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File: 280 KB, 642x645, 1511882922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4625302 No.4625302 [Reply] [Original]

>Bitcoin is different from tulip man-

>> No.4625314

yes, it is different. kys

>> No.4625344

nice argument

>> No.4625358

nice, so we will have a ways to go.. like 100k before the crash if I'm reading that right?

>> No.4625366

One thing is for certain...

What goes up must come down.

Every industry has crashed at some point.
How long until crypto crashes?

All it would take is Trump banning it in the USA for it to drop 50%+.

>> No.4625383

>thinking there is any chance of Trump banning crypto

>> No.4625385
File: 69 KB, 580x960, 20170325_FBC215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is different from amazo-

>> No.4625406

Tech bubble will burst as well.

>> No.4625407

world population is also in a bubble
why dont you contribute to the cause and neck yourself

>> No.4625429

u wot?

What is stopping him retard?

>> No.4625432

nice argument and it will burst as well


>> No.4625446



>> No.4625447


Tulips were about to revolutionize the econo-

>> No.4625454

>says man for 2848711306th time in 17 years

>> No.4625458
File: 205 KB, 2000x2000, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, fixed that for you

>> No.4625459
File: 27 KB, 608x402, 1511194249326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4625466

Bitcoin will crash when the world powers see it as a threat to their economies

>> No.4625467
File: 296 KB, 655x512, reax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you start there anon?

>> No.4625490

>What goes up must come down.
Care use hasn't. Internet connections haven't. Quality of farmed produce hasn't. Have you let your ass do the talking again?

>> No.4625502


>> No.4625516
File: 62 KB, 629x484, bitcoin-goes-POP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Care? I meant car. Pic related

>> No.4625518

it's not like you've actually given any arguments

>> No.4625581

Yeah yeah it's different this time. Of course it is.
At this point everyone is blinded by greed because of bitcoins exponentially exponential growth.
When you see people saying shit like it's "too big to fail" it's time to get out. Nothing is ever too big to fail.

>> No.4625658

By the time they begin acting it will be too late, there's billions depending on bitcoin, you can't just ban something that would mean the destruction of your economy.

>> No.4625677

No, it's not. You can profit enormously off of huge bubbles like this, but you need to understand that it's a bubble and be prepared to exit at any time, because the trend can reverse at the drop of a hat. Bubbles move quickly once the rocket ride is over, you don't want to be caught in the collapse.

>> No.4625691

>hurr durr it's a bubble cuz 10,000 looks like a big n scary number to me

>> No.4625699

So you're shorting it, right?

>> No.4625886

that's why amazon and facebook have come down?

>> No.4625910

This. Nothing goes up forever

>> No.4625947
File: 215 KB, 720x960, policelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shorting it
When will they ever learn

>> No.4625992

We're going to plateau hard sometime down the road once enough groups have gotten their hands into it. After that the speculation game will be all but over

>> No.4626029

>bitcoin started in 2014
Nocoiners are this fucking desperate

>> No.4626033
File: 809 KB, 1256x1120, syscoin_amazon_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4626079


>chart cherry-picks U.S. stock market periods just to fit the narrative
>thinks this chart proves anything

>> No.4626167

What gives Bitcoin value is the fact that people are working hours, even months, just so they can buy bitcoin.

Through this process they're exchanging their production for fiat and the fiat for bitcoin, fiat is the bartering element in the equation but it would not be necessary if people who require your labor paid you directly in bitcoin.

There are not many things that we know for sure, but that our productivity will grow is almost guaranteed. If productivity is infinite, if the work we're putting into bitcoin's can grow infinitely, then bitcoin might go up forever, as long as people keep working to acquire bitcoin.

>> No.4626210

>this is what all the people buying in $6000+ actually believe

>> No.4626238

>hurr durr I'm a huge faggot

>> No.4626255
File: 23 KB, 379x426, 1510697179650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it i'm out

>> No.4626265

Yes, you can farm bitcoins like tulips.

>> No.4626292

I want to fug that cartoon.

>> No.4626395

no it will not
haven't any of you seen how dominant technology has been for the past 10 years
technology is the future and will continue to be the future, it's value will only rise

the only thing I can think of that will crash all technology markets are quantum computers.
but these computers might be impossible

>> No.4626479

If quantum computers became mainstream tomorrow, could they just adjust the bitcoin mining difficulty to account for it? Or would all bitcoins just be suddenly mined instantly?

>> No.4626540


I've got a case of beer ready for when this game of musical chairs stops and this board is flooded with wojaks.

>> No.4626546


>> No.4626552

>suddenly mined instantly
difficulty adjust

>> No.4626565

What about all those banks that werent allowed to fail because they are too big?

