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4673674 No.4673674 [Reply] [Original]

29 y/o ausfag, 110k+ secure job, long term GF with decent looks who makes 90k and pays her half of everything, plenty of sex, I play lots of vidya, have a fucking cool dog who gives me love all the time. House is worth 650k but mortgage is 250k. I am respected in my workplace and am reasonably fit. People find me interesting and intelligent although I feel like a devoid, blank imposter who is literally pretending to be a human been

I made a bunch of fucking retarded meme buys and am down about 7k fiat and my only holdings left are 15k link, just over 100 strat and FUCKING NIMIQ (yes I am that retarded)

I've known about buttcoin and eth for years and never bought because I figured I was more likely to get gainz from picking an alt.

The money I have lost on my shit buys doesn't really matter that much, but as I see this insane BTC & ETH rally I fantasize about what my gains would be if I wasn't a dumbfuck and actually picked a front runner coin.

These invasive thoughts are getting to me, I watch people who got into crypto after me making bank after buying BTC at like fucking 7k, sending me messages like "thanks for telling me about crypto anon" and I can't even reply.

How the FUCK can I get a grip and tell my lizard brain that my life is okay and to stop being a jealous POS.

If there truly is no way, recommend me a good suicide method that is mess free and I can easily make it look like an accident without triggering government watch lists. I hear if I inject air directly into my neck I will have a heart attack and die is that true?

>> No.4673705

you have to just throw a bunch of money in a good coin and ride the waves again.

it's like if you have a kid and he dies. you are sad for a long time. then, you have another kid, and you are happy again.

go have another kid. make an investment.

>> No.4673746

it's funny isn't it

I spent 8 months researching crypto

made some money, sure, but I told some normie friends about it. One of them has made 450k in the last two months following much of my advice, while I've gotten JUST'd by LINK. My portfolio isn't worth 10% of his now.

I'm a 23 year old NEET with multiple mental illnesses and limited female interaction.

You have a life at least. Get a grip

>> No.4673767

It's not over dumbass, you have a good set up and decent salary by the sound of it, pretend your'e starting from scratch and get back in the game. Maybe play it safer this time. So what if other people who got in later made more gainz, it could be so much worse (thinking of that one dude that shorted BTC right before its huge jump). Don't be a greedy fuck and learn from your mistakes.

Now after rereading your first paragraph I sense that there are bigger issues at play. You mention a long term GF, ask yourself honestly, do you want to be with her for the rest of your life? Do you have other fulfilling friendships? Come on mate. Ask yourself some of these tough questions.

>> No.4673786

>falling for LARPers

>> No.4673841

take your gf
make her a wife
have actual kids
they will keep you
distracted until you die

>> No.4673852

if you give me a job i WILL give you the secret info YOU NEED to make BIG BUCKS! BIG BUCKS!

>> No.4673874

Perspective is key OP. there's always going to be someone out there doing better than you and so on. Learn to be greatful for what you have, practice mindfulness and meditation. Seek therapy if you want. And also send me crypto if you want

>> No.4673879


Stop being a faggot and enjoy the rest of your life, you got it better than 95% of /biz/ no one is going to take pity on you here

>> No.4673882


stop being a dumbass.

ausfag too. similar situation.

big gains would give you nothing new over here. slightly better car. slightly bigger house (but honestly fuck all in aus). and the gov would take so much of it anyway.

you're literally living the fucking dream.
if you really want to end your life, do something proactive and go fight ISIS.

but dont. literally every fuckwit on this board suffers from imposter syndrome btw.

>> No.4673897 [DELETED] 

Guys, the money is made before coins ever hit the market. Take this one for example.


Universa, 50 free coins just for making an account. Access to discounted coins before it ever touches market and goes 2-3x that value. It's guaranteed money.

Pick yourself up, reinvest, and profit.

>> No.4673920
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Your living in a false reality and you know it. No material success can ever define you that is jus desire of the ego. Take some time, meditate, go into nature, find your god and then you will find meaning and purpose. If you love your woman then do it for her. Better to be a man of passion and love than a dreary, lifeless slave to a system placed over you by the people who are already awake.

