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File: 841 KB, 858x645, irs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4685368 No.4685368 [Reply] [Original]

Can't you just say that you lost all profit on shit coins? How the fuck could they track that

>> No.4685394

>omg all my btc from normiebase is tracked
>use non US exchange
>btc to xmr
>xmr to btc

sorry government i lost all my btc, it got stolen by some xmr scammer. i cant pay taxes on my massive loss of all my btc

congrats u just evaded taxes

>> No.4685430

thats illegal

>> No.4685481

Track what you put in your account and what goes out. When you give your ssn they give the info of what you put in and take out to the irs.

>> No.4685487
File: 91 KB, 480x337, 1508865515545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was a lie man... Lost it all. Feels bad

>> No.4685498

So is suicide. You should still do it though

>> No.4685519



>> No.4685555

>the IRS has come knocking at bitcoin's door

so? there have been taxes on crypto since day 1

>> No.4685582


They probably wont look too deep into your day to day trading unless youre Depositing/Withdrawing large sums (over $20k) via a crypto related company (ie: coinbase) to your US bank acct.

You only pay taces on or Capital Gains, gains is the key word. If youre under water you dont even have to worry about it.

>> No.4685584


I hope all you US bros got a good fucking legal insurance and all sue the fuck out of the IRS and the Government. It's absolutely ridiculous to not have legal boundaries on crypto but already collect your tax on it.
Also insist that you pay your taxes in Cryptocurrency and not in Dollars.

Make them accept crypto officially
You might pay a lot of taxes in the end still, but governmental acceptance and media presence would drive up the value incredibly making back your taxes easily

>> No.4685600
File: 21 KB, 624x139, irs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why isn't anyone reporting it then?

>> No.4685606
File: 26 KB, 235x300, 1504408518243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4685638

just pay the fucking tax man faggots. you are making out like bandits anyways.

>> No.4685670

Unknown amount of

>> No.4685675


>> No.4685713

>you are making out like bandits anyways.
exactly all these faggots claiming they are crypto rich
since everyone here is a baller and a bitcoin millionaire just pay the 39% tax and get over it

>> No.4685738

then how do you cash out

>> No.4686452

You're gonna have to prove it. If you have an upscale lifestyle they'll just throw you in jail anyway

>> No.4686557

They can't, you can just tell the coins got stolen. And unless you cash to usd, they shouldn't have the right to monitor it, after all, it's just "internet money", it has no real value.

>> No.4686634

unless the article is saying they come when you cash out. In that case, don't cash out, you're just cucking yourself.
If you have 10-20 bitcoin you can probably retire right now at the rate bitcoin grows as long as you're not a spender. You can't really show off your gains but you can still get chicks in other ways

>> No.4686714


>> No.4686761

Uncle Sam wasn't there when I was shootin' in the gym.

When I lost 80% he wasn't there. But now that I'm up 1990% he wants a cut. Fuck dat bitch

>> No.4686853

Guess I'll pay tax on the amount of monero that I elect to inform the irs about

>> No.4687377

where's the police report anon?

>> No.4687573

>Gets shot in the leg
>Pay your fucking taxes NOW

>> No.4687770
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1511091557139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit lol

>> No.4687873
File: 110 KB, 680x480, bigstock-Capital-Gains-Tax-60977750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing about the blockchain - its going to be so fucking easy for the governmen to track your trades. They wont even need a warrant LOL.

>> No.4687947


This is where Monero takes over

>> No.4687952
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 1510947969987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XMR back to BTC
wow I'm a genius I guess

>> No.4688115

So like, what am I supposed to do if I don't really track my coins at all? All I do is buy, trade, and cash out willy-nilly whenever I get paid. I honestly have no idea how much I've made/lost over the years. How fucked am I?

>> No.4688146

You can say you just lost your private address.
That's all you have to do. I "lost it" (it's in a brain wallet).

>> No.4688170

Can't you report losses as a tax deductible?

>> No.4688177


>> No.4688195

I agree but its too late. The huge gains and our trades are on the chain - before Monero.

>> No.4688219

Very fucked. Audit time bitch.

>> No.4688231

>all these people unironically saying to pay taxes

What's with the reddit invasion lately ?
Why should I pay taxes ? Does the government provide any market protections when it comes to bitcoin ? Of course not.