>> No.4626583


Cars, the internet, and food have exponentially more uses than bitcoin ya fuckin retard.

>> No.4626593

https://pastebin.com/ZUxTmR99 <--- all the answers

>> No.4626598

hahahahha thisissofuckingstupidomg

>> No.4627021

Did a pajeet write this?

>> No.4627108


dotcom bubble

>> No.4627181

I was a nocoiner once, just like you. If you can't fight it, embrace it, it feels much better. Don't be sour about your list potential gains and buy the next dip.

>> No.4627243

Its not a bubble if it replaces other industries. B+M shrinks, digital sales increase.

>> No.4627284

>dotcom bubble = internet connections

>> No.4627631

The fact that you can't enforce a ban on cryptocurrencies

>> No.4627663


I'm not a nocoiner moron. I'm just not a fucking cultist.

>> No.4627795

Tulips existed before 1619

BTC did not exist before 2014

Its like saying TV is a bubble in 1955. Idiots.

>> No.4627829

>BTC did not exist before 2014

LMFAO. The absolute state of biz. You don't even know the basic facts of what you're invested in. I will be fucking FROLICKING in your wojaks.

>> No.4627830

you think if the government made it a felony to cash out from an exchange to a bank that everything would just continue as normal?

>> No.4627863

Cash out into an overseas account and then wire it through a shell company. If you don't have enough invested in crypto to do that then it's not worthwhile to cash out anyway

>> No.4627869


>you can't enforce a ban on cryptos

Tell me you don't actually believe this.

>> No.4627872

Fine 2012, 11,10, 09 whatever the fuck year satoshi shat it out.

Your date nazi routine doesn't make me wrong.

>> No.4627898
File: 92 KB, 1364x700, a0t287nf9d001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4627901


Yeah because the government NEVER catches overseas money either.

>> No.4627916

You could have also just said localbitcoins, but the question was "as normal" not how exotic can we operate. I know cryptos are cool but it's quite naive to consider it totally immune to governments.

>> No.4627986

Not all countries can/will ban at the same time.

Bans will get played out just like the forks until no one cares and BTC just does its own thing.

>> No.4628015

I'm waiting for my (you) friendo.

Ha yeah. Thats what I thought. Crap guy.

>> No.4628056

Bitcoin is getting bigly close to 10k buy iota fast

>> No.4628559

Crypto (not bitcoin it is obsolete) is the means to allow the exponential growth curve of humanity to continue. The time before blockchain will be viewed as a dark age similar to pre mass communication times.

>> No.4628604

When will bitcoin ultimately crash and loose all value?... after all it is just virtual number with no physical value...

>> No.4628638

>after all it is just virtual number with no physical value
so's fiat, these days

>> No.4629028
File: 25 KB, 620x391, actual bubles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is tulipmania (notice it's in log scale)

>> No.4629064
File: 41 KB, 1082x622, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bitcoin in logaritmic scale

>> No.4629128

Give me the log scale of the 2017 grow and it looks exactly like the tulip mania.

>> No.4629153
File: 44 KB, 1083x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you got me anon
it's over sell everything

>> No.4629249

>implying billions isn't just a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the money the leading powers have

>> No.4629299

Amazon is genuinely taking over the world, though.

>> No.4629364
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like they are still playing catch-up with this whole internet thing, right?

Don't make the mistake of trying to make sense out of current developments by looking at the past. The framework completely changed - the breaks are loose and we are accelerating down a hill. Anyone predicting anything with subjective certainty is a fucking idiot.

>> No.4629414

bitcoin will hit well over $100,000 in the long term trust me. Consider that in the long term near future as well, when it comes to private space exploration, I wager some genius is going to figure out how to use cryptocurrency as a new extra-jurisdictional type of currency, sort of like a new version of swiss banking, or offshore banking

>> No.4629599

by the time you did that the price would be down 99%. you really think the price would hold up if the US gov shut down coinbase, gemini, etc and made BTC/USD pairs illegal? crypto is filled with normie money at this point and they would panic sell like nothing you've ever seen

>> No.4629675

Also, after careful consideration in seeing this meme'd over and over again, I've decided the Tulip Bubble isn't like the Bitcoin "bubble" at all, even if there is one.

To put it simply, a Tulip isn't a Bitcoin. I agree there are bubbles, there will be volatility, but not like the Tulip bubble. This is a currency, not a flower. It has a confident future as the mainstream financial markets are picking up on it and blockchain/cryptocurrency. Mind you however as I stated, this may entail volatility to some degree, have patience

>> No.4629710


>> No.4629826
File: 118 KB, 751x470, blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Federal government will always collect taxes in USD and make its huge expenditures in USD.
Property taxes and sales taxes will always be in USD.
Salaries will always be paid in USD.
Consumer prices and housing prices will always be in USD.

