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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4624407 No.4624407 [Reply] [Original]

the fuck is going on with kraken? after not being able to withdraw my funds/cryptos it is now even almost impossible to login into this shitsite.
even if i get logged in, after 2-3 clicks (and at least 30 seconds loading time) you get error messages all over the place. placing orders need 30 tries until you might succeed. in 99% you get the message "you order MIGHT not have been placed, check your order book"

what the fuck? it either has been placed or not you fuckwits.

fucking unacceptable, this looks more and more like a fraud, thing is, you cant do shit against it.

>> No.4624467
File: 12 KB, 828x144, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking dickshits. i am more than able to withdraw concerning your verification tier

>> No.4624518
File: 692 KB, 1808x1204, 1510959524617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Bought LTC at 75
>Decided to take a small profit at 85
>"Your order might not have been placed" multiple times
>Forgot to check if the orders were placed assuming kraken is a piece of shit
>Finally order is placed
>Check my wallet and several orders were placed and sold half of my bag

>> No.4624538

yeah I withdrew all my money yesterday. Having my orders error out 20 times before finally going through is one thing... the website literally going down every other minute is a whole other level of fuckery. This exchange needs to fucking die.

>> No.4624553
File: 114 KB, 295x368, 1498521716084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraken is actually the best exchange, they just have their servers overloaded because you americucks want to bail on paying crypto tax and use it lmeo

>> No.4624570

it's almost as if they should upgrade their shit... like 2 years ago

>> No.4624591
File: 586 KB, 981x299, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moment i see this piece of shit on the street i am going to beat my losses out of this faglet

made the mistake to transfer them 1500€. almost about to write off those fiats due to their scammy shitsite.

>> No.4624602

Yeah I got of Kraken after 4 days and many bad trades due to its criminally shitty trade engine.

>click buy 30 fucking times
>price goes down
>give up
>15 minutes later: order filled

>> No.4624861

their error messages seem to be spouting random numbers at you: once error 502, then 503, 504, 520, 525.

One time you are not permitted to go here, then you are, but are not able to click the withdraw button. scammy as fuck

>> No.4624899
File: 6 KB, 130x123, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infact the preview of the site has changed to the error message it constantly spouts at me.

got an error no. 504 now, though. :^)

>> No.4625025
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looks like i am like talking to myself. thats ok to me. i just want to showcase this abysmal fuckturd of an "exchange" (infact, i cant imagine anything being exchanged on this site due to the downtime on 99% of the time) and vent my rage

another great example: tried to cancel an order, the red box is usually showing an error message but not this time: theres just a small red box saying fuckall.

i can only seriously advise against even just thinking about using this site

>> No.4625070


I transfered some euros there so I could get some precious XMR cause it has an EURO/XMR pair.

I've been trying to buy xmr for the past hour with no luck.

>> No.4625072

If you get a red error message without content then it usually worked for me

>> No.4625098

It's a server error, you gotta refresh and it pops up eventually.
It's slow as fuck. Fuck kraken. Gonna move my shit to bitfinex or gdax.

>> No.4625119

>If you get a red error message without content then it usually worked for me
The absolute state of Kraken (and web design in general though)

>> No.4625248
File: 147 KB, 1080x1139, kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently joined the crypto wagon @ kraken with 10€ just to experiment
I chose kraken because it supported SEPA bank transfers
The site is unacceptable
Today, I set up a telegram bot to avoid the site garbage
It is a bit better but it, too, has frequent errors
Are there any alternatives that support SEPA bank account transfers?

>> No.4625298

true fucking story. a minute after the order dissappeared. biggest success for the day so far on this site.

>> No.4625319

>Are there any alternatives that support SEPA bank account transfers?
And they know it.
Why do you think ANYONE uses Kraken? If there was another option they would have zero userbase.
It doesn't help that they're like the only place in Europe you could cash out from without paying like 20% in fees like Coinbase.

>> No.4625340

Gdax has SEPA.

>> No.4625378

It's also a fucking nightmare to use.
Which is by design, since they are banking on nobody wanting to use it, and instead collecting the frontend fees.

>> No.4625436

Considering using kraken for bank deposit/withdraws (low fees), then buying LTC and withdrawing to bitfinex. They have lower trade fees anyways.

>> No.4625685

No, the red box means it may or may not have worked. The "your order may have failed" box means that it DID fail lol.

I keep part of my funds on Kraken because it seems to be the only exchange that lets me trade USD/CRYPTO pairs on margin. I've had many conversations with their support. The thing is, you just know that if they were to throw enough money at their issues, they would get solved, but they're CHEAP ass bastards. They're losing money too, with lower trade volume. But you know that they're making insane money overall.

I've had marginally better luck using their API from a command line interface in linux. It's kind of cool, there are clients in most programming languages, check it out.

>> No.4625768

you can't cash out idot

>> No.4625772

No one's even mentioned yet how they crippled their trading engine months ago 'temporarily'. You still can not place a stop limit, stop loss, or any other kind of order besides market and limit. Fuck Kraken., I've started demanding reimbursement from them for money and time lost due to their non functioning exchange.

>> No.4625959

Because they are such a shitty exchange they are becoming one of the cheapest to buy coins on.

In the end every withdrawal goes through.
Just don't trade with them, only buy and withdraw.

>> No.4626139

The fucking state of crypto

All exchanges are either crap or a scam, mostly both.

And thanks to BTC being king (again) and the insane fees, you can't even easily and cheaply move your coins back and forth.
>store on your PC, move to exchange, to well, exchange, move stuff back
>thanks, that's either all your stuff in limbo for hours to days, or truckload of tx fees
shit sucks.

>> No.4626362

>not using litecoin

>> No.4626550


t. newfriend

>> No.4626722

>want to place order to buy XMR/EUR @152.8
>Error 520 - Web server is returning an unknown error
>Error 504 - Gateway time-out
>starts spamming the buy button when the site loads
>your order may have failed
>fuck it I'm out
>check again in 30 min
>bought 16 XMR @155.2


>> No.4626730

>no insane tx fees
>moves to other exchanges quickly
>accepted by almost all exchanges
>easy to store in a cold wallet

>> No.4627569

Just started using Kraken a couple days ago. Glad (but also a little disappointed) to see that I wasn't the only one experiencing 520 error codes.

>> No.4627701

Kraken are the most trustworthy exchange when it comes to getting fiat in and out if the crypto world imo. The trading experience is a fucking nightmare though. The amount of times I've executed an order then had a fat error returned from the server but actually the order was completed silently in the background...

Pls scale.

>> No.4628268

let's just hope they deliver their promised upgrade in december

>> No.4628600

i have been reading their twitter support and they state upgrading their servers since years. i dont trust them an inch of what they're saying

at least it feels good i am not the only one getting rekt by kraken