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4618335 No.4618335 [Reply] [Original]

I was told Roger Ver was put in prison for selling explosives, here he explains his story of what happened and I'm pretty appalled by the how bcore paints him: https://youtu.be/N6NscwzbMvI?t=47m47s

>> No.4618348

bcucks are liars and frauds and they project like crazy

>> No.4618390

In fact, it's worse.

Selling explosives (or any dismantled weaponry) as "agricultural supplies" is the standard legal loophole for illicit arms dealers and three-letter agencies.

The fact that Ver was wise to this fudge back in the early 2000s, and was implementing CIA tactics to hide his activities is the strongest indicator of all that he is a long-time federal asset.

Fabricating a run-in with the law, sending him off around the world with "a grudge" against America is an ideal cover for a spy or infiltrator.

So much of Roger's background is explained by textbook intelligence community MO that his whole involvement with crypto stinks.

>> No.4618430

Go watch the video... Like seriously, you don't even know any of the story and what you're saying has absolutely nothing to do with it.

>> No.4618454

Wut? He sold firecrackers not some"agricultural supplies"

>> No.4618469


>> No.4618478


Fuck you Roger, we know that’s you.

>> No.4618528

This. If you see roger anywhere alert the authorities immediately!

>> No.4618573
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I wish bro, I would be rolling in dough right now