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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4684256 No.4684256 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a coin on /biz/ so heavily shilled/FUDed as is LINK?

Im only 6 months in biz

>> No.4684301

Only Ethereum...

>> No.4684328

When something gets shilled/FUDed this hard, you know good things are gonna happen.

>> No.4684349

the only difference is ethereum actually does something right now

>> No.4684352

>are gonna happen
The good things already happened, I get to enjoy the tears of all the LINKies that lost their entire portofolios due to devs dumping their funds on Binance

>> No.4684476


Remember what you learned as a kid. Don't trust everything you hear.

Use your "gut" feeling - everyone knows it is going to succeed and feels it naturally. It just needs to get released and it will moon - too many immediate gratification cucks on this board cause the reality to become foggy when sifting through the posts obviously.

>> No.4684499

Digibyte. And if you want to know where Link is headed from here, look at DGB on Coinmarketcap.

>> No.4684510


Did eth also have such bad communication?

>> No.4684529

ETH shilling single-handedly turned this board from actual business/finance related discussion into /crypto/

>> No.4684555

Does every successful venture have pr people on 4chan and reddit telling them updates every day? Are some companies private and never give news?

How long has it been? When did you buy? What made you buy? I am just curious what you were sold vs what you have received - not trying to shit on you.

>> No.4684557
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and we will turn it into /link/

>> No.4684565
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>> No.4684568

Is this guy even a Dev?

>> No.4684615

DGB was shilled hard as fuck for a bit. ARK is up there as well. PIVX had a month where every other fucking thread was about it.

The most fucked up part is that if I would have listened in the beginning, I would be rich AF.

I actually appreciated the ETH shilling. Made my stack off of ETH alone thanks to you fucks.

>> No.4684646

so what are most biz most shilled coins right now beside link ?

>> No.4684652

Link is going down to almost ICO prices. Best keep an eye on it.

>> No.4684730
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>tfw this coin is either going to make a bunch of neets poor or stupid rich

>> No.4684748

case in point

>> No.4684778
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nice, just shorted 100k

>> No.4684796

They don't even have a working project to release yet. There was a proof of concept for demonstrative purposes but it's irrelevant now as it'll be programmed in a completely different language. I don't remember seeing a solid ETA on the road map but I could be wrong. I see the price on this one dipping close to the ICO price.

>> No.4684801

Eth got shilled 10x as hard as LINK.

It panned out.

Thats why there are so many fucking brainlet link holders.

>> No.4684839

I was there for all of those. The only thing that comes close is bitbean if you were there that week you would understand. It was incredible nearly half of the catalog was shitty green bean man memes

>> No.4684889

Barberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (BSV) (1998) suggest that investors exhibit two biases in updating their prior beliefs with public information: Conservatism and Representativeness. Conservatism states that investors are slow to change their beliefs in the face of new evidence; while representativeness is a biased understanding of probabilities, that is assessing the probability of an event by finding a "similar known" event and assuming that the probabilities will be similar.

>> No.4684912


we all knew what happened then

>> No.4684913
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literally one month ago Sergey explained exactly what he's up to. If you ask a technical question on gitter or gitthub, steve or thomas reply within a day.

the no communication meme needs to die

>> No.4684939
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nice, just snorted 100g

>> No.4684959

as if time is stagnant. And ends today.

>> No.4684995
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y not 100k?

>> No.4685032

Yes, ethereum in its early days was fudded much worse than link

>> No.4685041
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ETH had ZERO communication. People didn't even ask.

We still had the stock market long term mentality and thought 100% gains in a YEAR were ridiculous. You wouldn't have dreamed of trolling Vitalik or the ETH team on Slack lol

>> No.4685091

I was making fun of the people who are complaining about less than daily chats with the dev team. People just need to shut up and wait a little bit.

