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4625934 No.4625934 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question

For those who were too late to the btc train and basically missed one of the most easy ways to become a millionaire, how do you cope with this feeling? How does this not make you want to kill yourself?

I could've been rich right now if i actually paid more attention to btc 2-3 years ago, but now it's probably too late already to still get some cash out of it

>> No.4625953

same reason i don't feel bad about apple/amazon
if i mined it back in 2010 i would've sold a long time ago

>> No.4625966

Chainlink. Buy it.

>> No.4625970

people felt this way when BTC was 1000 and they missed out on 10x gains.

>> No.4625986

Not gonna make it with this mentality brah

>> No.4626002
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I smoke and drink to numb the pain. Works pretty well.

>> No.4626012

Maybe this is just my inexperience talking, but this feels like it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

>> No.4626021

key word m8
1btc could hit millions within a few years
spend a few thousands, what could go wrong

>> No.4626031

There are always more opportunities. I'd feel worse if I had been around when Ethereum was a dollar. Bitcoin had proven the market by that point.

I didn't really look into crypto until ethereum was already $80.

>> No.4626034

What sucks more is i used to mine it and sold it all at about $3 per bitcoin, thinking it was a fad.

I didn't have a huge amount, but at least a few dozen coins.

Just purchased some a week ago, FOMO etc.

>> No.4626047


The shift to crypto/blockchain is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but it is not over yet. You missed the first (BTC), but you haven't missed the last.

>> No.4626108
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Look, people who bought a lot of BTC for $1 or so took a chance. A big one. BTC was so new and strange and could have easily failed. But they took that chance. They were also lucky enough to find out about it, usually they were programmers high in their field, smart enough to understand what BTC was and its implications.

Why am I telling you this? Because, like >>4626047
says, it ain't over yet. You haven't missed the next ticket to lambo land.

You haven't missed LINK.

>> No.4626112

You might not make dozen of millions but you can still make a lot of money

>> No.4626132
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i smoke and drink
i remember mining a couple of bitcoins back in 2010 to buy that scam ghostbot ng for tibia when elfbot ng was nuked (right before neobot was released i think it was)
i wasnt even able to mine the entire amount and basically deleted my wallet because le that shit was a pain in the ass
i hope you are happy with your probably millions, LoW piece of shit pajeet scammer

>> No.4626136

You mean with BTC or just one of the many other cryptos?

>> No.4626182

Think of it like this: 1 bit (1 millionth of a bitcoin) is $.01 right now. That could very easily go to $1, $10, or even $100. You can still get in on it, but you're going to be in for a wild ride as it plummets 40% before jumping 150%, and then repeats itself, and truth be told we're closer to the next 40% dip than we are to the next 150% run up.

>> No.4626196


tfw I was convinced to buy some BTC back in 2015. I was 100% going to do it, it became my short-lived obsession for about 2 weeks. I was gonna just dump all my money in it (had about 8k GBP to spare) and hold till I became a millionaire. I installed my wallet, and went online to find a place to buy.

All the brokers were charging fucking jewed-up fees, selling at Jewish rates several % above market value, and few of them would take GBP. I literally signed up to at least 10 brokers, looking for a good rate to buy, but I couldn't bring myself to pay the shitty fees. Being too lazy to find the cheapest place to buy, I just lost interest and left it.

I've been watching this bull-run all year with tears in my eyes. I'm gonna wait for a big price drop (sub 5k) and I'm gonna fucking buy and HODL

>> No.4626657
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i have repeatedly missed opportunities to make MILLIONS of dollars by simply holding.

i just can't seem to learn my lesson.
i had 2.5 btc worth of ETH which i sold at a slight profit

if i had simply held, it would have been X200

i then bought LITECOIN BECAUSE IT WAS STARTING TO RALLY which i then sold for slight profit IF I HELD IT WOULD HAVE BEEN X100

then i lost money on monero, chainlink, and various other shitcoins leaving me at around where i started of 2btc.



i sat down and did the math on how much i would have had if i just bought and held eth or litecoin.

holding eth i would have had 23 MILLION DOLLARS.

holding litecoin considering i bought it after eth and had more capital i would have had 29 million.


let that sink it.

