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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4685538 No.4685538 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get a job?

I live in the NW UK, I graduated from university in June, and I have an OK CV; I have a lot of volunteer experience, and some job experience that has been revised by my brother who checks hundreds of them.
I also have a fairly useless, but scientific 2:1 degree.

I have applied for what must be hundreds of relatively low skilled jobs, and even had a few interviews, but I never get anywhere. From what I can gather, I am always beaten by someone who has more experience, as well as a more normie friendly personality (I am charming and fairly confident still).

Can anyone give me some advice, I literally just want ANY job, or please can a brit anon hire or be a reference I can lie about.

I can't help get the feeling that Britain, and the West as a whole is just on the brink of a total collapse. Nearing two decades of education is not even sufficient enough for you to scrub a toilet.

>> No.4685689

Sell molly
>(I am charming and fairly confident still)
I'm an asshole, unqualified and shower like twice a week. Usually when I got fired I apply for at may 8 jobs and can even chose among 4 most of the time. Maybe move to a place with more demand

>> No.4685720

Not sure how things are in the UK, but in the US, there are plenty of 35k/year + full benefits jobs that will hire any warm bodies in a nationally low-cost of living area. That's not even exoneration.

Are there any marginally physical jobs in your area like that? Do you think your problem is that you're looking for the /wrong/ job? Like a job that 2000 people would be applying for? If you're just in need of income for now, there has to be some seasonal work available.

What's your degree? Employers don't like hiring overqualified people. If you're applying to be a burger flipper, they'll look at you like you're crazy if you have a degree in physics.

With any 4-year degree and decent communication skills, you could get a job at a financial services company on the phones. (call center). Those jobs near me pay 55k/year and have very high turnover. I worked there for 3 months, lol. It sucked.

In general, the key is the interview. You need to connect with the interviewer somehow. People hire people they want to be around, especially in small companies. If not that, you have to be uniquely impressive somehow.

>> No.4685856

Don't forget to clean up your social media.
I check a lot of cv' s and the first thing I do is check their Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
I have chucked a lot of cv s after seeing some arsehole shit on their Facebook. Or massive contradictions between their cv s and LinkedIn.

>> No.4685862

There are no relevant jobs to my degree but I still apply for even more technical ones and it never goes anywhere.

I even apply for seasonal work/temp work and they do not respond back to me.

I can connect in interviews, and I can have a very good conversation, but they still don't go anywhere.

There are a few call center jobs around but this is not something I am going to apply for, mostly because of bad prior experience ( I think the tone of my voice makes me unhireable for this).

I haven't applied for physical jobs yet because it has no career path, and I have to get equipment and qualifications to start. Looks like I may have to do this

>> No.4685880

What is with those who don't have social media?

>> No.4685886

No social media whatsoever

>> No.4685915

these >>4685880 >>4685886
As far as social media is concerned, I don't exist. What happens then?

>> No.4686033

I wouldn't take that as a huge red flag.
Just saying that a lot of times I'll see something that will completely put me off on their social media.
Recently had a guy apply for a junior management position , just out of college but good solid app and I liked his cv. Head of department called him on speaker next to me and the guy had a voicemail prank. You know archer style, the hod hung up , looked at me while he ripped the cv in two and handed it back to me for the bin.

>> No.4686109
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It's only going to get worse isn't it?

>> No.4686213

You did good. Dodged a soyboy who would probably drink of of a Spongebob mug and cry when something goes wrong. Maybe that is why I have no problem finding a job. Might be an asshole but I do my work whatever it is as best as I can, till some soyboy tries to challenge me and fucking political correct SJW HR has to save face.

>> No.4686220

1. How old are you?
2. Do you speak any languages other than english?
3. What exactly is your degree?
4. Do you have relatives or aquaintances w/ connections?
5. Have you applied for jobs in Ireland or on the continent?
6. Do you have skills that set you appart and make you distinct from your peers?

