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4674853 No.4674853 [Reply] [Original]

Who here has realized that capitalism sucks?

Any reading recommendations for anticapitalist literature?

>> No.4674892

marx is my daddy, and anarchist literature is worth a read, I don't agree with it but its interesting. just read kropotkin

>> No.4674934


Fuck off commietard. All communism ever achieved was starvation and genocide.

>> No.4674977

Sell half at 17, then sell the one quarter at 10 and the remaining quarter at 8

>> No.4675018

Do the world a favor and just end your life now if you’re just going to be a communist. I’m sure you’re already depressed, every communist is. If you want to devote your life to Jewish tricks, just watch TV.

>> No.4675175

>Jews totally rule the world in the shadows guys, they have all the money
>They also want to introduce communism, which abolishes both money and hierarchy, depriving themselves of their own powerful position

Sometimes I wonder if you know what words mean.

>> No.4675196

I've been reading The first 500 years of Debt, really interesting book and shows just how much the invention of money fucked up our relationships with each other.

The goals of money stray so far from those of humanity. What is profitable is often at the detriment of the vast majority of the population, so it's time to stop setting incentives like that and abolish capital.

>> No.4675199

Lmao playing both sides is impossible xdddd

>> No.4675222

David Harvey, Baudrillard, Cambridge Capital Controversy (Sraffa), David Graeber, (((Hayek)))

Read these and you'll understand what bitcoin means in the grander scheme of things. The final breaths of Hyper Capitalism

>> No.4675238


Here is a link, if you are interested: https://track4.mixtape.moe/qwrjpo.pdf

>> No.4675248

Fuck forgot - Guy Debord

>> No.4675251

I’ve read the communist manifesto. I’m sure you can read this: https://mises.org/library/economic-calculation-socialist-commonwealth

In my opinion, It’s a brilliant explanation of why socialism cannot work, ever.

>> No.4675294

>look these goys ACTUALLY BELIEVED we were going to abolish money HAHA
It aint going to work out how you want it to in practice.

>> No.4675299

Piero Sraffa shows that price can be calculated without knowledge of demand - see Production of Commodities By Means of Commodities

>> No.4675323
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>communism leading to the abolition of hierarchy and money.

>> No.4675344

I've been reading the white papers and I found out this crypto has John McAffee as a consultant. With a resource like that at their disposal, they are sure to come out swinging.

Guys, the money is made before coins ever hit the market. Take this one for example.


Universa, 50 free coins just for making an account. Access to discounted coins before it ever touches market and goes 2-3x that value. It's guaranteed money.

Sounds like someone lost all they own in cryptocurrency and suddenly identifies with marxist ideology. I know a lot of people took a hit, but pick yourself up, reinvest, and profit.

>> No.4675356

>realized that capitalism sucks
there is nothing wrong with capitalism. money is the problem.

>> No.4675360

Shitcoin shills will be the first ones against the wall

>> No.4675375

haha how could the jews be in it for the money if they're promising us they'll get rid of money?

>> No.4675376

Have a more precise source for this claim? I only vaguely know Sraffa as the guy who focused on the only decent work of Keynes (theory of probability) so I would be quite surprised...

>> No.4675377

I've taken a look at The Road to Serfdom before. My edition had this weird cartoon illustration about how economic planning caused Hitler and how any amount of it devolves into a slippery slide into totalitarianism. It might be misrepresenting the actual contents of the book but it felt like a really stupid argument in that form.

Would you recommend Capitalist Realism from Zero Books? I've recently gotten my hands on the leftist bookshelf torrent, which included it, among many others.

>> No.4675403

I literally gave you the precise source - the book he wrote

>> No.4675404

Honestly, you should read the Coming Insurrection. Talks about how capitalism has created a sick pathology which has seemed into every aspect of our consumer culture, made our relationships shallow, all while giving us an artifice of a culture where, in due time, the time mediating force will capital and the commodity-form. We are in for a serious decline.

>> No.4675412

You’re not depressed? Look at the world.

>> No.4675427
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How many lambos will the government give me each month under this anticapitalist system?