>> No.4626697

i was browsing /biz/ when ltc was 7 dollars

it wasn't even that long ago

>> No.4626712

how much litecoin or eth you did have actually?

>> No.4626733

man you suck at trading

>> No.4626786

i'm older than most of you bros and this happened to me during the dotcom bubble and the crazy stock market gains before '08.
instead of getting upset with myself, i realized that there is usually one of these great investments every decade. so, i started looking for the next one and that's when i stumbled onto Bitcoin in 2010, but i didn't know that was it yet. In late 2014 is when i realized this is it.
now that Bitcoin is paying off and that has me looking ahead to the next big thing. i'm already in it, and my hope is it will carry me forward once bitcoin plateaus in a few years.
this post is just to give you guys a little perspective, this isn't the end by any means and you can still make incredible gains in Bitcoin and crypto. enjoy the ride

>> No.4626794

If you have $5000 you can still become a millionaire off crypto.

Just put it on a high-potential, low-market cap coin like Link, Golem, or Augur.

>> No.4626803

To add to this, most people sold bicoin when it first hit $10, $50, $100, $1000. Nobody has iron enough hands to turn down a guaranteed million dollars just in case it goes to 10 million.

>> No.4626804

>Maybe this is just my inexperience talking,
it is. see >>4626786

>> No.4626826

I saw the threads on /g/ like 6-7 fucking years ago. Thought it was crazy hard stuff, never looked into it again until like 3 years ago. Again thought it was too hard, and also too late. At least I learned my lesson when I checked for the third time and I've made some profit. I'll leave getting depressed if I fail at my, possible, last chance.

>> No.4626829
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>had $5000 worth of btc
>lost it during the alt crash

>> No.4626831

>i'm already in it, and my hope is it will carry me forward once bitcoin plateaus in a few years.

Are you saying you've already found the NEXT big investment after crypto?

>> No.4626841

>Nobody has iron enough hands to turn down a guaranteed million dollars just in case it goes to 10 million
it's not iron hands if you know what's happening. this is a technological and financial shift that once it's complete, will never be undone

>> No.4626849

most people whom bought bitcoin at the beginning used it for e-commerce on the darknet.

weird as it sound, i think most of the people that made a profit from bitcoin are drug dealers and people that flip stolen goods.

>> No.4626857


This must be a joke, I was buying BTC for 5% markup on LocalBTC back in 2013. All you had to do was transfer money with barclays and get your BTC. I accumulated 49 BTC, 21 for me, 21 for my child, and 7 for my grandchild. Pretty comfy atm. Haven't even touched my BCH/BTG/BCD.

>> No.4626873

You lost it when you sold. Why the hell would anyone ever sell for a loss in an emerging industry? In crypto, if you hold long enough, you come out ahead (at least for the next 5 years).

>> No.4626876

yea I know right?


That fact is, this shit is going to happen again, this was the warm up round, the round where the next one comes you better do what your mind says to do.

This was the round where you know now that this shit is serious. This upcoming round will be the round that will be even better than the run up from $200 to $10k..

You thought that was insane? That was nothing. I am not saying it will go to 1mil, just that btc will do its thing, could go back to $800, but just know if it does, do not waste time, by then everyone will be bearish, making it seem like it will be pointless to buy at $800 it might go to zero they will say. Just know it will go back 10k.

>> No.4626878
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Well you could ask that question with any tech stock from amazon to fb. Why didnt i buy fb when it was 10 ? It is easy to say afterwards with anything.

Also buying is not enough, both tech stocks and btc have had dozens of downspirals where people have sold not hodl.