>b-but muh poor people
you have to go back

>> No.4688307

>living in an imaginary world where you dont partake of everything the gubmint builds and maintains, such as social services, infrastructure, defence, etc

The price of living in society is tax. Otherwise, fuck off to a remote island.

>> No.4688335

it doesn't matter if you know/remember...they know. coinbase and all the other exchanges have your info, your ip logs, and all your transactions. you really have no idea how good forensics teams are, do you?
>lost my seed
'no worries, we know how much you owe from your records...pay us now + this huge fine + a little bit of prison time for evading' (it's a felony)

>> No.4688356

you already pay income tax and a bunch of other taxes like sales tax, property tax or whatever the shit you americans have. It makes sense to pay taxes in some of these stuff because the government can protect you in some cases. No such protections in crypto. Why pay tax then ?

Hell, why don't we tax everything then ? if you want to give your friend an apple, then have the state take 1/3rd of it. It's the price of living in a "civilized" society, after all :)

>> No.4688420
File: 640 KB, 1080x1410, 20170914_080806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that an understaffed revenue collector has the resources to go after coiners.

>> No.4688470

>Hell, why don't we tax everything then ? if you want to give your friend an apple, then have the state take 1/3rd of it. It's the price of living in a "civilized" society, after all :)


>> No.4688502
File: 78 KB, 600x409, 24-williamsburg-mob-film-2016-07-22-bk01_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The price of living in society is tax

>> No.4688519

Just tell them you got JOOSTED

>> No.4688547

>bums "cleaning" your wind shields against your will is a good thing

you're a cuck

>> No.4688579

>tax man faggots. you are making out like bandits
thats why we dont pay them

>> No.4688619

Only upto 3k

>> No.4688856
File: 54 KB, 692x245, PooLandAwaits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you are a pajeet shit coin shill Bitcoin is considered investment property.
This goes for anyone who works in crypto. If you earn money for crypto in promoting it, working on an exchange or mining it any crypto to crypto exchange is considers a trade in your business stock.
A non-crytpo example is like a jeweler trades his silver bullion to a another jeweler for gold bullion. If the value of their bullion went up between when they bought it and when they traded it they got to pay taxes on it.
You do not get taxed on the rise of bitcoins price.
You have to sell it for fiat to get taxed
You do not get taxed on any cyrpto to crytpo exchange.
Such an exchange is considered a 1031 exchange of like kind investment property and is exempt from taxes.
If you buy retail items like gift cards computer parts email services etc these are considered sales of bitcoin for fiat and are taxable. Same way barter is considered taxable i guess.
Bitcoin for gold and silver might be a 1031 exchange but risky if you are wrong. Though gold and silver are investment property the IRS might not consider them "like kind".

>> No.4689517


>> No.4689580

The IRS never said that crypto to crypto trades qualify for 1031 like-kind capital gains deferral. But even if they do, they don't apply by default, you still have report each transaction on Form 8824 and get it cleared by the IRS to defer gains.

You'd have to fill out this 2 page form for each trade. It's clearly unfeasible and not meant for it.

>> No.4689747

How do you intend yo cash out? The only way is selling it cheaper peer to peer on the internet (ebay or some shit) or in person. If you cash out from a bank they will always track you and youll have to explain in full detail how you won that money.

Theres 2 things certain in life. Death and taxes. Even al capone got fucked by evading taxes. Just quit trying

>> No.4689897
File: 221 KB, 1277x960, btclambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cash out
you buy the lambo in BTC

>> No.4689933

uh, the dealership has to report their sales on their tax return. so there's going to be some questions to be had if the IRS says you bought a lambo with BTC from X dealership.

>> No.4689970

You are literally making money by speculating on an asset that in itself is a speculation. Let me toss this in an analogy. A child has a birthday, you bet not on the candles all being blown out but his fucking wish. Yes Anon, you got paid for betting his wish would be to ride a unicorn. Just pay the capital gains and quit trying to out maneuver a machine that has no prejudice

>> No.4690043

>what is cashing out abroad

All the rich do this.

Only poorfags and wagecucks believe the pay taxes meme.