>> No.4629949

what the fuck is this image trying to represent

>> No.4630012


Why start Bitcoin at 2014 kek
Is it because Bitcoin would already be off the charts if you started with 2010?

>> No.4630013

>tulip mania
>an over exaggerated financial bubble long debunked by historians
>Still used to FUD by TV journalists and professional FUDers on an asian cartoon appreciation forum

>I don't understand cryptography no decentralization yet all my savings are in shitcoins: the Post

>> No.4630033


Oh no! Whatever will I do if Bitcoin drops back to 5k! I certainly won't buy more of that happens!

>> No.4630046

So is blockchain

>> No.4630078

The proportion of BTC market cap in relation to the total fiat in circulation I guess?

>> No.4630082

Blockchain may have a future, but bitcoin is merely the first, outdated example of it. Bitcoin is backed by nothing but name recognition and inertia.

>> No.4630108

>implying bitcoin is not

>> No.4630135


it isnt. nearly zero real use.
100% purely speculation and everyone wants to cash out. no one really believes in meme coins

>> No.4630137


>what is liquidity

Enjoy being a broke no coiner

>> No.4630240

and here you are still posting, you dumb nigger

>> No.4630263


Do you know how Proof of Work even works? Trust = Work X Time.

Bitcoin has the first mover advantage and that's MASSIVE in the crypto world. It's an advantage that will always keep Bitcoin ahead of every other coin. In the end Bitcoin is the most trusted coin and in times of crisis people will flock back to it.

For a coin to replace Bitcoin it must be completely revolutionary like Bitcoin is to Fiat. Not just some improved algorithms as Bitcoin's algorithm also improves over time

>> No.4630315

BTC hits a new "nice number" ath and all the nocoiners come out calling it a bubble like clockwork

>> No.4630339


Tulips were perishable goods.

>> No.4630361

>as Bitcoin's algorithm also improves over time
not nearly fast enough
transactions getting noticeably slower and fees getting much higher each quarter

>> No.4630433

Do you know how Proof of Work even works? Trust = Work X Time.

Microsoft Windows has the first mover advantage and that's MASSIVE in the tech world. It's an advantage that will always keep Microsoft ahead of every other company. In the end Microsoft is the most trusted tech stock and in times of crisis people will flock back to it.

For a tech company to replace Microsoft it must be completely revolutionary like Apple is to Microsoft. Not just some improved applications as Microsoft's applications also improve over time

>> No.4630471
File: 37 KB, 377x480, obvious-master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only highlight that you should always keep in mind or analyze local fiat currency relative to the value of bitcoins, thank you captain obvious

>> No.4630501


I'm not really sure if it matters. Fees aren't even noticeable due to the gains Bitcoin gives you in the time you do an transaction and the fees actually just cause people to rather hodl Bitcoin than move it around on whims.

>> No.4630550

>it's a currency meant to be used as an exchange of value
>but it always goes up in value so you're better off just holding it forever

>> No.4630586
File: 71 KB, 1270x830, os_market_share_september_2015_fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually the perfect analogy, yeah

>> No.4630646


Right now it's not really used as a currency. Nobody who has Bitcoin actually wants to spend them. If Bitcoin ever reaches its equilibrium price, things would look differently, but that will only happen if Bitcoin truly is adopted into mainstream.

>> No.4630758
File: 64 KB, 690x781, 1500577728_goudatulip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tulip mania on log scale

>> No.4630776
File: 87 KB, 1832x814, zhuimN0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin on log scale

>> No.4630810

Woefully out of date, missing the enormous increase in 2017.

>> No.4630829

Already posted
See >>4629028

>> No.4630838
File: 43 KB, 1205x764, BTClogscale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from CMC

>> No.4630872
File: 22 KB, 342x285, noragrets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did i miss that, well whatever. Posted&no ragrets

>> No.4630894
File: 745 KB, 866x1300, Tulip Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin is different from tulip man-
You called?

>> No.4630994
File: 121 KB, 943x720, 1510279075741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I absolutely wager that you're only seeing the beginning of bitcoin being adopted by the mainstream commercial industry and big corporations as an official form of currency payment in the future when they decide to push more and more for online retail as malls and other forms of "in real life" retail die out, moving online.

Slowly mainstream society and commercial industry/corporations will adapt to commerce moving online, and the first mover in cryptocurrency, bitcoin, will skyrocket, however over time as mainstream private industry goes online for commerce in general. This is my prediction.

>> No.4631062

Someone explain this to a brainlet please

>> No.4631100

The scaling on the y-axis is so fucked, neither this nor OP are truly accurate imo

>> No.4631131

Except Bitcoin can't process day to day transactions like that.