>> No.4626910

it's still crypto, just completely different form anything else. it's still super early, so it gets FUDed hard. crypto will be the next big investment for the next decade as well

>> No.4626940

Get out of the past, opportunities are like buses, there will always be another.

>> No.4626957

with some defeated attitude you will never make money. retarded drug addicts get rich these days by becoming soundcloud rappers and getting face tattoos. there are so many opportunities to cash in on every year.

>> No.4626971

Let's be real here you're never going to buy it. Or else why didn't you buy when it dropped from 7888 to 5550 earlier this month?

>> No.4626975

If you're talking about IOTA, then I agree it will do well, but the bad thing is that the price will have a hard time getting very high due to the large supply.

>> No.4627002


>> No.4627006

there won't be another opportunity like this again

this is the only time in history where a person could get rich by accident

>> No.4627049

is it LINK? Give a fellow annon some hope brother.

>> No.4627129

they could move the decimal place if it makes you feel better. the total number of IOTAs is slightly higher than the number of Satoshis. it's just scale. you have to look at the marketcap and then what you it will be down the road. if the devs are right and it becomes a trillion dollar project, that's a $360 MIOTA and right now it's $1.20. seems like good gains to me, but i can afford to wait for them. even if it does 10% of that, it's still a great investment

>> No.4627138

Yeah, crypto is a once-in-a-century transfer of wealth, just like crude oil was in the 19th century.

But there will be smaller but still great investment opportunities, and you can make millions off of each one.

>> No.4627149

don't leave us hanging bro

>> No.4627160

LINK could be huge, but i haven't looked into it. i'm looking beyond blockchain technology. see >>4627129

>> No.4627176

>oh man if i invested in facebook/apple/amazon

it's the same shit for everyone and you didn't know about it. Stop bitching and just get a real job. I guarantee you wouldn't even know what to spend your money on if you got rich

>> No.4627185

I expect $100 Miota by end of 2019.

>> No.4627187

keep reading, lol

>> No.4627189

I put my first money in btc in '13 some months before the big mt. gox crash. When that happened I honestly believed that was the end of crypto and that btc would never recover its ATH. I stopped paying attention completely and forgot about my modest crypto holdings for years. Could have easily kept on accumulating after btc hit its low but during that bear market it seemed like an insane waste of money. Moral of the story: you need autism level iron hands and an unwavering belief in the tech to keep investing during a prolonged bear market. Just be glad you're in now, OP.

>> No.4627207

i think that is a reasonable expectation

>> No.4627263

> total worth USD / cost of a lambo USD

Unless I’m banned from the dealership I’ll always know what I’m spending my riches on

>> No.4627270

I bought BTC in 2013 but lost it on MtGox. Feels good man :(

>> No.4627273

My ex told me about it back in 2009/2010. Pretty sure he's secretly wealthy now.

>> No.4627274

If I told you bitcoin would be a million dollars in the future, would you believe me?
No -------- then sell when you'Re comfy
Yes ------- wait and hold

>> No.4627306

im new to alts and want to make money

is this a good spread
ETH 60%
LTC 20%
XRP 10%
??? 10% high risk alts?

is btc even worth holding anymore

>> No.4627334

meh. a lot of old people love iota for some reason.

>> No.4627336

>an unwavering belief
this is what led me to buy in 2014-2015 once i fully grasped it. BTC was getting killed by everyone. there were times when i doubted myself. it's normal to do when everyone tells you you're crazy or they just laugh. but, since i think the majority of "sane" people are crazy, i knew i'd be ok in the long run. i just had to be patient and let reality catch up.

>> No.4627358
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It's not too late. There's Ripple's XRP.

>> No.4627397

i think everyone else will love it. i don't give a shit about it; but i know trends and i've already doubled my money. if you know trends, investing is not hard.
when will you tards learn, this has nothing to do with the tech.

