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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 640x640, hst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4682227 No.4682227 [Reply] [Original]



mega 20 billion dollar partnership

interview today about megas

>> No.4682424

Im loaded up

This is going to 5x

>> No.4682458


>> No.4682476

google it

>> No.4682526

Not finding anything on Google about this partnership. Where did you hear this? Or are you just trying to unload your bags?

>> No.4682598

Its all over their telegram, reddit etc let me find some links

>> No.4682618


>> No.4682627

bruh i had these coins about a week ago and these mofo's made me lose money

>> No.4682628

This will be a dollar by tonight

>> No.4682649

You still got them? Just hold.

>> No.4682661

bullshit, more like negative dollar

>> No.4682726

Maybe .99 but senpai its got a 8 million market cap

Serious shit going down tonight, with that interview.

This will 5 x soon

>> No.4682767

Bitcoin parity by midnight.

screencap this

>> No.4682833

Okok you lazy fucks


>> No.4682889

This is legit going to pull a 3x tonight

>> No.4682981

This is a week old interview. Where do you hear about an interview happening tonight? Link? Or a link to the telegram at least.

>> No.4683021


Here you go

>> No.4683023

It's an interview with some Ian Balina guy that's happening tonight, I wouldn't say its particularly important as the guy seems to have about 5k views per video on youtube. And I doubt they'll reveal any significant info in that interview

>> No.4683042
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wut the fug how do i even buy?
>tfw brainlet and new to crypto

>> No.4683051

Etherdelta, Kucoin or Cryptopia.

>> No.4683650

Moon time boys

>> No.4683681

KEK that 24000 sell wall on kucoin... thats like selling OMG at $1

>> No.4683748

Also worth noting, https://medium.com/horizonstate/horizon-state-token-mechanics-104af1dd26bd
got released today.

>> No.4683776

get hyped senpai

>> No.4683790


>> No.4683973


>> No.4684214

Any of you anons set up a sell order? How much are you anticipating? HODL until it reaches $4 or what's up??? I'm not trying to miss out. I have 400 of these sons of bitches and it's been depression watching that huge dip back to .20 cents.

>> No.4684218

sauce faggot

>> No.4684257

this isn't news you fucking retard...im holding too and i'm ashamed of this fucking larping hst comunity, you're not helping the coin, you are just creating uncertanty...go back to fucking israel you fucking rat

>> No.4684278

oooooo yeaaahhhh mooon lambos *foaming at the mouth* aghgahahga muh gainzzzz

inbread pajeet

>> No.4684280



>> No.4684284

wtf are you on about retard

its not larp

its going to be 1 dollar tonight scren cap me bitch

>> No.4684323

It's sad how the spam from other coins all day make /biz miss out on this. This a sure investment, for short and long-term. Serious partnerships and use case.

>> No.4684362

i dont have to...it's not going to be a $...the market is going down...i can't imagine the kind of moron that would think that this is going to rise 3x in 1 day

i feel bad for your parents and/or kids/wife

>> No.4684388

never speak to me about my family you cock sucking roach

this is going to be 1 dollar today

ive seen even top 20 coins raise 300% in one day

no reason that this wont

300% aint shit at 10 million market cap

>> No.4684497

buahahahaha fuck off....you're embarasing yourself

>300 % in one day

go on cmc...scroll through the first 300 coins...tell me wich one is 300% in + now!

i hope you just trying to shill, cuz if not you must be mentaly challenged

(won't be mad if it actually does tho)

>> No.4684518

oh yeah btw...

don't speak to me or my son ever again


>> No.4684531

i like lady bits not male bits

There isnt any given coin at any given moment 300% but it happens all the time you cuck fucking suck fuck


>> No.4684532

just bought a few eth worth... Honestly if you are looking to double your stack, this is the coin today

>> No.4684548

People are holding and there is no selling pressure, of course, it can change through the night, but I believe HST will have a big run tonight. 1$ might be a tad bit optimistic.

>> No.4684585

a tad bit optimistic is a nice way of putting it

>> No.4684605

>cuck fucking suck fuck

get your cum buccket ready faggot

>> No.4684608

Just take everything with a grain of salt. A tip, don't argue prices with randoms, they will probably explode on your face or just troll you until you are tired.

>> No.4684631

i actually enjoy it :3

>> No.4684632

Yep... nice work

>> No.4684663

prEpaRE tO be asS B LAsteed tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4684676

my body is ready

>> No.4684761

are you coming onto me?

Im not a homo, however i will say that this token will reach the moon today

>> No.4684828

are 9k HST enough?

