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4619414 No.4619414 [Reply] [Original]

buy Qash now before it gets listed on big exchanges here is some info: Qash being listed on Bitfinex, Binance and Bithumb
Qash is also being referred as the bankers coin. Qash has solved the biggest issue for crypto to go mainstream, it lets users buy crypto from all over the world with the currency of their choice. Its implenting the worldbook on all the major exchanges and giving users the best possible price. Its regulated by the Japanese government, which makes the project even more impressive.

How Qash describes its project:

‘LIQUIDITY, the lifeblood of every industry, is the single most important element lacking in the crypto economy today.’

The only available resources of liquidity are siloed across:

• Developed markets that have standalone exchanges operating in closed pools of liquidity, which are not available to non-residents.

• Emerging markets which are underserved with illiquid local currencies that must interact with bigger liquidity pools to utilize crypto tokens in their home currencies.

Solution: LIQUID Platform

QUOINE is launching a single globally-sourced trading platform (World Book) with an associated suite of services (Prime Brokerage) .

Do a quick research on their team/background and you will be impressed.

Qash will be listed is now trading on Qryptos but will soon be listed on major exchanges such as Bitfinex, Binance and even Bithumb.

Japans Richest man is one of the Qash investors; link below has a quick breakdown of Taizo Son.Mike Kayamore and Taizo Son both mentioned in the article below.

Ladies and gentleman, this is one of the biggest projects crypto has witnessed and is exactly what we need to get crypto mainstream. Financial institutions are getting involved with Qash and will make this a multi billion marketcap very soon.

DYOR and let me know below what you guys think.

Coinmarketcap hasnt updated yet but as soon as they do Qash will most likely end up in the top 30 instantly.

>> No.4619422


>> No.4619438

I found this reddit shill link aswell which looks really legit:


>> No.4619452

O_o how is it so cheap right now? Big money hasn't moved in yet? You guys think it'll pump on Finex?

>> No.4619458

Japanese government, billionaires, biggest exchanges. See you guys on the moon!

>> No.4619472

Finex AND bithumb, that's just MASS money that will be coming in

>> No.4619496

Hmmm... the project actually looks really promising. I guess I'll have a deeper look.

>> No.4619497

already invested in Qash, bought at Qryptos. great project and will be listed on big exchanges

>> No.4619511

All you guys sound like you've been paid lol

>> No.4619519

not yet but we bout to be

>> No.4619523

I wish

>> No.4619540

Will look into it tonight.
My buddy who got me into AntShares won't shut the fuck up about this project and I keep hearing about it being the next ETH among some of the guys in my crypto/trading circle. I'm still skeptical but looks like it is gaining a lot of attention and the FOMO is kicking in a bit

>> No.4619543

DYOR, big boy japanese bankers in this coin, ripple on roids

>> No.4619548

How big do you think this will be? 5$? I got it at 1$ so I'm not worried at the moment.

>> No.4619576

5 dollar a week after bitfinex, then top 10 when bithumb is listing it

>> No.4619659

i just deposited BTC from coinexchange into qryptos and it did not show up even though the transaction was completed. wtf.....

>> No.4619687

wait for deposit... qryptos is actually very safe, cold wallets too

>> No.4619756

Sell me on this boys, why should I dump my NEO for it.

>> No.4619779

Tfw I only started can only put 50 bucks on this since the rest is on ARDR

>> No.4619799

is quoinex good for buying dis?

>> No.4619855

Look, can you imagine, you are a bank wich uses a less known currency. To buy crypto now as a bank or institute, you can only buy it with a handfull of currencies. This liquid platform world book, is a new order book wich will be listed on all big exchanges, including bitfinex and bithumb (confirmed), and it allows you to buy crypto straight from the world book, QASH will be the blood for this order book. Only XF brokers have anything close to this. With the buying power behind this project (softbank inc.) Japanese billionaires (taizo son) and other big investors (Jihan Wei) This coin can easily make it in the top 10.