>> No.4673927


yea most aussies are tryhard cunts you are right to feel like an imposter, just remember you came from exiled criminals and your accent is grating and ridiculous

>> No.4674000

Ausfag here too and I've been in a similar situation. You can't change the past but you can influence the future.

You and your partner are making 200k combined. Focus on reducing your expenses and you can pay off your mortgage by the time you are 35! - this is my goal too. You could even budget 5-10k a year towards crypto - wait for the inevitable BTC dumpening and then buy in.

As someone who has had clinical depression for 8-10 years and has learnt to deal with it, the best advice I can give is to accept what happened in the past and focus your energy on the present moment - it's the only thing in your power to change.

>> No.4674045

Same boat as you OP except my gf is overseas

>> No.4674048

this, but you don't have to get married.
also go to headspace anon, it sounds really silly but it helped me a lot. good luck love u

>> No.4674050

thank you anon, i don't know what i expected posting this bread but what you say is profound.. time to not be a bitch

>> No.4674152

OP it's okay

>> No.4674200

Ty anon I needed this

>> No.4674297

Literally have a kid mate, I'm keen as fuck to have a kid to raise and nurture and give a good life to but I don't even have a gf and I'm constantly suffering from chronic anxiety and more recently panic attacks. The one thing that keeps me going is the thought of a happy family and I would give it my all to be happy like that... the only thing I'm also worried about when I have that is getting cucked - the only thing I can think of to make the girl want me is to cuck her first but then it might ruin the relationship. Neway tl:dr just have a kid or something else you can look after. Contributing to your own offspring seems like the most rewarding shit you could ever do

>> No.4674324

OP here, Ty anons I am going to put my benis in

>> No.4674362

There's more to life anon. It sounds like you have a pretty well rounded one outside the crypto sphere. Which is good. I constantly get into the game of comparing myself to others and you always lose. It's how your mind works. What about the literal billions of people who are too fucking retarded to even understand crypto and don't have ANY of your gainz. I know it's hard but you have to try to be grateful for everything you have and ask God for help if you don't know wtf you're doing. Pray to him. He's real and there are unseen forces and unseen being here to help us along the way in life with these problems. You never ink what can happen.

>> No.4674436


Really tired of yanks pushing the “Aussies are criminals” myth. Only 160,000 convicts came out here from England. The rest (many times more) went to the USA.

>> No.4674465
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Neck yourself amerimutt gimp

>> No.4674521

No worries. You are in a really good position and have set yourself up to be able to pursue your deeper desires. Find your masculine energy and channel it, let the feminine energy and spirit guide you. The world is our oyster right now if we have the balls to choose it.

>> No.4674534
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Refinance the house, use the capital to buy BTC (wait for the dippy dip & get in around the bottom), and wait 12 months. If you are going to kill yourself anyway, there is no risk.

In 12 months, you are either completely broke and BTC, crypto is dead, and you can kill yourself like you are already planning too, or, your BTC (which you just bought several hundred k of) goes up by between 4x and 10x. You shove 400k into BTC at 10k and it goes to 40k, you just made 1.2m, oh, and you can write off the cost of interest on your tax.

Last year I made 250k betting on Trump winning the election, then a couple of months ago I found this old document, two weeks after I made that money, I was literally looking at buying BTC at $700. Instead I moved in with a friend who turned out to be a thieving narcissist, invested in a stock portfolio which if I had just left, would have been filled with stocks that have since gone up 100 - 300%, instead I got a new job & it wasn't the right fit, I stopped trading so I could focus on it, put all my cash into a single stock, and that stock, well it's gone down 80% & I lost 150k in a day. But now? I can either kill myself, or I can go balls deep on credit, buy BTC & ride the wave up over the next 12 months. Because I was compassionate to someone who just ended up using me I've lost time, money I can get back, but time stings. I would have gone from 70k in debt at 29 to millionaire by 30. The only reason I haven't necked myself is I know from history that you can change the story whenever you want to.

The mortgage is costing you more than money, it's costing you opportunity, you pay it off faster, big woop, you just helped some boomer get his CBA dividend. If you are going to kill yourself you are now free to do anything, try that first, if it fails, you're free to kill yourself, if not,

>> No.4674593

You're a loser.

