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4649683 No.4649683 [Reply] [Original]

>$500,000 in Link now worth $25,000

Were any of you serious about taking legal action, SEC, etc... cause I am perfectly willing to throw this last $25k in a pool to bring these fucks down.

>> No.4649700

brutal, sorry for your loss brother, we warned ya, the shills are still at it trying to recruit new people to baghold

>> No.4649718


Serves you right retard

>> No.4649720

>invest in literal who shitcoins despite the sec and every regulatory body in the world advising against it
>'grrrr they must pay!!"

Its your own fault for being retarded

>> No.4649721


>> No.4649736

You mean you invested 500k ? Well i only had 5k to begin with, but yep fucked up aswell bud.

>> No.4649748

Holy fuck.. I tried to warn you people so many times. I posted in so many thread about how this would be the new digibyte.

>> No.4649761

Sergey filled his pockets with all your moneys and now? Now he's filling his belly with cheeseburgers and strawberry milkshakes.

>> No.4649765

>Making the developers responsible for a pump and dump that has been initiated by people they have nothing to do with... Are you new to crypto??? There have already been 1000s of P'n'Ds exactly like this...

>> No.4649767


>Go to Vegas
>Lost everything
Fucking Vegas, Im going to take legal actions!

>> No.4649792

Wait what happened. Price looks normal to me, what's everyone talking about

>> No.4649831


Both ETH and BTC are having a huge bullrun at the exact same time while Link's price has been at a stable 17-18 cents for the last few weeks. So therefor it looks like it's dumping in the Sat's and Gwei's.

>> No.4649837

The devs actively sabotaged their product by ending all communication with the investors who'd sent them 32 million dollars.

In the real financial world, where regulations apply, they'd have been investigated for fraud a long time ago.

>> No.4649843


bitcucks who think satoshis matter. Literal brainlets, disregard their lies.

>> No.4649844

With so much money you should simply have hold bitcoin
shitcoins is just a chance for poorfags to become rich

>> No.4649867

Wtf are you talking about ? You took a risk that you knew from beginning was real. If if went up you would be screaming here that you are a smart investor. Now, sell at a loss or hold but act like a man

>> No.4649894


It's literally been slightly more than 2 months. That's not even a quarter. The SEC doesn't say companies have to hold your hands and send you skateboards. You are a moron. Fuck off.

Sergey has been working on this in relative obscurity for 4 years; he's got to get used to having autistic manchildren breathing down his throat stalking his couchsurfing profiles.

>> No.4649922

yep, I am planning to put this 25k in hiring a lawyer to present this fraud to the SEC. If it's not enough to kill the project I can shroud it in enough legal hurdles to occupy most their time. I am from Saudi Arabia and we don't fuck around.

>> No.4649992

This kind of Delusion is why we need the leadership of HILLARY CLINTON to stop us from throwing our dollars away. Our money belong to the State, and will go into a Podesta fund. Enjoy ban, Russian shill! 3... 2... 1...

>> No.4649995


>> No.4650008

Damn thing just keeps dumping.

>> No.4650036

It's people like you that ruin the world. Don't wine because you were a fucking idiot and gambled away 500K. YOUR FAULT.

>> No.4650060

link lost like 70% in fiat value no ?
OP should have still like 150k left, but you guys can't do basic fucking maths and realise he's just larping

>> No.4650064

Why are so many people here bad at math?

It's an obvious LARP. You can't even be that much of a loss even if you bought at ATH. Like come on people. DO MATH

>> No.4650074

Requesting occasional updates from dev =/= stickers on a skateboard.

There is no excuse for the way the devs treated their investors post-Sibos, and everyone knows it. That's why Link continues to tank in the biggest bull run in crypto history - because people who aren't idiots have seen the writing on the wall.

Cryptocurrencies can survive FUD, false news, crappy exchange listings and a lot more. But no cryptocurrency can survive sabotage from within.

>> No.4650135

I hope op is larping. Using your 500k in a project that doesn’t even have a product or sonething. You deserve this.

>> No.4650149

You fucking idiot. You think you can sue companies because you bought their stock/coin/token at a price that was too high?

>> No.4650155
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>we don't fuck around

>> No.4650160


Considering the actual developer is Steve this point is retarded because he is literally on Gitter and answers any questions anyone has same day and has for months.

>> No.4650195

500k -> 25k = -95%

You know at no point that happened, right? But I also sold all my heavy bags.

>> No.4650222

>no product
>market not even existing yet, and might not even exist at all
>team is 2 guys that never say a word and 1 fat cuck on slack all day literally for free

The worse is that it's still worth 60M marketcap, I wish modum was worth that much.

>> No.4650232
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am i banned

>> No.4650242

Or ODN. But it soon will be.

>> No.4650262

i piss on your allah and on your entire family your filthy piece of sandshit nigger

>> No.4650263
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this batter be bait.. fucking sad shit kys asap if this is even remotely true

>> No.4650273

>didn't sell
>giving your money to Russians

>> No.4650298

The face of ChainLink is Sergey, just as Tim Cook is the face of Apple. That's where all important updates should come from, yet he remains in absentia.

Go on: try to excuse his lack of communication.

Let me guess, he's too busy right? Even Donald Trump posts on Twitter constantly. Is Sergey busier than the President of the United States?

>> No.4650334

>mfw too high of IQ to fall for LINK

>> No.4650348

This is actually a fitting analogy.


Especially not in the business world. Any excuse for that is just seriously retarded.

