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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 589x197, cuckbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4678152 No.4678152 [Reply] [Original]

>coinbase doesn't allow you to buy the dip or cash out at an ATH

This site is such a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.4678177

Transfer funds to gdax, problem solved. That requires you to do more than clicking one button, so if you're a total brainlet, you're fucked kek.

>> No.4678196

Makes you wonder..

if they even have enough money to cash everybody out.

>> No.4678215

It's a piece of shit. I was lucky enough to buy some ETH yesterday to trade away on ED. Fuck coinbase, seriously.

>> No.4678253

come to btc-e. Best exchange, lets you burn your money for low fees whenever you feel like.

>> No.4678294
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Only questions I really have about gdax are, is it as secure as shitbase, will limit orders actually execute when they’re down, and is there something the same/similar to gdax that isn’t made by shitbase so I don’t have to deal with all the normies fomoing and clogging up theirs servers since shitbase and gdax both go down.

>be me
>was using shitbase because thought gdax was ehh
>didn’t know what I was talking about gdax
>knew the dip was coming
>couldn’t catch it in time before the normies clogged up the servers
>mfw attempting to buy more at the low and couldn’t.

>> No.4678301

Lots of the cryptocurrency fans repeat the statement that they want a world where they're independent from the banks that are evil and rob their clients. But in reality, the cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase are much more aggressive than regular banks – and much less regulated – when they are robbing their clients. The selectively locked accounts may be a part of it. But on top of that, the regular transaction fees that Coinbase takes from its users are just huge

>> No.4678312

LMFAO This already happen yesterday.
Why are you so surprised!?

>> No.4678346

I have zero empathy for anyone who uses coinbase over gdax. Takes an average adult 30 seconds to figure out that coinbase is the handicapped accessible, one click normie version of gdax.

>> No.4678401

This is why currency needs goverment regulation, and why crypto will ultimately fail

You libertarian free market fags don't know how much you rely on the state

>> No.4678416

gdax is coinbase

>> No.4678450

GDAX is a god-tier exchange.

>> No.4678471
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See >>4678416

How do you not know this?

>> No.4678480

What makes you think i did not know this you faggot? It is the same company but still two vastly different services you mongoloid.

>> No.4678490


only reddit cares about that, I just wanna be rich, fiat, bitcoin, IDGAF

>> No.4678501

this is good, we are seeing bitcoin price being held up around 10 without help from the norman

>> No.4678536

>/biz/ is finally starting to realize that YOU LITERALLY CAN'T CASH OUT

>> No.4678589

I know. But what I’m saying is what else is there that’s as reliable (in terms of if it does go down how quickly do they get it back online), has the same functionality, UI, allows limit orders for free, etc. like GDAX? I saw a lot of people saying how exodus was down all day, and when I checked it was.

>> No.4678770
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>he didn't know that

>> No.4678798

epic meme bucko

>> No.4678892



>> No.4678928

Why can't we have an accessible one click normie site that fucking works?

>> No.4678946

Use shapeshift

>> No.4678949

They're both ran buy the same jews. Fuck them both...if you don't hold your coins then you don't own shit.

>> No.4678970

Because all that logic needs to be abstracted to be easy, and that takes computing power. So if 10000 people use the service that's easy rather than the service that is hard and only 100 people use, guess which one is still working.

>> No.4678980

You didn't know shit, faggot. You would have stated it was the same same but different if you really knew.

>> No.4679036

>You would have stated it was the same same but different
thanks for this eloquent input. Surely the clear explanation we all were missing. You got me. I am lying to indians on 4chan just to make me feel clever ;)

>> No.4679331

All of that makes sense, except if you're charging transaction fees, you would think you could use it to get exceptional hardware to serve the greater number

>> No.4679346

Anyone have any experience with Bitstamp? I'm waiting to get confirmed there.

>> No.4679584


the most pro
except 502

>> No.4679687

gdax wont let me sign up for gdax though

>> No.4679693

GDAX is a beautiful exchange. If it wasn’t associated with normiebase, and had more alts and trade pairs, it would be godtier

>> No.4679709

Why? Is it blocked in your country?

>> No.4679724

There's a reason behind the cashing out meme. You better start believing. Everything is great until everyone runs for an exit.

>> No.4679730

Which platform does everyone use

>> No.4679741

i cant fucking make an account for either

>> No.4679749

riddle me this coiners what good is an investment if you can't sell it?

>> No.4679755

I have a few times. Not bad, fast buying with credit card, although i havent tried.cashing out yet. Imo its solid.

>> No.4679759
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>tfw still using Bitfinex for the lolz and it was one of the only exchanges still running smoothly these last few days

>> No.4679776

I use Coinbase and GDAX (CB for credit orders), Bittrex, Binance, and EtherDelta
Have used Yobit and Poloniex to some degree in the past.

A portion of my coins are on exchanges and a portion are on personal wallets.

