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4670362 No.4670362 [Reply] [Original]

>from the time they are born, people are told they wil need to get a job someday or starve to death
>as early as grade school they’re pressured into thinking about what they want to do
>they grow up

>these same people unironically believe their work gives them meaning and fulfillment
>they unironically believe they enjoy their job
>they unironically believe they “need to do something” [work] or they’ll be bored

Is there any level of brainwashing worse than this

>> No.4670549


I enjoy my work, programming is like doing little puzzles except I get paid 100k a year for it

>> No.4670570

you're not getting paid 100k to program though

>> No.4670581

I see we've reached a new level of neet delusion, its no longer "I'm better than you because I choose not to contribute to society, and therefore am freer" its "I'm better than you because I choose not to contribute to society, and if you disagree its because you're brainwashed"

>> No.4670584

okay, 100k - taxes

>> No.4670589

I enjoy what I do well.. who wants to be a leech on society?

>> No.4670600

I also enjoy my work, I'm probably the 1% who loves his job
Even if I didn't work I'd do it as a hobby at home except I get paid for it here

>> No.4670608

i've been around programming/programmers long enough to know that the only ones making 6 digits are the ones who dont have time to spend time on /biz/

>> No.4670613

I have found my true calling. I was born to FUD. I also part-time as a swim instructor in a rich neighborhood where I get $100 tips on the regular and get to stare at wet lolis all day. Still live at home so every penny goes into crypto. Life is really fucking good right now.

>> No.4670628

You're perfectly to branch off and build your own cabin in nowhere USA and self sustain off the world.

Except we all know you'd die within 3 days or want your internets back

>> No.4670646
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You know nothing lmao

Amazon isn't the only software employer on the planet

>> No.4670664

>sitting at home shitposting on 4chan all day
It does get boring after a while, anon.
Whatever you derive meaning and fulfillment from is good. I doubt it's fulfilling to be a permaNEET.

>> No.4670672

even amazon likely gets programmers from india that will do the job for far less than someone in america

>> No.4670687

How can it be a delusion if it is the truth tho?

>> No.4670799

Its hilarious. I graduated 6 years ago and did pretty shitty in University. All my close friends ended up getting jobs in Insurance/Banking/Real Estate and had really high GPAs.

Now they're making 60-90K max, and I'm making mid six figures after taking over the family construction company. I probably work less than I did in college. It's pretty hilarious how bad wagies get treated, especially since pretty much everyone and their mother has a degree now.

The only classes in college that helped prepare me for my job were accounting, tax, management classes everything else was too heavy on theory and practically useless. The only thing I use my degree for is to wave it around to wagecucks that believe it gives me credibility.

>> No.4670815


They demand a high standard of work, Indian poogrammers write shitty canned code

Amazon pays handsomely but is notorious for 70 hour work weeks

>> No.4670816

I am a contract web dev that landed a few municiple contracts. Local government moves slow. I make over 100k and there are vast periods of idle time. Oh yeah and I still like my job.

>> No.4670825

There is a satisfaction that comes from feeling useful and doing things that are challenging and stimulating. Really though the problem with being a NEET is that unless you're independently wealthy you're giving up any agency over your own life. Without a job to provide income you'll only be able to survive through the support of others, whether they be family or the state. If you don't do what they tell you then you'll be out on the street.

>> No.4670839

Honestly it depends. I had programming jobs where the work load was light others where I worked 60 hour weeks. The funny part is the 60 hour one paid less.

>> No.4670893

Is your work actually little puzzles? Mine is bureaucratic nonsense. Here is my day in the life as a programmer:

>every morning talk for 5 minutes about what im working on
>sit in meetings estimating how long story will take
>start working on story by messaging infrastructure team to ask which dev regions they have open to make sure i can put the work
>checkout local branch of existing develop branch
>5+ errors due to configuration issues from develop branch
>could be dependency hell (even with maven)
>could be environment variables point to wrong data source, since 4 different rest services that are hit, a bunch of content servers
>fix config issues 1-2 days later
>finally look at story
>5-10 lines of code, sometimes a few new files need to be made
>usually just mimicing existing functionality or using some random library, or interpreting rest response differently
>have to write a bunch of new unit tests so it doesnt fail sonar
>put in for code review, need to pester architect (boss and pm literally get mad at me if i dont follow up on the architect every hour to do code review)
>jenkins build
>have to run regression suite on the code once its in a region

CRUD apps suck

>> No.4670901
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For one, programming is an incredibly degrading job that offers 0 job security and is the vocation most plagued by ageism by a far margin. You are not respected at any normal company. Every day, some Alpha who probably does nothing at his job except get his secretary to suck his dick in his corner office cucks you into doing random bitch work, and then yells at you when it's not done by the deadline despite it being impossible to complete the work requested. Not only that, the code rarely works, your co-workers are Indians brought in by Tata Consultancy who will replace you for half the salary and you have to train them to get your $500 severence, and the work never, ever ends. You pollute your body with the caffeine jew, deprive it of sleep, and let it rot while you sit the majority of the day, neglecting any healthy exercise, social interaction or life goal attainment.