>> No.4620057

You have to buy into this shit at $500? damn

>> No.4620103

looks really promising, just bought 2 ether worth

>> No.4620138

Have you even looked at the charts for the coin? Has there ever been a more obvious scamcoin shilled here?

>> No.4620165

Where did you buy? Asking as an Eurofag

>> No.4620180

volume low, but i did it through that exchange.
i use quoinex for fiat conversion
quoine is not a small exchange, but it deals 95% in jpy and japs use it

>> No.4620221

Can you explain to a newfag?
Their whitepaper sounds legit and it looks like the official coin of a chink trading site that looks pretty strong

>> No.4620248

It’s already been pumped and dumped once, and it looks like it’s gearing up for another pump and dump. Don’t take my word for it, just look at the charts.

>> No.4620265

Um...this thing has been steadily rising, no dumps at all...

>> No.4620304

this coin is awful and the people shilling are really bad at it

>> No.4620336

>total supply:
>price: 1.16$
>circulating supply: ??

yeah, no thanks

>> No.4620703

Seems to be 350M, well I fomo'd into this since what they promise and the backup they have seems very good, but at the same time the continuous poorly written shilling is shady as fuck.
I got it at 1$ so I'm not afraid of a PnD since I can get out.

>> No.4621072

i looked into this coin, but can someone tell me how the fuck i buy QASH off of QRYPTOS or QUOINEX the sites themselves aren't very useful

>> No.4621095


PnD? With such a big market cap and steady rise in the graph over several days? Dude please stop crypto immediately you fag. lol.

>> No.4621303

Sounds like Bancor 2.0

>> No.4621457

Imagine trying to PnD bitcoin

>> No.4621487

>i looked into this coin, but can someone tell me how the fuck i buy QASH off of QRYPTOS or QUOINEX the sites themselves aren't very useful

I've done it with "Quick exchange" tab. They really have shitty UI

>> No.4621571

Don't you have to verify first to deposit?

>> No.4621821

No, only to withdraw

>> No.4622544

Fucking Qryptos verification is taking way too long I've got Eth sitting here losing value REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.4622837

This already has a circulating supply of 350M and a price of $1.18. How the fuck is this possible?

>> No.4622877

Backed by Japanese government, some big names in it as well

>> No.4622932

Where's the proof kid?

>> No.4622937


i'm this guy >>4621571

You can deposit and buy without verification.

>> No.4622949

Can you withdraw without verification?

>> No.4622964

You can deposit without verification but your money is lost if you dont pass verification. I'm waiting too.

>> No.4622973


>> No.4622990

Fuck this then. I'm out.

>> No.4623351

Quoine developed Quionex, an exchange that's fully regulated and complaint with standards set by the Japanese Financial Services Authority. Now they're creating a liquidity platform which is powered by Qash.

You can do the rest of the research yourself you lazy fuck.

>> No.4623356

if you idiots don't see where this is going then there is no help

think top 3 coin by mid 2018, you don't understand the problem they are solving

>> No.4623389

they literally won't have a blockchain until 2019

>> No.4623445

you can buy on bitfinex for 3x then

>> No.4623487

confirmed retard

when does the beta release..........................not 2019 I'll tell you that

>> No.4623685

check the roadmap dumbass

>> No.4623799

That's why you sell on the hype that's going to come in a few days and then buy again a month before the blockchain happens

>> No.4623862

Also I learned the hard way to trust big Jap projects.
I lost so much potential money for not believing in monacoin and selling when it was at 2$.

>> No.4624141


yeah fuck wit you probably should, the beta of the world book launches in Q4........2017

since when did people in crypto care about the current utility of a token.........never

>> No.4624142

Easy top 10 coin. Thank you BIZ for shilling this.

>> No.4624147

the ui is fucking retarded. its etherdelta tier but without the benefit of decentralisation.

>> No.4624178

Exx.com also confirmed for 30th listing.

So that makes bitfinex + exx.com

Bithumb, binance, cex.io and zb.com next.

Such a no brainer to invest in QASH lol.

>> No.4624226

kek you are fucking pathetic, at least make it look like your are not being paid.