trades for customers.

please tell me how is Goldman's crypto exchange working out?

>> No.4689443

Nothing that big. There's a mass murder/suicide in NK that's huge in 2019 I think. Bombing LA in 2024 and others in NY. One in Mecca causes big deal.


Theyre doing great numbers wise at least. Lots of various block chain tech they have a whole division for it.

Yeah Chinese. We technically were "a partner" but everyone knows it was them. Private US coalition should be there soon though.

It's a fuckin mess. A deal for nuclear power went through like five years ago that's good. No ironman sorry. They're rebooting a new movie of him soon though.

Not sure what that is.

>> No.4689507


Where is that picture from?

>> No.4689529


Should I invest in land in eastern Europe or should I enjoy myself with Fiat money ?

Also should I go 14 words trying to save white race or we lost our superiority

>> No.4689618

So im assuming China is actually #1? Will we ever recover? Also how big is the NYC event and where (NYC loser).

>> No.4689700

New year's party.

Real estate is always good. And idk what 15 words is but I mean there's still plenty of white people?

We're doing fine but I mean China is a well-oiled machine. Grand Central on voting day 2022 or 23?

Also, where is good place to eat in 2017? The McDonald's I saw earlier looks sharted.

>> No.4689728
File: 36 KB, 1510x1510, moneyro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it with 137 xmr?

>> No.4689739

The meatball shop, The Melt shop, GONG on the upper east/harlem, red rooster

>> No.4689764

Will the rent prices in NYC crash?

>> No.4689851

Are country borders still same thing or do we go more towards globalization

>> No.4689969

Haven't heard of it so...no? Idk

Wtf are these chains?
I dunno man

Latin America kinda opened up but borders are a lot of the same, little changes in Korea and argentina

>> No.4690037

gud food
What do you like?

>> No.4690334


>> No.4690349

Where is the nicest city/place to live? Does Florida still exist?

>> No.4690423

How did you travel back in time?

>> No.4690629

OP you're the most useless time traveller ever
Please go back into your time machine and get stuck in an interdimensional loop

>> No.4690778

Florida exists but hasn't it always been shit?

Sat in some walk in fridge looking thing hooked up to a shitload of servers for a couple hours. built in 2016 so that's the farthest can go sadly.

Fuk you too bud

>> No.4690972

Does Hillary go to jail

>> No.4691050

If I had a few thousand to invest, where should i put it?

>> No.4691069

What skillset do u need to be successful ? Jobs ?

>> No.4691117

Nah OP, If you're from the future,, then I don't want to go to there. I'll stay right here. Fuck the future, and fuck you.

>> No.4691130

Does dog poop taste good In the future?

>> No.4691952

Wait does everyone in this thread actually believe him for a second

>> No.4691987

Are litecoins going to gain anymore value?

>> No.4692569

It's just fun to play along
Usually if the OP is very good the thread can be very entertaining and you might even be able to learn from it.
Unfortunately this faggot keeps going on about the muh china bullshit, which was a huge talking point years ago, and especially before Trump. I can tell that OP is a washed up screenwriter who couldn't cut it in Hollywood. Very sad.
You know if he was a real time traveler (not that I have to say this but) he would post a picture of a newspaper or something.
The best thing to do honestly is the opposite of what he says... so basically expect big things for Crypto in 2019-2021, and expect the USA to dominate China as well.
Learning Mandarin could still be useful if you like the Chinese people and their culture though, plus they are very big into Crypto so I'm sure that would open some doors for you.

>> No.4692662

Amazon, Shutterfly, real estate
Be a plumber or electrician
They will but they'll lose it eventually
If you're saying to the exact opposite you're still placing some validity in what I'm saying.

I'll bring a newspaper next time faggot

>> No.4692682

Does the dollar collapse?

>> No.4692747


>> No.4692760

There is validity in what you say
But only for those who understand what you are trying to do with this thread
I guess that's something interesting in and of itself, but since I'm not getting a cut I felt like calling you out a bit. I could do more but I don't feel like overextending my hand.

>> No.4692969
File: 182 KB, 400x400, 1510759533912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just time travelled to the future and altered the time line by blowing up the chinese space ship to mars, now in this timeline bitcoin hits 100k , we all win

>> No.4693024

Thanks anon,
you're the real hero we don't deserve.

>> No.4693078

I just went forward in time and killed you. What happens now?

>> No.4693559
File: 248 KB, 400x225, CJc_Ex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only attacked my decoy timeline, everyone still wins, bitcoin at 100k, tesla punches arabs in the face

>> No.4693742

OP, tell us who wins the 2018 world cup! we will place lots of bitcoin on the winner