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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 145 KB, 600x325, uncle sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4619572 No.4619572 [Reply] [Original]

>jeff bezos buys 3 crypto currency domains
>BTC fags go crazy
>IRS says "but muh taxes"
>Gov tells Bezos to cease and desist or be cucked by Uncle Sam
>Bezos obeys the gov
>BTC fags still oblivious to whats soon to come
>BTC hits $10,000
>Gov starts auditing all BTC fags and demands taxes from day trading
>Cryptocurrency bubble pops
>RIP /biz/

>> No.4619586
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1499915808844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why do I have to care about your Burger problems?

>> No.4619601


I've always wanted to be American. But stuff like the IRS makes me glad I am not one yet.

I will get my citizenship after I cash out so I don't have to worry about that shit.

America is still the best country in the world though.

>> No.4619621

I don't live in a distopic shithole so that doesn't bother me

>> No.4619628

Haha 'merica. Enjoy your 'freedom'

>> No.4619633

How will they tax you when you literally cant cash out

>> No.4619641


I've sadly never even been to the USA before. I'm Australian.

>> No.4619647


i wake up and thank god every single day i dont live in this shithole called usa.

fuck me senpai. brb niggers. brb neckbeards with guns. brb retarded cops. brb irs. brb no healthcare. brb no free education

thank god for europe.

>> No.4619655

>BTC hits $10,000
>US Gov starts to demand taxes be paid on all BTC transactions and BTC day trading
>Cryptocurrency market crashes in America
>Panic ensues in other nations
>Investors lose trust in value of crypto currencies
>Crypto autists pull out profits
>All crypto currency values tank
>Crypto currencies become a past thought

>> No.4619677

Bahahahaha this only means the European Union is gonna be the one to cuck you instead of Uncle Sam you fool. Once the American gov gets the ball rolling, all other governments will follow suit. you can take that to the bank

>> No.4619680

Aye cobbler, fancy a cold Fosters?

Murica is good for the rich, shit for the poor.
Its a cool place to visit, but fuck no would I live there

Australia is a very nice country to live.

>I have dual citizenship Straya/Murica.

>> No.4619697
File: 75 KB, 655x606, 1506286942449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not going to happen. Americans are basically luddites when it comes to new technology while Asia is totally into this shit. The retarded Americans can't drag down the rest of us this time like in the housing bubble crisis.

>> No.4619717
File: 43 KB, 1046x354, CryptoProperty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is property
- IRS 2014

>> No.4619724

Ohh how ignorance must be bliss

>> No.4619768

That says NOTHING about crytpo currency. If you honestly think that you autists can claim BTC is property and not a currency, you're gonna have a rude awakening when the IRS gets involved.

>> No.4619817
File: 146 KB, 865x689, WSJProperty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right
That law talks about the exchange of property
and the IRS proclaimed Crypto property back in 2014

You reveled your powerlevel newfaggot

>> No.4619859

Your ability to not be able to read past a headline is astounding. The last sentence of the pic you posted even states that taxes can be collected off crypto currencies. Property can still be taxed you daft moron.

>> No.4619869

seriously, these walking bigmacs think theyre the only faggots using ccs. fuck you and you pedo uncle sam.

>> No.4619886


You lucky fucking cunt.

I don't like the nanny state and lack of freedoms in this country. America is more dangerous and would suck if you are a poorfag. But it's also more free. And like I said, I will go get citizenship/green card/permanent residency after I cash out.

>> No.4619920 [DELETED] 


>isnt aware of localbitcoins


>> No.4619933

Cash out now before it's too late

>> No.4619943
File: 316 KB, 586x604, 5z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is swear, if you Burgers start another economic crisis because if your weak hands and addiction to credit cards

>> No.4619974

Yea some of our laws about cars, houses and others are fucked and it really is a nanny state.

But America is ruthless in other ways.

Also if you can live in singapore for a year or two and cash out there you pay %0 (zero) tax on crypto. Or start a business over there and also pay nothing on crypto if its classed as company asset. (only what I have heard from people, DYOR)

>> No.4619992

I have cashed out about 15k so far, I have no idea if I have to pay tax on them. I will wait till the tax records come at EOFY and see wtf happens.

(in Australia)

>> No.4620031


Yeah I was thinking about cashing out in either Singapore or the Netherlands. Whichever one is cheaper to live in for the 183 days required to become a tax resident.


Our CGT is weird it is actually a part of the income tax. So we can cash out a few grand tax free I think, as long as we aren't earning much. I wonder if cashing out too much would bump you up a tax threshold and make you end up paying more tax on your regular income for that year though too. Shits fucked.


>> No.4620091

I have been living off crypto for about 6 months now, and the way things are going I can probably live a lot longer. I am not even sure what that classifies under since i technically have no income but im earning and surviving with a mortgage, bills etc. Will they eventually audit me because I should be broke asf, but im not?

Also I have been to netherlands and its the same price as melbourne/ sydney to live in. I am not sure about singapore, but I have heard thats expensive because of the booming economy and business aspects there. I assume the outer suburbs not in a city would be cheaper. - Only been in the singapore airport, but the prices there were ludicrous, even by Australian standards.

>> No.4620113

Sorry. Its how our government rolls. They aren't gonna crash and let some other country take over as the world super power. If we go down, everyone comes with us

>> No.4620920


Well if you have no job, you should be able to cash out around 20k gains per year tax free. Or whatever the no tax threshold is anyways. I mean centrelink fags get around 14k-16k a year and pay no tax obviously, because they are under the threshold. Just look it up mate.

Also yeah been to Singapore before but just in the airport too. They actually took my AUD in the restaurants there too, was surprised I didn't have to go exchange.

Singapore is tiny as fuck though, I imagine it would be expensive all over. While Netherlands might have some cheap places out in the country there to rent out for 6 months. I'd have to reseach more, I am sure there are other countries with no or low CGT as well.

>> No.4621015


the fuck are you on about dude. It literally says "crypto currencies" in the fucking text

>> No.4621088

After you have ACTUALIZED gains. Do you understand what that means genius? When your property finally becomes fiat you are taxed on all the trades from when it first became property to when it became cash. The IRS isn't taxing you if your Bitcoin goes from $1k to $10k and you just keep it in Bitcoin. However if you sold it or bought something with it, aka a house(THAT WAS NOT A CRYPTOCURRENCY HENCE LIKE KIND) you will be taxed.