>> No.4650384


He's a philosophy and management major who has stated his love of marcus aurelius and the stoics multiple times. This is an intentional strategy and he things shilling is undignified. Do I have to connect the dots for you? It has been two months since the ICO and he has done two presentations. You are all ADHD faggots; the team has been hinting at the fact that hey are much closer to SWIFT than they can publically acknowledge but you all need to be spoon fed everything. No linkies literally fuck off.

>> No.4650425

Buying 200 usd of tokens does not make you an investor. You are not entitled to anything. You were gambling, don't come whining.

>> No.4650485

Again, you've missed the point.

We're not talking about "shilling" or "stickers on a skateboard."

We're talking about occasional, polite communication from the lead dev to the thousands of investors who sent him tens of millions of dollars.

Instead, we get nothing from him. No updates, no communication, nothing.

It's unacceptable and you know it, which is why you - and most other Link bagholders - respond with such woman-like emotionality when it is brought up.

>> No.4650532

Goddamn this is satisfying. After months of your link spam. Goddamn I love watching you suffer.

>> No.4650583

You will suffer soon enough.

>> No.4650686


Pretty sure Sergey has written a numbers of posts since SIBOS and also did that Devcon 3 thing the other week.

>> No.4650690
File: 174 KB, 600x622, 41B902D1-8DEF-4BE2-B565-5C3F05E4D8F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linkies could have just held BTC but they bought into a shitcoin that they believed would make them millionaires

All of you are so freaking gullible it’s actually sad.

>> No.4650773


i unironically actually hate them
they are bronies of crypto

>> No.4650797

How's that possible? Are you measuring in opportunity cost?

>> No.4650840

lol you have no idea who my father is. This investment is nothing but I don't take theft lightly.

I have already lost $400,000 to these people. The goal is going to be to sue them to oblivion and tangle them in court for years. My father will call me every name in the book but then...

>> No.4651178

Turn yourself in to the police, it's illegal to be a fag in sarabia

>> No.4651220

meanwhile sergeys ico funds are worth over 50ml now. well played lads, trading eth for worthless tokens

>> No.4651881

LoL why would anyone sell now?

You didn't have enough time to sell?

No you HODL and pray to god that at this time next year we are all rich on link.

>> No.4651955

dada dada daddy lol

>> No.4652280
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>"Categories of digital agreements that have few participants and already use digital state - things like derivatives. [...] In a period like 5 years you're going to see the high value contracts in spaces like derivatives, spaces like the bond market, all kinds of different securities, even equities, they're going to be the standard. So smart contracts are going to be the standard."

Skip to 6:45 or so. It's worth watching all the way through. Despite the impression you might get from this board, Sergey is not some fat autist selling shitcoins from a toilet. He's the real deal. Derivatives are a QUADRILLION dollar industry and these are exactly the kinds of agreements that will be implemented in smart contracts and so use chainlink.

He also mentions a key theme at the conference as being moving from proof of concept to real world implementation. This fits with their plan for a release in early 2018.

Yes, the lack of communication is frustrating but you've got to see it from their perspective: they have no interest in generating hype among individuals - it's all about institutions. This thing isn't even on Bittrex yet, give it time.

>> No.4652320

Don't forget Black BBW booty cheese

>> No.4652339

Just bought 3750 Link

>> No.4652469
File: 559 KB, 958x539, 1511952068551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally, LITERALLY DGB 2.0. never since that first week in June has a coin been so heavily shilled, held through its ATH, and gone on to collectively JUST all of its bagholders after a meme conference failed (Citi/SIBOS)

the writing is on the wall. face it LINKmarines, it's over. funny enough, both DGB and LINK will be the same price soon.

SIBOS was a flop

both teams have GARBAGE communications/marketing,

NO devs, sergey = jared literally.
does Sergey even know how to fucking code?

github hasnt been updated with meaningful shit in ages

deluded fucking linkies i swear


>no roadmap
>vague promises of updates
>terrible PR team
>competitors will do it better
>legion of delusional bagholders
>last hope is a partnership with a large Fortune 500 company (never happpened for DGB, won't for Link either)
>both were supposed to be $1, neither ever touched it

>> No.4652833

95% of ICOs fail to outperform Ethereum

>> No.4652887

That's why they say we're living in the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.
Even when they invest, they do it wrong.

>> No.4652995

I know this is faggy larp, but in the very deluded linkie offchance that it's not: Destroy them, burn sirgay and every linkie you see, leave none alive

>> No.4653028
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Mudslime get out

>> No.4653032

How is this the only guy to point this out?
Your FUD is nonsense. Dollar value at ATH was 45c, with it trading at 16c rn ATH that is ~33%.
That would make your $500k = $166.6, or, 6.66 times more than the $25k you state to be left with OP, you incompetent, lying boob.

>> No.4653092

just bought 4k

will i make it guys?

>> No.4653106


Jesus, who the fuck took your money?

LINK is a premined scam.

>> No.4653226

remember Linkies:


>> No.4653237
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yeah i sucked at stocks a few years back(everything was working against me)
but o boy I'm killing it in crypto. lol $$$$$

>> No.4653264

Like ETH?

>> No.4653347

Is it so hard to comprehend he might have more important things to do, examining the scope of his fucking project. - lLike talk to important people, who have legit capital, gatekeepers that need convincing, instead of a few fags who jumped on a get rich quick scheme.

Sell if you can't handle the silence, fucking fag.

>> No.4653454

Just order a hit.

>> No.4653542

>he ignored the "lisk is a risk" FUD for years

>> No.4653821
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Man more than half the people here are retards who dont even math. Lol fud at its best ...

Link hasnt dropped that much.

>> No.4653849

w-were still working with SWIFT guys. plz stop selling sergey needs to be a billionaire :((((