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4640375 No.4640375 [Reply] [Original]

How bad will the next BTC crash be?

>> No.4640402


Thats not the question. The question is how bad will it be on the market.

I could not give a fuck about BTC, as long as alts survive

>> No.4640524

I like to imagine most the money in the alts wont get scared away from a BTC crash. Obviously normies will be shook for a bit but I see a crash as a good thing for alts long term.

>> No.4640552

>as long as alts survive
yeah not going to happen, 50% haircut on BTC is not unlikely, that money is not going into alts

>> No.4640556

literally will cause the next recession

>> No.4640568

Somewhere between horrendous and brutal

>> No.4640592

80% to 4k

>> No.4640605
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>buying alts in the last quarter of the current year

>> No.4640630
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Bad. We've got an influx of normies who've never been through a downturn. Their gonna freak the fuck out. They'll sell low and then when it rebounds they'll buy high.

>> No.4640678
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Daily reminder that normies are using credit cards to FOMO buy ATH BTC.

This is going to be epic

>> No.4640776
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Don`t be dumb with your money. Join us - https://discord.gg/Aymfu6x

>> No.4640793

Meh, I honestly believe they are doing the following:
>buying about $10 worth of btc for shits
>making maybe $1-2
>forgetting the password to their coinbase account
>remembering and then cashing out in a couple days while thinking "huh, I guess that's how the stock market works"
>bitcoin continues to inflate
You don't honestly think a bunch of overweight dads in New Balances are dumping over $20 in BTC, do you?

>> No.4640801

I can't wait to buy the dip.

>> No.4640850
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>thinking alts will last if btc crashes
this board has a lot of brainlets recently

>> No.4640939


Very bad like all other crashes
Don't buy Bitcoin


>> No.4640965

how much confido dip did you get?

>> No.4641009

So what's gonna happen to shitcoin crash?

>> No.4641045
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Friendly reminder (((they)))) havent sold yet

>> No.4641073

I'm an overweight dad in converse and I have btc

>> No.4641080

>thinking a reset of the crypto market isn't a fucking gold mine opportunity to buy everything low again.

>> No.4641106

99% pink wojaks

>> No.4641121

I actually despise bcash, but Bitcoin is primed for a substantial correction anon

>> No.4641140

The whales aren't going to move it to tether either.

So either, they keep the price from tanking while they can cash out, or they will move it to alts.

>> No.4641146

People who actually know what they're doing own most BTC now.
Selling all of your coin and destroying a market isn't the smart way to liquidate.

Smart people set sell walls.

>> No.4641155

>I actually despise bcash
Is this how Bcashies cope nowadays? Stay salty kek

>> No.4641180

6 gorillion

>> No.4641219
File: 209 KB, 356x394, 56456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im an official spokesman from the United Whales Association (UWA) and i have a message to relay from the chairman:

>"- Very."

Thank you for your attention.

>> No.4641227

t. newfag
You obviously weren't here for the last crash. Strap in pleb and get your boyfriend to get his strap-on on. It'll help distract you from the pain.

>> No.4641233
File: 206 KB, 991x672, 1510634111002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very bad i hope

>> No.4641236

If you think Bitcoin doesn't need a correction you probably don't know it recently broke a parabolic channel...


Dude, that's extreme, probably something never seen before.

>> No.4641279

Nope, it's going to 25k by end of year. Everyone who has bet against BTC has failed.

>> No.4641335

I'm not saying bet against Bitcoin you retard, I'm saying you must expect some serious correction before it climbs again.

>> No.4641369

>this isn't the "climbing again"
it's going to keep climbing because the banksters and tetherers are pumping it up just so they can cash out meanwhile they are accumulating 99% of the shitcoin market.
Don't say I didn't warm ya.

>> No.4641393


The bitcoin hype doesnt care about chart analysis. Remember that.

That is why every fucking chart boy investor has been wrong about bitcoin every time

>> No.4641427

>he thinks btc is still a low cap stock

>> No.4641623

Meanwhile, it just broken $10600. What correction? :D