Don't worry, I still love you

>> No.4685095

>PIVX had a month where every other fucking thread was about it.
I only remembered this the other day. At the time I thought it was ridiculous that a coin would go up 2x or more. But that thing was just one of many coins that went 100x+. Look at the chart

>> No.4685116

>russian scam
what else did they say?

>> No.4685122

Yeah right. I still hold BABA and it’s so nice to see... good old stock days.

>> No.4685167

Did you troll Jack Ma every day for updates too?

>> No.4685186


I know, I was just including you so I could get more (((you)))s

>> No.4685218

Kek of course not. A lot of people here don’t know the old days... I’ve learned a lot during that time on biz.

>> No.4685274

>FUD this shitcoin every day
>still put $500 on it just in case
Either way I win

>> No.4685282

The amount of link shills is suspicious.

>> No.4685306

What were the FUD threads about early ETH? Why would anyone doubt when it was piss cheap?

>> No.4685314

>I’ve learned a lot during that time on biz.
Like what?

I've definitely learned a lot from this board too. I feel crypto is like the stock market on fast forward and I've learned a lot of lessons as a result. Stuff like avoiding FOMO and buying the dip is so easy to say but it takes experience (at least it took me experience) to actually control your emotions and make good decisions

>> No.4685385
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>mfw newfags reveal their power level by not knowing this board was made to contain the dogecoin shilling.

>> No.4685406

Dao hack, and ETC overtaking ETH

>> No.4685416

yeah, crypto is stocks for the new generation. The impatient generation who makes massive gains or loses it all really fast. Love it.

>> No.4685450

Yeah, you’re right - stock market on fast forward fits perfect. Stuff I learned:
Avoid FOMO
Control emotions
Do a dencent research
Observe the market
Know the products
Look at competitors
Don’t be greedy

>> No.4685509

who are the competitors for link?

>> No.4685515
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>I feel crypto is like the stock market

Except numbers in the stock market represent actual businesses or commodities and crypto doesn't represent anything at all.

How many "coins" are there now? How many are actually being used as a currency?

>> No.4685556

Was not talking about crypto boi.

>> No.4685558

no one really gives a shit. people just want those lambo tickets.

>> No.4685576

no shit. thought you might have an answer since your shitposting in a link thread

>> No.4685596

>crypto is like the stock market on fast forward
What a brainlet comparison, you realize there are other markets besides stocks right? It's more comparable to forex or derivatives markets both in terms of the speed and what's actually changing hands.

>> No.4685603
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>are actually being used as a currency
I don't hold any coins that are supposed to be used as currency. Blockchain is about much more than just peer-to-peer payments.

I'm betting on a future where smart contracts play a big role (ETH and LINK)

>> No.4685644

Waves, but it actually paid off.

>> No.4685657

>What a brainlet comparison
What an autistic criticism. Read over my comment and then read your reply and ask yourself what value it added. Ok, it's more akin to forex. You still understood my point didn't you?

>> No.4685766

Ripple has over 200 employees, how is that not a real company dummy

>> No.4685796

Do your own research, angry kid.

>> No.4685823

R3's Corda (centralized solution, cant invest into this)
And apparently:

IOC isnt aiming to do exactly what Link is but has some things in common
The other 3 are vaporware (my personal opinion based on their whitepapers)

Am I missing anything?

>> No.4685846

Believe it or not, Ethereum didn't do anything at one point either.

And you can go make a ChainLink right now on three different blockchains, so I would say it does do "something" right now.

>> No.4685866

>Muh fast and cheap transfers are revolutionary.

>> No.4685951

>How many are actually being used as a currency?
Many of them were never designed to be used as currency. They are called utility tokens.

The ones that are designed to be used as currency will still need to scale up before that can happen. We are still in the infantile stages.

>> No.4686039

Tron is not an oracle competitor, that's not even it's platform.

>> No.4686072

Enlighten me anon, please

>> No.4686299


>> No.4686305


Oh, what product does Ripple make?

>> No.4686776

when eth is worth 3-5k, link will be worth 10k.

thats how great link is.