>> No.4631185

I predict this will be demanded in time due to retail in general shifting online currently, and in the future

>> No.4631403

Cryptocurrency will be, it is, a more efficient form of currency, in a more competitive market than fiat currency. It's more efficient and competitive because the currency itself can be subject to more modification, which can be subject to demand. You cannot say the same for fiat currency, its more of a fixed system due to government and private control, and because of that the value it has has in local purchasing power is subject to more control, although used more often in society and mainstream institutions/corporations/retail/industry/etc.

going back to what i said, i predict its a long term play roughly mirroring what you'll see as mainstream industry/commerce/markets/retail goes online, which i predict it inevitably will. This may not happen next year, or the year after that, or perhaps retail and private industry could accelerate quickly. In both cases however I believe private industry/corporations and retail is inevitably going to care more about online sales and commerce over "in real life" retail/commerce, that will be the trend in the long run, no doubt. It's not a bad idea to bet on the first mover of cryptocurrency.

>> No.4631414

Except tulips aren't a portable high security bank resistant to modern day overbearing govts

>> No.4631429

Trump is pro crypto tard, that's the only reason I spent all of 2016 on /pol/ memeing as hard as I could

>> No.4631437

It hasn’t even begun...

>> No.4631457

i forgot to mention that its more competitive because its also part of a cryptocurrency market, as opposed to a fiat currency market, which entrenches the qualities of both currencies.

>> No.4631459

drumpf banning crypto would be like banning the internet in 1995 lel

>> No.4631460


sauce for this claim?

>> No.4631481


If he was actually pro-crypto, he wouldn't have appointed Ajit Pai to kill net neutrality

>> No.4631514

making USD fall sharply all year and bringing lots of pro btc people into his team

>> No.4631526

just use a VPN over port 443 you'll be fine

>> No.4631605


As I suspected, no actual source, just continually ascribing 4D chess moves to a senile blowhard who can hardly string together a coherent sentence. Try harder.

>> No.4631616

What book is that anon, don’t tease me like that.

>> No.4631638

>It's a bubble said the increasingley regretful investment banker for the 12th time this month

>> No.4631653


Again, if he was pro-crypto, he wouldn't be killing NN in the first place.

I don't think there is much method to Trump's madness. But hopefully pro-crypto advisers can steer him in the right direction.

>> No.4631703

>"btc will burst!"
>"tech bubble will burst!"
>"world population will burst!"
>"everything will burst!"
>if i say every single thing in existence will fall apart, i would have guessed at least one of them correctly and will be able to brag about it for the rest of my life

>> No.4631733

Exactly, this would look exactly like Tulip if properly scaled.

>> No.4631751

>nobody can cash out
>price falls
Ladies and gentlemen...

>> No.4631801

Its called a log scale you ignoramus.

>> No.4631876
File: 29 KB, 342x491, inmemoriamjb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is Fanged Noumena by Nick Land.

This guy will have better answers for you tho.

>> No.4632055

This is too good of a post to be real. Great LARP anon.

>> No.4632133

The impact of NN on Bitcoins is a highly debatable and must consider a large number of relative and variable factors.

I personally hold the view that being against NN will increase its value in theory. My first argument is generally that NN is not a good thing for the value of Bitcoins, but I can also see alternative arguments as to why it would actually increase its value.

>> No.4632193

Thats an impulsive 5th wave alright

>> No.4632573

Did not know that my coins were infected by the mosaic virus

>> No.4632896

>The 1% will allow a transfer of wealth so early adopter WoW neckbeards can become the elite class.

LOL if anyone thinks they will allow this to happen. 1 false flag - ISIS funded by crypto, or w/e and you will see a crackdown.

>> No.4633054

>nice, so we will have a ways to

>> No.4633297

unless the 1% are in on that transfer of wealth

>> No.4633376

Tech "bubble"
Something that is used daily by numerous millions is not a bubble.
What's next? the shoe bubble? The car bubble?

>> No.4633394
File: 133 KB, 757x502, 1509156401921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about it. If the 1% is going to "crash" anything dramatically for the transfer of wealth, its local fiat currencies, because most people have this, and not bitcoin, and in that scenario the value of bitcoin would skyrocket. Your next step might be to cash out in another "real world" currency that is not subject to the theoretical crash

>> No.4633415

It won't bother them much anyway. Most keep their wealth in assets and businesses, not fiat.

>> No.4633626

I'm not a cultist either, it's a bubble for sure but you just gotta ride it and exit in time when something big happens, which is why every bubble popped so far.

>> No.4634090

Smh dumb underage.
Should have used MySpace or Digg

>> No.4634553

the Treasury and the FED will demand him to do that.
you can ban public exchanges and that would puncture the hype instantly.