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File: 10 KB, 200x200, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4667452 No.4667452 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin cant even handle the volume of transactions there are now, nevermind in the future... Bitcoin is literally worthless and the only reason the price has risen is hype and ignorance. Blockchain technology is game changing indeed, but people that know nothing think bitcoin is actually adequate to be a p2p payment system.. its not. literally greater fool at its finest right now.

Bitcoin will be overtaken in 2018 when people actually think about whats going on right now and come to their senses. The question is, what coin will take its place? What coin can actually handle the volume and can be used in the way bitcoin was intended? XMR? ETH? ARK?

Sell btc bags while the price is high.. Crash is impending. Bitcoin literally is a prehistoric shit coin worth no more than 1 USD and the market will correct itself eventually. You're investing in hype and hype alone.

NOT TO BE SAID THERES NO MONEY TO BE MADE... If you play your cards right, sure you can make some profits off the hype run... but longterm holding is a no no no no no.

- Rational person

>> No.4667475

Not to mention the processing will become ever slower as mining becomes unprofitable.

Been saying this for god damn years, now I feast on your tears.

>> No.4667479

I've never seen so many no-coiner cope threads in one day

>> No.4667942

How do you profit off the dumb money in the market, and how do you know when the dumb money got a lil bit smarter?

I don't really touch IOTA or BTC because I they simply don't meet my speculative criteria, but I would've made a lot more if I had.

>> No.4667997

How is mining unprofitable? 14TH/s devices for $1500, make about 1 BTC per year. Will ROI in 50 days and make thousands in profit in just your first year

>> No.4668033

Using bitcoin is like driving a car from 2008 in 2017. No self-respecting individual would do it.

>> No.4668207

>Electricity is free

>> No.4668321

A poor person would though and they would use their entire life savings to buy it

>> No.4668340

They make about $27/day and cost about $4/day assuming you pay about 10 cents/kWh which is average in the states

You think because PC mining is dead that all mining is dead. ASICs have just moved far beyond what you could do with a PC, and no one wants to invest in a dedicated device that does nothing but mine BTC

>> No.4668341

time will tell.
i can foresee 1m unconfirmed transactions on the horizon.

>> No.4668346

Be a whale running hordes of bots. Or better yet, run a major exchange. Otherwise you're just gambling, at the whims of millionaires and billionaires toying with you.

>> No.4668353

LMFAO Please just let the normies and hodlers hang themselves.

Dont help them!

>> No.4668364

>bitcoin is shitcoin you should buy PnD alts
classic /biz/

>> No.4668371

dude shut the fuck up and delete this thread, normies are in /biz/ and need to be talked into buying stop scaring away stupid money

>> No.4668408

this right here shows me you literally no clue what youre talking about when you talk about "scaling" monero scales 10x worse and eth 100x they just havent had to scale yet put the ball in their court see what happens. you seee did we have issues in 2013 no. why bc we didnt need to scale. lightning raiden sharding get your shit together before posting bs fud ass

>> No.4668450

but what about all the ICOs they bring billions into ethereum must be good tech

>> No.4668466

listen dumbass the exchanges are the ones that lagged out, not the daily transactions outside of the exchanges

>> No.4668514

a really nice post.

most people on here wont pay any attention though.
at this point bitcoin can only be described as a meme.
its technically outdated and heavily manipulated.
there is zero reason it is still around.

the only argument for it right now is store of wealth wich is a meme.
bitcoin can lose 1000 dollars in 1 minute.

I have been around for a long time. the distribution is a problem too. there are guys like knightmb who could single handed crash the whole market.

>> No.4668537

who is knightmb and why can he crash the market

>> No.4668583

>Wasting money on an expensive car
Thanks goy

>> No.4668589

look him up. u should still be able to find his posts on bitcointalk.

I was registered there at a time bitcoin was worth nothing. this guy has got around 400.000 btcs. probably the biggest bitcoin holder

>> No.4668606

don't worry about it
there are new ICOs that combine the electricity grid of a retirement community with walmart
vitalilk can fork the chain to save 400 million
bitcoin is SHIT and outdated so get with the time
even monero can process 1,000,000s of transactions instantly dweeb
and lisk yeah made 10000% gains overnight

>> No.4668620

any evidence he didnt sell most of that stack?

>> No.4668668

>What coin can actually handle the volume and can be used in the way bitcoin was intended? XMR? ETH? ARK?

None of those. Hint: it won't be a coin with miners or transaction fees

>> No.4668675

I mine $3 a day with an R9 390. Easy money desu, with the way BTC has appreciated ive unironically made $700 since july off of GPU mining

>> No.4668689

what evidence do you have vitalik didn't sell his 12,000,000 ethereum development premine hmm?

>> No.4668690

pretty sure he didnt. He always said that he needs them for future business ventures.
even in case he did. . He probably sold like 10-20.000 .

He still posts on bitcointalk but keeps a low profile now.
hes probably the biggest whale and just one person

>> No.4668731

>I mine $3 a day with an R9 390
Problem is you're probably not accounting for the electricity cost, which is likely near that much

>> No.4668773

how much PoS can you make annually off 12,000,000 coins

>> No.4668814

would vitalik make 12.5% of all transaction fees on ethereums PoS network?
and in time he would make more than 12.5%?

>> No.4668919
File: 50 KB, 1279x591, DipDec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget to buy the dip!

>> No.4668953
File: 221 KB, 900x1600, ete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guys this is called a market indicator which means buy bitcoin this instant.