>> No.4684840

depends on how powerful you want to be

>> No.4684865

Let's all spread our bootcheeks. Let us make the anus like the HST logo.

>> No.4684895

prepare for list off

>> No.4684931

NO MORE .0007 prices its .0008 now, soon .001

anything around .0015 is a good range before it hits

>> No.4685196

dam senpai i was only memeing but this is actually mooning

>> No.4685227
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>> No.4685278

guys this is actually mooning

>> No.4685346



>> No.4685708

senpai the volume is growing like crazy

its mooning MOOOOON

>> No.4686143


>> No.4686163

pressure is growing more and more

walls being destroyed and price is going to skyrocket

>> No.4686219
File: 157 KB, 500x503, friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone tell me how to do this, I'm completely new.. where do I make an account and how do I purchase this with real money?

>> No.4686269

1. Go to coinbase
2. Buy Ethereum
3. Head over to Etherdelta
4. Create an ETH adress over there
5. Send your ETH from coinbase to your ETH adress on ED
6. Buy HST
7. ???
8. Profit

>> No.4686296
File: 102 KB, 574x491, 1511641459871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo man i will help you out, send some eth to me:
and ill buy as much as i can, and then send it back to you :)


>> No.4686330

Thanks man, I put together most of it but I wasn't sure. Time to buy $5000 worth of this coin and get double the return tonight.

>> No.4686424

On second note, why ETH and not BTC? Is USD/ETH a better conversion right now? And is this the correct account to deposit into? 0x554c20b7c486beee439277b4540a434566dc4c02

>> No.4686442

if youre nervous about using eth goto kucoin and use btc to buy

>> No.4686562

You need to be full retart to lose money on HST. Bought at 0.0009 eth and I still made money. Rebuying now

>> No.4686586

any news about getting on other exchanges?

>> No.4686668
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 1510452830413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought ATH

>> No.4686683

No need atm that only inflates and dumps price we are perfecr atm.

The UN is going to use HS to save millions for voting

>> No.4686703

To late to hop on now for 0,35? Don't wanna but ATH again.

>> No.4686717

I wouldn't say so, this is peanuts

>> No.4686727

Hm, so I'm trying to send it over but my transaction is saying "pending" and 0 confirmations. I just sent all of it, did I do something wrong?

>> No.4686741

no it's pending. Wait for a bit.

>> No.4686788

I read about mining fees associated with transfering between coinbase<->other exchanges (etherdelta). I think I just sent the maximum without adding this fee, but my account on coinbase now shows 0 ETH. Did I fuck up somewhere? I mean I just bought $10 worth of ETH to test it.

>> No.4686862

no they just take it off the total. Say you put 1 eth from coinbase to etherdelta they take a % of that lets say 2% then you get 0.98 on etherdelta.

>> No.4686868

I buy on coinbase then send to MyEtherWallet.
from there i send to exchanges.

>> No.4686881

hmm when you buy did you buy instant or wait a week method?

also make sure the address you send it to is YOUR address

>> No.4686896

buying at ath is usually a bad idea.

>> No.4686911

this isnt the ATM dipshit

>> No.4686924

Oh no I used the credit card method for this one, so instant. It's been pending now for ~20min. Does it usually go faster?

>> No.4686925

Never worked with etherdelta before, thought HST was on Binance. Waiting this one out, gotta figure out how etherdelta works

>> No.4686951

Cryptopia's platform seems a bit more intuitive than Etherdelta quite honestly.

>> No.4686953

So it's hitting $3 once it reaches mainstream markets?

>> No.4687004

You might miss the moon if you wait to transfer btc, and ltc costs aren't worth it.

>> No.4687007

Oh shit I still have like 1k of these from last month, bought at 0.0007 ETH. God damn I'm gonna make so much money off this

>> No.4687086

I noticed there's quite a few hidden fees associated with going the coinbase->etherdelta route. I mean out of the $10 I only received $8.5 worth of coin basically. Is there any way to eliminate all these fees?

>> No.4687115

not with coinbase, but its a safe way to buy

>> No.4687159

GDAX. Owned by coinbase but there's less fees. Not sure about deposit fees...

>> No.4687174
File: 32 KB, 1474x323, cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got'cha. I'm finally about to make my first purchase. Taking my time to figure out how to properly use this. Appreciate all the help so far, anons.

>> No.4687193

what exchange is that cryptopia?

careful on there because the price is higher so maybe set up a buy order

>> No.4687203

More like 5$

>> No.4687224

godspeed to the moon remember hodl

yeh it's cryptopia

>> No.4687236

Yeah, it is. Why set up a buy order though? Again, I'm quite new to this so I'm reading that someone is selling 340 HST coins for 0.0004439 BTC. Isn't that pretty good? That's basically $4 for a ton of HST.