It's like a postal worker, but coupled with feelings of loneliness, helplessness and total hopelessness. Programmers are too depressed to go postal, a sad state of affairs. After dentists, programmers have the highest rates of mental disorders, especially depression and suicide.

It gets worse. Women, when they hear you are a programmer, instantly reject you. It is far better to tell a woman you are on welfare than to out yourself as a computer programmer. It's highly embarrassing for a woman to associate with a programmer, as everyone knows they are the grown up version of the hopeless virgin in high school. One who never really grew up and became normal and fit into society, but rather found an environment where he could escape the reality of his situation and be invisible, able to hide the toxic shame and utter humiliation that is the programmer.

Programming's father, Alan Turing, killed himself with cyanide because he was a programmer. Programmers, why haven't you taken the cyanide pill and quit programming and turned to a respectable and productive profession to better society?

>> No.4670923

i make 92k now, which is pretty good for 25, rent is 700 for a studio in my smaller city

doesnt feel like puzzles though

>> No.4670938


Sounds like too much overhead

mine may be too little. They write a brief story (almost no reqs) and send me off on my way. I end up having to do 50% more stuff during testing.

>> No.4671079

Ah yes the corporate grind. I hated that shit too. Especially when I moved up to management. Definitely killed my spirit.

I quit that life and hooked with a smaller team that did local contracts. Now I work from home. Only go in every once in a while for meetings. I still get to solve problems and its great.

Also I have time to branch out and work with start ups every once in a while. Keeps things fresh and I learn new skills. And some of them even pay me in crypto.

>> No.4671125

the most important thing I ever learned was that to know the price of something over time you need to measure it in gold.

>> No.4671211
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You must be a Pajeet. I make 6 figs, work 10-6 and browse /biz/ all day. High COL area, but still.

>> No.4671246

Doesn't sound like me, I go into work and start working on tickets that I can choose from the list

I don't have to deal with that, I didn't bother reading more than two sentences. I have great job security because my team is really small compared to other teams. My company has 68 developers and my team has 3 people on it supporting their legacy/normal software, they are moving to a new web based platform so they had to move people off of our team.

My language/ide/software has a 5 month learning curve and they can't hire people with experience cause it would cost them too much. We have 3 people, they are scrambling to hire more.

Everyone I work with is young and likes video games and technology.

>> No.4671312

can you type reddit.com in your browsers address thing and press enter. go back.

>> No.4671353

Amazon's like the NFL for software engineering. They will break you.

>> No.4671400
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>get a coop at my dream job during highschool
>everyone there is miserable
>go back 5 years later for a reference
>everyone is still there and still miserable
>this is the future I spent my whole academic career preparing for

>> No.4671440

This. I was a SWE with them for 6 months before quitting. Literally arm to arm with other devs in a room on plastic chairs with no dividers between you and constantly impossible asks. The stock options were enticing but not worth the amount of stress for 5 years. Much happier at Microsoft now.

>> No.4671797

What is the rationale for putting you in a code monkey farm? The long exploitative hours make sense but not the elbow to elbow spacing. Wouldn't you be more productive with more space? Surely they can afford it

>> No.4671817

>Is there any level of brainwashing worse than this
Being programmed to think like that and then having the pretense stripped out from underneath you.

>> No.4672059

I like programming. But I’ve never been employed as a programmer. Maybe it’s best that I just keep it as a hobby. I like programming random shit and helping maintain packages for various Linux distros. Stuff like that is fine, because I can leave whenever I want. I enjoy doing it and I don’t depend on it.

>> No.4672084

>Is there any level of brainwashing worse than this


>> No.4672090


Probably just cold social engineering. A lot of software development isn't lone wolf hacking or creativity but a lot of discussion and working through blockers together.

>> No.4672119

Your r*ddit is showing. You won’t get upvotes here for being edgy or shaming your parents for making you go to church.

>> No.4672133
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>You won’t get upvotes here for being edgy or shaming your parents for making you go to church

>> No.4672219

How is being an agnostic free thinker edgy?

And my parents never brainwashed me.