>> No.4627475

nigga u gay

>> No.4627523
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she probably is now
theres plenty of cute yuri girls on /biz/
i'd say its mostly female

>> No.4627587

You can also look up previous winning lottery numbers and kick yourself for not picking those.
Don't complain because you didn't get lucky. You can start when you are actively unlucky. Plus you might think you missed the BTC train but it could definitely still go 50x if you hold it long enough

>> No.4627742

How do I invest in IOTA?

>> No.4627984

very simple anon! imagine you would have bought btc in 2012 for like 5$ a coin, what would you have done once it hit 100, you would have sold!
or maybe you would have had tried trading it (and in the days the volatility was absolutely fucking insane) and you would panic and lose it all, than the price would go up, and you would have bought at the top and sold at the bottom.

i invested 60$ in the eth ico in 2014, i told to myself i wouldnt touch it for 5 years...i successfully ignored the market until last year, saw my investment was now worth 2500$, and i said to myself, well ill just sell like 300$ to make my investment 5x and hold the rest of it.
but unfortunately i tried to trade a little bit and lost like 200$ chasing a pnd, than the dao happened and i said fuck it ill sell half of it and buy a new camera (im a photographer), then i bought various coins and said to myself just keep them.
then i needed some money because i was broke and i sadi fuck it ill sell it and buyback in 2 weeks after a client pays me a pretty big job i was waiting the money for.....client was a fucking asshole and paid me like 5 months later. still got some mney in january and invested like 800eur, now i have 10k$.
eaven though i made a nice amount of money i was a fucking dumbass and was buying the dumbest icos out there (hmw, etbs, gup, aht, dlt)....but i was lucky i was in one of the crazyest bull markets ever and so losing money was impossible.
i learned a lot from the experience....its never to late anon!
all it takes is accepting that you missed some opportunities, forgive ytourself because of it and search for new opportunities with a sober head without any revange-trading attitude.

>> No.4627989

that feeling is called greed anon
it is responsible for all the evil in the world

>> No.4628131


Op, you are wasting your life, breath by breath

buy DGB now our forever be a pussy of epic proportions

>> No.4628336

There's still a plethora of opportunities just like that. I firmly believe ETH is the future and LTC is going parabolic soon with LN network and atomic swap implementation.

Additionally, REQ, LINK etc.

>> No.4628391

you guys are fucking idiots if you think a centralized SQL server and broken garbage is "the future"

>> No.4628555

Are we not just better off waiting for bitcoin to crash and picking up the pieces?

>> No.4628565

I bought some weight loss drugs in China back in 2014 using bitcoin. Cost me like 100USD, don't remember how many coins it was. Instead if leaving money in there or putting more in for shits I just left like 5 cents in there. When I heard about bitcoin earlier this year exploding I checked my wallet and my 5 cents I hadn't touched it years was worth $60. Feels bad man coulda been so much more.

>> No.4628965

i was never poor enough to bring myself to invest in a bubble. literally gambling. bitcoin might reach 100,000 for all i know, just depends on how stupid people are, but it might also implode at any moment.

>> No.4629122

if money is so important to you. you gonna kill yourself anyway.

>> No.4629147

>Just put it on a high-potential, low-market cap coin like Link, Golem, or Augur.
Very good advice here for others

>> No.4629165

>too late
stop this meme

>> No.4629229

buy btc or eth, send to bitfinex or binance and buy IOTA

check here for best prices https://iotaprices.com/

>> No.4629235
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>> No.4629261

>he still thinks it's about the tech

>> No.4629296

so you think everyone is just gonna flock to iota because it's cool and sexy now or what

>> No.4629303

I bought 10k usd of bitcoin in april and I spent it on shit using the coinbase card.
kill me

>> No.4629309

Tbh I don't care, I'm making money now. Looking at the log chart, I don't think btc was ever growing faster than it is now. Right now btc is probably the best investment in the history of humanity. I'm just glad I'm here.