>> No.4687295

that's over $0.80 a coin. Horrible buy in price right now.

>> No.4687349

you mean like 42cent
it goes for 3840-3909 satoshi right now on kucoin thats over 15% you're missing out on anon.

>> No.4687370
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, 1510922236992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought at 45 cents
tell me its going higher than that

>> No.4687383

So I should've rolled on kucoin, heh. Oh well, shit happens, I can live with 15%. I just got myself 110 HST for now, so I'll be happy with that. Kinda crazy to think I'd ever be doing this, considering I'm just 18 and started college.

>> No.4687392

its going higher

>> No.4687402

take it slow and learn anon

i started with doge faucets and built up over the years to more and more, made good and bad choices

>> No.4687415

lol at anyone whos doubting this.
Read the coin mechanics, that alone should be enough for you fuckers to fill your bags to the brim. Customers buying from market? That means you control the price you fucktards

Anyone choosing to miss out on this might as well end it now. Sitting on 25k HST and comfy as fuck

>> No.4687416


>> No.4687420

Yeah thanks for the tips, man. I'll be happy if I can double what I just put in, it's not like I have tons of money to spent anyway

>> No.4687431

UN and fucking SAP. Tell me another coin thats working with anyone that size

>> No.4687454


>> No.4687469

hahaha I double down at 2600 plebs

>> No.4687479

for real not to mention this is going to 1.45 approx and the more users needing to vote it goes higher, this is insane how fast it could pop, it could pop to 2 dollars just like that

>> No.4687495

I'm pretty new to all this, but even from all the reading I did about this coin, I feel pretty comfy having invested in it this early and it being my first time, too.

>> No.4687528

honestly it just jumped to 40 cents on kucoin soooo not to bad

>> No.4687555

Attention everyone in this thread that isn't a paid shill or working together to move up the price so they can dump their bags that they bought at ATH:

Do not buy this king of shitcoins.

HST is a complete joke, boarderline scam coin that paid "contributors" to Forbes, WSJ, etc to write opinion pieces on their website, so that HST could quote their articles with "-Forbes" and "-WSJ" when in reality anyone can contribute to those online sections and it does not mean the publication endorses this coin.

Are you shitting me? If Forbes actually endorsed this coin or wrote an official article about it, it'd moon harder than any other coin right now.

This coin is fucking stupid. Block chain voting? Get the fuck out of here.

Understand that most ICOs are racing to pull money from greedy, stupid investors. 99% of ICOs are useless. They are answers to problems no one had.

I read HST's white paper and literally laughed. This is coin is scam city.

Take your money, put it in ETH, LTC, NEO, whatever, and walk away. Just walk away from shitcoins like this.

You WILL lose your money. That is all.


>> No.4687567

trips or not, fuck off pajeet

>> No.4687602

lol at someone who sold to buy bitcoin top and is now hurting

>> No.4687621

You are mad because since i posted this thread its gone up 10 cents

you are salty AF because you want to buy cheaper

Blockchain voting saves 100s of millions of dollars


ignore this person they are salty because they didnt buy at lower prices

>> No.4687651
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>> No.4687665

I have the trips of truth, you're just a pleb faggot. BE GONE.

I own no buttcoin.

You're a pajeet and I'm calling you the fuck out. This coin is stupid as hell and will go nowhere but down. I'm trying to help people fuck off. Tired of pajeets infesting biz with their LIES.


>> No.4687672

oh look it's that idiot who made everyone baghold POWR. I'm sure you're are giving great advice again

>> No.4687714

So you read the whitepaper and your bean of a brain couldn't comprehend the global benefit of blockchain based voting. You're probably still holding your 200 confido hoping for a bounce

>> No.4687716


this is being backed by UN AUS SAP and will be a 200 million + market cap soon AF

now fuck off, I am a white blooded american now fuck off you cuck

>> No.4687723

To the moon boys. Loaded up

>> No.4687736
File: 25 KB, 612x344, 1dollartoday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also trips of truth do not mean shit if you dont bless kek


PRAISE KEK AND tell this pajeet cock roach to fuck off to hell


>> No.4687738

Does kucoin accept ETH? I can't find it under deposit

>> No.4687741

I told people to get into POWR when it was 29 cents. I said I don't call exits, and I tell people to set goals and exit when they reach them. Follow me or be poor. You're still up by a 100%+ if you bought when I said. Stay poor hater!


