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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4648162 No.4648162 [Reply] [Original]

Retired General reporting in....

So I was memed into this shitcoin recently and I am so fucking reliefed I sold it two weeks ago and took a IOTA transmoon express. Guys, face it, their gitter is dead, github dead, slack dead. There no news about devs, everything that is posted on twitter is from October or early November. They don't give a shit about any of us and it could be, that they have really hard time developing the product. Bagholding now is the worst you can do, when we are going through THE BIGGEST BULL RUN ever. If anything I might become another linkie if there is at least a few announcements, but so far to hold this is the most stupidest thing you can do. Withdraw your wallet and invest in top 10 coins while normies are flooding. Good luck.

>> No.4648509
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>They don't give a shit about any of us


>"Digital contracts between individuals are kind of limited. The reality is most digital contracts that happen between individuals happen through other services"

What reason would they have for hyping this coin up among individuals? The fact is they've raised the money through the ICO and are now getting on with developing a product for business. They probably expected (unreasonably, given the reaction on this board) that investors understood the project and were in it for at least a year.

I saw an image posted on here recently (please post it if anyone has it) of the expected timeline of smart contracts. 2018 - 2022 was described as the time period in which they will be implemented, which is in line with Sergey's comment:
>"In a period like 5 years you're going to see the high value contracts in spaces like derivatives..."

It's funny that a common piece of LINK FUD is that it's 'vaporware' - when LINK is one of the few products that actually isn't. Sergey constantly talks about external data because he realises this is the thing that will lead to smart contracts actually being USED.

>"Smart contracts are moving away from proof of concepts and closer to actual implementation. And as that happens, they're going to need high quality triggers and high quality outputs."

It's so clear that they are only really concerned with developing a product that is actually USED. The time scale to mainstream adoption is a couple of years, starting with tests that will begin next year. When people realise this then the hype will grow organically and the snowball effect will be as large or larger than XRP, ETH, PIVX (this was hyped on here too), NEO, and other moon missions we missed out on like STRAT. Look at the charts, flatline for ages then moon. Pic related is inevitable.

>> No.4648542
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>"Categories of digital agreements that have few participants and already use digital state - things like derivatives. [...] In a period like 5 years you're going to see the high value contracts in spaces like derivatives, spaces like the bond market, all kinds of different securities, even equities, they're going to be the standard. So smart contracts are going to be the standard."

Skip to 6:45 or so. It's worth watching all the way through. Despite the impression you might get from this board, Sergey is not some fat autist selling shitcoins from a toilet. He's the real deal. Derivatives are a QUADRILLION dollar industry and these are exactly the kinds of agreements that will be implemented in smart contracts and so use chainlink.

He also mentions a key theme at the conference as being moving from proof of concept to real world implementation. This fits with their plan for a release in early 2018.

Yes, the lack of communication is frustrating but you've got to see it from their perspective: they have no interest in generating hype among individuals - it's all about institutions. This thing isn't even on Bittrex yet, give it time.

>> No.4648585

Learnt the lesson to get your money into the coins the normies are buying, early. No-ones coming for chainlink, maybe in 12months it goes 2-3x mostly due to btc, by then other coins will be 20-30x in this bullrun. Choose carefully.

>> No.4649434

Well I got 30k LINK stored away, just in case.
Other than that I currently have ca. 25 ETH lying around.. will buy some ZRX or KMD

>> No.4649604
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>Waaaaah I bought LINK at 10k sats because I'm a FOMOing numpty
> *Sniff sniff* Sergey doesn't care about me Waaaaah

I'll buy your bags anon, at market price kek