>> No.4629333

Why don't you ask anyone in one of the many altcoin threads op? They're all sour grapes af and could probably give you an answer

>> No.4629349

i mined in 2011 and kept more than 90% even during massive crashes

I am not going to cash out

>> No.4629366

you just said iota is the next big thing after BTC

you saying it's the next big thing because it has a cool logo?

>> No.4629369

that's a terrible speculation: you end up with a terrible token not only crippled by design, but also by price.

>> No.4629374
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Literally this. Act now. Be bold.



>> No.4629410

MIOTA is trash. Tangle is bad, the code is bad, the cryptography is vulnerable. Buying IOTA is literally like huffing a fart out of clintons asshole.

>> No.4629455

>I'm gonna wait for a big price drop (sub 5k) and I'm gonna fucking buy and HODL

If it ever drops that much, it's never coming back up this far again.

>> No.4629473


OK so what's the next big thing then?

>> No.4629477

Iunno about 1mil, but another 10x to 100k next year is wholly within the realm of possibility.

>> No.4629494

>it's not iron hands if you know what's happening. this is a technological and financial shift that once it's complete, will never be undone

i bet that's what the Myspace stockholders told themselves

>> No.4629505

buy one BTC. it will be worth 100k eventually. nothing can go wrong with this. it only goes up.

>> No.4629576

Uh, the last one was the housing bubble in 2007. Before that, the .com bubble in the 90's. Crypto is still going to make us a lot of money in the next couple of years. In ten years, there will be another bubble. This is how the jews have been making money since corporate america was invented. If you understand this shit you are basically set for life.

>> No.4629582

that is fantastic. ARK is a good one for that high risk category

>> No.4629631
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If I had a time machine there would be a lot different in my life, but I don't have a time machine so what is the use in worrying about it now?
Learn from the past and work in the present to change your future.

>> No.4629650


Or if you wanted to get your hands a little dirtier with some actual work, being a mortgage loan officer in early 2000s or an affiliate marketer from like 2006-2009 were basically easy ways to make a bankroll if you knew what you were doing

>> No.4629680

YOUR QUESTION IS NOT THE GOOD QUESTION: The good question is how to win? No matter what is the coin. Buddha said don't be attached to a coin in particular. The way to win is to have an edge over someone else! Buy low before the information is out there, and then sell high to the masses. You need to trade based on information that nobody has yet! Information is power. Speed is key. Find it all out here: https://discord.gg/DsRSYn

>> No.4629694


>Note that btc is 10k on the news
>Remember that I set up a wallet and bought five like six years ago

I'll let them sit forever, and if they hit really ridiculous numbers I'll sell and try to do something ice for everyone with one or two of them.

>> No.4629720
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A year from now you won't feel so bad.
In fact, you will fell like you dodged a bullet.

>> No.4629753


>based on information that nobody has yet
>Find it all out here

>> No.4629932
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>tfw ARK is my safest coin

>> No.4629963

>how do you cope with this feeling?
By being immune to FOMO and other weak-will traits.

>> No.4630159

Crypto is only starting to take off, this is just the beginning. Those that got in early of course made a lot 9f money, but so can you if you start now.

>> No.4630193
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yeah. MAYBE Link. If you're man enough.

>> No.4630231

It's still one of the better investments. I made 2.5x what I invested 6 months ago.

>> No.4630253


Dont be such a crybaby man up

>> No.4630520
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I first new about BTC back when I found out about tor back in 2010. Thought the idea of getting a coin was cool. It was an untraceable currency. But at the same time didn’t want to/have expendable money to play with, thought it was kinda weird/sketchy.

Regretted not buying when it was at 2.3k since previously the company I was working for at the time (a financial services company) was talking about it as something clients could look into when it was around 1k

Bought part of a coin at 3.2k and have made decent profits. But still was better kinda late then now.

It’s like being in a cream pie gangbang of 10000 guys and being in the early 30s. Still sucks, but better than being towards the end.
