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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4620838 No.4620838 [Reply] [Original]

Apologies in advance for typing this on a phone...

Funfair is a platform built in ethereum that will allow individuals to 1 click deploy their own fair provable odds casinos that use funfair. This is different to other casino coins like edgeless because use they will not be operating a casino themselves. Instead, Individuals and businesses will by up tons FUN tokens in order to operate their own casino and players will buy them to play those casinos. Buying now while it's not on the main ethereum network will ensure you get in before those people who intend on using it.

The CEO is Jez San who created PKR.com back in the day, also developed the super FX chip in stsr fox on the snes.

The COO was a director of William Hill book makers.

They are both very familiar with the gambling industry and will likely have a lot of strong connections.

It's already up and running on the ethereum test net, if you want proof it's not just a non existent project.

I own 1million FUN tokens and I'm shilling it here because I'm now all bought up. So yes im just trying to get you guys to speed up my gains, but anyone reading now is guaranteed a massive profit once it gets used.

Anyone else in on this?

Funfair.io is the site if you want to check out the whitepaper

>> No.4620857

I only have about 22K FUN right now, but I want more. A million is quite a bit anon - I know there are quite a few big players on board with this project. I think it will do fantastic.

>> No.4620886

When funfair officially launched, expect a lot of spam on here and on other crypto related sites like coinmarketcap.com ads from people trying to get people to play in their Funfair casinos.

Depending on just how easy It is to deploy the casinos, I might set up my own. Or I'll just hold for 10-15x profit and dump. Not sure yet

>> No.4620926

I made a fair bit in neo a couple of months ago and spread it across a few alts. A few others didn't perform too well so i sold them and moved it all to fun.

Im sure, given time, those other coins will do well. It's just that FUN has such a clear vision right now. As long as crypto as a whole continues to do well, FUN is a easy winner

>> No.4620928

I deleted my last fun thread early and stopped posting about it.

>> No.4620945

Sorry for talking about "the vision"
Made me sound like some kind of NXS or LINK holder

>> No.4620988

I think deploying a casino will be pretty easy providing you have some programmers and artists and shit to actually make your casino. I am not sure if anyone can just do it willy nilly though? Wouldn't there be a bunch of gambling license shit?

Gambling will always exist as long as humans are human, I think it's the perfect platform and will rule online gambling in years to come.

>> No.4621065

It would be incredible if somebody made a crypto that allowed the serving of http data from nodes who get paid in fees for doing so. Wouldn't even need servers to host the casino website then, just have one chain to server the games and the FUN network to play them.

Would a fully decentrilized casino be subject to any local gambling laws?

>> No.4621081

22k owner myself since september. Looking forward to this coin.

>> No.4621132

>Would a fully decentrilized casino be subject to any local gambling laws?

That is a good question - and I think blockchains and decentralization are going to force a lot of laws to change or get re-written in the future. People barely understand their tax obligations with crypto as it is.

>> No.4622001
File: 511 KB, 1872x1872, FUN_your_mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k FUN here. One of the few Altcoins that I don't consider a shitcoin. But you should probably delete this thread, since every single time FunFair gets brought up on /biz/ the price drops. I was actually happy seeing it go up today and not be shilled here.

>> No.4622037

good lad. /biz/ is murder for FUN apparently. I swear some whales use its appearance on here as a sell signal.

>> No.4622049


my god.

I have 5K

>> No.4622055

I have 100k fun. Unironically. I believe its my best,chance to see the moon

>> No.4622213

FUN will get BTFO when BTC goes 5000 this weekend. Maybe as low as 150

THEN I go all in FUN.

>> No.4622434

Dropped from 500-700 sats steady to about 200-300 sats during the altpocalypse. weak hands are already out.

>> No.4622948

That’s right. Virgins sold and FunFair chad bros accumulate

>> No.4622980
File: 91 KB, 960x910, 23658667_291198478067447_2824648107802025279_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its FUN but FAIR...

>> No.4623100
File: 459 KB, 1545x1396, FUN_Chad_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn straight. I only had 25k at that point. Bumped it up to 100k at 210 satoshis. Feeling pretty comfy.

>> No.4623115

im so excited i just cant hide it.

i dont have enough fun. actually i dont have enough anything. just waiting for money to accumulate more.

>> No.4623151
File: 818 KB, 879x1020, 1643643534454351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I went from 9k to 22k during the dip. Still plenty of time to accumulate though.

>> No.4623238

rapidly running out. you think it will stay this low once they release the alpha? and they have been ahead of schedule with their roadmap already.

>> No.4623270

When is the estimate date for alpha?

>> No.4623398

Q4 2017. Then Beta release in Q1 of 2018. Check the roadmap dude.

>> No.4624537

Also worth checking out the telegram because the team always post there and address peoples concerns