>> No.4679784

>cant verify identity

>> No.4679794
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>> No.4679843

Which one do you rate the best? I was doing CFD buying and it was shit, Coinbase is the most obvious bet but I’ve seen others. Which one is the easiest to withdraw do you know?

>> No.4679859

That sounds like a... ponzi?

>> No.4679870

thats what you get for using Goybase

>> No.4679901
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What should I use then goy?

>> No.4679907
File: 26 KB, 469x331, 1510583438412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who uses coinbase deserve this for being a normie, sorry.

>> No.4679924

fucking siezed kek

>> No.4679973

This. Though I would argue it's a good learning experience for newcoiners

>> No.4680015


They don't, they're insolvent. Why do you think it took them 6 months to give people their Bitcoin Cash? Its because they don't hold the amount of Bitcoin they claim and needed to buy it from the market

>> No.4680027

you forgot to ree

>> No.4680085

Yup they make you either buy 2% up or sell 2% under while they take their 2% fee so they fuck you with a 4% fee right out the bat. Anyway only way for me to get in so look fuck it I guess

>> No.4680121

Ok artard if you do that you have to wait like 4 days to a week, sometimes more. In that week your coin could have an insane bull run and by the time your money gets there it's trading sideways or even downwards. Now you're losing money.

>> No.4680144

you should cash out before ATH like all the whales do. That's why when you normies try to cash out there's not enough money. Remember, some pople bought BTC for 10 dollars (or mined it), and they are slowly cashing out before all of you. You LITERALLY can't cash out.

>> No.4680164

not even, its very quick for me

>> No.4680171

I recommend using GDAX to get your initial cryptos, and if you want alts you should send some ETH to Bittrex or Binance where you have more options to choose from. To use GDAX, you create a Coinbase account (it's linked to both) and then you must make a fiat deposit on your account which takes several days. Once that goes through, you can easily make market or limit orders, set stop losses, etc. They have margin trading too, but it's real risky for cryptos and I don't have experience with it myself.

I only recommend buying directly off CB istead of GDAX when you believe you need the crypto immediately, in which case you can buy with a credit card for a significantly higher fee. So stick to GDAX when possible and keep some spare fiat on your account if you can (it's FDIC Insured). Withdrawing should give you no issues.

Don't send BTC from one exchange to another of you can avoid it, as it's slow and has high fees.

>> No.4680175

Coinbase links up buyers and sellers (BTC <-> USD) and just scrapes a fee off the top. They only hold enough escrow to cover the gaps. They don't buy and sell with their pool.

>> No.4680199

or fractional reserve w/o rfid

>> No.4680259

land of the free?

>> No.4680285
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Transferring BTC from shitbase to gdax is free and instant....

>normie hops on 4chan after hearing bitcoin hit 10
>normie wants to play it cool like they know what it’s talking about

>> No.4680286

gemini if us, kraken if eu / uk /canada / aus

>> No.4680529

Brainlet detected. You're fucked, kiddo.

>> No.4680639

Serious note, what’s a good site, etc that has a real time chart, etc with sound notifications for a desktop webpage so I can actually get work done today

>> No.4680677


But without gov reg you can choose another exchange

>> No.4680751

You fool. You've entered the crypto game.
There's only staring at candles and refreshing /biz/ every 10 minutes.
Work is now useless.

>> No.4680791

this ,i quit my job

>> No.4680974

>not using Gemini

Cmon now

>> No.4681089


I tried to buy at $5k during the last BCC flippening attempt. Always got an error.
Tried to sell at $11, they didn't let me do it.

You will not be able to sell or buy during dips or ATH.

So, as far as you already made a fuckton of money buying BTC years ago, you won't make any profit in the short terms.
And considering that coul pass months or years before BTC will steady reach $10k again, you're pretty much fucked or you've to cash out baby gains.

>> No.4681095

I thought something was wrong with my card, i've been getting the "we couldn't authorise the card" bs, since yesterday while it never failed before... ffs, I'm switching....

>> No.4681113

Gemini routinely goes down during aths as well

>> No.4681126
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right, I'm sorry, ahem...REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.4681145


i like to keep my foot in this door and my normie life. Debating day trading weekends. Why am I the white nigger child of inter species relationship.

>> No.4681218

>being this helpless

>> No.4681259

Kraken is shit right now as well, keep getting errors when trying to sign in or do basically anything

>> No.4681321
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Keep getting Insufficient funds, literally cant cash out.

>> No.4681601

I'm trying to register, they already got my ID and my driving license but still want me to take fucking selfies with my computer...I DONT HAVE A WEBCAM!. I sent you money ffs, let me trade already please

>> No.4681660

i could do so on coinbase and they automatically took the informations and took them to GDAX but now im stuck in the registration process.
see ->>>4681601

I can buy BTC on coinbase but i can't trade on GDAX...this sucks hard