>> No.4687766

Take your money, put it in LTC
You forgot to mention POWR pajeet.

>> No.4687778

Kucoin is pretty much the same as Binance. Though you should probably figure out how to use ED anyway.

>> No.4687781

>TOP KEK you thought IOTA would be 2 dollars

>> No.4687793

>m-muh horizon state token I m-mean decision token is g-gonna b used b-by the united n-nations

lol no it isn't faggot. HST is something a middle schooler with a computer could program. It is the biggest fucking joke and you pajeets need to stop scamming people. You're ruining crypto by supporting stupid fucking projects that no one wants or needs and you're ruining biz by causing noobs to lose money. Fuck off pleb

>> No.4687799

you said iota would be 2 dollars pajeet

you rare a pajeet

>> No.4687819

It will be, the buttcoin/tether scam crash orchestrated by Bitfinex set back my predictions, but it'll happen. IOTA will hit 20B market cap very soon. $2 is just the beginning.

You're still up 100%+ if you bought powr when I called it, faggot.

>> No.4687825


or CONFIDO you are a stupid pajeet

>> No.4687839

Then why the fuck didn't you make it you moron. Tell us something constructive, or fuck off back to your sewer

>> No.4687842

yeah iota will be number one one day but not now

>> No.4687856

OP mad cause I'm speaking the truth about his mega shit coin. NOT TODAY, BUDDY. GO SCAM SOMEWHERE ELSE.

>> No.4687880

Same reason I didn't invent the pet rock. My IQ isn't low enough to be able to identify things a retard like you would want to buy.

That's why I didn't invent HST you IDIOT.


>> No.4687892

im not mad at all and stop calling people pajeets they represent a large volume of crypto now.

you however are a cuck

>> No.4687906

quit spamming your twitter handle cuck

no one is going to dump cheap tokens on you because you have an anime girl on your avatar

>> No.4687929

Then why the fuck are you in this thread if it's such an awful idea. Yep im going to listen to someone who has nothing better to do than cry in the corner about a coin they're too afraid to invest in and squeal scam . Fuck off and die you pathetic rat

>> No.4687942

kys pajeet. No one will buy HST it's literally crashing as we speak.

>> No.4687946


This stupid cunt thinks blockchain for voting is dumb... Are you serious? Voting is one of the best uses for blockchain, it saves millions you dumb bitch

SAP partnership... do you even know what this company does?

Im actually baffled that someone could be so stupid, AND link their shitty twitter, marking their stupidity

now we have screenshots to send you when HST is $2

>> No.4687978

So quick question guys, once I'm ready to sell my HST, how would I best go about it? Sell it for BTC/ETH on cryptopia/kucoin and then send it back to Coinbase to cash it out in USD?

>> No.4687982

I'm here to tell people to read the white paper if they want to LAUGH like they've NEVER LAUGHED BEFORE.

Pajeets like you are a VIRUS and I am penicillin

>> No.4688001


the volume increase in this is NOT from biz, its real and you done fucked up selling at a loss, i just know it, you bought last bull run at .001 and then held untill it went to .0006 and then sold

i have a strong feeling you did that

>> No.4688017

if you wanted

or just hodl ether untill eth pops to 1000$

because that is inevitable

>> No.4688019

Tell me what exactly about the whitepaper is so hilarious then i'll listen to you

>> No.4688026

Do you really have nothing better to do then cry because you missed the boat?

>> No.4688056

Nice fucking call on IOTA... YOu called $2 iota and its sitting at 1.30... Well done!

>> No.4688061

>m-muh SAP partnership!

SAP is fucking gay. Do you even know what they do? They are a complete joke, worth nothing, and have no connections. They are NOT associated with the united nations you cuck retard.

Yes please snap pictures of $2 HST in your dreams with your magic dream camera, fucking faggot

>> No.4688081


>> No.4688085
File: 27 KB, 1542x184, salt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, thanks. I wonder how much % loss I'd incur if I did it like that though, because of all the hidden fees. I might just forget I ever bought this and come back in 10 years. I mean it was at $0.35 just a few hours ago.

>> No.4688089

keep this thread moving the more you talk shit the more people see and will remember HST

>> No.4688099

>Pajeets like you are a VIRUS and I am penicillin
Kek good thing penicillin works on bacteria and not on viruses. Back to highschool buddy.

>> No.4688119

I have a question as a newbie. I bought the HST coins on two exchanges, half and half. Should I consolidate them into one exchange or keep them spread out? I'm assuming a scenario could occur where people don't buy it on exchange 1 anymore or for far, far less?