>> No.4675439

With a precise claim, you can include the relevant pages or the chapter... or is it the whole book?
Anyway, thanks for making me discover Saffra, I just read the Wikipedia page and there is apparently an exchange between Saffra and my man Hayek. Should be pretty relevant to this thread.

>> No.4675445


Graeber's book is one of the reasons I'm always bothered by the notion of bitcoin as money. I wouldn't claim that it couldn't be a kind of largely ahistorical currency form, but it's very different from the historical record of what money has been. Graeber showed that money as we know it had more abstract beginnings than we often attribute it, usually just being tallies or accounting representations of debts. The proximity of this early representation of debts to the actual wider issuance of currency seems to indicate that ancient kings realized money was just debt, and they issued currency and levied taxes as a form of control.

It seems like more of an obfuscation that people want money to be pegged to a commodity. It's pegged to its utility as a debt obligation. I think a securitized money form could be interesting, but I'm not a very sophisticated economist so I could be missing something fundamental. I think Stiglitz kind of suggested something like it before, and it's one other reason Ethereum seems interesting. If you have a coin issued by a company to raise capital that also represents a dividend payable in ethereum, the company will need to get ethereum in order to pay back its investors. That means either buying it themselves to raise funds, or accepting it as payment for goods/services. This would increase circulation of the currency, and it would also peg its value to the debt obligation of the companies to their shareholders. As long as the economy dealing in ethereum is successful, you can be sure ethereum is going to be accepted by a wide group of people.

>> No.4675447

The mere fact that you desire them shows that capitalism has already mindfucked you quite a bit.

Implanted artificial desires.

>> No.4675455

Capitalist Realism is really good. I’ve been wanting to read it for a long time now. Sadly, Mark Fisher killed himself because of the pathological narcissism which has permeated left-liberalism and left us with no real economic questions. The left only engages in culture wars now, which is symptomatic of how our political discourse has gone to shit and all political possibilities are over.

Also please watch Hypernormalization. The guy who made it not even a leftist, just an acute observer of our declining society.

>> No.4675458
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>> No.4675484

Hayek predicted that we would enter a stage where currencies would compete against each other. That we would look at currencies in a similar way as we do to evolutionary biology - the strong and adaptable survive. This is exactly what is happening now with crypto. Foucault is the only "leftist" who picked up on this and I suggest watching some of the final lectures he gave before he died

>> No.4675544
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To be honest, I don't think the culture warriors are necessary wrong. If we want a society that is friendly to it's members, we need to iron out the things they fight against. The reason why they seem so unattractive as a group seems more like an image problem to me.

Check out some of the content of the channel ContraPoints if you are interested in their viewpoint, it makes surprisingly much sense when it's presented in a digestible fashion: https://www.youtube.com/user/ContraPoints/videos
Contra also has an interesting video on how the left should proceed, criticizing it's current image as driving away a lot of people and being overly uni centric, which is pretty on point.

>> No.4675557
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>> No.4675594

Ho shit I fit exactly all the top ones. Why am I still so lonely though ?

>> No.4675608

Just a minor note but Evolution isn't the survival of the strongest but the dying off of anyone but the weakest. You don't need to be the fastest Gazelle, you only need to be faster than the slowest one.

Yes, one of the 3 big schools of economics, next to Keynsian and Neoclassical economics.
Here is a book comparing the three: https://my.mixtape.moe/gstbkf.pdf

>> No.4675655

Richard Wolff also does a good monthly talk that discusses capitalism - Should be able to find it on youtube

>> No.4675656

fuck off, commie

>> No.4675657
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The only thing privilege means is that if you suddenly became black or a woman, you would be slightly worse off than you are already.
The strongest privilege is that of being bourgeois instead of a worker and even if you were that, it would not guarantee you happiness.

Blame capitalism, it's impressive how we can feel alone among millions in this best of all possible worlds.

>> No.4675672
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I've read The Capital and I have a PhD in economics. Marx had no clue of what economics is. You don't wanna argue with me. I wouldn't argue with you anyway, I don't usually teach for free.

>> No.4675680

Jup, I already watch his program. Good stuff.

