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File: 5 KB, 420x130, USDTTETHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4683279 No.4683279 [Reply] [Original]

So....why weren't any new Tethers printed today?
Hello Tether we need you. What's going on? Did they just decide to stop? Bitcoin has dipped, where's the tether???

>> No.4683332

Traded in for all the normies real dollars.
Hookers and blow to last 6 generations so they can pull out now.

>> No.4683350

this. It's slightly (((recovering now))). Sell now or get JUSTed

>> No.4683371

But why did they stop? Were they really just trying to get to $10,000 and then quit?

>> No.4683407

They got past 11k dumbass. They already got that sweet short liquidation money. They've dumped twice now. And they'll keep doing it

>> No.4683432

So are they going to print more Tether and save us or not?

>> No.4683441

When does this tethercrash ever fucking happen? I need BTC to drop 90% so i can buy more.

>> No.4683580

If the marketing gag with bitcoin hitting 11K, dipping and "recovering" delivers, not for the near future. If it doesn't..

>> No.4683641

Do anyone tipped the FBI about them? I mean for real, go to the FBI website and write them about Bitfinex and Tether. You can use the following facts, the more people denounce the more faster we end the suffering.

...Anonymous (ID: 3BTBs19M)
11/29/17(Wed)19:25:35 No.4667242
Fun facts:
Tether head has archived bitcointalk thread trying to start a HYIP ponzi

Tether website and whitepaper go out of its way to explicitly state tethers arent legally backed by anything and they dont owe u shit if theres losses

Tether and bitfinex have same ownership

Bitfinex hack was repaid by giving traders "equity" in the company. Bitfinex encouraged the traders to sell their equity to other investors, aka find a greater fool

The "audit" was a memo, not a formal audit, built solely from documents provided by tether only. No official bank docs were used. The auditor has been in legal problem before for shady practices.

A formal audit, which was to be conducted regularly per whitepaper, has never been done.

Tether has no official bank behind them. They cant name it.

Tether said an announcement to recent fud is coming. It never came.

Tether is now just blatantly printing tether to keep the market afloat. It is both your savior, and your murderer.

Save this copypasta for the day of reckoning.

>> No.4683700

>he doesn't know yet things are about to get real fun