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4676921 No.4676921 [Reply] [Original]

I came here in June after wanting to learn about investing and was surprised so see all the talk of Bitcoin and other alts curious I jumped in with only 400 dollars today my portfolio is worth 14k. But I am not here to thank you for the advice but for the community here, with college I do not have the time to lurk as much and I miss all of you. When my portfolio hit 4k I told my father because he has been very successful with the stock market in the past and he did his research and went heavily in litecoin and has done very well. There is nothing better than coming home from a long day of courses or from work and discussing with my father about crypto. I have came to you when times are hard and when times were good and all of you have helped me. I was here for the XBY craze, the Stratis pump, the unforgettable Ethereum for 8 dollars. When Antshres turned to Neo and shot up to 50 dollars I celebrated with you. When Bitcoin crashed shortly after I kept my hands strong and laughed with the rest of you at the red wojacks. From Biz and Crypto alone I have found a fascinating hobby, learned more about who avenues I can take in the future, and have strengthened my relationship with my father. Anyways enough of my rambling, I just wanted to thank you Biz. Although I can't visit as much as I like I know we will all make it. Keep your hands strong and remember we are all in this together, when the candle sticks turn red don't give up luck. Godspeed.

>> No.4677167

Kinda thinking about doing what you did. Put a couple hundred into BTC and then sit on it for a year.

>> No.4677218

This is a nice post, I'll lurk some more and maybe think about doing the same, I'm new here.

>> No.4677250

God bless anon, good to see you succeed, good luck.
Just don't take anything seriously, this board is for the keks

>> No.4677427

Thank you senpai.
My advice is to keep your hands strong might be a bad time to buy in, but I am only 19 and all of my income is surplus so I took a chance with this. I recommend riding the lower market caps pretty good time since everything is dipping, but if BTC dips hard they will plummet even more. might not be wise to listen to me since I haven't been able to keep up with the news.
Yea I think crypto is the future but the returns I have had was just very lucky. I get in at a very good time, BTC was only worth 1,400$. I threw 100 dollars at stratis when it was 80 cents then I threw 123 dollars at XBY when it was .002 cents, which is a scam coin IMO. Stratis rose to 8 dollars and xby rose to 2 cents which gave me a huge boost. I then put it into Antshares/Neo which went up to 50, could have sold there for 3 btc but I didn't. Now I just let my investments ride since I don't have the time to trade. But my biggest advice is you will lose, but keep your hands strong. When neo went from 17 dollars to 50 my portfolio shot up 10,000 dollars in a day. A few days later it corrected and my portfolio went from 14,000 to 6,000. But alas I kept my hands strong and held and now it has recovered a bit and I have diversified. But the moral of the story is to keep your hands strong and don't dwell on opportunities you have missed out on or mistakes you have made.

>> No.4677648

so what's your current portfolio?

>> No.4677659
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>> No.4677670
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>> No.4677676
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I posted a blockfolio rate thread a minute ago. But I will repost it.
Muh capital gains taxes

>> No.4677828

you consider XBY as a scam but you still have 1K? Why?

>> No.4677859
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It's a funny story at the time I was oblivious to the whole thing but it was the hype coin of the time. 1k isn't anything I just left that much so if it did sky rocket I would have a small portion. But I originally had 50k as you can see from the picture, very funny to compare the prices then to now.

>> No.4677919
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Anyways this was after the hype, I initially wanted to get 500,000k of them so I could run a node on there network, which would have costed me 1064$ dollars, I work at a Walmart and wanted to get one of my coworkers who was a friend to go 50/50 with me because I would have felt awful if I lost 1,287 dollars on one coin. Needless to say no one would. I could have sold the 500,000 for 2 cents which would have gotten me 17k which in bitcoins at the time would have been 6 BTC. But no one would agree. Who knows what I would have done with the 6 BTC it would have been crazy. But I can't be mad, or regret it really. Just remember to always listen to your gut, it has always been right for me, and the times I don't listen to my gut I really should have.

>> No.4678193


litecoin has done a successful lightning test and this coin will be mooning to infinity ....

>> No.4678372

For sure man, Litecoin's speed is so good. I am a bit worried about all of this new money because there is no implementation at the moment LOL. But when there is implementation on a larger scale in America Litecoin will be so strong especially with atomic swap.