Hurrr durr the government is entitled to a cut of the profits I make for my entire life, this is a fair and correct system. I will abide by it unquestionably even when I have the opportunity to avoid it, because I saw in the media something about taxman catching badman

>> No.4690055

>move in another country
>buy new passport

or just dont be born in amurrica

>> No.4690074

This is another reason why BTC is going to $1,000,000+, all the billionaires will put their wealth there instead of getting their offshore accounts leaked.

>inb4 they will use monero or some no liquidity shitcoin

>> No.4690098

This is the best post I've seen on this sub all day

>> No.4690165



Here's how a fair tax would look like:

> guy goes from $100 to $200, pays %39 tax

guy gets $61, gov gets $39

- guy loses $100, pays 39% tax (NEGATIVE gain)

guy loses $61, gov loses $31

>> No.4690233



Here's how a fair tax would look like:

> guy goes from $100 to $200, pays %39 tax

guy keeps $61, gov gets $39

> guy loses $100, pays 39% tax (NEGATIVE gain)

guy loses $61, gov loses $39

>> No.4690243

can't prove what you can't find just find as many losses as possible

>> No.4690255

sick opt me the fuck out

>> No.4690313

>cash out
good one anon

>> No.4690347

This is called "tax evasion".

People do it all the time, in many different ways. Just hope you don't get caught when the IRS asks you how you paid for that lambo!

Quick lesson to you poor faggots from someone who was rich before crypto (not that any of you fags with your sub 1k portfolios are "rich")

The IRS doesn't give a shit about you, because you are poor. They are an entity designed to extract maximum profit from the people with their limited resources. Since they have limit resources, they only target high end tax evaders.

Anyone can get away with grotesque amounts of tax evasion easily, but things get tricky when you start trying to buy stuff... like a house, super car, vacations, etc. That's when the IRS will come down on your ass and you'll go to jail. Have fun!

>> No.4690471
File: 6 KB, 250x245, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a boatload in crypto and my lifestyle barely changed. Went from NEET to TurboNEET. Better computer, bigger TV, more anime. Fuck the IRS.

>> No.4690605
File: 12 KB, 259x194, ms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much time we talking about?and will it be at a country club place like that CUNT charlie shreum went to? i've done time in LA County, NOT BRAGGING , but it's like they say "if you can survive County, you can survive anywhere."

>> No.4690685

If someone gives you money, can it be taxed? What about donations?

>> No.4690694

rop jej

>> No.4690745
File: 270 KB, 450x597, Tax-Service-Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon we noticed you bought 25 lambos. Can you explain to me how you can afford that?

>> No.4691360

The funny thing is that it is good to pay taxes for a society that you care about. But it seems only like the poor pay taxes and rich avoid them.

>> No.4691411

>make crypto gains
>hurdur I'm rich
>pays taxes
>still a wage slave
By definition

>> No.4691580

the top 1% pay for half of the federal income tax, the bottom 20% don't even make enough money to get taxed and get more in government services.

the rich do pay their taxes, some of them don't, but the vast majority do.

>> No.4691613

Why switch back? ,

>> No.4691661

*kills tax man*
*takes poison in court*

>> No.4691776


This man gets it

>> No.4691791

How about I fuck off to the future where I pay for the service I volunteered to pay for and buy and consume what I feel like and not be treated like a child. Enjoy your gibs while they last nig.

>> No.4691813

meet ups with people sellling bitcoin for cash, kindof like drug dealing but not as illegal

>> No.4691826

Bet this is in Florida lmao

>> No.4691827


ho lee fuk

>> No.4691873

you should know by now the government wants to tax money not only every time it is moved or changes hands, but also every year it is held.

>> No.4691879

>buy drugs off darknet in bulk with btc
>sell to normies for even more gains

congrats you just cashed out like a chad

>> No.4691965

>the dapp on my phone records the signature and sends 5 trig to a chainlink oracle

>> No.4692015

>The price of living in society is tax. Otherwise, fuck off to a remote island.
i *will*. once i cash out. fuck tards.
why would i want to live in society??

>> No.4692062

>slam door

>> No.4692076


Just make so much fucking money that you can a) hire a wicked awesome accountant who can set your shit up so you have businesses, investements, and can deduct your expenses, and b) Focus on making so much money that you don't have to give a shit about taxes

>> No.4692219

And pay real estate taxes in bricks and cement.

>> No.4692845