>> No.4686225

Would you think it's worth putting on a CV that you are a seller on Ebay, Etsy? I have 100% positive feedback

>> No.4686252

1. 21
2. Learning Chinese
3. I'm not saying what it is specifically but it is do with the environment
4. None
5. No
6. I am confident, intelligent and I've done a lot of volunteer work

>> No.4686274

Sure do it. Shows you are able to manage a business on your own and are no computer illiterate

>> No.4686302
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thx anon

>> No.4686326

>I live in the NW UK
This is your real problem. The UK economy is ridiculously polarised around the SE and especially London.

It's dead easy to get a shit job in London, but good luck finding decent accommodation there.

>> No.4686350

Personally I would think that's weird as fuck unless the etsy thing was sold to me the right way. Like how you turned a hobby of making fingerboxes into a cottage industry with a turnover of x amount per year, that kind of thing.
Just remember to tailor your cv for the job you are applying for. This might mean just one or two tweaks. For example changing up the description of one of your previous jobs to be as relevant as possible to the position as you can. But don't go overboard nd bullshit too much , you need to be confident on your talking points when you get to an interview.
And find someone to do practice interviews with, lots of hr departments use the same basic questions that you can find on Google, practice your answers but don't get bogged down in them . Also try and get a conversation going in interview so it's doesn't feel like an interrogation

>> No.4686369

On second thought, don't put it in your CV, but mention it as an example in your motivation/application letter. Looks retarded on a CV

>> No.4686380

Absolutely. basically a small business, and if it's not quite that, make it that.

They find that kind of stuff impressive and more conversation is better. Like, under my GPA for school i put "education largely financed by trading stock". and in my employment section i go into detail. In every interview I've ever been in, they're very interested in talking about that. One dude at an auditing firm even had my resume marked up and had that sentence circled. It's probably what got me the job.

>> No.4686418

just as
>Ebay, Etsy I have 100% positive feedback
yes, that looks stupid. But with good wording he could have it on his resume as self-employment, small business venture. maybe even leaving out that it's Ebay and Etsy.

>> No.4686438


Online retail?

>> No.4686508

>From what I can gather, I am always beaten by someone who has more experience, as well as a more normie friendly personality (I am charming and fairly confident still).

you are not beaten, but flat out rejected. youre not as charming as you think

>I can't help get the feeling that Britain, and the West as a whole is just on the brink of a total collapse. Nearing two decades of education is not even sufficient enough for you to scrub a toilet.

lmao yeah, blame the system

not sorry for the dosis reality

>> No.4686594

You sound like a boomer

The economic reality for many young people is abysmal, it's a literal fact.

I know I sound arrogant, (and rejection is a better term), but my economic situation does not mean I am unemployable

>> No.4686596

>even leaving out that it's Ebay and Etsy.
You need an example. Something that hardens your argument that you have experience as an independent, who was able to see a business opportunity and act on it, and of course the example is something the HR Homo can use to bait you into telling what he wants to hear. Hell I integrate my drug operation as selling imported smartphones with a bunch of friends because we saw that in our region nobody had yet touched the market and we could sell for cheaper because of our friends from abroad. HR loves that stuff. Hard to not burst out in laugher whe I tell it.
Use it in your application letter as an example describing why you are the best for the job

>> No.4686752

Why would mentioning it in a cv look silly, if i may ask

>> No.4686811

just be a litecuck instead. litecucks don't need jobs.

>> No.4686986

Where would you put it?
Work experience, like

>dish washer
>ebay power seller

Or under other activities

>Masturbating to Anime
>Ebay Power seller
>sucking dicks

See, it doesn't fit even in a meme list. And like I mentioned, it is better to be used as an example for your extraordinary abilities. But I don't know, I'm not HR just somebody who wrote many applications in his life and gets a job if I need some legal income to explain my wealth

>> No.4687087

Innever get a call back
I think only one person was courteous enough to send me a rejection email

>> No.4687157
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Yeah I guess you're right