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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4647229 No.4647229 [Reply] [Original]

Do women talk about business & finance when men aren't around?

>> No.4647249


Thats about it and barely

>> No.4647266

Unironically some do

>> No.4647276

5 4 3 1

I'm objectively correct

>> No.4647283

Yes. They talk about men who are into business & finance. I think that counts.

>> No.4647298

3 5

>> No.4647311

>they all do the bent knee thing
so sexy ladies wow

>> No.4647326

>picks the psychotic eyed ones
good choices man

>> No.4647331

objectively you'd have to pull out a ruler and a notebook and do some facial symmetry shit + get a nerual net or a dermatologist to look at their skin, a dietician and or a general practicioner to rate their overall healthy look and then a couple thousand random people to give their ratings

you can't say you're being objective

although i totally agree with you

>> No.4647369

>3 "I'll wreck your shit"
>5 "you don't even exist"

would bet it's #3 bf taking the shot

>> No.4647375

This and 3. The rest can die in a fire but god damn I would probably marry 3.

>> No.4647385

3 is objectively the only attractive face

>> No.4647400

4 is the right choice, probably even 3.

Anyway they talk about finance in terms of how many Gucci shoes their boyfriend can buy them with their earnings, otherwise women are totally illiterate subhumans.

>> No.4647426


She talks about Harry Potter and brunch but it's ok with me

>> No.4647442

nice shop

>> No.4647469

No they just like to spend money and have no concept of financial planning

>> No.4647474

Fuck no, they talk about men.

>> No.4647506

Fuck 5 marry 3 abandon the others

>> No.4647517

4 > 3 > 5 > 1> 2 > 6

>> No.4647823

It's obviously a "does a tree in the forest make a sound when it falls" kind of question, since you wouldn't be able to verify it, but you can look at the female *chan if you want an approximation of it.

The answer is no.
Roasties will always be roasties.

>> No.4647904

Would marry 3.

>> No.4647917

Holy shit you think women are smart enough to hold a conversation about business & finance?

>> No.4647945


4 > 1 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 2

>> No.4648095
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>> No.4648606

4 and 6 at once

>> No.4648659
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x2557, The_Backyardigans_Uniqua_Nickelodeon_Nick_Jr._Character_Image_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You unironically probably have autism if you don't think 3 is by far the cutest

>> No.4648811

3 is by far the cutest.
4 is the only other one above 5/10.

>> No.4648855


>> No.4648867

Pls post attractive women next time

>> No.4648880

I love me some bug forehead women too anon senpai

>> No.4648911
File: 28 KB, 240x320, IMG_0949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4648919

Best body best face. Fight me

>> No.4648930

4 would pay btc

>> No.4648942

Depends, is talking about the finances of their bf/man considered "business & finance?

>> No.4648990


A lot of people going for no.5 here... odd.

Can we update our full results with Nationality and Race please? I would like to collate the data.

4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 1 [white brit]

>> No.4648992


>> No.4649003

3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 6
Nigerian American

>> No.4649035

XDDDDD my bank account is empty because i saw those shoes at X store, chad will buy me Y though

>> No.4649078
File: 114 KB, 960x882, 1510847657164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there more?

>> No.4649082


the rest is trash

>> No.4649132
File: 8 KB, 259x194, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga......they talk about COCK and who is giving it to them and who's getting the pussy next....Finance....lmao the only finance they talk about is how much the purse or shoes they want cost. COCK is what they talk about COCK

>> No.4649420


>> No.4649770
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>> No.4649808
File: 155 KB, 422x320, 4509402A-A146-45CA-A0CA-59E8B5A7FDF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t fucking /pol/
>t. Unironically triggered roastie

>> No.4649854

Yes OP, they talk about how they can steal and leech money off of men. They've been doing this since 1975.

>> No.4649892
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1505162959661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they are trash and talk about how they hate girls that are not at their party while acting all friendly and nice when they are around.

I hate women for this specific reason.

>> No.4649916

if by finance you mean showing off their new trinkets / brand name thing / house remodelling etc
then yes

otherwise no

>> No.4649944

>shoes off in the house meme
i dress for emergency and unforeseen situations every single day. imagine if there's a fire, or someone is in distress, or there's a break in, and your fucking about with your shoes or slipping all over the place in your socks or treading on broken glass with your bare feet. i wear shoes from the moment i finish my shower in the morning to the moment i sleep and even then i begrudgingly remove my shoes at night

>> No.4649951

Post eyes bb

>> No.4649961

5 4

>> No.4649971


You are a dirty, psychotic person.

>> No.4650139

Shoes off in the house is the only fucking way to go. Shoes get dirty if you ever leave the house. Do you love tracking dirt all off your floors?

>> No.4650176

*all over your floors

>> No.4650406

>what is a doormat
granted i don't live in a house surrounded by mud or slush so perhaps others have different experiences but I absolutely hate having to put on my shoes in order to do something as simple as exiting the house. also, these no shoes in the house fags often go on about the cleanliness of their floors. i use the floor for standing on, and little else. if subhumans want to sit on it or eat off it or pray and place their foreheads upon it that's fine and i empathize with their necessary interest in the cleanliness of their floors.

>> No.4650417

That is fucking disgusting. Slippers are a thing you caveman

>> No.4650443

nasty and not comfy.

>> No.4650452

>unforeseen situations
faggot sometimes I just wake up and don't even change clothes for half of the day
sometimes I don't even answer the door because of this, pretending no one is in home lol

>> No.4650504

It's nice to able to clean the house and not immediately get everything all mucked up with your filthy shoes. Even if they're not muddy, they're still dirty unless you immediately wash them before stepping anywhere.

>> No.4650603


>> No.4650659

Choosing the ugliest ones due to lack of self worth. Never change biz

>> No.4650713

Beauty is subjective.

>> No.4650792


>> No.4650843

I suppose humor is subjective too, as I don't personally see any in that statement within this context.

>> No.4651093

4 > 3 > Right Hand > 5 > Left Hand > White Chair > 1 > Little tree on the right > 6 > 2

>> No.4651137

5 is the hottest in all of the pics and it's not even close, lol, wtf are u guys smoking.
Her face literally has "hatefuck me" written on it.

>> No.4651406

>choosing roasties over 1
you guys are even bigger faggots than I thought

>> No.4651540


what do I pay my cleaning lady for then? she takes care that they're always shined to perfection

>> No.4651644

Make her job a little easier and have her peg you now to make up for the saved time. Should even things out.

>> No.4651666

Post feet. And your bf's crypto wallet stats