>> No.4674665


>> No.4674753

>How the FUCK can I get a grip and tell my lizard brain that my life is okay and to stop being a jealous POS.


>> No.4674805

Stoicism brah- it's the answer to all your problems.

Look it up and understand it then spend 30 mins sitting somewhere nice in silence following stoic thinking and by the end you'll feel at ease with yourself.

Good luck.

>> No.4674817

Wow you sound exactly like me. It's seems that in this market, the obvious moves are always the best. You either have to just buy btc at whatever price with no thought at all, or go super neet 24/7 crypto watcher. Anything in between and you'll fuck yourself

>> No.4674821


I should add, it's not the money that is chewing you up, it's knowing you are capable of doing more & not betting on yourself. You know what you need to make yourself happy, money is part of that, own your desire & take action to move towards it.

For me it's not even about the money, it's about being free from ever having to worry or be concerned with money, to have the freedom from having my life being ruled by money rather than having the money itself. The key, isn't the money, it's tapping into the part of yourself that perceives the opportunity& trusting it. I trusted others over myself & it cost me massively, I just want to do the money, first, then relationships, everything else in life, can be added on top.

When I made that Trump money you know what I was doing for a living? I was 70k in debt, no assets, working in a supermarket at nights, and in a single day, I cleared more money than most people make in an entire year. Had I known what I now know about finance & shorted the peso instead, I could have made 2m that day. Also, had you told me before the US election that, hey anon, you know this crippling debt you have? You're going to get out of it by trusting your intuition & borrowing 80k to use to bet that a sexist cheetoh will win the election, I'd have said you're mad.

>> No.4674839

gf breast size and weight?

>> No.4674891

What coins do you have

>> No.4674896

Hey go fuck yourself shill

>> No.4674897

holy fuck was that you? a mate told me about you at work, we've discussed it a couple of times. good going, man.

>> No.4675052
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hey i remember you. good luck

>> No.4675112

i lvoe you

>> No.4675144

>betting on the same thing through four different fucking betting agencies at once
This is the meaning of "True Blue"

>> No.4675146

Shit you're a man

>> No.4675725

Then why doesn't my father give me anything even though he has tens of thousands in disposable income?

>> No.4676458
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suicide is the answer, the qt gf is going to go feminist and accuse you of rape even if you got gainz, straya is done.

>> No.4676494

That' s one of the worst suicide methods.
Your brain is not healthy right now, just calm down and fix the brain. If you understand the lizard brain you should be able to control it.

>> No.4676561

Do not do anything stupid like that anon.

Fellow Aus here. If you need a hand post in B.A on facebook mate.

It's important to realise material shit means fuck all. What matters is family, the fact you get to live in a great part of the world and enjoy yourself. Life is short, make the most of it.

Also re. crypto - you make a fuckload. Just chip away at some of the top 10 coins and build a stack and hold.

>> No.4676593

Send me your money and I'll get my vet GF to hook you up with the morphine bro.

>> No.4676626

Yeah helium suicide you ungrateful twat!!! I bet your faggot ass won’t even do it and you’re just here for attention

>> No.4676727

>200k/y household at 29
>could literally take control any moment and DCA 5k/month into bitcoin and ethereum with no worry
imposter syndrome fags are the worst. glad you're feeling shit with your dream life

>> No.4677549


>be me
>poor fag scraping by
>buy 20 eth at 25usd
>buy 1btc for 1000usd
>too anxious to hodl
>sell all for a measly 2k profit
>currently holding 0 eth and 0.1 btc
>kms asap?

>> No.4677603

>I play lots of vidya
>get a grip and tell my lizard brain that my life is okay
meditation. start with breathing meditation, just 10 mins/day is a good start

>> No.4677616

Yeah you are well off, please kys.

>> No.4677641



>> No.4677911

>long term GF with decent looks who makes 90k and pays her half of everything, plenty of sex
This is where you fucked up. Marry her and make her quit the job and have some kids. If she wont listen, kill the bitch and stage a nigger to avoid prison. If you are non-white then kys regardless