>> No.4688122
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>> No.4688139
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My eth dont arrive until dec 8th what do

>> No.4688148
File: 17 KB, 1538x364, exchanges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what's giving me food for thought, basically. It seems like everyone is trading on Kucoin?

>> No.4688149

nothing you can do senpai

>> No.4688171

yep, keep lurking anon keep learning

>> No.4688188

What do, take the profits and crawl back to ETH or sit this one out and ride to $1.0.

>> No.4688220

Do we have a source on the SAP partnership?

>> No.4688242


Revenue €22.062 billion (2016)
Operating income €5.121 billion (2016)
Profit €3.618 billion (2016)
Total assets €44.354 billion (2016)
Total equity €26.382 billion (2016)
Number of employees 84,183 (Q4 2016)

>> No.4688262
File: 43 KB, 1219x339, 2017-11-30 22.35.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4688265

No, they don't. When HST says "partnered' they mean that they "partnered" with company XYZ to present and AN EVENT. loooool

>> No.4688278

>says SAP is worth nothing
>has a market cap of $132 Billion

this is actually pathetic, why are you still trying to fud?

>> No.4688287

It's very interesting how these crypto companies are striking partnerships with private sector firms which in turn have huge leverage over governments. This is why I think currencies like IOTA and LINK, as well as HST will eventually dominate.

>> No.4688362

It s gonna mooon

>> No.4688376

Why would you take profits now, before the interview? HOLD

>> No.4688399

How far will it go up before dipping a bit? Or just hodl till EOY?

>> No.4688437

I'd honestly hold it till Q2 of 2018. See how far they get, according to their roadmap. I'd exit if you smell shenanigans down the line.

>> No.4688439

definitely, there are going to be dips because the stupid pajeets will dump

>> No.4688452

whens the interview?

>> No.4688481


>> No.4688485


>> No.4688622

watch this shit

>> No.4688863

I got 800 a week ago and glad to see me recovering. Should I sell at 3$?

>> No.4689300

Imagine you sell at $3. Then, by 2020 the new election runs on Decision's platform. And now it's worth $50.

>> No.4689738
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1491166676293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally just bought this coin 12 hrs ago when it was ATL

>> No.4689899

My only regret is not getting more when it was at 0.0003 ETH

>> No.4689907

I browse crypto for hours a day, no way in hell I have the willpower to hold a coin for 2 years

>> No.4690003

What you mean is, despite being warned literally a billion times, you panic sold and got mad. Fucking. Hilarious.

>> No.4690005

That's the easiest route
>buy coin
>put it on some wallet
>set an alert on Blockfolio
>2 years later
>"HST is now $50 on Bittrex"

>> No.4690031

>Not using Delta and deleting blockfolio
You're welcome anon, say hi to the future

>> No.4690294

I have a weird feeling this is going to pop to 1 dollar or more soon

normally you see reasonable sells and ones that are stupid

this has a steady amount of sells in the 1.50-3 dollar range

guys we might just make it

>> No.4690612

Put in those orders now, price won't be this cheap for too long

>> No.4691038
File: 107 KB, 1393x935, hst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what happened on these two dates

>> No.4691075

1. /biz/ FOMO
2. UN partnership rumors

>> No.4691702

It's show time

>> No.4691898

they have a partnership with universal studios

>> No.4691930


>> No.4692188


LIVE NOW 3 dollars incoming

>> No.4692334

They have a partnership with Chad Thundercock

>> No.4692369


>> No.4692540

And my funds are still stuck in shittrex. Did you guys know shittrex won't let you withdraw coins when you make your account? If you theb decide to send your face and passport and it fails, you still have to wait for a month before any fuckibg response.

>> No.4692551

guise is still worth getting into at 40 cents?

>> No.4692553

>sending all your coins to a single exchange

>> No.4692581

i cant say yes or no, i say yes, but its up to you, this is easy 1-3 dollars though

>> No.4692599

Anything below 1.5 is good, this is going to touch 3.5 min

>> No.4692607
File: 451 KB, 484x364, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody buy the fucking wal at 0.001 already for fucks sake.


>> No.4692640

Was it worth getting into ANS at $8?

>> No.4692734

ohhh shit


THIS IS GOING TO GO FROM 50 cents to 5 dollars over night better buy and hold it before it does

>> No.4692790

i dunno if you guys are all FOS but i bought 1k just now at E 0.000977, feels bad man.


>> No.4692932

That's what I bought it at a few hours ago. I doubt it'll go anywhere near $1 in the next few days though. I'm treating it more as a long term investment, considering it will gain way more popularity during the election season