I like how he sometimes documents the bourgeois indulgences that we end up working for, like this one guy flying with 2 private jets so that he wouldn't have to take a public airline in case one of them failed.

>> No.4675692
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>> No.4675697

I understand and completely agree with the fact that capitalism is making people lonely and is dehumanizing the organisation of communities. But in my case I just don't fit with anyone. At least if I was black I could go hang out with a minority support group

>> No.4675699

literally all those things can't happen under communism either. maybe except "full employment" if you count sitting at a desk 8 hours watching TV "employment"

>> No.4675711

I dunno about anticapitalist per se, but here's a good paper if you're interested in an interesting look at the concept of value both in a historical perspective, and in terms of some recently emerging economic movements. Also as a bonus it features blockchain and its potential impact.


>> No.4675733

Yeah, that sucks.
I don't like how people use the Intersectional Theory to bully people. It presents a macroperspective, the privileged groups are off better on average, specific individuals can still be fucked.

>> No.4675815

just read the capital man and read it thoroughly

>> No.4675965

The „image” problem is more a problem of the entire left/liberal philosophy. Or at the very least the current interpretation. That in combination with the way they handle debates, argument and reasoning doesn’t make it just unattractive but outright dangerous.

>> No.4676083

Communism consists of the upper class and the lower class. The upper class controls all the wealth, the laws, etc.. The Jews want to be the upper class in the new communist society. They don't care about the undesirables they'll starve out.

Capitalism has a middle class which distributes power more evenly and lowers the chances of genocide.

The same thing happens in every communist forum on the internet. Their ideas don't work, so they have to resort to punishing those who speak out against communism. They do this with censorship, and bans. So they stick to places like /leftypol/ or /r/communism where they have complete control over the dialogue. It's a perfect example of what they do in the real world when they're given a modicum of power. Except of "banning" and "censoring" they simply kill detractors.

Who stands to lose the most with communism? The middle class. So they fight back and are killed by the lower class.

The poor will temporarily win under communism, as they get to steal all the middle class' assets after they kill them. They temporarily don't mind the upper class seizing more power.

>> No.4676161

>this is what /pol/ actually believes

>> No.4676212

pick one

>> No.4676239

Jews attempted a communist overthrow in Germany. The civil war soured Germans against Jews so much that Hitler came to power. And they all looked away because they knew what the Jews did to them just a few years earlier.

Then the Bolshevik Jews did it again in Russia, but they were more successful. They managed to kill 60 million. 10 times as many as those who died in the holocaust, yet all we are taught in US schools is about the holocaust.

>> No.4676261

It's exactly what happened in the USSR and it will happen again anywhere communism is attempted. Any shitbrain retard who actually believes that if they give unlimited power to a small group of academics they'll just give it all up ten years later when society is "ready" for ungoverned communism deserves the gulag and firing squad awaiting them

>> No.4676297

One thing that can't happen under communism:
>Not starving

>> No.4676305

I’ve read some of the works of Karl Marx and a lot of it made sense ,das capital in particular gives a fascinating insight into capitalism ,most people on this site are burgers who have been told for decades that communism is evil so they won’t even question it.

>> No.4676354

I've read Marx, he's a pretty smart guy. But his pet communism is fucking retarded. It's been tried dozens of times and ends up the same every time.
If you don't understand why the theory is retarded, you just have to simply look at the results of what happens every time it is attempted.

It's not a matter of "questioning" capitalism. It's understanding game theory, politics, and history. If you understand any one of these areas sufficiently you can not be a communist in good faith. So you see communists are usually malnourished unemployed weaklings or Jews who want to enslave humanity. There's no in between.

>> No.4676845

>abolishing money
I don't understand this meme

>> No.4676887

the dude who wrote this book looks like thrift store hitler

>> No.4676966
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>> No.4676983

have you considered googling what communists actually think of employment?

what do you mean by dangerous?

you two are the same, just that one is pretending to be smart

>> No.4677390
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that's the very definition of it burger. I know your education system is so fucked you did not have access to unbiased infos on communism but fuck you.
Then you should read the second opus. To our friends "A nos amis" in French. They also published another book recently

>> No.4677422
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